7 Gym Machine For Abs Workout (With Exercises Plan) (2024)

Want ripped, toned abs and obliques? Abs machines are a great way to challenge your core muscles and get faster results.

At the gym, abs machines make it easy to isolate your abs and hit them with different angles with targeted resistance. This is a more effective method than simply crunching on the floor.

Whether you are looking for a classic seated abs crunch machine or an innovative rotary torso machine, our expert tips will ensure you maximize every rep for optimal core strengthening.

Say goodbye to guesswork and take a well-informed, effective approach to abs training.

In this blog post, we’ll show you the best abs machine exercises for each abdominal muscle group and how to do each one correctly. We’ll also provide a sample workout routine and tips.

7 Gym Machine For Abs Workout (With Exercises Plan) (1)

Table of Contents

  • The Anatomy Of Your Abs and Oblique
  • Rectus Abdominis
  • External And Internal Obliques
  • Core
  • 7 Best Gym Machines For Abs Workouts
  • 1. Cable Machines For Abs
  • 2. Captain’s Chair
  • 3. Oblique Machine Twist
  • 4. Pull Up Bar For Abs Workout
  • 5. Incline Bench To Train Abs and Oblique
  • 6. Abs Crunch Machine
  • 7. Abs Wheel Roller
  • Beginner Ab Workout on Machine Routine
  • Beginner Machine Oblique Workout Plan
  • Conclusion

The Anatomy Of Your Abs and Oblique

Your waist comprisestwo muscle groups: the rectus abdominis (known as your “six-pack” muscles)In the front and theobliques on each side.

To build the impressive six-pack abs, first we needed tounderstand the anatomy and functionality of the abs. It is helpful to perform the ab exercises on the gym machine to the best level.

7 Gym Machine For Abs Workout (With Exercises Plan) (2)

Rectus Abdominis

The rectus abdominis is a paired muscle running vertically down the front of the abdomen. It is commonly referred to as the “six-pack” muscle.

The two rectus abdominis muscles (one on each side) are encased in a sheath of fascia that forms the central dividing line down the middle of the abs.

External And Internal Obliques

The external and internal obliques are located on the sides of the abdomen.

  • Theexternal obliqueis the outer visible layer that passesrun diagonally on each side of the rectus abdominis.
  • Theinternal obliquemuscles lie under the external obliques and run into the lower back or erector spinae.
  • The oblique muscles play a crucial role in torso rotation and lateral flexion, aiding in activities like twisting and bending sideways.


The core comprises not only the abdominal muscles but also themuscles of the lower back, hips, and pelvis, working together to stabilize and support the spine.

The abdominal muscles work insynergy with other core musclesto provide stability, transfer force, and maintain proper posture.

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7 Best Gym Machines For Abs Workouts

Many gym-goers want strong, toned abs. While crunches and planks are effective bodyweight exercises, it is important to consider abs machine exercises when developing your core training regimen.

Machines help isolate muscle groups, improve form, and add resistance to challenge your abs better. Here are 7 gym machines that you can use for a complete abdominal workout.

1. Cable Machines For Abs

Cable machines are a popular type of gym equipment that can help you build your core and tone your abs. These machines have cables and pulleys that you can change to do different abs exercises in different directions.

Cable machines provide several benefits, including constant tension, versatility, and adjustability.

They help you work on specific muscles or muscle groups, balance out muscle imbalances, and improve your mind-muscle connection.

Cable machines are a safe way to exercise for people who are new to it or who have some experience.

Cable Machine Abs Exercises:

  • Kneeling cable crunches – Primarily focuses on the rectus abdominis.
  • Rotational side crunches – Twist obliques, pulley to the side
  • Standing cable wood chop – Engages the obliques, rectus abdominis, and also works on rotational strength.
  • Cable reverse crunches Targets the lower abs and core stabilizers.
  • Standing Cable Pallof Press: Excellent for core stabilization and works on the deeper core muscles
Know More: Most Effective Abs And Oblique Cable Machine Exercises 

How To Do Cable Crunch

Cable crunches, also known as kneeling cable crunches, are aweighted Crunch variationthattargets your ab and core muscles.Perform cable crunch at the gym by kneeling in front of a cable station with a pulley attachment.

Doing Abs crunches exercises on a cable apparatus at a gym offers one huge advantage over doing them on the floor.

The cable increases resistance, enabling you to train to failure using heavier weights and fewer reps—this increasedemphasis on strength and hypertrophy.

7 Gym Machine For Abs Workout (With Exercises Plan) (3)
  1. Attach a rope to the top pulley of a cable machine. Kneel in front of the machine.
  2. Grip the rope handle above your head with both hands about shoulder-width apart.
  3. Sit up straight with a slight arch in your lower back. Keep your head aligned.
  4. Push your hips forward slightly to engage your core. Maintain this posture.
  5. Exhale and slowly crunch down. Keep your chest up and contract your abs.
  6. Focus on using your core to pull the rope down.
  7. Squeeze your abs hard at the bottom of the motion. Avoid pulling too far down.
  8. Inhale and slowly return to the start position in a controlled motion.
  9. Repeat for the desired number of reps.
  10. Focus on proper form rather than speed. Breathe steadily and keep your lower back straight.
  11. Start with lighter weight and progress by adding plates to increase resistance.
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2. Captain’s Chair

The Captain’s Chair, also referred to as a vertical knee raise station, is commonly found in gyms. It has a tall frame with armrests and back support, so the user can hang freely.

Although the chair uses the same muscles as a hanging leg raise, it supports your back, which makes it more comfortable for most people.

After performing a small study, the American Council on Exercise named the standard Captain’s Chair crunch one of the most effective ab exercises for stimulating the abs and obliques.

Some of the exercises that can be performed on the Captain’s Chair include:

  • Straight leg raises: Raise legs up together to 90 degrees.
  • Bicycle crunches: Bring alternate knees to the chest
  • Hanging knee raises: Bring bent knees to the chest.
  • Oblique knee raises: Bring right knee to left elbow, twist obliques
  • Flutter kicks: Rapid, small kicks replicating swimming
  • L-sit holds: Hold the leg raised at 90 degrees.
7 Gym Machine For Abs Workout (With Exercises Plan) (4)

How To Do Captain’s Chair Straight Leg Raise

  • Step into the Captain’s Chair apparatus. Position your back flat against the back pad, and place your forearms on the armrests.
  • Allow your legs to hang straight down. Keep them straight and together.
  • Engage your core muscles to stabilize your spine.
  • With a controlled motion, lift your legs up in front of you.
  • Aim to raise your legs until they are parallel to the floor, or as high as you can go without compromising your form or causing back strain. The higher you lift, the more intense the exercise.
  • Once you reach the top of the movement, pause briefly.
  • Then, slowly lower your legs back to the starting position.
  • Controlled movement is key, so avoid letting your legs swing or drop suddenly.
  • Exhale as you lift your legs, and inhale as you lower them.
  • Aim for a set of 10–15 repetitions, or as many as you can do while maintaining good form.
  • As you get stronger, you can increase the number of sets or reps.

3. Oblique Machine Twist

The Oblique Twist Machine, also known as the Rotary Torso Machine, that’s specifically designed to work on the oblique muscles on the sides of the abdomen.

It is a versatile piece of equipment that can help you achieve a stronger and more toned core.

These machines typically consist of a seat that the user sits on, and a cushioned handle in front that the user holds onto.

The machine lets you rotate your trunk against resistance. This effectively which targets the muscles of your core, including the obliques, quadratus lumborum, rectus abdominis, and transverse abdominis.

Ab exercises you can do with the oblique twist machine:

  • Seated machine oblique twist
  • Standing machine oblique twist

How To Do Standing Machine Oblique Twist

  1. Stand on a twist machine with feet hips apart and hold the machine handles.
  2. Assume a normal posture, with your back straight.
  3. Exhale and using your abdominal muscles twist the pelvis slowly to your right, as further as you can, tensing your abs.
  4. Hold the stretch for several seconds and return to your starting position while inhaling.
  5. Perform the stretch on the other side, this time turning to your left, as far as you can without moving your head and upper torso.
7 Gym Machine For Abs Workout (With Exercises Plan) (6)
Know More: 21 Best Oblique Exercises For A Strong Core

4. Pull Up Bar For Abs Workout

A pull-up bar is a versatile piece of exercise equipment that can be used for various upper body exercises, including abs. It is usually mounted in a doorway or attached to a gym cable machine or power rack. It is simple to use and can be done at home.

Hanging leg raise is one of the most popular abs exercises that can be done on the pull-up bar. This exercise works your lower abs and hip flexors.

It enhances basic strength and hypertrophy of core muscles that assist in movementslike squats, cleans and snatches, bracing, and more.

It is one of my favoriteabdominal exercisesthat I used to train and build strong core musclesafter a leg workout.

A 2014 study demonstrated that leg raises produce an impressive level of muscle activation, with over 130% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) in the rectus abdominis (the “six-pack” muscles) and 88% MVC in the external obliques. These findings highlight the effectiveness of leg raises in targeting and strengthening the core muscles.

7 Gym Machine For Abs Workout (With Exercises Plan) (7)

Here are some abs exercises that can be done with a pull-up bar:

  1. Hanging Knee Raises: Excellent starter exercise for beginners. Lift the knees towards the chest.
  2. Hanging Leg Raises: A more challenging variation of knee raises. Keep the legs straight while lifting them.
  3. Toes to Bar: For advanced users, toes to bar requires lifting your legs all the way up to touch the bar with your toes.
  4. Windshield Wipers: Rotating your raised legs from side to side in a windshield wiper motion. It’s an effective way to target the obliques.
  5. Hanging Scissor Kicks: Alternating each leg up and down in a scissor motion, this exercise engages the lower abs and hip flexors,
  6. Hanging Around the World: Involving circular leg movements. It’s great for hitting the abs from multiple angles.
  7. Hanging Oblique Raises: lift your knees towards your side. Effective to train the obliques.

How To DoHanging Knee Raise

  1. Grab a bar with an overhead grip, with the hands slightly wider than shoulder-width and your knees slightly bent.
  2. Keep your core and glutes tight to keep your back and hips in the correct position.
  3. Lift your legs and bend your knees as you go up. This will make your knees closer to your chest. Also, round your lower back to move your glutes forward.
  4. Pause for a second and slowly lower your legs back to the starting position without swinging. Inhale as you go down.
  5. Continue for the desired reps.
7 Gym Machine For Abs Workout (With Exercises Plan) (8)

5. Incline Bench To Train Abs and Oblique

An incline bench is an exercise equipment that has an adjustable bench slanted at various angles. The inclination adds an additional level of difficulty to exercises compared to a flat bench.

The angle of the bench can be adjusted to increase or decrease the difficulty of the exercises.

One of the most popular exercises that can be performed on the incline bench is the incline bench sit-up. Here are some abs exercises that you can do with the incline bench.

  • Incline Sit-Ups
  • Incline Leg Raises
  • Incline Reverse Crunches
7 Gym Machine For Abs Workout (With Exercises Plan) (9)

How To Do Twisting Sit-Up

It is a challenging exercise for developing the upper abs. This positioncauses your body to work harder, since you have to work against gravity and through a wider range of motion.

It’s a great exercise for intermediate to advanced liftersbecause it is moderately challenging but very effective for its intended purpose.

  1. Sit on the decline bench, hook your feet under the pad, lean back, and position your hands behind your head.
  2. As you sit up, twist your torso, directing your right elbow toward your left knee.
  3. Reverse the motion and lower your torso back to the starting position.
  4. During the next repetition, direct your left elbow toward your right knee.
  5. Keep repeating and alternating the side to which you twist your waist.

6. Abs Crunch Machine

The crunch machine is an excellent way to strengthen your abdominal muscles by using a crunch machine. You can get great abs by adding this movement to your gym workout regime.

The machine typically consists of a seat, backrest, and handles or bars that the user pulls to perform the crunch motion.

It’s a good way to add resistance to your abdominal exercises for better abs and core development.

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How To DoMachine Crunch

  1. Adjust the seat height so that when you sit down, the padded lever is positioned at shoulder level.
  2. Sit on the machine and rest your triceps on the pads provided.
  3. Your back should be against the backrest, and feet flat on the floor.
  4. Grip the handles beside your head.
  5. Use your core muscles and begin the exercise by curling your upper body towards your thighs.
  6. Pause and slowly return to the starting position as you inhale.
  7. Perform the desired number of repetitions, typically ranging between 10-15 for a standard set.

7. Abs Wheel Roller

If you want to get more creative with your abs machine workout, why not try an Abs wheel rollout?

The abs wheel roller is a simple but effective exercise tool that can help you strengthen your abdominal muscles. It is one of the more advanced exercises.

Other benefits of using an abs roller include improved core strength, hip flexor mobility, and shoulder stability.

To get yourself ready, you can start with the plank and work your way up to the wheel rollout when you’re ready. You can also make the exercise easier by performing it up an inclined surface.

7 Gym Machine For Abs Workout (With Exercises Plan) (11)

How To Do Abs Wheel Roller

  1. Kneel on the floor and grab the ab wheel roller with your hands.
  2. Your arms should be straight and your torso should be fairly upright.
  3. Allow the abs wheel to roll forward as far as possible with just your knees and toes touching the floor.
  4. The goal is to be as flat as possible in the finish position, with your torso and upper legs parallel with the floor.
  5. Then reverse the motion to pull the abs wheel back toward your knees until your body is upright again.
  6. Do as many reps as you can.
To Stay Motivated: 150+ Gym Workout Motivational Quotes To Stay Fit

Beginner Ab Workout on Machine Routine

If you’re new to lifting weights, don’t worry. Thisbeginner-friendly abs workout routine is a great place to start.

Incline Sit-Ups48-10
Cable crunches412-15
Hanging knee raises36-8

Beginner Machine Oblique Workout Plan

Oblique Machine Twist410-12
Oblique knee raises48-10
Incline Twisting Sit-Up38-12


The gym is a good way to build stronger, more defined abs, improve core stability, and isolate the abdominals. The different machine types and movement variations allow you to target all areas of the core.

Some of the most popular gym machines for abs and oblique workouts include the captains chair, cable crunch station, and ab crunch machine.

The rotational torso machine and pull-up bar can be used to complete a full abdominal workout.

So the next time you’re at the gym, don’t forget these powerful tools for strengthening your abs.


  • McGill S, Andersen J, Cannon J. Muscle activity and spine load during anterior chain whole body linkage exercises: the body saw, hanging leg raise and walkout from a push-up. J Sports Sci. 2014;33(4):419-26. doi:10.1080/02640414.2014.946437.
  • Phys Ther. 2000 Jun;80(6):564-9. Abdominal muscle response during curl-ups on both stable and labile surfaces. Vera-Garcia FJ1, Grenier SG, McGill SM.
  • Vispute SS, Smith JD, LeCheminant JD, Hurley KS. The effect of abdominal exercise on abdominal fat. J Strength Cond Res. 2011 Sep;25(9):2559-64. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181fb4a46. PMID: 21804427.
7 Gym Machine For Abs Workout (With Exercises Plan) (12)

Manish Kumar

Manish brings over 10 years of hands-on experience in weight lifting and fat loss to fitness coaching. He specializes in gym-based training and has a lot of knowledge about exercise, lifting technique, biomechanics, and more.

Through “Fit Life Regime,” he generously shares the insights he’s gained over a decade in the field. His goal is to equip others with the knowledge to start their own fitness journey.

7 Gym Machine For Abs Workout (With Exercises Plan) (2024)


Which gym machine is best for abs? ›

The best abdominal equipment: main features
  • Crunch bench. One of the most popular abdominal equipment is the crunch bench. ...
  • Seated crunch machine. ...
  • Declined sit-up bench. ...
  • Vertical bench. ...
  • Pull-up bar. ...
  • Oblique bench. ...
  • Lumbar Bench.

Is a 7 minute ab workout enough? ›

'Seven-minute workouts, when combined with a calorie deficit, a well thought out nutrition plan and other activity throughout the day can be an effective way to lose body fat,' says McGrath. 'As a singular approach, without incorporating the other factors outlined, then no, it would not be enough. '

Are AB machines at the gym effective? ›

Ab machines do, however, ignore one key aspect to training the abs – stabilization. A lot of the machines will aid in mobilization, but they can't help your deep stabilizing core muscles. Swiss balls are huge for stabilization. Instead of doing crunches on the floor, get up and onto a Swiss ball and do some crunches.

How many exercises do you need for a complete ab workout? ›

Training your abs two to three times per week with two to three exercises per workout is plenty to maximize development without overdoing it. If you are already working out three or four times per week, you can just add two or three ab exercises on to the end of your workouts.

What is the number 1 best exercise for abs? ›

According to the study, the bicycle crunch was the most effective stomach exercise when analysing the muscle activity in the abdominals.

Which gym machine is best for belly fat? ›

The following are among the most popular and effective workout machines used for reducing belly fat.
  • Treadmill.
  • Elliptical.
  • Stairmaster.
  • Stationary bike.
  • Rowing machine.
Nov 10, 2020

Is 7 exercises per workout enough? ›

Unless you're highly experienced and committed to working out, you'll get overwhelmed if you exceed a certain threshold. Keep it to around four exercises at once and two or three sets per muscle group, two to four times per week.

Can you get in shape with 7 minute workout? ›

“If you're just getting started, the seven-minute workout can bring a lot of cardiovascular and strength benefits,” Lawton says. This cardio routine raises your heart rate (which is a good thing), and physical activity is one of the best ways to help prevent heart disease.

What happens if you do a 7 minute workout everyday? ›

The bottom line. The 7-minute workout is a full-body workout that requires little equipment and time. It targets all major muscle groups and gets your heart racing in as little as seven minutes. Over time, this can help to strengthen your heart, lungs, and muscles to improve your fitness.

How long should you use an ab machine? ›

Things You Should Know

Start on the lowest possible setting, and take a seat. The initial muscle contractions may catch you off guard. Remove the stimulator after 10-12 minutes and increase the intensity every 5 to 10 sessions.

How many reps should I do on the ab machine? ›

The ideal ab training frequency will depend on the individual's experience level. For someone who is new to working out (or at least working out their abs), a goal of completing 12-16 challenging sets (of 8-12 repetitions) in their ab workouts per week may be sufficient to produce gains in strength and muscle volume.

Do AB machines burn belly fat? ›

Do Abdominal Stimulators Help with Weight Loss? The quick answer is no, there is no significant scientific evidence to show that electrical stimulation helps with weight loss. There is evidence that EMS to the abdominals may decrease the waist size but it does not translate to losing weight.

Is 1 ab exercise a day enough? ›

How often should you do abs? The recommended frequency of abs exercises is to give yourself at least one rest day in between each abs session so your muscles have the chance to recover. Feliciano recommends doing 5 to 10 minutes of core work two to three times a week.

Can a 10 minute ab workout enough? ›

Yes, 10 minutes is enough for an ab workout, especially if you're doing it more than once per week, and the exercises in the workout routine are challenging. The abdominal muscles are smaller than some of the other muscle groups in the human body, so you don't need to spend hours working them.

Can I work my abs every day? ›

"The abdominal muscles are very resilient to overuse," says Vanessa Mandell Windt, an ISSA-certified personal trainer who trains clients online. So, technically, you can do ab exercises daily, Mandell Windt says. However, you'll be in much better shape if you don't just do a ton of crunches every day.

What works your abs at the gym? ›

Sit ups strengthen the abdominals, obliques, and hip flexors by training the spine in flexion. Ab crunches isolate the abdominals and can build the strength needed for more advanced core exercises. V sit ups are a challenging progression to the conventional sit up, with a greater focus on the lower abs and hip flexors.

Do ab machines at the gym burn belly fat? ›

The Truth: Ab Workouts Don't Burn Belly Fat

The assumption that ab workouts will burn belly fat comes from the idea of targeted fat loss. In other words, choosing where to lose body fat by exercising various muscle groups that are near the origin of the fat tissue. Fat loss does not occur this way.

What is the best exercise machine for stomach and love handles? ›

Treadmills are probably the most used when it comes to abs workout because it burns the most calories, plus it works the lower body too. For this reason, it's considered one of the best gym equipment for abs and love handles.

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