Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)

at a a of of of of of of J. J. olio FUTURE WEDDINGS. Invitations were Issued on Wednesday for marriage of Miss Esther O' Byrne, daughter of Mr. T.

J. O' Byrne. 1455 Pratt William J. Dillon on Wednesday avenitie. Aug.

27. 10 o'clock, in St. Jerome's Roman Catholic church. Miss bel O' Byrne, sister of the bride, will be maid of honor, and the bridesmaids will be Miss Marie O' Byrne, another: Miss Mary Dillon, sister of the bridegroom; and Miss Nellie Shugrue. Richard Dillon.

brother of the bridegroom, will serve as best man and Argii O'Byrne and Matthias Conconnon will be the ushers. A breakfast for the immediate families will follow the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. The marriage of Miss Lillian Estelle Barr. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Mandeville of Lake Bluff, to George Lorimer Johnson will take place Saturday evening, Sept. 6. at 8 o'clock, the residence of the bride's parents Miss Louise Mandeville, sister of bride, will serve as flower girl and will be the only attendant. The marriage of Miss Mabel Harriet Siller, daughter of Mrs. C.

G. Siller of 716 Clark street. Evanston, to Louis F. Nafis, son of A. T.

Nafs of 1024 Hinman avenue, ton. will be a service of Saturday morning, Aug. 16, at the home of the bride's mother. The wedding will be a simple one, In the presence of the immediate family only. The wedding of Miss Marie Hyman of Chicago to Millard Mandelbaum of New York will take place at the Blackstone in December.

ENGAGEMENTS. Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn H. Lloyd of Wheaton announce the engagement of their daughter, Nell Evelyn, to George Frederick Allum, son of Dr.

and Mrs. Charles E. Allum of Wheaton. Miss Genevieve Marie Phillips' engagement to Vernon Chadbourne Beebe, son of Mr. and John F.

Beebe of 6420 Ellis avenue, has been announced by her parents, Mr. Mrs. and Mrs. Charles W. Phillips of 6639 Woodlawn avenue.

John Hume Kedzie of 1514 Ridge avenue, Evanston, announces the engagement of his sister, Margaret, to Francis Warner Parker of 4616 Drexel boulevard. Mr. and Mrs. G. W.

Cling, formerly of Chicago, announce the engagement of their daughter, Gertrude A. Kling, to Earl Green Denver, Colo. The wedding will take place In Denver this winter. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank R. Ferguson of 1109 West Garfleld boulevard announce the engagement of their daughter. Bessie Knox Ferguson, to Leo Winfield Kent of Stamford, Conn. The wedding will take place on Aug. 28.

Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Miller of 3849 Flournoy street announce the engagement of their daughter Helen to Sidney C. Anderson of Memphis, Tenn. Mr.

and Mra. C. V. Massey, 914 Forest avenue, Wilmette, announce the engagement of their daughter, Aileen Ruth, to George W. Blocum of Oak Park.

No date has been set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. I. Frank of 218 South Seeley avenue announce the engagement of their daughter, Katharyn, to Simon Davis, son of Mr.

and Mrs. M. Davis of 2637 North Kimball avenue. Mr. and Mrs.

I. Maremont of 8304 Douglas boulevard announce the engagement of their daughter, Anna Faye, to William T. Rotsky of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs.

Louts Turk of 2069 HumBoldt boulevard announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy, to Aaron Soble of Chicago. The at home announcement will be made later. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jay Friedman, 5300 Michigan avenue, announce the engagement of their sister, Miss Sadye Beatrice Le Bosky, to Mayer Miller.

At home Sunday evenings during August. A. Neufleld. 1360 Fairfield avenue, announces the engagement of his daughter, Rose, to Leo Bernstein, 302 West Fourteenth place. Mrs.

A. L. O'Brien of 4230 Grand boulevard announces the engagement of her daughter, Gertrude Anna, to J. Ross Diehl, Wapello, Ia. The wedding will take place Sept.

10. PAST WEDDINGS. Miss Edith Dunning, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.

W. Dunning of 3127 Monroe street, was a bride of Saturday, Aug. 2. her marriage to J. Gilbert Coumbe of Oak Park having been celebrated at 8:30 o'clock at the home of her parents.

She was attended by Miss Clare Lamoree as maid of honor. Miss Janet McLelland, a cousin of the bride, was ring bearer, and Leroy F. Coumbe, a brother of the bridegroom. was best man. A reception for the close friends and Immediate family followed.

The couple left later for a trip to northern Michigan, and on their return will be at home at 4712 Park avenue. The marriage of Miss Bertha Ione Hunter of Mansfield, to Newton Ben Knapp of Brooklyn, N. at Indianapolis Friday even, ing, Aug. 1, is the outcome of a University Chicago romance. Mrs.

Knapp graduated from the university In June. Mr. Knapp has completed most of the work required for a degree in sociology, and is at present head of the Miller place chapel house, one of the oldest and most widely known social settlements at Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs.

Knapp will return to Brooklyn after a summer trip through the west. The wedding of Miss Hazel Rose Brothers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H.

Brothers of 488 East Forty-eighth street, to Charles F. Pitsch, took place at Corpus Christi rectory at 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. The wedding was private, only members of the family attending. Miss Dorothy Brothers, cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid. Roland A.

Brothers, brother of the bride, was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Pitsch will be at home Sept. 1, after wedding trip in the east.

Carda have been received in Chicago anpouncing the marriage at Dixon, on Sunday of Miss Georgia Nellie Dudley of Memphis, to R. M. Davidson of Oregon, Ill. After a short honeymoon trip Mr. and Mre.

Davidson will live at Oregon, where the groom has law offices. The wedding of Miss Florence Lange, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. O.

Lange, 931 Buena terrace, to Thomas Robinson, took place at the residence the bride's parents Friday evening at -past 8 o'clock. Miss 3 ell served maid of Honor and Walter Burke was best man. Walter Klein, Atwood, and Lesion Lange were the E. ushers. The wedding dress was of white charmeuse, trimmed In point applique, and Nell Lange wore white charmeuse Miss veiled in green chiffon.

Mr. and Mrs. Robinson will be at home Nov. 1, after an extended wedding trip. The marriage of Miss Lillian Ella Penney, daughter Mr.

and Mrs. L. L. Penney of 3251 Flournoy street, to William Albert Waskow, was a quiet home service of Saturday. The bride was attended by her cousin, Margaret A.

Lyons. Charles E. Thon Miss was best man. The Rev. William P.

Lyons, 8. cousin of the bride, read the service. THE CHICAGO SUNDAY TRIBUNE: AUGUST 10. 1913. 3 93 020 News of the Society World.

Little Constance Penney was flower girl, and Miss Mary O'Brien played the wedding march. The wedding gown was of white embroidered crepe over crepe meteor. The full tulle veil was held in place by means of a coronet of lilies of the valley and orange blossoms, and the wedding flowers were a shower of lilies of the valley. The maid of honor wore pink satin with a veil of pink tulle, and carried Killarney roses. After a wedding journey, Mr.

and Waskow will reside at Carolyn terrace, Austin, where they will be at home after Oct. 1. The wedding of Miss Elizabeth Kelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kelly of 6515 Wabash avenue, took place Weanesday evening at 6 p.

m. at St. Columbanus rectory. Mrs. Frank J.

Sistek of Irving Park announces the marriage of her daughter, Olga Beatrice, to Philip J. Finnegan of Edgewater Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The service was read by Father Ryan of Viator's church, Addison and North Fortyond avenues. Irving Park. Miss Louise Helen Zuncker, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. P. M. Zuncker of 2312 North Kedzie boulevard, was married to P. H.

Smith Saturday night, Aug. 2, at 8 o'clock in St. Peter's Lutheran church, Oakley avenue and Cornelia street. The ceremony was followed by a and dance in the red room of Hotel La Salle. Mrs.

Nathan Kramer of 5248 Calumet avenue announces the marriage her daughter, Seima, to Philip Rose of Marquette, which took place Friday evening, Aug. 1, at the home of the bride's mother. Miss Golda Fyke, daughter of Mrs. George Fyke of 7416 Phillips avenue, and Earl Stevens were married Monday afternoon at the home of the bride, Rev. W.

H. Carwardine officiating. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Stevens left for Cheyenne, Wyo.

On their return they will reside at 5801 Champlain avenue. ENTERTAINMENTS. Those Chicagoans who have this summer discovered the superior attractions of their home city as compared with the standard resorts have been aided by the midseason activities of the country clubs. Never before has so much been offered in the way of golf, polo. tennis, ou of door dancing, horse shows, and impromptu vaudeville.

The Wednesday golf luncheons at South Shore have grown from the meager attendance of the more rabid golfers to the event of the week. The club has been unusually well represented at women's events at Beverly and Skokie. Mrs. Hobart Chatfleld-Taylor was again hostess at the women's weekly golf luncheon at Onwentsia Monday, taking the of Mrs. Samuel T.

Chase, who is spending few place. weeks in England with her sister, Mrs. Benjamin Ayer. The week at the club again was of tennis interests, teams representing the eastern states, the middle west, the southern states, and the Pacific coast meeting to decide the title. Exmoor was the setting for several bridge and luncheon parties.

The Highland Park club announces a tennia tournament for members, to open Saturday afternoon, Aug. 16, at 2 o'clock. Mixed doubles and men's singles will be played off Among the tennis. players of Highland Park who are to take part in the tournament are Mr. and Mrs.

Carleton M. Vall. Miss Carolyn Shields. Miss Viola Shields Miss Marjorie Follansbee. Miss MarJorie Loudon.

Miss Dorothy Loudon, Miss Marjory Small, Clarence Parliament, Edward Knox, Ellis Faxon, Malcolm Vail, Roger Vail, and Dwight Smith. Miss Louise H. Ross was house party hostess to five of her Delta Gamma sorority sisters from the University of Illinois at the Avenue house. Evanston, last week. Miss Villa Sprague of Joliet.

Miss Ethel M. Emerson of Lincoln. Miss Bernadette Lavery of Kankakee. Miss Nelle M. Wilson of McComb, Janet Hudson of Galva made up the party.

On Saturday Mrs. Francis T. A. Junkin will give a large musical at her country home. Jerseyhurst, Lake Geneva, to meet Mr.

Junkin's relatives, Dr. and Mrs. John day Latine of Lexington, Va. Dr. Latine, who recently was appointed head of tory department at Johns Hopkins university, is giving a course of lectures at the Chicago university.

Besides Mrs. Junkin's musical, at which most of the Lake Geneva colony will be present, there will be a golf competition match of thirty-six holes, medal play, at the country club for the club champlonship gold medal and the Cedar Point cup, the latter a new handicap prize, presented by Mr. Thomas F. Cole of Duluth, to be played for annually by club members only of the age of 40 years or over, and under the regular club handicaps. Any player winning twice becomes absolute owner of It.

Mrs. John Ristine and Miss Marguerite Follansbee entertained forty -eight guests on Tuesday at a bridge party at Exmoor club. Highland Park. Later a number of other guests were entertained at tea. Assisting the hostesses were Mrs.

W. B. Ecton of Kansas City and Miss Jean Ten Broeck, and Miss Marjorie Follansbee served at the punch table. The Chicago colony at Oconomowoc held series of tango teas Wednesday afternoon under the direction of Mrs. Charles B.

Draper in the ballroom of Draper hall. The fret tea was given a week ago Saturday and met with such success among the young set that a teacher was engaged and arrangements were made to have the dances every Wednesday as well as every Saturday afternoon throughout the season. Among those of the married set who have consented to become patrons and patronesses, either active or honorary, are the following: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Peck, Mr.

and Mrs. George Earling, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand W. Peck, Mr.

and Mrs. Lawrence Fitch, Mrs. Charles E. Kohl, Mr. and Mrs.

William Hale Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Bournique, Mr. and Mrs. George Simmons, Mr.

and Mrs. William Nelson Pelouze, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Dixon, Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Gunsaulus, Mr. and Mrs. L. J.

Petit, Mrs. W. E. B. Shufeldt, Mrs.

Eugene Prussing, and Misses Dixon. Miss Marjorie Dyrenforth, 42 East Schiller street, entertained a small company Tuesday afternoon at the tango tea at the Woman's Athletic club. Miss Dyrenforth will go abroad late in the season, accompanying her mother, Mrs. Phil.p Dyrenforth. They will sail from New York the latter part of August.

Mrs. Dyrenforth will remain away until the holldays, while Miss Dyrenforth plans to remain in Europe until spring. Mrs. Royal C. Vilas, 839 Buena avenue, gave a luncheon and golf party at Exmoor Country club, Highland Park, Monday.

On Wednesday Mrs. Gustavus S. Fernald entertained at French bridge at the club. This season, which has established a record for itself in charities past and to come, has been a trying one for the directors of benefits, for with so many attractions in the field it is doubly hard to think of a novelty that will take." Mrs. Raymond C.

Dudley of 4800 Kimbark avenue solved the problem satisfactorily Tuesday night with her tango lawn given for the benefit of the Children's Free dispensary. For no matter how sultry the weather. given the proper amount of catchy music and a neighborhood of young Miss Ross is at present in Forest Lodge, Mich. She recently returned from a visit with friends in Charlevoix. and Mrs.

Arthur k. Elliott, 746 Lincoln parkway, have opened their country place near South Haven, for the rest of the season. They are planning several house parties. Mrs. Augustus Goodwin, formerly of Chicago, who spends much of her time in Europe and who lived at the Hotel Astoria last winter, has left Paris for Aix-les-Bains to pass three weeks before going to Switzerland.

She will return to Paris in October. Mrs. William R. Linn, 2709 Michigan avenue, left last week for a visit in Charlevoix. Miss Mabel Linn is visiting the east and Miss Dorothy Linn is still in Europe.

Mr. and Mrs. John Barton Payne, who have returned from their wedding trip in Europe and are at the country estate of Mrs. Payne's brother. Charles Page Bryan, the Byrd's Nest." at Elmhurst, were given large surprise party on Sunday by Mr.

Bryan at Elmhurst. Many guests went out from Chicago. Miss Nellie Carpenter has arrived in America from a trip around the world and is at present with her sister, Mrs. John Edmund Newell, at Mentor, 0. Later she will visit her brother, Mr.

A. A. Carpenter, Lake Forest. A letter from Carlsbad says that at a gala entertainment given at the Hotel Imperial, Carlsbad, in July Cleofonte Campanini, general maanger of the Chicago Grand Opera company, and Andreas S. Dippel were among the late converts to the new dances.

Mr. Campanini danced the turkey trot," while Mr. Dippel proved an expert at the fish walk." Mr. Hertz, the Wagnerian conductor of the Metropolitan opera, also was present. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles E. Watt of 3232 Walnut street left on Saturday for Ocean Grove, N. for a fortnight's stay. Mr.

and Mrs. L. Wessel Jr. and their sons, Stanley and Harold, of 4929 Washington Park place are spending the season in the Muskoka lakes district. Canada.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Starkweather of Evanston are at Estes Park, for the remainder of the season. Mrs. Alexander H.

Revell of 842 Lincoln parkway is the guest of the Countess Boislucy of Paris at her summer home in Switzerland. Dr. and Mrs. John B. Murphy, who have been abroad for several weeks, are now in London.

Miss Mildred Johnson of Philadelphia has come to spend the remainder of the summer with her aunt, Mrs. A. H. Childs of 1563 Oak avenue, Evanston. Dr.

Elliott R. Carpenter and Miss Daisy Carpenter of 1413 East Fiftieth street left for New York City last week to be gone until September. Mrs. R. A.

Crandall of 6515 Monroe avenue has as her guests Mrs. F. C. Lucas and her daughter, Mies Leonia Lucas of New Jersey. Mr.

and Mrs. Jchn P. Hiester and daughter, Florence of 2739 Wilcox avenue, left for Denver, on Thursday to attend the 928 of their son. Arthur J. Hiester of Tucson, Ariz, to Miss Anne M.

Allan of DenVer. volo. Miss Hilda Bull, 25 East Walton place, who has been visiting Mrs. Josepn T. Bowen at her country place in Bar Harbor, is now the guest of friends in New London, Conn.

She will remain In the east until the middle of October. Mrs. Philip C. Dyrenforth of 42 East Schiller street is dismantling her home preparatory to leaving the latter part of August for a long stay abroad. She will be accompanied by her daughter, Miss Marjorie Dyrenforth, who will remain away until next spring.

Mrs. Dyrenforth plans to return to Chicago in January. Mrs. Joseph B. Long.

48 Banks street, left part of the week for the White mountains, where she will stay for the rest of the summer. Mrs. George Bass of 6044 Prairie avenue left last week for Peterboro, N. where she will be the guest of Mr8. Perkins Bass, who has a summer home there.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Buhmann of 2734 Pine Grove avenue, accompanied by their daughter, Miss Marie Buhmann, left last week to spend the remainder of the summer at Mackinac island. Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph L. Gunsaulus of 1358 North State street are visiting in Oconomowoc, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.

J. Earling at their summer Mrs. B. Compton Elston street and Mrs. Frank Judd are in Switzerland? for the month of August.

Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Bowes, 1027 East Forty-sixth street, accompanied by their daughter, Miss Margaret Bowes, left Tuesday for a three weeks' stay in Canada.

Mrs. Benjamin L. Winchell 1315 Astor street, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward D.

Winslow, in Copenhagen, Denmark, will sail for home Thursday. On her return she will go to Lake Forest to be with Mr. Winchell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.

L. Winchell, 1100 Lake Shore drive, who are occupying the Horace Martin residence. Mr. and Mrs. F.

Wight Neumann and daughter Gladys, who have been visiting the various spas in Germany, are now at Bad Kissingen. They do not expect to return to Chicago before the autumn. Mr. and Mrs. D.

G. Kingery, 315 North Cuyler avenue, Oak Park, have sailed from Naples for home. They have been spending several months in European travel and were in Zurich, Switzerland, during July. Mils Violet Besly, with some of her mother's relatives, is occupying for the summer A Mrs. Besly's cottage at Shawnee, Colo.

Mrs. William Morgan and her son William of Highland Park are at Marblehead, for the month of August. Dr. Homer M. Thomas of the Chicago Athletic club has returned from a trip to Washington and New York.

Judge and Mrs. Charles F. Fishback of "Villa Ensor," 418 Vine street, Highland Park, left Paris last week for San Sebastian, where they will remain a fortnight before sailing for America. Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Weston Ritchie. 5324 Madison avenue, who sailed fo rope in July, have registered at the Hotel Louis-le-Grand, Paris. Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank has returned to Lake Geneva after a few days' visit in Lake Forest with Mrs. H.

C. Chatfeld-Taylor. Mrs. Fairbank has had guests at her coun- Are You Fussy About Your Corsets? Are you hard to please and hard to satisfy when it comes to fitting corsets? Is it difficult to find just what suits your figure best? Then suppose you take a minute to glance through The Tribune's "Shops You Ought to Know" and note the special Corset Shops that you'll find listed there. Maybe you've been overlooking opportunities because you haven't been acquainted with the "Shops You Ought to Know." The Tribune's list of "Shops You Ought to Know" is worth your serious attention.

You ought to read it every day. Turn now to the Shops You Ought to Know" on Page 8, Part 5, of this issue of The Tribune. The Chicago Tribune The World's Greatest Newspaper (Trade Mark try home almost every week-end during the summer. Mrs. Cyrus Bentley and Miss Bentley, 1505 Astor street, are spending the summer at the Huron Mountain club in Michigan.

Mrs. P. T. Barry and her daughter, Miss Genevieve Barry, of 5005 Drexel boulevard, have returned by way of the great lakes from an extended visit to various eastern points. Hugo Silvestri, consul general for AustriaHungary, who, with Mrs.

Silvestri, is keeping house in Lake Bluft, has rented his apartment at 207 East Chestnut street to Bernard Flexner of Louisville, and his sister. Mr. Flexner is to make his home permanently in Chicago. Mme. Charles Bigot, sister of Mrs.

Lysander Hill, 174 East Chestnut street, leaves a week from today to sail on Wednesday, Aug. 20, in the steamship France for Europe. She expects to return again next June. Mme. Bigot's other sister, Mrs.

Charles H. Besly, who has been occupying her apartment in Paris, will sail with her daughters from England on Sept. 20 for America. At present they are enjoying automobile trips which take them through the Loire country, Brittany, and Normandy, ending in Paris on Sept. 1.

Miss Louisa Besly will remain abroad to study at Miss Risser's school in Rome for the winter, and the two younger daughters, the Misses Edith and Helen, will return to go to Miss Anna Haire's school in Lake Shore drive. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ford, 4623 Drexel boulevard, and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Wilson, 5505 Drexel boulevard, have returned from a motor trip east. They went by automobile from here to New York and back, visited Lake Placid, and toured the Berkshires. Mr. and Mrs.

John L. Shortall, who have resided -for several years at 1604 Prairie avenue, are to move to the north side. They plan to build a residence on Barry avenue in the same block where the homes of Arthur Meeker and J. Ogden Armour are to be erected. Miss CHACE Margaret Chace of Chaceheim, Morgan Park, who is spending the season at Pomona.

as the guest of Mrs. E. W. Reynolds, is at present one of a merry house party at Balboa. Among the many entertainments given in honor was a ball at Mrs.

Reynolds' seaside home. Miss Chace will return to Morgan Park in people to draw upon the success of any event is assured in this dance mad season. Provision was made for out of doors and house dancing. The first of the series of benefits for the Bonnie Hame association, to be given at the home of Mrs. Lightner Henderson of 6255 Kenmore avenue, Tuesday evening, Aug.

12, promises to be equally fascinating. Pretty north shore debutantes dressed for the occaJapanese kimonos, Japanese music, Japanese decorations, a cherry blossom program, and hundreds of twinkling Japanese lanterns will transform the garden into a corner of Nippon. Judge Joseph Sabath and Mrs. Sabath of 4828 Grand boulevard will keep open house all day today in celebration of their twentysixth wedding anniversary. Mr.

and Mrs. Otto Reiman of 5244 Michigan avenue announce the celebration of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, to be held at their home on Saturday evening, Aug. 23. THE TRAVELERS. September.

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Fessenden of Highland Park will leave, the latter part of this week for a trip Massachusetts coast, to be gone through August and September. Their daughter, Mrs.

Peck, wife of Lieut. Robert G. Peck, U.S. now stationed at Fort Leavenworth, who, with her little son, Robbie, is here on a visit. will go with them.

Miss Dorothy Fessenden, who is visiting among several house parties in the east, will join the family. In the fall she is to be maid of honor at the wedding of Miss Ruth Viehlen of Overlook, N. a former schoolmate at Miss Ely's in New York. Prof. and Mrs.

P. M. Hilles and their baby daughter of Columbus, are visiting their brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Beatty of the Hotel Del Prado.

Prof Hilles, is a member of the faculty of Ohio State university, left on Wednesday for Alaska to collect data for the national geological survey Mrs. Hilles will remain in Chicago until his return. in October. Mrs. Robert Black of the Del Prado hotel has just returned from a house party at the summer home of Miss Marjorie Oliver at Escanaba, Mrs.

Jos. Winterbotham 212 East Superior street, who is In Paris. will sall for this country on Sept. 19. She visit relatives in Morristown, N.

before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Y. Norris, Miss Helen Norris and Miss Avena Smith of 2407 Harrison street, Evanston, have gone for a three months' visit to San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Devries, who have been traveling through England and central Europe since June. are now at Wiesbaden. After a short stay in the Bavarian Alps they will return home by way of Paris, early in September.

Mrs. Geneva Johnstone Bishop, who has gone to Mackinac for the remainder of the month, will on her return In September be at Congress hotel for the winter. George Miller, formerly of the Virginia hotel, has returned from a months visit at Swampscott, and is again at the Moraine in Highland Park. Mr. Miller will occupy next winter an apartment at 821 Belden avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bryson, 731 Buena avenue, left Monday for New York, preparatory to sailing for Europe next urday on the steamship Imperator of the Hamburg- American line. Miss Elizabeth Hinde, daughter of Mr.

and Mra. Thomas W. Hinde of 1524 Astor street, has returned from Minneapolis, where she visited Miss Marguerite Young at Rambleside, the Young country place on the Mississippi. Mrs. James Carleton Young entertained at a small house party over the week end for her daughter's guest and several theater and dinner parties were given for her.

Miss Hinde finished her studies At Mrs. Finch's school in New York in June. Miss Helen Hinde 1s visiting Miss Caryl Spoor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A.

Spoor at her summer home in Pittsfield, Mass. Among the Chicagoans making the Georgian bay cruise are Mrs. Thomas B. Smillie of 3148 Warren avenue, Mrs. Oliver Belmont Sargent of 750 Independence boulevard, and Mrs.

Almer H. Wagoner of 1120 Leland avenue, afterwards spending two weeks in Toronto and Muskego, Canada. Mrs. Andrew R. Sheriff and her young son of 2723 Prairie avenue are spending the summer in Europe (Continued on sixth page.) Mr.

and Mrs. Frederick Bode, 5825 Washington avenue, have returned from an extended trip abroad. Miss Beulah Fisk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fisk, 1328 North State street, has left to join friends in the White mountains and to be gone until the middle of October.

Miss Elizabeth Ross, 920 Lincoln parkway. will leave within a fortnight for 8 trip through the Canadian Rockies. She will be accompanied by her brother, Robert E. Ross. ROSTON STATE MADISON AND DEARBORN STS.

Tub Dresses Women's and misses' $5 and $6 dresses made of pure linens, ratines, figured crashes, white voiles, trimmed with inserts of eyelet embroidery, lace insertion, fine tucks and plaits, collarless models, elbow length sleeves, plain gored skirts, sizes 14 to 44, at 2.97 Women's and misses' tub dresses, made of pure linens, crinkled crepes corded piques, all neat models for street and home wear. Will launder and fit splendidly, in plain colors, stripes, slightly soiled from handling, 1.97 75c Silks, 49c 27-inch rich brocaded satin finish Louisine silks for street dresses, party and evening gowns, in black, white and 75c every quality, at wanted 49c shade, yard, 27-inch satin stripe jacquard tussah and brocaded tussah silks in all the newest colorings, have the appearance of all silk fabric, wear equally as well and cost less. Made to sell for 50c, choice Monday, 29c Pretty silk mixed foulards, 24 in. wide, rich, brilliant finish, in black, white and a good range of colors, well worth 19c, at yard, Dress Goods 36-inch reversible suitings in blue, green, red, brown and black facings with shepherd check backs of black and white, fancy red, blue and green checks and navy blue with all styles of check backs, for women's and misses' dresses, 35c 22c qualities, 40c silk finished Henrietta in navy blue and dark, medium and light shades of tan, gray, cardinal, wine, old rose, Myrtle, Alice, royal plum, Copenhagen, also cream black, reg. 40c.

Monday, a 29 Mill remnants, all wool storm serges, Panama cloths, all wool prunellas, all wool cheviots, all wool nun's veilings, suitings, in waist, skirt and dress patterns. All specially marked for Monday, at just half regular prices 2.25 Pumps, 1.63 Women's 2.25 white canvas one strap "Baby Doll" pumps, with hand turned soles, low heels, neat tailored bow on vamp, the hit of the season, sizes to 7. Monday special at only 1.63 Misses' and children's barefoot sandals, made of tan Russian calfskin, ular with 75c solid grades, leather soles. tomorrow Reg- at 47c.

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.