History for JustForFun/GrandUnitedTimelineWorldWarII - TV Tropes (2024)

JustForFun/GrandUnifiedTimeline events from 1930 C.E. to 1945 C.E.

[[folder:1930 C.E. - 1934 C.E.]]
[[AC:Unknown date most likely in the 1930s]]
* The entity currently known as Jones, then known as Elizabeth Langdon, is arrested due to the obvious discrepancy in her apparent age and the age she would logically be if she were who she claimed to be. (''WebComic/GunnerkriggCourt'')
* Elijah Baker makes a [[DealWithTheDevil pact with Satan]] that he will sacrifice men and make their corpses into scarecrows in exchange for his farm being prosperous. (''Film/DarkHarvest'')

* February: Chris dies of bovine tuberculosis, at the age of 18. Robert Stoney is inconsolable. ("Literature/{{Oracle}}")
* April 4: Lucy Ellen Thompson dies. (''Series/JoanOfArcadia'')
* May 8: Pilot Amy Johnson lands in Baghdad during her record-setting flight from England to Australia. (RealLife) While there, she meets the Eleventh Doctor and Clara Oswald and helps them defeat the criminal Koragatta. (''Magazine/DoctorWhoMagazine'' story "A Wing and a Prayer")
* July 10: Marcus Cole and Stefan Richter discover the Well of the Furies. From the Well, they gain the powers that will eventually lead them to become Statesman and Lord Recluse, respectively. (''VideoGame/CityOfHeroes'')
* August 10: Jock and Jason Ewing and Digger Barnes strike oil in Nacogdoces County, Texas. This leads directly to the formation of Ewing Oil and the decades long Barnes-Ewing feud. (''Series/{{Dallas}}'')
* September 2: Miskatonic University dispatches an expedition to Antarctica. (''Literature/AtTheMountainsOfMadness'')
* October 5:
** On its maiden voyage to Karachi, the British airship ''R101'' crashes in the vicinity of Beauvais, UsefulNotes/{{France}}, killing 48 people in the process. (RealLife)
** The true mission of the ''R101'' is to rendezvous with an alien race called the Triskele. Lieutenant-Colonel Frayling becomes their new Lawgiver and goes with them. The airship is attacked by a Vortisaur, a creature native to the Time Vortex, and everyone onboard is killing in the resulting crash. The Eighth Doctor alters history by saving Charlotte "Charley" Pollard, who was destined to die in the crash. He takes her as his companion. Charley's survival has severe ramifications for the Web of Time. (''AudioPlay/BigFinishDoctorWho'')
* November 1: The surviving Daleks from the Cult of Skaro regroup, growing human-Dalek hybrids and turning less intelligent people into pig-slaves. [[labelnote:more]]They take over construction of the Empire State Building to aid this process. The Tenth Doctor gets in the way of awakening the hybrids and they grow amorality. In the chaos, three of Cult of Skaro are killed and the lives of the hybrids are terminated. Dalek Caan activates an emergency temporal shift and searches for Davros in the storms of the Time War.[[/labelnote]] [[labelnote:Donna's world in "Turn Left"]]In an alternate timeline/universe created by one of the Trickster's Brigade latching onto Donna's back, the Cult of Skaro are still defeated but by unknown means, as the Doctor would be deceased at this point.[[/labelnote]] (''Series/DoctorWho'')
* December 11: The time travelers Phineas Bogg and Jeffrey Jones save UsefulNotes/AlbertEinstein and his wife Elsa from being killed by a falling desk in New York. (''Series/{{Voyagers}}'')
* Rumours of a strange pyramid - neither Aztec nor Mayan - appearing in the jungles of the Yucatan Peninsula begin to circulate in the archaeological community. (''VideoGame/PathwaysIntoDarkness'')
* Edith Keeler, an idealistic social worker, is killed in an automobile accident. [[labelnote:Alternate timeline]]The Guardian of Forever sends Leonard [=McCoy=] to this year and he saves the life of Edith in time. This creates an alternate reality where Edith goes on to become the leader of a pacifist movement whose actions prevent America from entering World War II, leading to a Nazi victory. James Tiberius Kirk and Spock go back in time to retrieve [=McCoy=] and prevent this timeline from existing.[[/labelnote]](''Series/StarTrekTheOriginalSeries'')
* Duncan [=MacLeod=] kills Richard Tarsis in a duel. Lucas Kagan takes the loss of his mentor/father figure very badly. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* Scrooge [=McDuck=], now the richest person in the world, gets into a fight with his family and breaks off contact with them for the next 17 years. (''Comicbook/TheLifeAndTimesOfScroogeMcDuck'')
* The Warner Brothers and their sister Dot run amuck around the [[Creator/WarnerBros Warner Bros. Studios]]. The cartoon characters are eventually captured and locked up inside the studio's water tower for (most of) the next 63 years. (''WesternAnimation/{{Animaniacs}}'')
* The turmoil of the Great Depression leads the Bellamy family to sell and move out of their home at Eaton Place. (''Series/UpstairsDownstairs'')
* [[Music/TheyMightBeGiants Istanbul was Constantinople;]] [[SuddenNameChange now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople]].
* Birth of Pelafina Heather Lievre. (''Literature/{{House of Leaves}}'')
* Karl Martin Baardsen moves to a middle-sized Norwegian city and takes up work as a journalist in the local socialist press. He covers the docking strike and the riots that occur when the strike-breakers are barred from work, and the interference of the state police and the coastal units of the regular army. He moves in with journalist Eyolf Berger and factory worker Inge Olsen. (''Series/{{Borderland}}'')
* Theresa [=McPhee=] is born. (''Series/TheOuterLimits1995'')
* Nadine is born in Hyder, UsefulNotes/{{Alaska}}. (''Series/{{Taken}}'')
* While playing golf, Peterson is struck by lightning and killed. He is eventually [[BackFromTheDead revived]] by a team of surgeons in May 1980. (''Film/JustImagine'')
* The seven-year-old Henry Francis "Rocky" Valentine steals fourteen toys from a dime store. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* [[ComicBook/NightWing Dick Grayson]] is born. (''ComicBook/SupermanAndBatmanGenerations'')
* Jonah Summerfield I is born. He is the earliest known ancestor of Bernice Summerfield. (''Literature/BerniceSummerfield'')
* A revolution in UsefulNotes/{{Germany}} brings the Communist Party to power. (''Literature/TheIronDream'')
* Murray Slaughter is born. (''Series/TheMaryTylerMooreShow'')
* Birth of Kanji to Kiku and Tokube Ayashiro (''Visualnovel/{{Famicom Detective Club}}: The Missing Heir'')
* Bianca di Angelo is born to Maria di Angelo and the god Hades. (''Literature/TheCampHalfBloodSeries'')

* January: Torsten Ekstrom dies by falling from a balcony in Paris. It is unclear if it is an accident or a suicide... or murder. (''Literature/SDorst'')
* June: Thomas Campbell Brockless dies of a heart attack. (''Series/{{Torchwood}}'')
* October: Criminals working for crime lord Alphonse "Big Boy" Caprice murder Emil Truehart. Police detective Dick Tracy, fiancé of Emil's daughter Tess, swears revenge. Tracy and Big Boy would remain bitter enemies for decades. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* November 8: Alexander James Quentin Duggan, a two-and-a-half year old boy, is killed in a road accident. (''Literature/TheDayOfTheJackal'')
* A train called by The Flying puss*foot is hijacked by two groups at the same time, one for the release of their leader, and the other for money from the train company. A group of delinquents attempting a train heist end up taking it upon themselves to rescue the train. Finally, a "monster" known as the Rail Tracer starts assassinating all the passengers. (''Literature/{{Baccano}}'')
* Vim!Pop is created, and is originally marketed as a health tonic, before being rebranded as a soft drink. (''VideoGame/Fallout4'')
* Mark Craig is born. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Mary E. Ryder dies. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* The eight-year-old Henry Francis "Rocky" Valentine forms a street gang called the Angels. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* The Stewart expedition discovers various Goa'uld artifacts, including canopic jars containing the symbiotes Osiris and Isis, in UsefulNotes/{{Egypt}}. Six months later, the ship transporting the artifacts to the United States sinks off the coast of UsefulNotes/NewJersey. The wreck is eventually found in 2000. (''Series/StargateSG1'')
* Phyllis Sutherland (later Lindstrom) is born. (''Phyllis'')
* Jason Bernaides is born. (''Radio/XMinusOne'')

* January 28: Nico di Angelo is born to Maria di Angelo and the god Hades. (''Literature/TheCampHalfBloodSeries'')
* February: The vigilante known only as "The Lobster" begins his career, killing mobsters and Axis spies and saboteurs in New York City and Chicago. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: The Iron Prometheus]]'')
* April 11: Nanea Mitchell is born in Honolulu, Hawaii. (''Literature/AmericanGirlsCollection'')
* May 8: John L. Richards is born. (''Series/BeyondBeliefFactOrFiction'')
* July 18: Allan Hartley is born. ("Literature/TimeAndTimeAgain")
* August: Billie Ducette is murdered in Philadelphia. (''Series/ColdCase'')
* September:
** Professor Simon Haley becomes the Director of Agriculture at the Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical Institute. (''[[Series/Roots1977 Roots: The Next Generations]]'')
** Will E. Palmer dies. (''[[Series/Roots1977 Roots: The Next Generations]]'')
* October 3: The last time Clyde Wynant is seen before apparently going into seclusion to work on a new project.[[note]]He's actually murdered on this date.[[/note]] (''Literature/TheThinMan'')
* November 8:
** UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt is elected President of the United States, defeating UsefulNotes/HerbertHoover. (RealLife)
** [[UsefulNotes/JosefStalin Joe Steele]] defeats UsefulNotes/HerbertHoover in the U.S. presidential election. ("Literature/JoeSteele")
** UsefulNotes/CalvinCoolidge defeats Hosea Blackford in the U.S. presidential election. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
** UsefulNotes/HerbertHoover is re-elected by the House of Representatives after the Socialists win enough states to deny any party an electoral majority. (''VideoGame/KaiserreichLegacyOfTheWeltkrieg'')
** Al Smith runs as a third party candidate, splitting the vote and allowing U.S. President UsefulNotes/HerbertHoover to be re-elected. He defeats UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt by two electoral votes. (''Alternate Presidents'')
* November 20: John Coffey is executed by electric chair in the Cold Mountain Penitentiary for a crime he didn't commit. (''Literature/TheGreenMile'')
* End of December: Nick and Nora Charles get wrapped up in helping solve the murders surrounding the disappearance of inventor Clyde Wynant. (''Literature/TheThinMan'')
* Devil Summoner Raidou Kuzunoha XIV investigates the kidnapping of Kaya Daidōji, and is soon pulled into a conspiracy involving a mysterious army. (VideoGame/RaidouKuzunohaVsTheSoullessArmy)
* Raidou Kuzunoha XIV takes on a missing-persons case, as strange creatures begin to steal luck itself and mysterious ninjas roam the city. (VideoGame/RaidouKuzunohaVsTheSoullessArmy)
* Estimated birth of Alan Virdon on a farm in Jackson County, Texas. He would grow up to become an astronaut. (''Series/PlanetOfTheApes'')
* Slappy Squirrel stars in her earliest known short, ''Cavegirl Slappy''. (''WesternAnimation/{{Animaniacs}}'')
* Foxy, Roxy, and Goopy Geer star in the (fictional) WesternAnimation/LooneyTunes short ''The Big Buzz of 1932'', their last produced film. They spend the next six decades in obscurity (and game show guest appearances) until their careers are revived by Babs Bunny. (''WesternAnimation/LooneyTunes'', ''WesternAnimation/TinyToonAdventures'')
* Harry Bailey finishes college and surprises his family by bringing home a wife, whose father has offered him an excellent job. Although Harry vows to decline the offer out of respect for his brother, George decides to keep full ownership of the Building and Loan so that Harry can pursue this great opportunity. (''Film/ItsAWonderfulLife'')
* Lobster Johnson faces off with phantom Indians, mobsters, and The Black Flame. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: The Killer in My Skull]]'')
* Lobster Johnson confronts a team of German scientists who intend to poison New York with deadly chemicals. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: Caput Mortuum]]'')
* The Redjac entity murders seven women in UsefulNotes/{{Shanghai}}. (''Series/StarTrekTheOriginalSeries'')
* Leon Randolph Stiles and Clifton Meyers are born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Rossum's Universal Robots first creates artificial tissue. (''Theatre/{{RUR}}'')
* [AlternateTimeline] Einstein Industries' research division begins experimenting with time travel technology. (''TabletopGame/{{Chrononauts}}'')
* Sweetbriar Orphanage is founded in UsefulNotes/{{Boston}}. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Walter Kemp is interviewed about his friend George, who disappeared on January 5, 1900. He believes that George was telling the truth about traveling into the future and that he settled with Weena in 802,701. (''[[Film/TheTimeMachine1960 Time Machine: The Journey Back]]'')
* Brian Douglas is killed in a car accident one week before he and Elva Keene are to be married. Having insisted on driving, Elva crashes the car into a tree. Brian is thrown out the windshield and Elva is paralyzed from the waist down. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Nan Adams and Helen Foley are born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* The nine-year-old Henry Francis "Rocky" Valentine breaks into a bicycle shop. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* A big game hunter stranded after his ship crashes is hunted by the madman who lives on the island (''Literature/TheMostDangerousGame'' (1932 film))
* An Italian physicist receives a letter.[[labelnote:more]]The letter was sent by time travellers to permit the discovery of the nuclear bomb and SetRightWhatOnceWentWrong.[[/labelnote]] (''Literature/TheEndOfEternity'')
* Rufus Jones, having lived the whole ten years of his life under Jim Crow, gives up his real life to join Frida's Friends Club. (''Literature/{{Unimaa}}'')

* January 5:
** Former U.S. President UsefulNotes/CalvinCoolidge dies of a coronary thrombosis. (RealLife)
** U.S. President-elect UsefulNotes/CalvinCoolidge dies of a heart attack. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
* January:
** [[Literature/YoungBond James Bond]] begins his studies at Eton College. (''Literature/SilverFin'')
** Bill Dunn, a homeless vagrant, is given telepathic abilities by [[MadScientist Professor Ernest Smalley]]. Dunn quickly becomes drunk with power and dubs himself "The Superman", intending to use his new powers to rule the world. However, the powers are temporary, and Dunn is left powerless after the serum wears off. (''The Reign Of the Superman'')
** Stooge Viller successfully frames Dick Tracy for his own crimes, leading to Tracy retiring in disgrace and losing his fiancee Tess Truehart. Tracy is eventually able to clear his name and Viller is arrested. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* February 15:
** US President-elect UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt makes an impromptu speech from the back of an open car in Miami. Giuseppe Zangara, a possibly mentally disturbed immigrant, fires a pistol at FDR. After the first shot, bystanders subdue him, but he fires four more times before being disarmed. Five people are hit; four survive, but Chicago mayor Anton Cermak, who was standing next to FDR, is mortally wounded, dying 19 days later. FDR is unharmed. (RealLife)
** FDR is killed in Zangara's attack. (''Literature/TheManInTheHighCastle'')
* February 27:
** The Reichstag in Berlin is set on fire. (RealLife)
** Adolf Hitler perishes in the Reichstag Fire. In the afterlife, his brain is revived by Adam Savage of ''Series/MythBusters'', solely using technology that would have been available to the Nazis in 1933. Hitler's brain is sent back to Germany by the Head Death, where he resumes his leadership of the state. Nazi Science sneers at the implausibility of these events. (''Webcomic/IrregularWebcomic'')
* June: [[Literature/YoungBond James Bond]] uncovers the headquarters of the secret society Millenaria in Sardinia. (''Literature/BloodFever'')
* Summer: Bertha George Palmer Haley dies. (''[[Series/Roots1977 Roots: The Next Generations]]'')
* Summer: Jem and Scout Finch meet Dill for the first time. (''Literature/ToKillAMockingbird'')
* November 1: Confederate veteran Jake Featherston is elected President of the CSA. He quickly begins consolidating power and turning the Confederacy into a fascist state and formulates a plan of "Population Reduction" concerning the CSA's blacks. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
* December 5:
** Prohibition is repealed with the ratification of the Twenty-First Amendment. (RealLife)
** In an AlternateUniverse, Prohibition is never repealed and remains in force until at least 1996. (''Series/{{Sliders}}'')
* December: Sir John Charnage attempts to smuggle Project Nemesis out of England. (''Literature/DoubleOrDie'')
* The giant ape Kong of Skull Island is captured and becomes an attraction in New York City. The ape escapes and climbs the Empire State Building with his object of love. [[labelnote:more]]He gets shot down, but it was beauty that killed the beast.[[/labelnote]] (''Film/KingKong1933'')
* Rick O'Connell and allies battle Imhotep again. (''Film/TheMummyReturns'')
* ''Bosko The Talk-Ink Kid'' stars in his last short for Warner Bros. The rise of other characters (including WesternAnimation/PorkyPig in 1935) ends his career at Warner Bros., with Bosko moving to MGM to make some shorts for the next several years, before disappearing from public view for the next several decades. (''WesternAnimation/LooneyTunes'', ''WesternAnimation/TinyToonAdventures'', Real Life).
* In New York City, an orphan girl named Annie is adopted by billionaire industrialist Oliver Warbucks, on Christmas in the Broadway musical and [[Film/Annie1999 1999 movie]] versions and on the Fourth of July in the [[Film/Annie1982 1982 movie version]]. (''Theatre/{{Annie}}'')
* Lobster Johnson investigates several mysterious murders, tied to neurological experiments. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: Satan Smells a Rat]]'')
* In Glenn Cove, Long Island, recently pardoned mob boss Tony Masso is pursued by Lobster Johnson. Desperate for protection, he [[DealWithTheDevil strikes a deal]] with a demon to [[ExactWords beat the Lobster.]] (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: Tony Masso's Finest Hour]]'')
* In Chinatown, Lobster Johnson chases after a mystic Japanese spy called the Crimson Lotus. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: A Scent of Lotus]]'')
* Lobster Johnson "attends" the unrolling of a mummy. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: The Prayer of Neferu]]'')
* Barney Hopkins' show is shut down by creditors because there's a [[TheGreatDepression depression]] going on. Songwriter Brad Roberts falls in love with a performer named Polly and finances a new show produced by Hopkins, to Brad's rich family's chagrin. Some additional gold digging and a bunch of elaborate stage numbers all ensues. (''Film/GoldDiggersOf1933'')
* Joseph Reardon is born. (''Series/TheOuterLimits1963'')
* Thelma Lou Dickey is born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Suzy Rankin is born. (''Series/{{Tenko}}'')
* Jabez Stone is born. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Dorothy Livingston begins teaching at a school in West Virginia. She discovers that one of her students, Micah Frost, cares for his 140-year-old great-great-great-grandfather. Micah manages to keep him alive by telling him stories. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')
* The film ''Farewell Without Tears'' starring Barbara Jean Trenton and Jerry Hearndan is released. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Stawpah dies. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')

* January 7: The 20th Phantom survives a murder attempt in Tangiers. He gives a gold coin bearing the Good Mark to his young friend Hamid, but it is quickly stolen by a pickpocket. (''Westernanimation/{{Phantom 2040}}'')
* February: [[Literature/YoungBond James Bond]] and Precious Stone become the first people ever to pass the Avenue of Death in Lagrimas Negras. (''Literature/HurricaneGold'')
* April 22: Molly [=McIntire=] is born in Jefferson, Illinois. (''Literature/AmericanGirlsCollection'')
* May 23: Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow are gunned down by the police on a rural road in Bienville Parish, Louisiana. (''Film/BonnieAndClyde'' and real life)
* June 4: [[Literature/YoungBond James Bond]] foils an assassination attempt against [[UsefulNotes/TheHouseOfWindsor King George V]] at Eton. (''Literature/ByRoyalCommand'')
* June 15: Al Calavicci is born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Summer: Martin Sloan, an unhappy 36-year-old advertising executive from 1959 who regards the summers of his childhood as the best times of his life, is transported back in time to his home town of Homewood. He meets himself as an eleven-year-old boy and tries to tell him to cherish every moment of his youth. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* September 17: An agent of Rittenhouse attempts to assassinate the 17-year-old UsefulNotes/JohnFKennedy but he is prevented from doing so by Lucy Preston, Wyatt Logan and Rufus Carlin. Kennedy is brought forward in time to 2018. (''Series/{{Timeless}}'')
* September: John-Boy Walton begins his studies at Boatwright University. (''Series/TheWaltons'')
* Around October 10: Daisy Gray celebrates her 18th birthday, and is named the sole inheritor of her aunt Contessa's estate. Shortly after, Daisy starts seeing demonic apparitions and speaking in riddles. (''Series/QuantumLeap2022'')
* October 31: Ben Song leaps into a priest named Father Davenport. He's there to perform an exorcism on a young woman named Daisy Gray, who is going to die at six minutes after midnight. (''Series/QuantumLeap2022'')
* November: Safecracker and demolitions expert Boris Arson begins his criminal activities. He would prove to be a persistent foe for Dick Tracy. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* Flash Gordon first battles the forces of Ming the Merciless. (''ComicStrip/FlashGordon'')
* Birth of Donovan "Skipper" Maddox. He would grow up to become an astronaut. (''Film/BeneathThePlanetOfTheApes'' and adaptations)
* Birth of Zoe Kuryakin in New York. (''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'')
* In New York City, Lobster Johnson finds himself at odds with both the NYPD and radio-controlled slaves. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: Get the Lobster!]]'')
* Don Vito Corleone decides to rid New York City of more freelance criminals, resulting in a three year mob war. An Irish gunman successfully shoots Don Corleone, but Corleone survives, and ultimately the Corelone family wins the war. (''Literature/TheGodfather'')
* Diane Brown (later [=McBride=]) and Leslie Ashton are born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Harry and Anita Klein are married. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Tony Newman is born. (''Series/TheTimeTunnel'')
* The film ''A Night in Paris'' starring Barbara Jean Trenton is released. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* [AlternateTimeline] Professor Paul Langford conducts an archaeological expedition to Giza but finds nothing of significance. (''Series/StargateSG1'')
* Yuri Andreev is born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')

[[folder:1935 C.E. - 1939 C.E.]]
* February 12: Nikos Stathatos was born in Piraeus, UsefulNotes/{{Greece}}. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* March 28: Miskatonic University dispatches an expedition to Australia. (''[[Franchise/CthulhuMythos The Shadow Out of Time]]'')
* July 3: On a ship bound for New York City, former actress Veronica Villensy murders her husband, Malcolm, by tossing him overboard. The next day, she tries all sorts of schemes to try and get away with it. (''VideoGame/Overboard2021'')
* Explorer and archaeologist Indiana Jones goes on a quest to return three sacred Sivalinga stones to a desolate village in India. (''Film/IndianaJonesAndTheTempleOfDoom'')
* First appearance of Doctor Occult. (Creator/DCComics)
* Movie star Blanche Hudson is crippled in a mysterious car accident involving her sister, Jane. (''Film/WhatEverHappenedToBabyJane'')
* Duncan [=MacLeod=] investigates the inner workings of UsefulNotes/NaziGermany for the British UsefulNotes/SecretIntelligenceService. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* WesternAnimation/PorkyPig stars in his first short for Warner Bros., and becomes the studio's first true super-star. (''WesternAnimation/LooneyTunes'')
* Camp Crystal Lake is established in New Jersey. (''Franchise/FridayThe13th'')
* Rick Blaine runs guns to aid Ethiopia against the [[UsefulNotes/FascistItaly Italian invasion]]. (''Film/{{Casablanca}}'')
* During a showing of the film ''The Purple Rose of Cairo'' in UsefulNotes/NewJersey, its protagonist Tom Baxter is transported to the [[RealLife real world]]. (''Film/ThePurpleRoseOfCairo'')
* William Sidney "Sid" Fairgate is born. (''Series/KnotsLanding'')
* Emma-Louise Cowell is born. (''Series/{{Torchwood}}'')
* The hospital St. Eligius is founded in the South End of UsefulNotes/{{Boston}}. Belonging to the Archdiocese of Boston, its chief administrator is Father Joseph [=McCabe=]. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Patrick O'Casey and Allyson Gladden are married by Father Joseph [=McCabe=] in St. Eligius. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* The six-year-old Donald Westphall's mother Elizabeth and three siblings are killed in a fire. His father Thomas is the only other member of his family to survive. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Samantha Stormer and Sue Anne Winters are born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* John O'Connor is born. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Millicent Barnes and Kurt J. Lewis are born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Colin Trafford is born in Northampton. (''[[Literature/RandomQuest Quest for Love]]'')
* John Kinsella moves to Brooklyn. (''Film/FieldOfDreams'')
* Country lawyer Atticus Finch defends a black man named Tom Robinson who has been [[FalseRapeAccusation falsely accused of rape]], only to be stonewalled by a racist system. (''Literature/ToKillAMockingbird'')

* February 23: [AlternateTimeline] President UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt and Edith Keeler confer on her plan of action for assisting the needy. Keeler is the leader of a political movement calling for pacifism and social reforms. Her ideas eventually lead to the United States not participating in World War II, leading to a Nazi victory. (''Series/StarTrekTheOriginalSeries'')
* April 5: David Kelsey is born. (''Series/AlfredHitchco*ckPresents'')
* July 19: A dead body washes up on the island of Santorini in Greece. The body is carrying a single page from V. M. Straka's novel ''The Black Nineteen''. Over the next several years, other murders with the same description would be committed. (''Literature/SDorst'')
* August 1: The survival or death of Adolf Hitler at the opening ceremony of the Berlin Olympic Games becomes a major point of contention among time travelers from multiple potential futures as each tries to reverse the work of its predecessors. (''TabletopGame/{{Chrononauts}}'')
* August: The 22nd Century time traveler Ava visits the Berlin Olympic Games in order to observe the travel patterns of people from this era. (''Series/TheFlipsideOfDominickHide'')
* Summer: While driving through Kansas, a boy named Doug and his aunt Neva encounter a great evil in the form of a young boy. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')
* September: A group of masked criminals known as the Purple Cross Gang embark on a crime spree, robbing several banks in a row before turning on each other over the loot. Their leader is the last one left and is killed in a shootout with his former colleague Baldy. The leader is revealed to have been ex-politician "Shirtsleeve" Skelton. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* November 3:
** UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt is elected to a second term as U.S. President, defeating Alf Landon. (RealLife)
** [[UsefulNotes/JosefStalin Joe Steele]] is elected to a second term as U.S. President, defeating Alf Landon. ("Literature/JoeSteele")
** Al Smith defeats UsefulNotes/HerbertHoover in the U.S. presidential election. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
** After defeating UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt in the Democratic primary, Senator Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip is elected President of the United States, defeating Republican nominee Walt Trowbridge. (''Literature/ItCantHappenHere'')
** George Norris is elected U.S. President. (''Literature/BringTheJubilee'')
** UsefulNotes/HueyLong is elected U.S. President, defeating UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt and Alf Landon. (''Alternate Presidents'')
** Henry L. Stimson is elected U.S. President, defeating Franklin D. Roosevelt. (''Alternate Presidents'')
* Indiana Jones journeys to Egypt to find the Ark of the Covenant and prevent it from falling into Nazi hands. (''Film/RaidersOfTheLostArk'')
* Megas, traveling back from 3037, lands in a Jersey City junkyard. (''WesternAnimation/MegasXLR'')
* Three members of the Den-O team are briefly stranded in this year, where they disguise themselves by possessing [[Series/KamenRiderKiva Jiro, Ramon, and Riki]], members of three of the Demon Races. (''Chō Series/KamenRiderDenO and [[Series/KamenRiderDecade Decade]]: The Onigashima Warship'')
* Amanda works as a cabaret singer in Berlin, where she steals forged money plates used by the German authorities to produce counterfeit dollars. She also helps Duncan [=MacLeod=] smuggle a physicist out of the country after he is betrayed by a double agent. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* Birth of Charles Canmore to Aron Canmore and an unnamed mother. He would grow up to become a Hunter. (''WesternAnimation/{{Gargoyles}}'')
* Birth of Jeffrey [=MacClain=] Robbins. He would lose his eyesight while serving in the Vietnam War but still go on to become a published author. By the 1990s, he would be a close friend to Hudson. (''WesternAnimation/{{Gargoyles}}'')
* Birth of John Oldcastle / "Falstaff". He would grow up to become a master thief and a member of the Illuminati. (''WesternAnimation/{{Gargoyles}}'')
* Former parlormaid Rose Buck returns to 165 Eaton Place to oversee a new staff of servants after a new family moves into her former place of employment. (''Series/UpstairsDownstairs'')
* The SCP Foundation acquires a mass transit ticket that sends its users to Hell. (Website/SCPFoundation)
* Rick Blaine fights on the Republican side in the UsefulNotes/SpanishCivilWar. (''Film/{{Casablanca}}'')
* Richard Endicott dies of pleurisy. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Tim Fox is born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Jor-El is born on Krypton. (''Series/{{Smallville}}'')
* Esther Fortune is born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Valentina Orlova is exiled to Siberia. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')
* The ten-year-old Jackie Rhoades is dared by his friends to steal their teacher's locket during a class picnic. This marks the beginning of his life of crime. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Fitzgerald "Fitz" Kreiner is born. (''Literature/EighthDoctorAdventures'')
* The architect Frank Reich, whose buildings are considered to be among the ugliest ever built, dies. (''Series/TheMaryTylerMooreShow'')
* Hannah Zgierski is born. (''Series/TheOuterLimits1995'')
* Ernst Ganz is sent to the concentration camp Dachau. He remains a prisoner there until 1945. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* The film ''Trails West'' starring Pamela Morris and John Bradley is released. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Gustav Nordin is born. (''Literature/{{Unimaa}}'')

* January 7: Joseph Kennedy is elected president of the United States. He remains in power until 1945. (''VideoGame/TheNewOrderLastDaysOfEurope'')
* March 10: H.P. Lovecraft opens a portal to Purgatory. Several creatures escape one of which possesses his maid Eleanor and thereafter called herself Dr. Elle Visyak. Another of the creatures kills Lovecraft five days later. (''Series/{{Supernatural}}'')
* After March 16: On his deathbed, Albert Wilmarth forms the Wilmarth Foundation to battle Mythos activity. (''[[Franchise/CthulhuMythos The Burrowers Beneath]]'')
* April 6: Alan Ellis is born. (''Series/{{Torchwood}}'')
* May 6:
** The German airship ''Hindenburg'' crashes while attempting to dock in Manchester Township, UsefulNotes/NewJersey, killing 36 people. (RealLife)
** A bomb is discovered on the ''Hindenburg''. [[labelnote:The saboteur]] chrononaut Mr. X, trying to shorten WWII (but instead accidentally causing the Korean War)[[/labelnote]] is not discovered. (''TabletopGame/{{Chrononauts}}'')
** The accident was the result of a mobster igniting it with a firework to destroy his rival's fortune, which was secretly on board (''Literature/ThePendragonAdventure'').
* July 2: The Briori, an alien race, abduct over 300 humans from Earth to use them as a slave force. Among them are Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan. (''Series/StarTrekVoyager'')
* September: The Citizen Crime Fighting Act is passed in Paragon City, authorizing vigilante arrest of criminals. (''VideoGame/CityOfHeroes'')
* October:
** A faceless man known as "The Blank" embarks on a killing spree, shooting several known gang members before being apprehended by Dick Tracy. Unmasked, The Blank turns out to be criminal Frankie Redrum, who had been horribly disfigured in a prison escape. The killings were revenge for his former criminal associates shunning him for his new disfigurements. Redrum is sentenced to life in prison. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
** Victor Martin Summersby, Armante Durand, and Tiago García Ferrara are photographed at the Hotel Florida with Creator/ErnestHemingway and a person conspicuously turning away from the camera - presumed to be V. M. Straka. (''Literature/SDorst'')
* November: Walter Frederick Morrison and his future wife Lucile make a game of tossing a popcorn can lid to and from each other. This leads to the invention of the frisbee. (RealLife)
** Eugene Zuckerberg invents the frisbee by taking a paper plate and turning it upside down. He then throws it to his wife Edna, and she throws it back to him, and he throws it back to her, and she throws it back to him. [[UnreliableNarrator Maybe.]] (''Roleplay/NoPixel'')
* December 31: Armante Durand is kidnapped and killed by Fascist forces near Madrid. [[labelnote:more]] She was betrayed by her former comrade Tiago García Ferrara, who left "The S" to defect to the Fascists.[[/labelnote]] (''Literature/SDorst'')
* In New York City, Professors Kyriakos and Helena Gallaragas create a suit of PoweredArmor capable of harnessing vril energy (the same energy used by the Hyperborians). [[labelnote:more]]Both Nazi spies and Memnan Saa attempt to steal the suit. The intervention of The Lobster--and the sudden ascension of Jim Sacks, the man wearing the armor--prevents them from succeeding.[[/labelnote]] (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: The Iron Prometheus]]'')
* Private investigator Jake Gittes is hired by a woman claiming to be Evelyn Mulwray, the wife of the city's water commissioner to prove that her husband is having an affair. (''Film/{{Chinatown}}'')
* Immortals Duncan [=MacLeod=] and Kage work as reporters, covering the UsefulNotes/SpanishCivilWar from the front lines. Kage betrays Duncan to the fascists for money. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* General Tapioca, the dictator of the South American republic of San Theodoros, is overthrown by his rival General Alcazar. (''ComicBook/{{Tintin}}'')
* The vampire known as the Master is imprisoned under Sunnydale. (''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'')
* Rachel O'Connor, the current Slayer, is recruited by the OSS to prevent Nazis from transferring a powerful djinn from New York to Berlin. (''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'')
* WesternAnimation/DaffyDuck stars in his first short for Warner Bros. (''WesternAnimation/LooneyTunes'')
* Stephen "Mitch" Mitchell is born. (''Radio/JourneyIntoSpace'')
* Gordon Endicott is born. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Trudy Calavicci and Arnold Watkins are born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Taro "Arthur" Takamori is born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* The eleven-year-old Jackie Rhoades and his friends break into a grocery store. Jackie is caught and spends the next eleven months in a reform school. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Ida and Rhoda Morgenstern are married. (''Series/TheMaryTylerMooreShow'')
* Joe and Phyllis Britt are married. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Umberto Fulcanelli is mortally wounded in a building collapse. The Cronos Device disappears. (''Film/{{Cronos}}'')

* February 28: Maia Rutledge is born. (''Series/TheFortyFourHundred'')
* April 18:
** The first public appearance of Franchise/{{Superman}}. (Creator/DCComics)
** Doc Brown time travels to this date to pick up several copies of ''ComicBook/ActionComics'' #1, with the intent to sell one to finance a hover conversion and Mr. Fusion upgrade in 2015. (''ComicBook/BackToTheFuture'')
** Jonathan "Jono" Quick buys a copy of ''ComicBook/ActionComics'' #1. He keeps it in his possession until 1986 when he sells it for at least $20,000. (''Series/AmazingStories'')
* June 10: Roy Grimsley is born. (''Series/{{Rhoda}}'')
* June 16: The Time Traveller, along with Nebogipfel and Moses, are brought to this date by the ''Raglan'', and are taken to London, which is now covered by a dome. (''Literature/TheTimeShips'')
* June 19-21: The time travelers Phineas Bogg and Jeffrey Jones convince Joe Louis not to retire from boxing. (''Series/{{Voyagers}}'')
* June 22: Joe Louis knocks out Max Schmeling in Yankee Stadium and retains his title as world heavyweight boxing champion. (RealLife) The time travelers Phineas Bogg and Jeffrey Jones are in attendance. (''Series/{{Voyagers}}'')
* August 21: Jacob Carter is born. (''Series/StargateSG1'')
* September 19: Hector Canfield is born. (''Series/ItsAboutTime'')
* October 9: Brith of Susan Montero (Flower). [[labelnote:Justification]] A mug shot used for her memorial confirms her date of birth happening on that date.[[/labelnote]] (''Series/GhostsUS'')
* October 30:
** Martians invade and are killed by germs. (''Radio/TheWarOfTheWorlds'') The radio broadcast was a cover-up, the true invasion being made by Red Lectroids from Planet Ten by way of the Eighth Dimension. (''Film/TheAdventuresOfBuckarooBanzaiAcrossThe8thDimension'')
** Audrey Metz is murdered in Philadelphia. (''Series/ColdCase'')
** An alien race known as the Laiderplacker arrive on Earth with the intention of establishing a protection racket. (''AudioPlay/BigFinishDoctorWho'')
* September: Anni Sonnenblume becomes the Slayer and also rebels against the Nazis. (''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'')
* November 1: In front of a capacity crowd at Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore, with an estimated 40 million listening to radio coverage, one of the most anticipated horse races of modern times sees Seabiscuit defeat the favored War Admiral in a match race. (RealLife and ''Film/{{Seabiscuit}}'')
* November 9: Hilla "Hilly" Doehner is born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* November: James Thurrold Player dies. (''Series/{{Colditz}}'')
* December: The Lobster's career as a vigilante ends, as he is recruited by the US military to head several top-secret missions. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: The Iron Prometheus]]'')
* Franchise/IndianaJones searches for his missing father and the Holy Grail in various places in Europe. (''Film/IndianaJonesAndTheLastCrusade'')
* First appearance of the Crimson Avenger. (Creator/DCComics)
* Zatara first fights crime. (Creator/DCComics)
* Nazi soldiers enter the Sleeping God's pyramid. All are killed. (''VideoGame/PathwaysIntoDarkness'')
* Duncan [=MacLeod=] tries to smuggle Niva, a political dissident and his current girlfriend, out of the USSR. He fails, and she is left to the mercy of Stalin. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* Syd Langkowski shoots his gangster brother, Joey, as well as Duncan [=MacLeod=]. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* Duncan meets Linda Plager, a freelance photographer. They soon fall in love. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* Birth of the gargoyles Jade and Turquesa in the Mayan Clan. (''WesternAnimation/{{Gargoyles}}'')
* Birth of the gargoyle Yama of the Ishimura Clan of Japan. (''WesternAnimation/{{Gargoyles}}'')
* The creators of the stone mask awaken. (''Manga/JoJosBizarreAdventure'')
* Birth of John Christopher Brent in New York City. He would grow up to become a pilot. (''Film/BeneathThePlanetOfTheApes'' and adaptations)
* Atomic Robo, promised U.S. citizenship in exchange for his services, interrupts Baron Heinrich von Helsingard's experiments in a secret Himalayan base. (''ComicBook/AtomicRobo'')
* Professional barnstormer Cliff Secord of Los Angeles discovers and adapts a personal jet-pack designed by Howard Hughes. (''ComicBook/TheRocketeer'')
* Dr. Elwin Ransom of Cambridge vanishes during a hiking trip and is presumed missing for the greater part of a year. (''Literature/TheSpaceTrilogy'')
* Jonah Vogelbaum defects from Nazi Germany and gives early Compound V and Stormfront to Vought-American. (''Comicbook/{{The Boys}}'')
* Lobster Johnson investigates the deaths of several scientists employed by Zinco-Davis Laboratories. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: The Killer in My Skull]]'')
* A spaceship containing an infant named Kal-L crash-lands in a Ukrainian collective. The boy grows up to become Franchise/{{Superman}}, the greatest hero of the Soviet Union. (''ComicBook/SupermanRedSon'')
* The Martians invade Earth, destroying all of its major cities and killing millions of people. Franchise/{{Superman}} is killed fighting the invaders. However, his sacrifice allows ComicBook/LexLuthor to determine that disrupting their anti-gravity will topple their tripods and expose the Martians to Earth's bacteria, for which they have no defense. As Adolf Hitler and UsefulNotes/JosefStalin were killed during the invasion, Germany and the former Soviet Union adopt vaguely democratic governments. The same is true of UsefulNotes/{{Italy}} and UsefulNotes/{{Japan}}. On the other hand, the British Union of Fascists leader Oswald Mosley becomes the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Since UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt was likewise killed by the Martian onslaught, John Nance Garner succeeds him as U.S. President with Luthor as his Vice President. (''Superman: War of the Worlds'')
* Salvadore Ross is born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* On [[AlternateUniverse Earth 10]], a spaceship containing a Kryptonian infant named Kal-L crash-lands in the Sudetenland. Raised by Adolf Hitler, he becomes [[Franchise/{{Superman}} Overman]] as an adult and helps UsefulNotes/NaziGermany conquer Earth. (Creator/DCComics)
* Adolf Hitler is assassinated by a group of German generals as part of a plot to prevent the outbreak of war. Hermann Göring succeeds him and remains in power until at least 1953. (''Alternate Presidents'')
* Roger Meyers Sr. releases his controversial and much-criticised cartoon, ''Nazi Supermen Are Our Superiors''. (''WesternAnimation/TheSimpsons'')
* U.S. President Huey Long invites Adolf Hitler to the United States, ostensibly for peace talks. He uses the opportunity to assassinate Hitler, leading to a war between the US and Germany. (''Alternate Presidents'')
* The ''Los Angeles Tribune'' is founded by Matthew Pynchon. (''Series/LouGrant'')
* Otis and Elsie Peabody get married. (''Literature/BackToTheFuture'')
* John Kinsella gets married. (''Film/FieldOfDreams'')
* The Pontypandy Fire Station is founded in Pontypandy, Wales. (''WesternAnimation/FiremanSam'')

* January 1: Top German physicist Ernst Oeming[[note]]often referred to as the Nazi Einstein, and believed to be close to giving his leader the A-bomb[[/note]] is blown up in his car, destroying all his notes. A group of Nazi scientists and parascientists at Hunte Castle, having made contact with the Ogdru Hem, decide to use his remains in their project. (''ComicBook/{{Hellboy}}: Conqueror Worm'')
* March 21: [[note]](The Vernal Equinox)[[/note]]The secret Nazi space project at Hunte Castle sends the undead body[[note]](more than one reference is made to him being dead, but he is able to speak just before the launch)[[/note]] of Ernst Oeming into space, in hopes that his corpse would serve as a host for one of the space-bound Ogdru Hem. The launch is interrupted by a US recon team led by Lobster Johnson, and goes off prematurely, causing an explosion and fire that tears through the entire castle and kills everyone present,[[note]]with the exception of leading scientist Herman von Klempt, who survives - after a fashion[[/note]] causing the Nazis to abandon the site and the Allies to overlook it. [[note]]Which was probably unwise... Much of Hunte's technology was still operable, including the cyborgolem army in the caves beneath the castle, (deprived of power when the generator was knocked out), the transceiver setup used to contact the Ogdru Hem (along with the corpses of the contact team) and the rocket, which (unbeknown to everyone) had made it safely into space. Not to mention that death is a variable quantity in the Hellboy universe, and Lobster Johnson isn't the type to let it keep him out of action permanently...[[/note]] (''ComicBook/{{Hellboy}}: Conqueror Worm'')
* April: Mary Richards is born in Roseburg, Minnesota. (''Series/TheMaryTylerMooreShow'')
* Before May 1: Alex Haley drops out of Alcorn State University. (''[[Series/Roots1977 Roots: The Next Generations]]'')
* May: The first public appearance of Franchise/{{Batman}}. (Creator/DCComics)
* June 13: On the day of her engagement party, 18-year-old Anne Henderson is chased by a screaming woman while riding a horse around her family's property. She is very shaken by the incident. Her fiancé Robert Blake jokes that it is a bad omen for their impending marriage. That night, Anne runs away with her ex-fiancé (and childhood friend) David Mitchell. Her marriage to David proves to be a disaster as he becomes an abusive wastrel who runs the Henderson family estate into the ground and turns Anne into [[TheAlcoholic an alcoholic]]. After riding around the soon to be repossessed property in 1964, Anne realises that the screaming woman that she saw 25 years earlier was her older self who was trying to warn her about marrying David. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
** Doesn't go so well for the Soviets. (''VideoGame/TheNewOrderLastDaysOfEurope'')
* June:
** Superman smashes a racketeer operation called The Cab Protective League, and encounters the sinister Ultra-Humanite for the first time. (Creator/DCComics)
** Thompson graduates from the Rock Spring School for Boys. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* July 2: Adrian Veidt is born. (''ComicBook/{{Watchmen}}''; exact date give in ''Series/Watchmen2019'')
* August 11: Sadie Douglas is raped and murdered in Philadelphia. (''Series/ColdCase'')
* August:
** Sophie Cartensen becomes the Slayer. (''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'')
** The time traveler Paul Driscoll attempts to assassinate Adolf Hitler using a sniper rifle from a UsefulNotes/{{Berlin}} hotel room but he is interrupted by a housekeeper and two SS guards. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
** Alex Haley enlists in the US Coast Guard. (''[[Series/Roots1977 Roots: The Next Generations]]'')
** Papa Jupiter burns his family's house down, so his father nearly kills him and leaves him in a nearby desert. Soon after, he abducts a woman and spawns a CannibalClan. (''Film/TheHillsHaveEyes1977'')
* September 1: Germany invades Poland, starting World War II. (RealLife) A troupe of hammy Polish actors is affected. (''Film/ToBeOrNotToBe'') The war is caused by {{Satan}}. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* September 4: The RMS ''Goliath'', an ocean liner is attacked by a German U-Boat.[[labelnote:more]] a group of passengers and crew survive after creating an air bubble inside of the ship and establish a (seemingly) utopian community at the bottom of the ocean.[[/labelnote]] (''Film/GoliathAwaits'')
* October 9: Ken Barlow is born. (''Series/CoronationStreet'')
* October 31, at 8:05 PM: At the Hollywood Tower Hotel, five people[[labelnote:more]]Singer Carolyn Crosson (stage name: "Claire Poulet"), her boyfriend Gilbert London, child movie star Sally Shine, Sally's nanny Emeline Partridge, and bellhop Dewey Todd[[/labelnote]] disappear after lightning strikes the elevator they were riding on.[[labelnote:spoiler]]The lightning came from a curse cast by Sally's jealous sister Abigail Gregory, who discovered an old book of witchcraft.[[/labelnote]] Soon after, the hotel is shut down. (''Franchise/TheTwilightZone [[Ride/DisneyThemeParks Tower of Terror]]'' ride and ''Film/TowerOfTerror'' TV movie adaptation)
* October: Shauna Louise Allen is born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')
* November 7: Confederate States President Jake Featherston is re-elected. This is the last CSA presidential election before the Second Great War and the Confederacy's dissolution in 1944. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
* December: Helen Rosenthal is born. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Baseball season: Roy Hobbs joins the New York Knights baseball club as a 35-year-old rookie. His borderline supernatural hitting talent brings the Knights out of a losing streak. He also temporarily romances [[TheVamp Memo Paris]], reconnects with his first love Iris Gaines, and returns a bribe to throw the World Series. However, his old bullet injury flares up, and he splinters his beloved "Wonderboy" bat during the last at-bat of the World Series. (''Film/TheNatural'' novel and movie)
** Using another bat, Hobbs strikes out in the last at-bat of the World Series, losing the Series for the Knights. News of the bribe emerges and everyone thinks Hobbs was in on it after all. Disgraced, Hobbs' name is erased from the history books. [[TheBadGuyWins Judge Banner gains full ownership of the Knights]]. (''The Natural'' novel)
** Using another bat, Hobbs hits a home run into the lights during the last at-bat of the World Series, winning the Series for the Knights. Pop Fisher wins full ownership of the Knights. [[HappilyEverAfter Everyone is happy]]. (''The Natural'' movie)
* At a New York press conference, Prof. Phineas Horton presents his "synthetic man" to the public. To everyone's alarm, though, the "Human Torch" bursts into flame when exposed to air. (Creator/MarvelComics)
* Giant robots constructed by the mysterious Dr. Totenkopf abduct scientists from around the world in order to construct a superweapon and a rocket capable of space travel. Freelance aeronaut Harry "Sky Captain" Sullivan thwarts Totenkopf's plan with assistance from the Royal Air Force. (''Film/SkyCaptainAndTheWorldOfTomorrow'')
* Ozwell Spencer, James Marcus, and Edward Ashford graduate from university. (''VideoGame/ResidentEvil0'')
* An amphibious humanoid calling himself "Namor" wreaks havoc along the Manhattan shoreline. Reporters from the local ''Bugle'' newspaper dub him the ComicBook/SubMariner. (Creator/MarvelComics)
* Wesley Dodds becomes the [[ComicBook/TheSandman Sandman]]. (Creator/DCComics)
* Dan Garret becomes the original ComicBook/BlueBeetle. (Creator/DCComics)
* Birth of Ralph Offenhouse. He would grow up to become a financier. Being subject to cryogenic stasis, Ralph was still alive in the 24th century. (''Series/StarTrekTheNextGeneration'')
* Linda Plager breaks up with Duncan [=MacLeod=] to concentrate on her photography. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* Joseph Joestar fights and defeats the Pillar Men, the creators of the stone mask. [[labelnote:more]]One of the Pillar Men, Kars, obtains the Red Stone of Asia, becoming an immortal God. However, during his battle with Joseph, he is blown into outer space by a volcano, where he freezes himself as a defense mechanism, doomed to float through space forever, and eventually ceasing to think.[[/labelnote]] (''Manga/JoJosBizarreAdventure'')
* Tintin saves the small Eastern European kingdom of Syldavia from a takeover by their Fascist neighbour Borduria. (ComicBook/{{Tintin}})
* Estimated birth of Maryann Stewart. She would grow up to become a respected biological researcher and an astronaut. (''Film/PlanetOfTheApes1968'' and adaptations[[labelnote:more]]Other than being a young woman, there were no notes for the age of this character. More recent adaptations have expanded on her age and background.[[/labelnote]])
* Birth of Asha Sayre in Port Buck, Florida. (''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'')
* Investigator Philip Marlowe uncovers a series of scandals and crimes at the Sternwood mansion in Los Angeles. (''Literature/TheBigSleep'')
* A singing and dancing cat named Danny takes Hollywood by storm, much to the chagrin of deranged child actress Darla Dimple. (''WesternAnimation/CatsDontDance'')
* A dog named Charlie B. Barkin escapes from heaven and befriends Anne-Marie, a human orphan who can talk to animals. (''WesternAnimation/AllDogsGoToHeaven'')
* John and Martha Bodie and a dingo hunter are abducted from the [[UsefulNotes/{{Australia}} Australian Outback]] and brought to UsefulNotes/{{Mars}}. (''Radio/JourneyIntoSpace'')
* John Ross "J.R." Ewing II is born. (''Series/{{Dallas}}'')
* Cheryl Wilson, Connie Duncan, Billie Jean Crockett, Neil Lindhurst and Will Kinman are born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* After being sent back in time millions of years, Global Airlines Flight 33 attempts to return to its native time of 1961 but does not come back far enough. The plane arrives during the 1939 New York World's Fair. Although running low on fuel, it makes another attempt to get home to 1961. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Denis Nealey is born. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Andre Toulon commits suicide to escape the Nazis. (''Film/PuppetMaster'')
* UsefulNotes/AlanTuring is hired to crack the Nazi enigma code. (RealLife and ''Film/TheImitationGame'')
* A group of gangsters are hired to assassinate Adolf Hitler. [[labelnote:more]]They succeed, but are killed in the process and the German government uses a body double to continue the war.[[/labelnote]] (''Film/HitlerDeadOrAlive'')
* Alec Leamas enlists in the British Army Corps of Royal Engineers. (''Literature/TheSpyWhoCameInFromTheCold'')
* Nico and Bianca di Angelo stay at the Lotus Hotel. Due to the YearInsideHourOutside nature of the Hotel, they spend 70 years there while believing that they spent a month. (''Literature/TheCampHalfBloodSeries'')

* The Great Depression and the global economic crisis aren't resolved by the USA or Nazi Germany. (''Literature/TheShapeOfThingsToCome'')
* Edward Blake first appears as the Comedian. (''ComicBook/{{Watchmen}}'')
* A time-traveling Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth attempts to assassinate Adolf Hitler. He manages to kill the Hitler of one universe and the Eleanor Roosevelt of another. What effect this had on the two timelines is uncertain. (''WesternAnimation/{{Futurama}}'')
* On [[AlternateUniverse Earth-C]], famed archaeologist [[Franchise/IndianaJones Oklahoma Bones]] has various adventures, including discovering the [[Film/RaidersOfTheLostArk Lost Aardvark]]. He also has an adventure on Easter Bunny Island against several [[ThoseWackyNazis Ratzis]]. (''ComicBook/CaptainCarrotAndHisAmazingZooCrew'')
* Before the broadcast of an episode of the UBS {{radio drama}} ''Dick Noble, African Explorer'', the writer and director Nelson Westbrook idly wishes over what he thinks is a dime store novelty that every sound effect in the script could come from something real. He does realize that it is in fact a genuine voodoo artifact, which grants his wish. [[BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor It proves to be more than he bargained for]]. As the actors perform the script, [[HilarityEnsues a vulture, monkeys and African tribesmen appear in the studio]]. A thunderstorm even breaks out indoors. Through some very quick rewrites, Westbrook manages to avoid a plane crash, an elephant stampede and an earthquake but a flying saucer crashes in the studio when the promo for the following week's episode, involving [[AlienInvasion invaders from Mars]], is read by the announcer. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')

[[folder:1940 C.E. - 1945 C.E.]]

* January 2: Lennie Briscoe is born. (''Series/LawAndOrder'')
* January: Tensions break out between Nazi Germany and Poland at Danzig and being evenly matched leads to a long drawn out ten-year war. (''Literature/TheShapeOfThingsToCome'')
* March: Simon Carter and Cathy Devenish are married. (''Series/{{Colditz}}'')
* April:
** Franchise/{{Batman}} takes on a sidekick, Robin, the Boy Wonder. (Creator/DCComics)
** Comicbook/LexLuthor battles Franchise/{{Superman}} for the first time. (Creator/DCComics)
** A mysterious criminal known only as the Joker first appears in Gotham City. (Creator/DCComics)
** Batman first encounters a jewel thief and master of disguise known as "The Cat", who later changes her name to "ComicBook/{{Catwoman}}". (Creator/DCComics)
** Jerome Trohs AKA The Midget comes to police attention for his criminal activities, but he proves to be elusive. He's eventually scalded to death by his own accomplice Mama for abandoning her to the police. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* June 2: Shortly after the violent death and burial of criminologist Denny Colt, an anonymous masked vigilante declares war on the criminals of Central City. (''ComicBook/TheSpirit'')
* June 14: Paris falls to the Nazis. (RealLife) As Ilsa Lund and Rick Blaine are preparing to flee Paris, Ilsa learns that her husband Victor Laszlo is still alive. She leaves Rick without explanation. (''Film/{{Casablanca}}'')
* June 19: George makes his second stop on his journey into the future. Arriving in the middle of an air raid, he is appalled by the flying machines being used as weapons of war overhead. He soon realizes that this is a different war to the one that was being fought when he made his first stop on September 13, 1917. (''Film/TheTimeMachine1960'')
* September 6-8: [[UsefulNotes/TheHomeFront The Blitz]] begins. (RealLife)
* September 7:
** Sophie Cartensen, the current Slayer, is killed by Spike in Spain. Isabel Cortés becomes the Slayer, and is killed by Skrymir four minutes later. Eleanor Boudreau becomes the Slayer. (''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'')
** Duncan [=MacLeod=] tries to save the live of journalist Diane Terrin, but they end up trapped in a building with a gas leak. Diane dies in Duncan's arms. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
** The gargoyle Griff of the London Clan tries to defend his hometown during the Blitz. He disappears mysteriously and considered deceased, but actually travelled forward in time to the year 1996. (''WesternAnimation/{{Gargoyles}}'')
* September 12: James Edward Whitaker claims that this is his date of birth. However, he was actually born on September 12, 1893. (''Radio/JourneyIntoSpace'')
* September 14: Skrymir is killed by Eleanor Boudreau and potential Slayer Ariana de la Croix. (''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'')
* October 2: Eddie Blake (The Comedian) attempts to rape Sally Jupiter (Silk Spectre I), but is stopped by Hooded Justice and subsequently kicked out of the Minutemen. (''ComicBook/{{Watchmen}}''; exact date given in ''Series/Watchmen2019'')
* November 5:
** UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt is elected to a third term as U.S. President, defeating Wendell Willkie. (RealLife)
** John W. Bricker is elected President of the United States. (''Literature/TheManInTheHighCastle'')
** [[UsefulNotes/JosefStalin Joe Steele]] is elected to a third term as U.S. President, defeating Wendell Willkie. ("Literature/JoeSteele")
** Al Smith is elected to a second term as U.S. President, defeating Robert Taft and Wendell Willkie. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
** Charles Lindbergh is elected U.S. President, defeating UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt. (''Literature/ThePlotAgainstAmerica'')
** U.S. President George Norris is defeated is his bid for a second term by Thomas E. Dewey. (''Literature/BringTheJubilee'')
** U.S. President UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt is defeated by Arthur Vandenberg. (''Literature/ForUsTheLivingAComedyOfCustoms'')
** Due to his steadfast opposition to the United Kingdom's peace treaty with Nazi Germany, U.S. President UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt is defeated in his bid for a third term by Robert Taft. (''Dominion'')
** U.S. President Henry L. Stimson is re-elected, once again defeating Franklin D. Roosevelt. (''Alternate Presidents'')
* December 25:
** Ralphie Parker gets a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas. The Parker family is introduced to "Chinese turkey." (''Film/AChristmasStory'')[[labelnote:justification]]Ralphie's new ComicStrip/LittleOrphanAnnie decoder pin is [[http://www.achristmasstoryhouse.com/index.php/a-christmas-story-movie-facts/little-orphan-annie/ the 1940 model.]][[/labelnote]]
** A global war breaks out. (''Film/ThingsToCome'')
* December: A Berserker pendant goes missing in the devastation of Park Vale Barracks. (''Series/TheSarahJaneAdventures'')
* Jay Garrick becomes ComicBook/TheFlash. (Creator/DCComics)
* Carter Hall becomes ComicBook/{{Hawkman}}. (Creator/DCComics)
* Billy Batson becomes [[ComicBook/{{Shazam}} Captain Marvel]]. (Creator/DCComics)
* Jim Corrigan becomes Comicbook/TheSpectre. (Creator/DCComics)
* Rex Tyler becomes ComicBook/{{Hourman}}. (Creator/DCComics)
* Kent Nelson becomes Comicbook/DoctorFate. (Creator/DCComics)
* Alan Scott becomes ''Comicbook/GreenLantern''. (Creator/DCComics)
* The Human Torch battles the ComicBook/SubMariner. (Creator/MarvelComics)
* The ComicBook/JusticeSocietyOfAmerica forms. (Creator/DCComics)
* A group of children travel through a magic wardrobe to the land of Narnia. (Literature/TheChroniclesOfNarnia)
* Novice witch Miss Price takes in three children evacuated from London, and winds up taking them on a magical adventure. (''Film/BedknobsAndBroomsticks'')
* After seeing his friend killed before his eyes, Sean Devlin escapes Germany. He is recruited by the French Resistance and the British Special Operations Executive to fight back against Nazis, sabotage their operations, and (literally) bring color to a German-occupied, black and white France. (''VideoGame/TheSaboteur'')
* Birth of the werewolf Jonathan "Jon" Talbain/Gallon in England. (''VideoGame/{{Darkstalkers}}'')
* Atomic Robo serves with the Flying Tigers in Chengkung, China. (''ComicBook/AtomicRobo'')
* WesternAnimation/BugsBunny stars in his first short for Warner Bros. He quickly becomes the studio's most successful star, eclipsing WesternAnimation/PorkyPig and WesternAnimation/DaffyDuck. (''WesternAnimation/LooneyTunes'', Real Life)
* Jerry manages to get Jasper [[WesternAnimation/PussGetsTheBoot kicked out of the house]]. Mammy Two-Shoes then gets a new cat--Tom. (''WesternAnimation/TomAndJerry'')
* Stooge Viller dies in prison from the effects of gangrene. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* Eva Panzini is born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* The film ''Queen of the Nile'' starring Pamela Morris as UsefulNotes/CleopatraVII is released. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Edward Hall develops a rheumatic heart at 15 years old. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Ed Lindsay and Vinnie Brown meet in a boarding house and soon fall in love. He proposes to her but the wedding is put off when Ed's mother becomes ill. By the time that his mother dies, it is too late. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* In Eerie, Indiana, the third Harvest King is [[HumanSacrifice chosen to be sacrificed]] to the werewolf Mr. Chaney in order to ensure 13 years of good luck and low taxes. The town authorities claim that he moved to Spain. (''Series/EerieIndiana'')
* Ellen Leigh is born. (''Film/{{Hereditary}}'')
* Lieutenant Havers leaves for the North African Campaign. Meanwhile, his captain buries a secret operation called William in the grounds of Button House. (''Series/GhostsUK'')

* January 5: Amy Johnson crash lands in the Thames Estuary, and is presumed dead when her body isn't found. (RealLife) However, the reason her body isn't found is because she is rescued by the Eleventh Doctor and Clara Oswald, who transport her to the planet Cornucopia in the present day so that she can live out the rest of her life. (''Magazine/DoctorWhoMagazine'' story "A Wing and a Prayer")
* January: A member of the Time Agency steals the late Captain Jack Harkness's identity. He then tries to con other Time Agents into selling a doomed Chula warship for a profit. [[labelnote:more]]It turns out the time travellers chasing the Chula ship were the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler. It also turns out the "empty" warship (really an ambulance) has nanogenes which start a zombie uprising, sort of. The mummy of the patient zero of this uprising, [[TitleDrop the Empty Child, if you will]] helps to reprogram the nanogenes. Jack captures the bomb set to blow up the investigated ambulance and the Doctor rescues him from his imminent death.[[/labelnote]] "Jack" joins the TARDIS. (''Series/{{Torchwood}}'', ''Series/DoctorWho'')
* The first meeting between Tintin and Captain Haddock. (''ComicBook/{{Tintin}}'')
* Before March 13: Dumbo flies to fame as the world's only flying elephant. (''{{WesternAnimation/Dumbo}}'')
* March 13: ''The News Bulletin'' runs the headline "Wonder Elephant Soars To Fame". Other stories include "Britain in Greatest Offensive", "Rain Grounds Flying Unit", "Mediation Plan Submitted To President", and "Knox Discounts Strike Peril". (''{{WesternAnimation/Dumbo}}'')
* May 25: Steve Rogers attends [[https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/BRO/BRO194105250.shtml a Dodgers/Phillies game]] at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn. (''Film/CaptainAmericaTheFirstAvenger'')
* June 7: Clyde Langer is thrown through time to find the rare metal chronostene, and discovers a Nazi plot on the shores of Britain. (''Series/TheSarahJaneAdventures'')
* June 22: Nazi Germany invades the Soviet Union as part of Operation Barbarossa. The Eastern Front of UsefulNotes/WorldWarII begins. (RealLife)
* June:
** Kaiser Wilhelm II dies, and France, Russia and Britain invade Germany, hoping to capitalize on the confusion to regain territory and prestige lost in the Great War. The Confederate States launches a sudden all-out attack on the USA, beginning the Second Great War. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
** Artie Beechcroft graduates from the Rock Spring School for Boys. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* September 10: Norwegian union leaders Rolf Wickstrøm and Viggo Hansteen is executed by the Nazis. A young factory worker, Harald Silju, decides to join the resistance movement soon after (''Film/WeLeaveForEngland'').
* October through December: The exploits of the German U-boat U-96. (''Film/DasBoot'')
* November 22: Rustin Parr, a hermit from Burkittsville, Maryland, is hanged for the murders of seven children. (''Film/TheBlairWitchProject'')
* Before December: Zebulon Walton dies. (''Series/TheWaltons'')
* December 4: Bukharin and the rest of the Soviet leadership evacuage Moscow, following reports of a potential German encirclement of the city. (''VideoGame/TheNewOrderLastDaysOfEurope'')
* December 5: Ensign Janowski and Edna are married. (''[[Series/TheTwilightZone1959 The Time Element]]'')
* December 7:
** Japanese warships bomb Pearl Harbor. [[AmericaSavesTheDay America gets pissed off and enters]] UsefulNotes/WorldWarII. (RealLife).
*** Doesn't go so well for America. (''VideoGame/TheNewOrderLastDaysOfEurope'')
** The USS ''West Virginia'' is saved by Pvt. Thomas Conlin and other Marines and sailors from sinking, with them also fending off part of the Second Japanese attack wave by shooting down and damaging several Japanese planes (''VideoGame/MedalOfHonorPacificAssault'')
** At Pearl Harbor, the Japanese target an American love triangle. (''Film/PearlHarbor'' [film]) %%Paraphrasing Roger Ebert's review of the film.
** In the aftermath of Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt forms all active superheroes on US soil (including the Justice Society, the Seven Soldiers of Victory, and others) into a new team, the ComicBook/AllStarSquadron. (Creator/DCComics)
** Commander Anthony Newman, Sr. is killed in the attack. However, his seven-year-old son Tony is saved by his future self from 1968. (''Series/TheTimeTunnel'')
** The time travelers Phineas Bogg and Jeffrey Jones, with the help of an Army intelligence officer named Jackie Knox, prevent General UsefulNotes/DouglasMacArthur from being killed in the attack, setting history back on its proper course. (''Series/{{Voyagers}}'')
** Peter Jenson, a time traveller from 1958, is killed in the attack. Only two days after his marriage to Edna, Ensign Janoski, a junior engineering officer aboard the U.S.S. ''Arizona'', dies when the ship is sunk. (''[[Series/TheTwilightZone1959 The Time Element]]'')
** Dr. Curtis Willard is reported to have been killed in the attack. However, his wife Mary Ellen Walton learns in 1945 that he is alive and well in UsefulNotes/{{Florida}} living under the name Curtis Packer. (''Series/TheWaltons'')
** Michael Corleone quits college and enlists in the Marines in response to the attack, which takes place on his father Vito's 50th birthday. (''[[Film/TheGodfather The Godfather Part II]]'')
** The Confederate States launches a preemptive strike on UsefulNotes/{{Japan}}, destroying two naval bases and bombing UsefulNotes/{{Kyoto}}. (''Film/CSATheConfederateStatesOfAmerica'')
** Dickie Weiss, an ensign aboard the U.S.S. ''Arizona'', sacrifices his life to save twelve other men trapped in the boiler room during the attack. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* December 8: Hitler and Tojo use the Spear of Destiny and Holy Grail respectively to cast a mystical spell covering all Axis controlled territories. Any superhero based on or sensitive to magic (such as the Spectre, Green Lantern, or Superman) entering Axis territory will fall under their sway. This effectively keeps the more powerful heroes from direct involvement with the war in Europe and the Pacific. (''ComicBook/AllStarSquadron'', Creator/DCComics)
* December 10: Norwegian union men Wiggo Hansteen and Rolf Wickstrøm is executed by the Nazi government in Norway. (RealLife) This event causes a young worker, Harald Silju, to join the resistance. (''Film/WeLeaveForEngland'')
* December 25:
** Santa Claus makes his delivery with just six reindeer and a drunken elf. The elf falls out over Lake Geneva and is never seen again. (''Westernanimation/ArthurChristmas'')
** Moscow falls to the Germans. SS forces hoist the Nazi swastika over the Kremlin. (''VideoGame/TheNewOrderLastDaysOfEurope'')
* December:
** Czech Resistance leader Victor Laszlo and his wife, Ilsa Lund arrive in Casablanca to get passports so they can escape to the U.S. With the help of American expatriate and cafe owner Rick Blaine, they manage to escape. (''Film/{{Casablanca}}'')
** A Japanese sub searches for "[[JapaneseRanguage Horrywood]]" just as Californians are getting paranoid about the possibility of an Axis invasion. [[HilarityEnsues Shenanigans ensue]]. (''Film/NineteenFortyOne1979'')
** Rhoda Morgenstern is born in the Bronx. (''Series/{{Rhoda}}'')
** The US Navy submarine ''714'' is commissioned. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* First appearance of Comicbook/{{Aquaman}}. (Creator/DCComics)
* Steve Rogers becomes ComicBook/CaptainAmerica. (Creator/MarvelComics)
* The Blackhawks begin their adventures. (Creator/DCComics)
* Oliver Queen becomes ComicBook/GreenArrow. (Creator/DCComics)
* Eel O'Brian becomes ComicBook/PlasticMan. (Creator/DCComics)
* Ted Knight becomes Comicbook/{{Starman}}. (Creator/DCComics)
* Franchise/WonderWoman first appears. (Creator/DCComics)
* Franchise/{{Batman}} first battles the Penguin. (Creator/DCComics)
* The first version of the ComicBook/SevenSoldiersOfVictory forms. (Creator/DCComics)
* UsefulNotes/WinstonChurchill invites the Eleventh Doctor and Amy to meet Professor Bracewell and his Ironside creations to fight in UsefulNotes/WorldWarII. [[labelnote:more]]The servile Ironsides are really among the last of the Daleks, who actually created Bracewell, and they gambitted the Doctor into unlocking the Progenitor to create a new Dalek race. After Amy defuses the bomb inside Bracewell, the new and improved Daleks escape through time. Winston contacts River Song, expecting the Doctor, about a van Gogh painting of the TARDIS he's found.[[/labelnote]] (''Series/DoctorWho'')
* Publishing tycoon Charles Foster Kane dies in his mansion, Xanadu. (''Film/CitizenKane'')
* The Race's invasion fleet arrives over Tosev 3. Reconnaissance flights are dismissed by the natives as radar artifacts, while the Race is stunned by the technological advances of just a few centuries. (''Literature/{{Worldwar}}'')
* Estimated birth of John Landon. He would grow up to become a scientist and an astronaut. He reportedly "wanted to live forever". (''Film/PlanetOfTheApes1968'' and adaptations[[labelnote:more]]Supposed to be 31-years-old in the film.[[/labelnote]])
* Japanese forces obtain a copy of Jan Vanderhaven's work, and get the idea to weaponise zombies. (''Literature/TheZombieSurvivalGuide'')
* Éamon de Valera orders the formation of a covert anti-Nazi force of masked vigilantes and meta-humans. (''The League of Volunteers'')
* Nazis successfully summon Bochanach in Wexford, but fail to control him. (''The League of Volunteers'')
* Idealistic playwright Barton Fink is hired by Capital Pictures to write a wrestling movie. (''Film/BartonFink'')
* Janni Dakkar and Broad Arrow Jack sneak into the Berlin Metropolis to rescue their son-in-law Armand Robut from Adenoid Hynkel's forces, only to find Hynkel has allied with their old enemy Ayesha. With the help of the turncoat Dr Mabuse, they manage to save Armand, but Jack sacrifices himself in the process. In revenge, Janni kills Ayesha along with Dr Caligari and the robot Maria, and levels Metropolis using Roburs airship ''The Terror''. (''ComicBook/TheLeagueOfExtraordinaryGentlemen: Nemo - Rose of Berlin'')
* Andrew "Jet" Morgan is born. (''Radio/JourneyIntoSpace'')
* U.S. President Robert Taft signs a peace treaty with UsefulNotes/{{Japan}}. (''Dominion'')
* Oskar Schindler uses his position as a factory owner in UsefulNotes/NaziGermany to make sure as many Jews escape the Holocaust as he can. (''Film/SchindlersList'' and RealLife)
* Holly Schaeffer is born. (''Series/NightGallery'')
* UsefulNotes/NaziGermany conquers the United Kingdom. ("The Last Article")
* Olga seeks the Chalk of Fate in Tamerlane's tomb. When she opens it, she finds nothing. (''Film/DayWatch'')
* Alec Leamas, now a British intelligence agent, is dropped into the Netherlands on a spying operation. (''Literature/TheSpyWhoCameInFromTheCold'')
* The Commandant of the sleepy French village of Nouvion, Colonel Kurt von Strohm, steals several French artifacts including the painting of "The Fallen Madonna With The Big Boobies" by van Klomp, and forces local cafe owner René Artois to hide them. At the same time the local resistance leader, Michelle Dubois, also forces Artois to hid two British Airmen who were shot down. Artois will spend the remainder of the war attempting to conceal both the artifacts and the airmen from the Gestapo (and his affairs with all three of his waitresses from his wife, Edith). (''Series/AlloAllo'')
* Monster Hunter Mordechai Byreika is arrested by the Nazis and sent to a concentration camp. (''Literature/MonsterHunterInternational'')
* Chris Wells, sibling of Sam Winston, child-in-law of Ruth Cassandra Winston, pibling of Charlie and Suzie Winston, and sibling-in-law of protagonist Alex Winston, is born. (''VideoGame/NotForBroadcast'')
* During the Blitz, Crowley rescues Aziraphale from Nazi spies attempting to gather books of prophecy for Hitler by making sure a bomb is dropped on the church they're in. The spies are sent to Hell, but are sent back to London as zombies by Furfur in order to catch Crowley colluding with Aziraphale. (''Series/GoodOmens2019'')

* January 7: Roberta Powers is born. (''Series/SavedByTheBellTheNewClass'')
* January 20: The new German government repeals the Nuremberg race laws, restoring full citizenship to German Jews. (''TabletopGame/{{Chrononauts}}'')
* January 21: The Soviet Union is formally dissolved by the provisional government in Arkhangelsk. (''VideoGame/TheNewOrderLastDaysOfEurope'')
* January: Racketeer B.B Eyes clashes with Dick Tracy, seeking revenge for his dead brother Jaques. B.B Eyes seemingly drowns in the city river at the conclusion of a high-speed chase after getting stuck in a tire. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* March 1: Second Battle of the Java Sea results in the sinking of heavy cruiser HMS ''Exeter'' and destroyers HMS ''Encounter'' and USS ''Pope''. (RealLife) Fleeing the battle, destroyers USS ''Walker'' and USS ''Mahan'' [[labelnote:more]]and Imperial Japanese Navy battlecruiser HIJMS ''Amagi''[[/labelnote]] encounter a space-time distortion resembling a rain squall and cross to an alternate Earth where humanity never evolved. They form an alliance with the native Lemurians against the voracious Grik. (''Literature/{{Destroyermen}}'')
* April 1: Dennis Tanner is born. (''Series/CoronationStreet'')
* April 14: Ex-secret agent Frank Carlson is killed in the London Blitz. (''VideoGame/TitanicAdventureOutOfTime'')
* May 4: Second Lieutenant Katell, an American soldier fighting in the UsefulNotes/{{Philippines}} on August 6, 1945, is transported back in time to this date. He finds that he has become an Imperial Japanese Army officer named Lt. Yamuri. His superior officer orders an attack on a group of American soldiers seeking refuge in a cave. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* June 4–7: The war in the Pacific turns decisively in favor of the Allies at the Battle of Midway, in which the US Navy sinks four Japanese aircraft carriers while losing only one. (RealLife, ''Film/Midway1976'', ''Film/Midway2019'')
* July: Comicbook/SgtFuryAndHisHowlingCommandos team up with [[Comicbook/TheTombOfDracula Count Dracula]] to liberate latter's Gypsy servants from a nazi death camp. (''Marvel Premiere'' #77-79)
* August 7: The US Navy submarine ''714'' is sunk by a Japanese ship during the First Battle of the Solomon Sea. The signalman Bell is knocked overboard by the shelling and is later found in the water by an American destroyer. As he is the [[SoleSurvivor only survivor]] of the sinking, Bell blames himself. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* August 17: US Marine Raiders attack Makin Atoll, with varying degrees of success. Just a week prior, a Marine reconaissance team is captured, with only 1 confirmed survivor. During the raid itself, an American reconaissance plane is shot down, forcing another squad to go after the pilot of the plane and retrieve any vital intel he carries. (''VideoGame/CallOfDutyWorldAtWar'' and ''VideoGame/MedalOfHonorPacificAssault'')
* August 23: Beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad. (RealLife)
* September 17: In the aftermath of a massacre in Stalingrad, two surviving soldiers, Pvt. Dmitri Petrenko and Sgt. Viktor Reznov track down and assassinate Gen. Amsel, the perpetrator of said massacre (''VideoGame/CallOfDutyWorldAtWar'')
* September 29: Birth of Retsu in Japan. He would grow up to become a master of the Shorinji Kempo fighting style. (''VideoGame/StreetFighterI'')
* September:
** "Pruneface" Boch becomes a Nazi collaborator and engages in industrial espionage against the U.S. He is eventually taken into custody after almost dying of frostbite during a shootout. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
** Frederick Charles Krueger is born to Amanda Krueger in Springwood, Ohio. (''Franchise/ANightmareOnElmStreet'')
* October 26: Henry Van Cleve dies one day after his 70th birthday. (''Film/HeavenCanWait1943'')
* November 12: German forces arrive in Marseille, France, starting a Nazi occupation of the city that will last into the 21st century. (''Film/Transit2018'')
* November: A squad of Soviets defend a five story apartment against a German platoon (''Film/Stalingrad2013'').
* December 14: Birth of Gouken in Japan. He is the older brother of Akuma. He would become a master of the martial arts and mentor to Dan Hibiki, Ryu, and Ken Masters. Though Dan never completed his training. (''VideoGame/StreetFighterIV'')
* December 31: The third leg of Creator/WillSmith's time travel escapades, ending up at a nightclub. Because of a malfunction with the time machine, Will accidentally arrives wearing his Seventies clothes, which he quickly corrects to a period-appropriate zoot suit. ("Will 2K" music video)
* December: Ben Jackson is born. (''Series/DoctorWho'')
* The Race launches an all-out invasion of Earth. South America, the Middle East, and Africa are captured without much of a fight. China is occupied, the United States is split in two along the Mississippi, and much of Europe is conquered. Nazi Germany and the USSR agree to a ceasefire to concentrate on the alien invaders, while the Jews and Catholics of Poland rise up against the Nazis in favor the "Lizards." The aliens use a limited nuclear strike in an attempt to cow the humans into surrender, but the various human nations' own nuclear programs soon offer chances at retaliation. (''Literature/{{Worldwar}}'')
* The heir of Salazar Slytherin [[labelnote:more]]Tom Marvolo Riddle, aka Lord Voldemort[[/labelnote]] opens the Chamber of Secrets in Hogwarts. [[labelnote:more]]releasing a basilisk killing at least one student. The teenage Voldemort is preserved in a Horcrux in the form of a diary.[[/labelnote]] (Literature/HarryPotter)
* Delta Green is formed. (Franchise/CthulhuMythos, ''TabletopGame/DeltaGreen'')
* Birth of Peter Maza to a Hopi family in Arizona. His father Carlos Maza is a member of the tribal police. Peter would grow up to become a police officer himself. But in New York City. (''WesternAnimation/{{Gargoyles}}'')
* Birth of Mariah Monmouth. She would grow up to become a free spirit and a single mother. She would be the mother of Harry Monmouth/ Dingo. (''WesternAnimation/{{Gargoyles}}'')
* Estimated birth of African-American Thomas Dodge. He would grow up to become a scientist and an astronaut. He was reportedly motivated by a "thirst for knowledge of the unknown". (''Film/PlanetOfTheApes1968'' and adaptations)
* Scrooge [=McDuck=], depressed and lonely, retires. (''Comicbook/TheLifeAndTimesOfScroogeMcDuck'')
* A lone American "super ace" flying a P-38 singlehandedly destroys many Japanese naval and air assets somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. (''1942'')
* Japanese forces garrison Atuk. Several zombies are apprehended. Beginning of Operation Cherry Blossom, an attempt by the Japanese military to weaponise zombies. (''Literature/TheZombieSurvivalGuide'')
* The Warner siblings are temporarily released from their tower to produce a patriotic film for the war effort. (''WesternAnimation/{{Animaniacs}}'')
* Birth of Emir to Michael and Katharine Parkreiner. Dimitri vanishes of the face of the Earth. (''VideoGame/{{killer7}}'')
* The Ministry of Pain nearly steals the juice box glob from the mayor of Townsville (''WesternAnimation/ThePowerpuffGirls'')
* Some guy discovers the continent of Bonerland. (''WesternAnimation/TheSimpsons'', [[Recap/TheSimpsonsS3E7TreehouseOfHorrorII Treehouse of Horror II]])
* Jeffrey Lebowski is born to a Polish-American inventor with a keen interest in geometry and architecture. (''Film/TheBigLebowski'')
* Harald Silju, Arild Jørn and about 20 other resistance men are shot by German soldiers after almost a year of imprisonment. The bodies are never found, but Harald´s notes are found after the war. (''Film/WeLeaveForEngland'')
* Karen Cooper (later Fairgate [=MacKenzie=]) is born. (''Series/KnotsLanding'')
* Sarah O'Casey is born. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Dana Barrenger, Thomas H. York and Ronald Miller are born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Captain Tom Jarrett is captured by the Germans and spends the next three years in a POW camp. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* A U-boat commanded by Kapitänleutnant Carl Lanser sinks the British liner S.S. ''Queen of Glasgow'' in the middle of the Atlantic. After his death, Lanser is condemned to relive the sinking as a passenger of the ''Queen of Glasgow'' over and over again for all eternity. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* A young boy dismembers his mother when she punishes him for having a p*rnographic puzzle piece. (''Film/{{Pieces}}'')
* A group of soldiers in the German Afrika Korps discover the tomb of Antony and Cleopatra in an Egyptian pyramid. They are shot at by unknown assailants, and the secret passage closes, trapping one unfortunate soldier; the Korps manages to take Cleopatra, but not Antony. (''Series/BloodAndTreasure'')
* Polly Wright is born. (''Literature/PastDoctorAdventures'')
* In UsefulNotes/{{Africa}}, Paul Radin disobeys Colonel Hawthorne's order to lead an assault up a hill. The delay almost costs the lives of a company of men. Radin is court-martialed, stripped of rank and dishonorably discharged. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* The Nexus crosses through the Milky Way Galaxy. (''Film/StarTrekGenerations'')
* Anthony Chambers is born. (''AudioPlay/BigFinishDoctorWho'')
* Hazel Levesque dies with her mother and goes to the Underworld. (''Literature/TheCampHalfBloodSeries'')
* Lucy [=McGillicuddy=] and Ricky Ricardo marry. (''Series/ILoveLucy''[[labelnote:justification]]In "Lucy and Superman," which aired in 1957, Ricky says that he and Lucy have been married for 15 years.[[/labelnote]])
* Nazis capture aliens from Axi-Tun, using their technology against the Allies. (Franchise/MarvelUniverse)

* February 19: Field Marshal Erich von Manstein assassinates Adolf Hitler. ("Ready for the Fatherland")
* March: Nola Granville [[DeathByChildbirth dies in childbirth]] after suffering a miscarriage because of her malformed uterus. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')
* April: The B-25 Mitchell bomber ''King Nine'' crashes in a desert in UsefulNotes/{{Africa}}. As he was ill, Captain James Embry was unable to participate in its final mission and suffers from severe [[SurvivorGuilt survivor's guilt]] for many years afterwards as a result. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Spring: The Soviet military grinds to a halt after German military Operation Edelweiss the prior year succeeds in cutting off oil from the Caucasus region from reaching Soviet forces. (''Literature/{{Fatherland}}'')
* Spring – Summer: The All-American Girl Professional Baseball League is established and has its first season, which ends with the Racine Belles winning the first AAGPBL World Series against the Rockford Peaches. (''Film/ALeagueOfTheirOwn'')[[note]]In RealLife, the Racine Belles beat the Kenosha Comets.[[/note]]
* 13 June: [[Characters/HarryPotterLordVoldemort Tom Riddle]] opens the chamber of secrets, freeing the basilisk and killing Myrtle "moaning" Warren (''Literature/HarryPotter'')
* June: Birth of Wenjie to Ye Zhetai and Shao Lin. (''Literature/The Three Body Problem}}''
* July 5: Rose Miller dies on her 30th birthday. (''Series/{{Tenko}}'')
* July: During the Allied invasion of Sicily, Atomic Robo battles Major Otto Skorzeny and ''[[MiniMecha Laufpanzer]]'' units. (''ComicBook/AtomicRobo'')
* Early August: The USAF begin Operation Tidal Wave with the bombing the city of Ploiesti in Romania. During this the notorious ancient vampire Faethor Ferenczy is finally killed when the house he is in is hit by a stray bomb, collapsing and pinning him under burning rubble. (''Literature/{{Necroscope}}'')
* August 23: Atomic Robo and the British special agent "the Sparrow" pursue Major Skorzeny and Dr. Vanadis. (''ComicBook/AtomicRobo'')
* August: Captain James Embry is discharged from the US Army Air Force with recurrent fevers. There is some suggestion of psychological disturbance. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* September 3: Birth of Mike Haggar in Manhattan, New York City. He would grow up to become a professional wrestler and a Mayor of Metro City. (''VideoGame/SaturdayNightSlamMasters'', ''VideoGame/FinalFight'')
* September: Alice Miller is murdered in Philadelphia. (''Series/ColdCase'')
* December 5: Trent Appelbaum is born. (''Series/TheFortyFourHundred'')
* December:
** Hitman "Flattop" Jones arrives in the city on behest of the organized crime families to eliminate Dick Tracy. He quickly proves to be one of the deadliest foes Tracy has ever faced and almost manages to kill him, but is undone by his own greed when he attempts to blackmail his employers for more money. The majority of the criminals are killed in a gunfight with the police, but Flattop narrowly survives and is taken into custody. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
** Gary Ewing is born. (''Series/{{Dallas}}'', ''Series/KnotsLanding'')
* Late 1943: Operation Sea Lion begins, Nazi Germany launches an invasion of Great Britain. The Royal Family is forced to evacuate the island. (''VideoGame/TheNewOrderLastDaysOfEurope'')
* OSA agent B.J. Blaskowicz infiltrates Castle Wolfenstein and thwarts the Third Reich's plans to create an invincible army of the undead. (''VideoGame/ReturnToCastleWolfenstein'')
* On the heels of his last mission, Blaskowicz is once again sent into action by the [=OSA=], this time to the occupied German town of Isenstadt, where he manages to stop SS General Victor Zetta, as well as his replacement, the elusive Deathshead, from harnessing the powers of the Black Sun to turn the tide of the war in Germany's favour. (''VideoGame/{{Wolfenstein}}'')
* Frankenstein's Monster meets the Wolf Man. (''Film/FrankensteinMeetsTheWolfMan'')
* The Seventh Doctor and Ace prevent the rise of Fenric. (''Series/DoctorWho'')
* Duncan [=MacLeod=] joins the [[LaResistance French Resistance]]. His unit uses a monastery as a front. He meets Bernard, a local boy who helps with the maintenance work in the monastery and takes part in Resistance operations. Immortal Major Ernst Daimler of the Wehrmacht tries to root out what is happening and fails, but the Resistance assassinates him by trapping him and Duncan in a room and blowing it up. Daimler revives away from prying eyes. Duncan revives in front of Bernard and swears him to secrecy for life. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* Duncan leaves Paris for Marseille. The following day, Daimler and his men revisit the monastery and order the abbot to reveal the identities of the resistance members or see his monks executed. However, the Resistance kills the Nazis first, and Bernard personally 'kills' Daimler. The Nazis are thrown into the Seine, with Bernard throwing in the reviving Daimler. Bernard would later suffer guilt for throwing a living man to drown. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* Cave Johnson of Aperture Fixtures is awarded Shower Curtain Salesman of 1943. (''VideoGame/{{Portal 2}}'')
* US soldier Anthony Marno, returning from a night raid against a German base, discovers Fort Louis Philippe, now filled with the skeletons of the trapped zombies. (''Literature/TheZombieSurvivalGuide'')
* Elizabeth Winters, the current Slayer, kills a vampire on behalf of the Mafia. She herself is killed by the ancient vampire Hunyadi later this year. (''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'')
* Dr. Otto Scratchansniff begins working for Warner Bros. Studios. (''WesternAnimation/{{Animaniacs}}'')
* Wehrmacht cyborg Rudolph von Stroheim dies in a blaze of glory during the Battle of Stalingrad. (''Manga/JoJosBizarreAdventure'')
* A Belarusian boy named Florya joins the Soviet partisans and survives Nazi cruelty. (''Film/ComeAndSee'')
* Amoral piano player 88 Keyes murders his wealthy lover and hides her body in a piano. He's eventually killed by Dick Tracy while resisting arrest. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* Mrs "Pruneface" Boch seeks revenge for the death of her husband (who, unbeknownst to her, is still alive and in prototype cryogenic suspension) and her plan culminates in holding the mayors children hostage to lure Dick Tracy to his death. She's shot in the back by the mayors invalid wife who overcomes her handicap to save her children. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* Richard Avery and Greg Sumner are born. (''Series/KnotsLanding'')
* Jennifer Elizabeth Farrington and Eddie Ellroy are born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Charles Winchester graduates from Harvard. (''Series/{{MASH}}'')
* Max Phillips begins working as a bookie for the gangster Moran. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* In an AlternateUniverse, the [[UsefulNotes/TheHouseOfWindsor British Royal Family]] is executed by the fascist government of the Republic of Great Britain. (''Series/DoctorWho'')
* Vladimir Borisov is born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')
* Tragedy befalls the island of Todday in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, as the local whiskey supply runs out. The freighter SS ''Cabinet Minister'' runs aground near the island with its cargo of 50,000 crates of whisky, prompted an extended battle of wits between the islanders and the local police. (''Whisky Galore!'')
* Alec Leamas finishes his mission in the Netherlands and, after a couple months recuperating in England, is sent on another assignment in occupied Norway. (''Literature/TheSpyWhoCameInFromTheCold'')
* Birth of Yuri to Kiku and Tokube Ayashiro (''Visualnovel/{{Famicom Detective Club}}: The Missing Heir'')
* After a failed escape attempt, Monster Hunter Mordechai Byreika is sent to another concentration camp. He is never heard from again. (''Literature/MonsterHunterInternational'')
* 12th century French knight Godefroy de Montmirail [[TimeTravel travels in time by mistake]] to 1943 with his squire Jacquouille and they get involved in LaResistance. (''[[Film/LesVisiteurs Les Visiteurs: Bastille Day]]'')
* In German-occupied Paris, Super-Resistant strikes against the invaders by humiliating them. Meanwhile, patriotic French family the Bourdelles have their mansion requisitioned by a Wehrmacht General, and they unwittingly get involved with an attempt on the life of Marechal Ludwig von Apfelstrudel. (''Film/GrampsIsInTheResistance'')

* A group of Soviet soldiers discover a descendant of Dr. Frankenstein is making [[NaziZombies zombies for the Nazis]]. (''Film/FrankensteinsArmy'')

* January 22: "When the Tigers broke free", 7,000 Allied soldiers die during Operation Shingle in the area of Anzio and Nettuno, Italy. Among the casualties are 2nd Lt. Eric Fletcher Waters of the Royal Fusiliers Z Company, father of musician Music/RogerWaters. (Music/TheWall and RealLife)
* January 29: Robert Benson, Sr. is killed in the Battle of Anzio. (''Film/TheDayTheEarthStoodStill1951'')
* February 11: Spy Smasher delivers the Captain Nazi serum to OSS. (''WesternAnimation/{{Justice League}}'')
* March: Major John Reisman trains and leads 12 enlisted men who were convicted of violent offences to infiltrate and destroy a French mountain retreat for senior Wehrmacht officers. (''Film/TheDirtyDozen'')
* March 3: SS-Obersturmführer Karl Rademacher murders Miriam Zgierski at Auschwitz. (''Series/TheOuterLimits1995'')
* Spring:
** The Germans use a "superbomb" to obliterate the Russian capital of Petrograd, then Paris. Great Britain retaliates and subjects Hamburg to nuclear fire. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
** The Confederate States drops an atomic bomb on Philadelphia. The USA retaliates with the atomic bombing of the city of Newport News. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
** The United Kingdom sues for peace after German counterintelligence learns their Enigma code has been deciphered, leading the German navy to outfit their U-boats with a new cipher system. The undetected U-boats were then able to target British commerce with impunity and starve the United Kingdom into submission.[[note]]The book only says British surrender occurs in 1944, but there is no mention of Allied troops in Europe, suggesting it happened before D-Day.[[/note]] (''Literature/{{Fatherland}}'')
** On [[AlternateUniverse Earth-C]], Merton [=McSnurtle=], aka [=McSnurtle=] the Turtle, first becomes the superhero known as the Terrific Whatzit. (''Funny Stuff'' #1, ''ComicBook/CaptainCarrotAndHisAmazingZooCrew'')
* May: Flattop Jones escapes police custody and hides in the city for some time. After his cover is blown, he drowns while hiding from the police inside a replica of the ''Santa Maria''. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* June 5: A US Army unit is sent to destroy a radio tower that would prevent D-Day, and discovers a [[NaziZombies Nazi plot to utilise zombies]]. (''Film/Overlord2018'')
* June 6:
** D-Day. Allied troops storm Normandy Beach to liberate France from Germany. (RealLife) Numerous (and sometimes conflicting) eyewitness accounts are given of particularly heroic soldiers singlehandedly clearing bunkers, machine gun nests, coastal defense batteries, or even entire beaches. (Various films, shows, and first-person shooters)
** Adamska, later known as Revolver Ocelot, born. (''VideoGame/MetalGearSolid3SnakeEater'')
** [[Comicbook/CaptainCarrotAndHisAmazingZooCrew Zoo Crew]] team member Fastback is forcibly sent back in time to [[Franchise/TheDCU Earth-C's]] D-Day by the villainous Timekeeper. There he meets the Golden Age hero the Terrific Whatzit, who unknown to Fastback is his uncle. (''Comicbook/CaptainCarrotAndHisAmazingZooCrew'')
** The Justice League, in collaboration with the Comicbook/{{Blackhawk}}s, [[ComicBook/SgtRock Easy Company]], and the Western Allied Forces prevent Vandal Savage from leading the Nazis to victory. (''WesternAnimation/{{Justice League}}'')
** Henry Morgan participates in the landings at Normandy, is killed by a shell, and revives. Not long after, he meets his future wife, an army nurse named Abigail. (''Series/{{Forever|2014}}'')
** Jackie Robinson wins 5 gold medals for the USA in the 1944 Warsaw Olympic Games. (''TabletopGame/{{Chrononauts}}'')
** Major Erwin Brandt commits suicide after his involvement in a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler is discovered. (''Series/SecretArmy'')
** Vingle Dan is on the beach at Normandy on D-Day. He'll later [[https://clips.twitch.tv/WimpyRenownedTitanResidentSleeper-psILNveqQAY_jqCo refuse]] to confirm which side of the war he actually fought on. (''Roleplay/NoPixel'')
* June 7: A group of soldiers are tasked with rescuing an English scientist from the Nazis, uncovering a plot to cause a [[ZombieApocalypse zombie outbreak]] in the process. (''Film/NaziOverlord'')
* June 11: Orson Bailey and Elizabeth Wyler are married. (''Series/TheFortyFourHundred'')
* June:
** Adolf Hitler goes to the premiere of ''Nation's Pride'', a Nazi propaganda film. [[labelnote:more]]Shortly after, he, along with several other major Nazi leaders, are killed in a barrage of gunfire as the theatre burns down.[[/labelnote]] (''Film/InglouriousBasterds'')
** The Kaiser orders the atomic bombing of London, Brighton, and Norwich. The British retaliation is shot down over Belgium, and England surrenders. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
** Captain John H. Miller leads a mission to rescue Private James Francis Ryan. (''Film/SavingPrivateRyan'')
* July 14: After the loss of Richmond and the death of President Jake Featherston, the Confederate States issues its unconditional surrender to the United States, ending 83 years of independence. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
* July 20: Operation Valkyrie. The German Resistance tries and fails to assassinate Adolf Hitler inside his Wolf's Lair field headquarters near Rastenburg. (''Film/{{Valkyrie}}'' and real life) Immortals Duncan [=MacLeod=] and Ingrid Henning have a backup plan, but that also fails. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* July: Greg Mallory has his first taste of combat in Normandy. (''Comicbook/{{The Boys}}'')
* August 1: While fighting ''Luftwaffe'' planes in the skies over the Ruhr in UsefulNotes/{{Germany}}, Captain Russell Keys and the crew of his B-17 bomber see strange blue lights. After Russell is shot in the stomach by a German gunner, he and the nine men under his command are [[AlienAbduction abducted by aliens]] who subject them to medical experiments while posing as Nazi doctors. Three days later, Russell and the others find themselves in a field in UsefulNotes/{{France}} with [[MissingTime no memory of anything that has happened since the battle]]. Russell is completely unharmed. (''Series/{{Taken}}'')
* August: In France, a man in a vril energy suit is airdropped onto a battlefield to assist an Allied platoon. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Sledgehammer 44]]'')
* September:
** A top-secret airplane called the Flying Wing is hijacked by the Nazis. Sledgehammer is sent to rescue the pilot before he can reveal any information to The Black Flame. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Sledgehammer 44: Lightning War]]'')
** Gang boss Shaky Trembley kidnaps Snowflake Falls and holds her for ransom. When the plot fails, he attempts to murder her, but she survives and tips off Dick Tracy to Shaky's location. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
** Major Fritz Spitzwerg commits suicide. Standartenführer Ludwig Kessler steals both his uniform and his identity. (''Series/SecretArmy'')
** Members of the 35th Infantry Division simultaneously rob a German Bank and liberate Clermont, France. (''Kelly's Heroes'')
* October 1: Atomic Robo joins a mission to Fermain Bay, the Bailiwick of Guernsey, to stop the Nazis' V-5 electric cannon. (''ComicBook/AtomicRobo'')
* October: Operation Aurora is launched; a team of US commandos raid a Japanese-held island to extract a defecting scientist, who knows vital info on a superweapon being developed by the Japanese military. The team escapes with their charge, only for the weapon, a massive scalar field generator, to go off, killing all of them. The events of the mission are covered up, and fade into myth. (''[[VideoGame/BattlefieldBadCompany Battlefield: Bad Company 2]]'')
* November 7:
** UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt is elected to his fourth and final term as U.S. President, defeating Thomas Dewey. (RealLife)
** [[UsefulNotes/JosefStalin Joe Steele]] is elected to a fourth term as U.S. President, defeating Thomas Dewey. ("Literature/JoeSteele")
** Thomas Dewey defeats Charles W. [=LaFollette=] and Harold Stassen in the U.S. presidential election. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
** In an AlternateUniverse, William Dudley Pelley is elected U.S. President. (''TabletopGame/InfiniteWorlds'')
** U.S. President Robert Taft is elected to a second term. (''Dominion'')
** Thomas E. Dewey defeats UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt in the U.S. presidential election. (''Alternate Presidents'')
* December 3: Count Vladimir Giurescu, following entreaties from Ilsa Haupstein, meets with Adolf Hitler at Castle Wewelsburg to discuss possible involvement in Himmler's proposed "Vampir Sturm" project. Utterly unnerved by the encounter, Hitler orders the arrest and destruction of Giurescu and his wives the following day. (''ComicBook/{{Hellboy}}'')
* December 16: An incompetent team of superhumans is assigned to fight alongside the sixth batalion of the 32nd armoured regiment of the third armoured division of the US Army. A botched recon flight leads the German right to them, precipitating the Battle of the Bulge. All present except for Captain Greg Mallory are slaughtered; Mallory spends the rest of the war in a POW camp. (''Comicbook/{{The Boys}}'')
* December 18: Philip F. Queeg, captain of the American destroyer minesweeper USS ''Caine'' is relieved of command by executive officer Stephen Maryk on the grounds of supposed insanity. (''Literature/TheCaineMutiny'')
* December 23: Rasputin, working with Nazi backing under Project Ragna Rok, calls forth the juvenile demon Anung Un Rama into this world - straight into the hands of an Allied paranormal squad. They name him Hellboy. He is later adopted by the US. (''ComicBook/{{Hellboy}}'')
* December 24: A pagan god and his gargoyle army are awakened by Nazi experimentation. (''Film/ReignOfTheGargoyles'')
* December:
** "Cham," a canned combination of chicken and ham, is introduced as an experimental food source for American soldiers. The experiment is a failure. (''WesternAnimation/HeyArnold'')
** In an AlternateUniverse, the German forces break through the Allied lines at the Battle of the Bulge. As a result, World War II lasts until 1947. General UsefulNotes/DwightDEisenhower is relieved as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe and retires in disgrace. (''Series/{{Sliders}}'')
** Stevie Means is born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Late 1944: Mordechai Byreika is sacrificed by the Nazis under the control of the Cursed One Lord Machado, to grant him control of time. The ritual fails. An SS agent becomes a vampire after trying to kill himself in shame. (''Literature/MonsterHunterInternational'')
* A Golem raised by the Rabbis from the Vitsyebsk Ghetto lays waste to a Thule base in occupied Belarus. Commander Eckhart completes a ritual and escapes before the Golem can catch him. (''Series/{{Supernatural}}'')
* A group of Japanese soldiers on a small island are unwittingly rescued from gunfire by a large dinosaur. The dinosaur mysteriously vanished moments later. (''Film/GodzillaVsKingGhidorah'')
* Young Ofelia deals with supernatural and mundane dangers after moving to her new stepfather's mountain home. (''Film/PansLabyrinth'')
* Yuuzhan Vong use their xenoforming technology to help repair damage done to the war-torn planet of Ossus. A repeat on other planets is attempted, but sabotaged by the New Sith Order. (''Franchise/StarWars'')
* Imperial Remnant becomes a resurgent Empire, starts secession movement against the GFFA. War begins. (''Franchise/StarWars'')
* The Peace of Cairo ends the war between humanity and the Race. The aliens control the global south, leaving the United States, Great Britain, the Greater German Reich, the Soviet Union, and the Japanese Empire as the only independent human domains. (''Literature/{{Worldwar}}'')
* The crew of the ''Enterprise'' (NX-01) visit the past of an alternate timeline this year. World War II is still ongoing but Nazi Germany has successfully invaded the United States. Much of the East Coast is under occupation, including New York City and Washington, D.C. The occupation forces are struggling to suppress a resistance movement which seems to largely consist of organized crime figures. (''Series/StarTrekEnterprise'')
* Holly Joestar is born to Joseph and Suzy Joestar. (''Manga/JoJosBizarreAdventure'')
* Cave Johnson buys an extensive salt mine under Cleveland, Ohio. Work begins on its conversion into a research facility. (''VideoGame/Portal2'')
* Japanese forces deploy zombies in Myanmar, the Panama Canal, and Los Angeles. All three attacks end in failure for Japan. (''Literature/TheZombieSurvivalGuide'')
* In Westchester, New York, Charles Xavier, a telepathic boy, meets Raven Darkholme, a blue skinned girl with the ability to shapeshift. (''Film/XMenFirstClass'')
* Erik Lehnsherr, a Jewish boy in a Nazi concentration camp, is discovered to have power over metal (''Film/XMen1'', ''Film/XMenFirstClass'')
* The Ministry of Pain is defeated by Captain Righteous and Lefty. (''WesternAnimation/ThePowerpuffGirls'')
* Two fighter pilots - American Hank Marlow and Japanese Gunpei Ikari - land on Skull Island, where they encounter the giant gorilla known as Kong, who serves as protector of the island's inhabitants. (''Film/KongSkullIsland'')
* Nazi spy Alfred Brau AKA "The Brow" clashes with Dick Tracy, and accidentally impales himself on a flagpole carrying the American flag. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* Cameron "Cam" Wilson and Joe Thurlow are born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* [AlternateTimeline] the United States fails to retake the Philippines from the Japanese as General UsefulNotes/DouglasMacArthur was killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor. Phineas Bogg and Jeffrey Jones travel back to December 7, 1941 to save [=MacArthur=]'s life and set history on its proper course. (''Series/{{Voyagers}}'')
* Elise Praeger is born. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Steve Baker dies. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* The sarcophagus of Cleopatra is taken to a castle in Bavaria by the Nazis. After the castle is attacked by an Allied bombing raid, it is moved to a German military base. (''Series/BloodAndTreasure'')
* A group of Allied soldiers escaping prison for various offenses uncover a plot by Josef Mengele to turn Nazi soldiers into werewolves. (''Film/WerewolvesOfTheThirdReich'')
* American soldiers are tasked by British intelligence with stopping a Nazi [[SuperSoldier supersoldat]] program. (''Film/SSDoomtrooper'')
* [[Franchise/{{Superman}} Clark Kent]] and ComicBook/LoisLane are married. (''ComicBook/SupermanAndBatmanGenerations'')
* Dominic "Nicky" Hutchinson is born. (''Series/OurFriendsInTheNorth'')
* Peril Bellamy is born. (''AudioPlay/BigFinishDoctorWho'')
* A powerful Light Other named Olga is turned into an owl by a curse. (''Film/NightWatch'')
* British newscaster Jeremy Robert Donaldson is born. (''VideoGame/NotForBroadcast'')
* Seven-year-old Arnold Watkins witnesses his parents' murders in a diner after going to retrieve his jacket from their car. He spends the next twelve years feeling guilty that he couldn't save them, which becomes his FreudianExcuse for adopting his "Midnight Marauder" persona during his college years. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Gustav Nordin, having been orphaned, gives up his real life to join Frida's Friends Club. (''Literature/{{Unimaa}}'')
* After attempting to recover Lance of Longinus from the Nazis during the war, Indiana Jones and Basil Shaw rescue half of the Antikythera Dial instead. During the scuffle, Jones briefly meets Nazi scientist Jürgen Voller for the first time. (''Film/IndianaJonesAndTheDialOfDestiny'')

* January:
** While delivering a truckload of spoiled Cham to a disposal site in the north of France, Pvt. Phil Shortman encounters a German panzer division. Phil tricks the Germans into eating the bad food, then captures the division after they suffer foodbourne illness. This busts open a six mile gap in the German line, which allows the Allies through. (''WesternAnimation/HeyArnold'')
** Shaky Trembley freezes to death while trying to hide from the police under a pier in winter conditions. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
** In the UsefulNotes/{{Philippines}}, US Army officer Lt. William "Fitz" Fitzgerald begins to see a strange aura around the faces of some of his fellow soldiers. He soon realizes that he has developed the ability to predict which of them is going to be killed. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Harald Silju, Arild Jørn and about 25 others are executed by German soldiers in a Norwegian forest. Their bodies are never recovered, but after the end of the occupation, Harald's diary is found. (''Film/WeLeaveForEngland'').
* February 19 - March 26: The United States Navy and Marine Corps capture the Japanese island of Iwo Jima in the Battle of Iwo Jima. (''Film/SandsOfIwoJima''), (''Film/FlagsOfOurFathers'') and (RealLife) Artie Beechcroft is killed in the battle and later receives the Congressional Medal of Honor posthumously for his heroism. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* February: The Warners, temporarily released from their tower for fumigation, appear at the Yalta Conference. (''WesternAnimation/{{Animaniacs}}'', date from RealLife)
* April 12: Melvin Frohike is born. (''Series/TheXFiles'')
* Prior to April 30: In his bunker in Berlin, Adolf Hitler gets pissy over developments of early-21st Century culture and politics. (''Film/{{Downfall}}'' and its MemeticMutation) After that, he takes a bath. (Creator/WalterMoers)
* April 30: Adolf Hitler commits suicide...or does he?
** Berlin falls to invading Soviet forces; Dmitri Petrenko and Viktor Reznov successfully raise the Red Banner atop the Reichstag, the former sustaining serious injuries in the process. (''VideoGame/CallOfDutyWorldAtWar'')
** Hitler is abducted by time-travelling search/destroy agents Johnny Alpha and Wulf Sternhammer, and brought to the year 2180 to stand trial for war crimes. A lookalike commits suicide, fooling everyone into thinking Hitler died in his bunker. (''ComicBook/StrontiumDog'')
** Hitler and his robot battle suit are destroyed by BJ Blazkowicz. (''VideoGame/Wolfenstein3D'')
** Hitler is apparently killed by the Human Torch and Toro. In reality, his mind is transferred to an artificial brain created by Arnim Zola, by which Hitler will emerge again as the Hate-Monger. (Creator/MarvelComics)
** Having been granted four wishes by a genie, Arthur Castle wishes to be the ruler of a foreign country in the 20th Century who can't be voted out of office. He then becomes Hitler on the day that he committed suicide. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
** In an AlternateUniverse, August Hitler is born. (''Franchise/FactionParadox'')
** Hitler fakes his suicide and escapes by using a machine built by Professor Oberfurth, which he thinks will transport him into the future. Instead, it takes him to the Land of Oz. (''Literature/AdolfHitlerInOz'')
* April: ComicBook/CaptainAmerica is presumed killed at a North Atlantic Nazi base while destroying a prototype missile. (Creator/MarvelComics)
* May 2: The time travelers Phineas Bogg and Jeffrey Jones prevent the German rocket scientist Wernher von Braun from falling into Soviet hands. (''Series/{{Voyagers}}'')
* May 7: Maryellen Larkin is born. (''Literature/AmericanGirlsCollection'')
* May 8:
** UsefulNotes/WorldWarII ends in Europe as the Germans surrender on both fronts. (RealLife)
** Monique Duchamps and Stephen Durnford are married. (''Series/SecretArmy'')
** Captain James suffers a heart attack and dies at Button House. (''Series/GhostsUK'')
* May 9: Birth of Julian Fawcett. [[note]] His obituary as seen in the tie-in book The Button House archives, confirms Julian being born on this date.[[/note]](''Series/GhostsUK'')
* May:
** While the public face of World War II ends, the Occult War between the Allies and the Axis continues in secret. (''Film/{{Hellboy|2004}}'' film series)
** Daikaku Kokujouji returns to Japan with the supernatural Dresden Slates. (''Anime/{{K}}'')
** Last of the zombies from Operation Cherry Blossom are deployed to Yonnan. All but one are killed by Chinese snipers; the last is apprehended by the Chinese army for experimentation. (''Literature/TheZombieSurvivalGuide'')
** Breathless Mahoney, the stepdaughter of the criminal Shaky Trembly, discovers 50.000$ in stolen money Shakey had stashed in his home. Mahoney kills her mother over the money and goes on the run, committing several more murders over the course of weeks to hide her identity. She's eventually tracked down by police and arrested. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* June 15: After a lightning strike causes him to switch places with Sam Beckett, Al Calavicci leaps into Captain Tom Jarrett, who has just returned to his home town of Crown Point, Indiana after spending three years in a German POW camp. He is there to prevent Tom and his fiancée Suzanne Elsinger from being murdered by her ex-fiancé Clifford White. Although he has returned home to 1999, Sam leaps to 1945 in order to save Al's life. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* June 25: Captain Russell Keys returns to his home town of Bement, Illinois after fighting in World War II. He is reunited with his sweetheart Kate, whom he later marries, and his parents Wilfred and Beth. (''Series/{{Taken}}'')
* June 28: A [[ShellShockedVeteran troubled veteran]] kills his ex-girlfriend and her husband after she leaves him during WWII. (''Film/TheProwler'')
* June: Nellie Keane dies. (''Series/{{Tenko}}'')
* Before July 1: Blanche Simmons, Daisy Robertson and Suzy Rankin die. (''Series/{{Tenko}}'')
* July 2: Arthur Pendleton is born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')
* July 3: Douglas "Doug" Kelleher, Colleen Johnson and Stephanie Lopez are born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')
* July 4: Japan drops a German-made atomic bomb on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This cripples the United States Pacific fleet. (''VideoGame/TheNewOrderLastDaysOfEurope'')
* July 9: The United States signs a conditional surrender at the Akagi Accords. World War II is over - [[AlternateHistoryNaziVictory and the Axis Powers are the winners]]. (''VideoGame/TheNewOrderLastDaysOfEurope'')
* July 16: Jenny Curran is born. (''Film/ForrestGump'')
* July 17: Lorena Kinney is murdered in Philadelphia. (''Series/ColdCase'')
* July 29: The USS Indianapolis is sunk in Japan. (RealLife) Sam Quint is one of the few survivors, having been attacked by several sharks. (''Film/{{Jaws}}'')
* August 5: Allan Hartley, a 43-year-old captain attached to the Scientific Warfare division of the General Staff, is critically injured as a result of an explosion in the Battle of Buffalo during WorldWarIII in 1975 and [[PeggySue suddenly finds himself in his 13-year-old body]] in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. ("Literature/TimeAndTimeAgain")
* August 6:
** 1945-B: The Nazis unite the nations of Europe under a strong central government. (''TabletopGame/{{Chrononauts}}'')
** 1945-C: For once, for a little while, there is no war anywhere. (''TabletopGame/{{Chrononauts}}'')
** In the UsefulNotes/{{Philippines}}, Second Lieutenant Katell orders the men under his command to attack a group of Japanese soldiers seeking refuge in a cave. He is then transported back in time to May 4, 1942 and finds that he has become an Imperial Japanese Army officer named Lt. Yamuri. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* August 6-9:
** Nuclear bombs are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, spelling the beginning of the end of the War in the Pacific. (RealLife)
*** The radiation will have mainly positive effects on humans all around the globe, producing people with amazing superpowers. (Many continuities)
*** A picture of Silk Spectre I is on the Enola Gay. (''Film/{{Watchmen}}'')
*** Shortly before the first atomic bombing, the time traveler Paul Driscoll warns a Hiroshima police captain but he is [[CassandraTruth regarded as insane and ignored]]. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
** Franchise/{{Godzilla}} is created from the atomic bomb attacks on Japan. (''Film/{{Gojira}}'')
** The Great Hakurei Border weakens for the first time in sixty years. (''Franchise/TouhouProject'')
** Sofia Lamb, working as a missionary and nurse, survives the bombing of Hiroshima but loses many dear friends. She is horrified by the American "greater good" justification for the attack and decides that the world is destined for self-destruction. (''VideoGame/{{BioShock|2}}'')
** Soviet forces invade Manchuria and confiscate all Japanese research on zombies. USSR begins Operation Stugeon, its own attempt to weaponise zombies. (''Literature/TheZombieSurvivalGuide'')
** The U.S blames the bombing on dolphins and whales using doctored photos, redirecting the Japanese fury on the hapless animals and ending the war. (''WesternAnimation/SouthPark'')
** In an AlternateUniverse, the devastation of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki leads the United States government to conclude that technology could only lead to suffering and misery so technology is essentially banned. (''Series/{{Sliders}}'')
* August 12: Clyde Taylor is murdered in Philadelphia. (''Series/ColdCase'')
* August 14: Japan officially announces its surrender to the Allied Powers, marking an end to the Second World War. (RealLife)
** With the war's end, the ComicBook/AllStarSquadron disbands. (Creator/DCComics)
** Minutemen member The Silhouette outs herself as a lesbian after kissing a woman in Times Square on VJ Day. (''Film/{{Watchmen}}'')
** Having just returned from the Pacific, Dr. Daniel Auschlander begins working at St. Eligius as a liver specialist. Within minutes of his arrival, he meets a sixteen-year-old delinquent named Donald Westphall, who later becomes his close friend and the hospital's Director of Medicine, and his future wife Katherine Wellingham. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* After August 14: Donald Westphall and George Deaton bury a {{time capsule}}. They eventually dig it up in 1987. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* August 24: 1945-D: The Japanese-American War ends with a third atomic bombing, this time on Tokyo. (''TabletopGame/{{Chrononauts}}'')
* August 25: Don Vito Corleone, affectionately known as "Godfather," hosts the wedding of his daughter Constanzia to Carlo Rizzi and receives many guests seeking favors. Being a Sicilian, he cannot refuse any request on the day of his daughter's wedding. (''Literature/TheGodfather'')
* August 29: Millionaire inventor and entrepreneur Horace Derwent holds a masked ball in the Overlook Hotel to celebrate its reopening. (''Literature/TheShining'')
* August: Greg Mallory is introduced by his old friend, Rick Burnham, to a group that will go on to found the CIA. Mallory tells them about the Vought-American superhumans he saw the previous year, but nobody believes him. He drops the issue and joins the newly-formed organisation. (''Comicbook/{{The Boys}}'')
* September 21: A teenage Japanese boy named Seita dies of starvation. (''Anime/GraveOfTheFireflies'')
* October 12: Tom Redburn dies. (''Series/{{Tenko}}'')
* October 19: Ray Krebbs is born. (''Series/{{Dallas}}'')
* October 29: Operation Olympus is launched; Soviet forces assault a base of Nazi holdouts in the Arctic Circle, capturing defecting scientist Friedrich Steiner and a batch of his Nova-6 chemical weapon. Dmitri Petrenko dies in an impromptu test of the weapon, while fellow "hero of Berlin" Viktor Reznov is captured and imprisoned in the Vorkuta gulag. (''VideoGame/CallOfDutyBlackOps'')
* October 30: Tiago García Ferrara commits suicide. (''Literature/SDorst'')
* November 6: Zachary Smith is born. (''Series/LostInSpace'')
* November 11: 1945-A: The Allied forces invade Japan, ending World War II. (''TabletopGame/{{Chrononauts}}'')
* November 23: James Stevens is born in UsefulNotes/NewZealand. (''Literature/DoctorWhoMissingAdventures'')
* November: Jack Pryor and Helen Dolan are married. (''Series/AmericanDreams'')
* December 25: Maximillian Arturo's father gives him a blue wooden car with black wheels that he made himself for Christmas. (''Series/{{Sliders}}'')
* December: Don Vito Corleone is shot five times at a grocer's market but survives. In retaliation, his son Michael kills Virgil Solozzo, who ordered the [[AssassinationAttempt hit]], and police captain Mark [=McCluskey=], who was protecting Solozzo and punched Michael the previous evening. This double murder sparks the Five Families War of 1946. (''Literature/TheGodfather'')
* After a traffic accident, World War II veteran Frank Harris is transported to an alternate dimension known as "Cool World." (''Film/CoolWorld'')
* Delta Green is disbanded. (Franchise/CthulhuMythos, ''TabletopGame/DeltaGreen'')
* Albus Dumbledore defeats Gellert Grindelwald in a duel. (''Literature/HarryPotter'')
* In the aftermath of World War II, four grizzled and slightly insane soldiers - Tank Dempsey, Takeo Masaki, Nikolai Belinski, and Dr. Edward Rictofen - battle hordes of zombies spawned by Nazi superscience. (''VideoGame/CallOfDuty: VideoGame/NaziZombies'')
* One American troop returns to his home in New Jersey and murders his ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend. (''Film/TheProwler'')
* A military research team led by Paul Langford succeeds in opening the Stargate. Dr. Ernest Littlefield is sent through, but the gate closes immediately afterward and he is believed dead. (''Series/StargateSG1'', "The Torment of Tantalus")
* U.S. military begins secret super-soldier program. (''Literature/SoonIWillBeInvincible'')
* The English town of Edgestow is destroyed, along with its university and the semi-public N.I.C.E. institution. (''Literature/TheSpaceTrilogy'')
* A group of Nazis based in Antarctica flee to the dark side of the moon to establish a new base. (''Film/IronSky'')
* Henry Morgan and his fiancée Abigail adopt an orphaned baby from a liberated concentration camp.[[labelnote:More]]Not long after, Abigail learns of Henry's immortality when he dies in her arms, disappears, and shows up later unhurt. To his surprise, she accepts it.[[/labelnote]] (''Series/{{Forever|2014}}'')
* Earliest known detection of the Eclipse by the Nemesis organization. Zodiac is founded by twelve corporations around the world to research the Eclipse. (''VideoGame/TokyoXanadu'')
* Terence O'Casey is born. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* George Washakie, Shirley Constantine and Abagail Fuller are born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Jeff Winston is born. (''Literature/{{Replay}}'')
* Evelyn Smythe is born. (''AudioPlay/BigFinishDoctorWho'')
* In Hebridan's star system, the Loop of Kon Garat is held for the first time. (''Series/StargateSG1'')
* Operation Kino: During the premier of the propaganda film ''Nation's Pride'' in Paris, two separate plots by the Inglorious Basterds and the cinema's Jewish owner lead to the destruction of the cinema and the deaths of all present. As the Nazi high command were all attending to inspire nationalistic pride, this leads to the end of the war in Europe. (''Film/InglouriousBasterds'')
* Alec Leamas completes his service with British Intelligence and retires to the Netherlands. He eventually returns to Bristol to work at a travel agency. (''Literature/TheSpyWhoCameInFromTheCold'')
* Sam Winston, spouse of protagonist Alex Winston, sibling of Chris Wells, child-in-law of Ruth Cassandra Winston, and parent of Charlie and Suzie Winston, is born. (''VideoGame/NotForBroadcast'')
* Ron, a future staff member of Elan School, is born. (''Webcomic/JoeVsElanSchool'')
* Birth of Pete Martino [[labelnote:Justification]]Pete states that he is technically 78.[[/labelnote]] (''Series/GhostsUS'')

[[AC:Early to mid 1940s]]
* Marcus Octavius and Colin [=MacLeod=] fight for the German and British air forces respectfully during World War II. They have a midair swordfight, but neither dies. (''Anime/HighlanderTheSearchForVengeance'')
* Approximate time of birth for immortal Mikey Bellows. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'', ''Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM'')
* A sixteen-year-old Jewish girl named Brigid Tenenbaum objects to the sloppy methods of the Nazis scientists experimenting on her fellow concentration camp inmates. She earns the nickname Das Wunderkind and assists the doctors, concluding that even though their work is pointless, it should at least be done properly. (''VideoGame/{{BioShock|1}}'')
* Nazi Germany experiments in using Vampires as living weapons, it [[GoneHorriblyWrong goes horribly wrong]] and the incident is regarded as too horrific even to discuss. (''Literature/RiversOfLondon'')
* In Nazi-occupied Paris, the Eighth Doctor and Lucie Miller discover an actor who has died on-stage ten thousand times. (''AudioPlay/BigFinishDoctorWho'')
* The entity currently known as Jones assumes that name at the dying request of Mr Edward Jones, the foreman of a filling factory that suffered from an apparent accident. (''Webcomic/GunnerkriggCourt'')
* The immortal later known as "Adam" is imprisoned in Auschwitz by the Nazis. When his immortality is discovered, he is subjected to horrific experiments performed by Josef Mengele. (''Series/{{Forever|2014}}'')
* The so-called Xylon Conspiracy occurs sometime prior to 1942. An Axis espionage ring led by "Pruneface" Boch covertly enlists the assistance of criminals Shaky Trembley, Big Boy and Flattop Jones to help them aquire the formula for the Xylon bomb by kidnapping its inventor Professor Roloc Bard. Several bombs are created, but all except one are seized by Dick Tracy and the FBI, and the professor is freed by Flattop who betrays his employers to instead auction him off to the highest bidder. Due to the missing bomb, the case is classified until 1986. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* George's house is destroyed by a German bomb at some point between June 1940 and October 1942. (''Film/TheTimeMachine1960'')
* Adolf Hitler, the Kung Führer, is defeated by a martial artist he went forward in time to best. (''Film/KungFury'')
* Nazi scientists create a species of ravenous, flesh-eating microbes. (''Film/TheFleshEaters'')
* In an AlternateUniverse, the Japanese invade the west coast of the US. The Marines fight block by block but the Japanese keep pouring in reinforcements. After the American lines are broken, the US government drops two atomic bombs, one on Los Angeles and another on San Diego. This became known as the Battle of California. (''Series/{{Sliders}}'')
* The Flying Hellfish squadron [[labelnote:Members]] commanding officer Sergeant Abraham Simpson, radio operator Sheldon Skinner, and privates Arnie Gumble, Patrick "Iggy" Wiggum, Asa Phelps, Milton "Ox" Haas, Etch Westgrin, Griff [=McDonald=], and Montgomery Burns[[/labelnote]] purloins a collection of valuable paintings from a Nazi-occupied castle. Fearing they will be caught if they sell the paintings immediately, they enter an agreement that they will go to the last surviving member. Ox develops a hernia carrying them and is the first to die. (''Westernanimation/TheSimpsons'').
* COL Robert Hogan leads a group of American, British and French [=POWs=] in executing sabotage and spying missions from the Stalag 13 POWCamp in Germany. (''Series/HogansHeroes'')

JustForFun/GrandUnifiedTimeline events from 1930 C.E. to 1945 C.E.

[[folder:1930 C.E. - 1934 C.E.]]
[[AC:Unknown date most likely in the 1930s]]
* The entity currently known as Jones, then known as Elizabeth Langdon, is arrested due to the obvious discrepancy in her apparent age and the age she would logically be if she were who she claimed to be. (''WebComic/GunnerkriggCourt'')
* Elijah Baker makes a [[DealWithTheDevil pact with Satan]] that he will sacrifice men and make their corpses into scarecrows in exchange for his farm being prosperous. (''Film/DarkHarvest'')

* February: Chris dies of bovine tuberculosis, at the age of 18. Robert Stoney is inconsolable. ("Literature/{{Oracle}}")
* April 4: Lucy Ellen Thompson dies. (''Series/JoanOfArcadia'')
* May 8: Pilot Amy Johnson lands in Baghdad during her record-setting flight from England to Australia. (RealLife) While there, she meets the Eleventh Doctor and Clara Oswald and helps them defeat the criminal Koragatta. (''Magazine/DoctorWhoMagazine'' story "A Wing and a Prayer")
* July 10: Marcus Cole and Stefan Richter discover the Well of the Furies. From the Well, they gain the powers that will eventually lead them to become Statesman and Lord Recluse, respectively. (''VideoGame/CityOfHeroes'')
* August 10: Jock and Jason Ewing and Digger Barnes strike oil in Nacogdoces County, Texas. This leads directly to the formation of Ewing Oil and the decades long Barnes-Ewing feud. (''Series/{{Dallas}}'')
* September 2: Miskatonic University dispatches an expedition to Antarctica. (''Literature/AtTheMountainsOfMadness'')
* October 5:
** On its maiden voyage to Karachi, the British airship ''R101'' crashes in the vicinity of Beauvais, UsefulNotes/{{France}}, killing 48 people in the process. (RealLife)
** The true mission of the ''R101'' is to rendezvous with an alien race called the Triskele. Lieutenant-Colonel Frayling becomes their new Lawgiver and goes with them. The airship is attacked by a Vortisaur, a creature native to the Time Vortex, and everyone onboard is killing in the resulting crash. The Eighth Doctor alters history by saving Charlotte "Charley" Pollard, who was destined to die in the crash. He takes her as his companion. Charley's survival has severe ramifications for the Web of Time. (''AudioPlay/BigFinishDoctorWho'')
* November 1: The surviving Daleks from the Cult of Skaro regroup, growing human-Dalek hybrids and turning less intelligent people into pig-slaves. [[labelnote:more]]They take over construction of the Empire State Building to aid this process. The Tenth Doctor gets in the way of awakening the hybrids and they grow amorality. In the chaos, three of Cult of Skaro are killed and the lives of the hybrids are terminated. Dalek Caan activates an emergency temporal shift and searches for Davros in the storms of the Time War.[[/labelnote]] [[labelnote:Donna's world in "Turn Left"]]In an alternate timeline/universe created by one of the Trickster's Brigade latching onto Donna's back, the Cult of Skaro are still defeated but by unknown means, as the Doctor would be deceased at this point.[[/labelnote]] (''Series/DoctorWho'')
* December 11: The time travelers Phineas Bogg and Jeffrey Jones save UsefulNotes/AlbertEinstein and his wife Elsa from being killed by a falling desk in New York. (''Series/{{Voyagers}}'')
* Rumours of a strange pyramid - neither Aztec nor Mayan - appearing in the jungles of the Yucatan Peninsula begin to circulate in the archaeological community. (''VideoGame/PathwaysIntoDarkness'')
* Edith Keeler, an idealistic social worker, is killed in an automobile accident. [[labelnote:Alternate timeline]]The Guardian of Forever sends Leonard [=McCoy=] to this year and he saves the life of Edith in time. This creates an alternate reality where Edith goes on to become the leader of a pacifist movement whose actions prevent America from entering World War II, leading to a Nazi victory. James Tiberius Kirk and Spock go back in time to retrieve [=McCoy=] and prevent this timeline from existing.[[/labelnote]](''Series/StarTrekTheOriginalSeries'')
* Duncan [=MacLeod=] kills Richard Tarsis in a duel. Lucas Kagan takes the loss of his mentor/father figure very badly. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* Scrooge [=McDuck=], now the richest person in the world, gets into a fight with his family and breaks off contact with them for the next 17 years. (''Comicbook/TheLifeAndTimesOfScroogeMcDuck'')
* The Warner Brothers and their sister Dot run amuck around the [[Creator/WarnerBros Warner Bros. Studios]]. The cartoon characters are eventually captured and locked up inside the studio's water tower for (most of) the next 63 years. (''WesternAnimation/{{Animaniacs}}'')
* The turmoil of the Great Depression leads the Bellamy family to sell and move out of their home at Eaton Place. (''Series/UpstairsDownstairs'')
* [[Music/TheyMightBeGiants Istanbul was Constantinople;]] [[SuddenNameChange now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople]].
* Birth of Pelafina Heather Lievre. (''Literature/{{House of Leaves}}'')
* Karl Martin Baardsen moves to a middle-sized Norwegian city and takes up work as a journalist in the local socialist press. He covers the docking strike and the riots that occur when the strike-breakers are barred from work, and the interference of the state police and the coastal units of the regular army. He moves in with journalist Eyolf Berger and factory worker Inge Olsen. (''Series/{{Borderland}}'')
* Theresa [=McPhee=] is born. (''Series/TheOuterLimits1995'')
* Nadine is born in Hyder, UsefulNotes/{{Alaska}}. (''Series/{{Taken}}'')
* While playing golf, Peterson is struck by lightning and killed. He is eventually [[BackFromTheDead revived]] by a team of surgeons in May 1980. (''Film/JustImagine'')
* The seven-year-old Henry Francis "Rocky" Valentine steals fourteen toys from a dime store. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* [[ComicBook/NightWing Dick Grayson]] is born. (''ComicBook/SupermanAndBatmanGenerations'')
* Jonah Summerfield I is born. He is the earliest known ancestor of Bernice Summerfield. (''Literature/BerniceSummerfield'')
* A revolution in UsefulNotes/{{Germany}} brings the Communist Party to power. (''Literature/TheIronDream'')
* Murray Slaughter is born. (''Series/TheMaryTylerMooreShow'')
* Birth of Kanji to Kiku and Tokube Ayashiro (''Visualnovel/{{Famicom Detective Club}}: The Missing Heir'')
* Bianca di Angelo is born to Maria di Angelo and the god Hades. (''Literature/TheCampHalfBloodSeries'')

* January: Torsten Ekstrom dies by falling from a balcony in Paris. It is unclear if it is an accident or a suicide... or murder. (''Literature/SDorst'')
* June: Thomas Campbell Brockless dies of a heart attack. (''Series/{{Torchwood}}'')
* October: Criminals working for crime lord Alphonse "Big Boy" Caprice murder Emil Truehart. Police detective Dick Tracy, fiancé of Emil's daughter Tess, swears revenge. Tracy and Big Boy would remain bitter enemies for decades. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* November 8: Alexander James Quentin Duggan, a two-and-a-half year old boy, is killed in a road accident. (''Literature/TheDayOfTheJackal'')
* A train called by The Flying puss*foot is hijacked by two groups at the same time, one for the release of their leader, and the other for money from the train company. A group of delinquents attempting a train heist end up taking it upon themselves to rescue the train. Finally, a "monster" known as the Rail Tracer starts assassinating all the passengers. (''Literature/{{Baccano}}'')
* Vim!Pop is created, and is originally marketed as a health tonic, before being rebranded as a soft drink. (''VideoGame/Fallout4'')
* Mark Craig is born. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Mary E. Ryder dies. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* The eight-year-old Henry Francis "Rocky" Valentine forms a street gang called the Angels. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* The Stewart expedition discovers various Goa'uld artifacts, including canopic jars containing the symbiotes Osiris and Isis, in UsefulNotes/{{Egypt}}. Six months later, the ship transporting the artifacts to the United States sinks off the coast of UsefulNotes/NewJersey. The wreck is eventually found in 2000. (''Series/StargateSG1'')
* Phyllis Sutherland (later Lindstrom) is born. (''Phyllis'')
* Jason Bernaides is born. (''Radio/XMinusOne'')

* January 28: Nico di Angelo is born to Maria di Angelo and the god Hades. (''Literature/TheCampHalfBloodSeries'')
* February: The vigilante known only as "The Lobster" begins his career, killing mobsters and Axis spies and saboteurs in New York City and Chicago. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: The Iron Prometheus]]'')
* April 11: Nanea Mitchell is born in Honolulu, Hawaii. (''Literature/AmericanGirlsCollection'')
* May 8: John L. Richards is born. (''Series/BeyondBeliefFactOrFiction'')
* July 18: Allan Hartley is born. ("Literature/TimeAndTimeAgain")
* August: Billie Ducette is murdered in Philadelphia. (''Series/ColdCase'')
* September:
** Professor Simon Haley becomes the Director of Agriculture at the Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical Institute. (''[[Series/Roots1977 Roots: The Next Generations]]'')
** Will E. Palmer dies. (''[[Series/Roots1977 Roots: The Next Generations]]'')
* October 3: The last time Clyde Wynant is seen before apparently going into seclusion to work on a new project.[[note]]He's actually murdered on this date.[[/note]] (''Literature/TheThinMan'')
* November 8:
** UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt is elected President of the United States, defeating UsefulNotes/HerbertHoover. (RealLife)
** [[UsefulNotes/JosefStalin Joe Steele]] defeats UsefulNotes/HerbertHoover in the U.S. presidential election. ("Literature/JoeSteele")
** UsefulNotes/CalvinCoolidge defeats Hosea Blackford in the U.S. presidential election. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
** UsefulNotes/HerbertHoover is re-elected by the House of Representatives after the Socialists win enough states to deny any party an electoral majority. (''VideoGame/KaiserreichLegacyOfTheWeltkrieg'')
** Al Smith runs as a third party candidate, splitting the vote and allowing U.S. President UsefulNotes/HerbertHoover to be re-elected. He defeats UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt by two electoral votes. (''Alternate Presidents'')
* November 20: John Coffey is executed by electric chair in the Cold Mountain Penitentiary for a crime he didn't commit. (''Literature/TheGreenMile'')
* End of December: Nick and Nora Charles get wrapped up in helping solve the murders surrounding the disappearance of inventor Clyde Wynant. (''Literature/TheThinMan'')
* Devil Summoner Raidou Kuzunoha XIV investigates the kidnapping of Kaya Daidōji, and is soon pulled into a conspiracy involving a mysterious army. (VideoGame/RaidouKuzunohaVsTheSoullessArmy)
* Raidou Kuzunoha XIV takes on a missing-persons case, as strange creatures begin to steal luck itself and mysterious ninjas roam the city. (VideoGame/RaidouKuzunohaVsTheSoullessArmy)
* Estimated birth of Alan Virdon on a farm in Jackson County, Texas. He would grow up to become an astronaut. (''Series/PlanetOfTheApes'')
* Slappy Squirrel stars in her earliest known short, ''Cavegirl Slappy''. (''WesternAnimation/{{Animaniacs}}'')
* Foxy, Roxy, and Goopy Geer star in the (fictional) WesternAnimation/LooneyTunes short ''The Big Buzz of 1932'', their last produced film. They spend the next six decades in obscurity (and game show guest appearances) until their careers are revived by Babs Bunny. (''WesternAnimation/LooneyTunes'', ''WesternAnimation/TinyToonAdventures'')
* Harry Bailey finishes college and surprises his family by bringing home a wife, whose father has offered him an excellent job. Although Harry vows to decline the offer out of respect for his brother, George decides to keep full ownership of the Building and Loan so that Harry can pursue this great opportunity. (''Film/ItsAWonderfulLife'')
* Lobster Johnson faces off with phantom Indians, mobsters, and The Black Flame. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: The Killer in My Skull]]'')
* Lobster Johnson confronts a team of German scientists who intend to poison New York with deadly chemicals. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: Caput Mortuum]]'')
* The Redjac entity murders seven women in UsefulNotes/{{Shanghai}}. (''Series/StarTrekTheOriginalSeries'')
* Leon Randolph Stiles and Clifton Meyers are born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Rossum's Universal Robots first creates artificial tissue. (''Theatre/{{RUR}}'')
* [AlternateTimeline] Einstein Industries' research division begins experimenting with time travel technology. (''TabletopGame/{{Chrononauts}}'')
* Sweetbriar Orphanage is founded in UsefulNotes/{{Boston}}. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Walter Kemp is interviewed about his friend George, who disappeared on January 5, 1900. He believes that George was telling the truth about traveling into the future and that he settled with Weena in 802,701. (''[[Film/TheTimeMachine1960 Time Machine: The Journey Back]]'')
* Brian Douglas is killed in a car accident one week before he and Elva Keene are to be married. Having insisted on driving, Elva crashes the car into a tree. Brian is thrown out the windshield and Elva is paralyzed from the waist down. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Nan Adams and Helen Foley are born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* The nine-year-old Henry Francis "Rocky" Valentine breaks into a bicycle shop. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* A big game hunter stranded after his ship crashes is hunted by the madman who lives on the island (''Literature/TheMostDangerousGame'' (1932 film))
* An Italian physicist receives a letter.[[labelnote:more]]The letter was sent by time travellers to permit the discovery of the nuclear bomb and SetRightWhatOnceWentWrong.[[/labelnote]] (''Literature/TheEndOfEternity'')
* Rufus Jones, having lived the whole ten years of his life under Jim Crow, gives up his real life to join Frida's Friends Club. (''Literature/{{Unimaa}}'')

* January 5:
** Former U.S. President UsefulNotes/CalvinCoolidge dies of a coronary thrombosis. (RealLife)
** U.S. President-elect UsefulNotes/CalvinCoolidge dies of a heart attack. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
* January:
** [[Literature/YoungBond James Bond]] begins his studies at Eton College. (''Literature/SilverFin'')
** Bill Dunn, a homeless vagrant, is given telepathic abilities by [[MadScientist Professor Ernest Smalley]]. Dunn quickly becomes drunk with power and dubs himself "The Superman", intending to use his new powers to rule the world. However, the powers are temporary, and Dunn is left powerless after the serum wears off. (''The Reign Of the Superman'')
** Stooge Viller successfully frames Dick Tracy for his own crimes, leading to Tracy retiring in disgrace and losing his fiancee Tess Truehart. Tracy is eventually able to clear his name and Viller is arrested. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* February 15:
** US President-elect UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt makes an impromptu speech from the back of an open car in Miami. Giuseppe Zangara, a possibly mentally disturbed immigrant, fires a pistol at FDR. After the first shot, bystanders subdue him, but he fires four more times before being disarmed. Five people are hit; four survive, but Chicago mayor Anton Cermak, who was standing next to FDR, is mortally wounded, dying 19 days later. FDR is unharmed. (RealLife)
** FDR is killed in Zangara's attack. (''Literature/TheManInTheHighCastle'')
* February 27:
** The Reichstag in Berlin is set on fire. (RealLife)
** Adolf Hitler perishes in the Reichstag Fire. In the afterlife, his brain is revived by Adam Savage of ''Series/MythBusters'', solely using technology that would have been available to the Nazis in 1933. Hitler's brain is sent back to Germany by the Head Death, where he resumes his leadership of the state. Nazi Science sneers at the implausibility of these events. (''Webcomic/IrregularWebcomic'')
* June: [[Literature/YoungBond James Bond]] uncovers the headquarters of the secret society Millenaria in Sardinia. (''Literature/BloodFever'')
* Summer: Bertha George Palmer Haley dies. (''[[Series/Roots1977 Roots: The Next Generations]]'')
* Summer: Jem and Scout Finch meet Dill for the first time. (''Literature/ToKillAMockingbird'')
* November 1: Confederate veteran Jake Featherston is elected President of the CSA. He quickly begins consolidating power and turning the Confederacy into a fascist state and formulates a plan of "Population Reduction" concerning the CSA's blacks. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
* December 5:
** Prohibition is repealed with the ratification of the Twenty-First Amendment. (RealLife)
** In an AlternateUniverse, Prohibition is never repealed and remains in force until at least 1996. (''Series/{{Sliders}}'')
* December: Sir John Charnage attempts to smuggle Project Nemesis out of England. (''Literature/DoubleOrDie'')
* The giant ape Kong of Skull Island is captured and becomes an attraction in New York City. The ape escapes and climbs the Empire State Building with his object of love. [[labelnote:more]]He gets shot down, but it was beauty that killed the beast.[[/labelnote]] (''Film/KingKong1933'')
* Rick O'Connell and allies battle Imhotep again. (''Film/TheMummyReturns'')
* ''Bosko The Talk-Ink Kid'' stars in his last short for Warner Bros. The rise of other characters (including WesternAnimation/PorkyPig in 1935) ends his career at Warner Bros., with Bosko moving to MGM to make some shorts for the next several years, before disappearing from public view for the next several decades. (''WesternAnimation/LooneyTunes'', ''WesternAnimation/TinyToonAdventures'', Real Life).
* In New York City, an orphan girl named Annie is adopted by billionaire industrialist Oliver Warbucks, on Christmas in the Broadway musical and [[Film/Annie1999 1999 movie]] versions and on the Fourth of July in the [[Film/Annie1982 1982 movie version]]. (''Theatre/{{Annie}}'')
* Lobster Johnson investigates several mysterious murders, tied to neurological experiments. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: Satan Smells a Rat]]'')
* In Glenn Cove, Long Island, recently pardoned mob boss Tony Masso is pursued by Lobster Johnson. Desperate for protection, he [[DealWithTheDevil strikes a deal]] with a demon to [[ExactWords beat the Lobster.]] (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: Tony Masso's Finest Hour]]'')
* In Chinatown, Lobster Johnson chases after a mystic Japanese spy called the Crimson Lotus. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: A Scent of Lotus]]'')
* Lobster Johnson "attends" the unrolling of a mummy. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: The Prayer of Neferu]]'')
* Barney Hopkins' show is shut down by creditors because there's a [[TheGreatDepression depression]] going on. Songwriter Brad Roberts falls in love with a performer named Polly and finances a new show produced by Hopkins, to Brad's rich family's chagrin. Some additional gold digging and a bunch of elaborate stage numbers all ensues. (''Film/GoldDiggersOf1933'')
* Joseph Reardon is born. (''Series/TheOuterLimits1963'')
* Thelma Lou Dickey is born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Suzy Rankin is born. (''Series/{{Tenko}}'')
* Jabez Stone is born. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Dorothy Livingston begins teaching at a school in West Virginia. She discovers that one of her students, Micah Frost, cares for his 140-year-old great-great-great-grandfather. Micah manages to keep him alive by telling him stories. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')
* The film ''Farewell Without Tears'' starring Barbara Jean Trenton and Jerry Hearndan is released. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Stawpah dies. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')

* January 7: The 20th Phantom survives a murder attempt in Tangiers. He gives a gold coin bearing the Good Mark to his young friend Hamid, but it is quickly stolen by a pickpocket. (''Westernanimation/{{Phantom 2040}}'')
* February: [[Literature/YoungBond James Bond]] and Precious Stone become the first people ever to pass the Avenue of Death in Lagrimas Negras. (''Literature/HurricaneGold'')
* April 22: Molly [=McIntire=] is born in Jefferson, Illinois. (''Literature/AmericanGirlsCollection'')
* May 23: Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow are gunned down by the police on a rural road in Bienville Parish, Louisiana. (''Film/BonnieAndClyde'' and real life)
* June 4: [[Literature/YoungBond James Bond]] foils an assassination attempt against [[UsefulNotes/TheHouseOfWindsor King George V]] at Eton. (''Literature/ByRoyalCommand'')
* June 15: Al Calavicci is born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Summer: Martin Sloan, an unhappy 36-year-old advertising executive from 1959 who regards the summers of his childhood as the best times of his life, is transported back in time to his home town of Homewood. He meets himself as an eleven-year-old boy and tries to tell him to cherish every moment of his youth. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* September 17: An agent of Rittenhouse attempts to assassinate the 17-year-old UsefulNotes/JohnFKennedy but he is prevented from doing so by Lucy Preston, Wyatt Logan and Rufus Carlin. Kennedy is brought forward in time to 2018. (''Series/{{Timeless}}'')
* September: John-Boy Walton begins his studies at Boatwright University. (''Series/TheWaltons'')
* Around October 10: Daisy Gray celebrates her 18th birthday, and is named the sole inheritor of her aunt Contessa's estate. Shortly after, Daisy starts seeing demonic apparitions and speaking in riddles. (''Series/QuantumLeap2022'')
* October 31: Ben Song leaps into a priest named Father Davenport. He's there to perform an exorcism on a young woman named Daisy Gray, who is going to die at six minutes after midnight. (''Series/QuantumLeap2022'')
* November: Safecracker and demolitions expert Boris Arson begins his criminal activities. He would prove to be a persistent foe for Dick Tracy. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* Flash Gordon first battles the forces of Ming the Merciless. (''ComicStrip/FlashGordon'')
* Birth of Donovan "Skipper" Maddox. He would grow up to become an astronaut. (''Film/BeneathThePlanetOfTheApes'' and adaptations)
* Birth of Zoe Kuryakin in New York. (''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'')
* In New York City, Lobster Johnson finds himself at odds with both the NYPD and radio-controlled slaves. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: Get the Lobster!]]'')
* Don Vito Corleone decides to rid New York City of more freelance criminals, resulting in a three year mob war. An Irish gunman successfully shoots Don Corleone, but Corleone survives, and ultimately the Corelone family wins the war. (''Literature/TheGodfather'')
* Diane Brown (later [=McBride=]) and Leslie Ashton are born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Harry and Anita Klein are married. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Tony Newman is born. (''Series/TheTimeTunnel'')
* The film ''A Night in Paris'' starring Barbara Jean Trenton is released. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* [AlternateTimeline] Professor Paul Langford conducts an archaeological expedition to Giza but finds nothing of significance. (''Series/StargateSG1'')
* Yuri Andreev is born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')

[[folder:1935 C.E. - 1939 C.E.]]
* February 12: Nikos Stathatos was born in Piraeus, UsefulNotes/{{Greece}}. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* March 28: Miskatonic University dispatches an expedition to Australia. (''[[Franchise/CthulhuMythos The Shadow Out of Time]]'')
* July 3: On a ship bound for New York City, former actress Veronica Villensy murders her husband, Malcolm, by tossing him overboard. The next day, she tries all sorts of schemes to try and get away with it. (''VideoGame/Overboard2021'')
* Explorer and archaeologist Indiana Jones goes on a quest to return three sacred Sivalinga stones to a desolate village in India. (''Film/IndianaJonesAndTheTempleOfDoom'')
* First appearance of Doctor Occult. (Creator/DCComics)
* Movie star Blanche Hudson is crippled in a mysterious car accident involving her sister, Jane. (''Film/WhatEverHappenedToBabyJane'')
* Duncan [=MacLeod=] investigates the inner workings of UsefulNotes/NaziGermany for the British UsefulNotes/SecretIntelligenceService. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* WesternAnimation/PorkyPig stars in his first short for Warner Bros., and becomes the studio's first true super-star. (''WesternAnimation/LooneyTunes'')
* Camp Crystal Lake is established in New Jersey. (''Franchise/FridayThe13th'')
* Rick Blaine runs guns to aid Ethiopia against the [[UsefulNotes/FascistItaly Italian invasion]]. (''Film/{{Casablanca}}'')
* During a showing of the film ''The Purple Rose of Cairo'' in UsefulNotes/NewJersey, its protagonist Tom Baxter is transported to the [[RealLife real world]]. (''Film/ThePurpleRoseOfCairo'')
* William Sidney "Sid" Fairgate is born. (''Series/KnotsLanding'')
* Emma-Louise Cowell is born. (''Series/{{Torchwood}}'')
* The hospital St. Eligius is founded in the South End of UsefulNotes/{{Boston}}. Belonging to the Archdiocese of Boston, its chief administrator is Father Joseph [=McCabe=]. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Patrick O'Casey and Allyson Gladden are married by Father Joseph [=McCabe=] in St. Eligius. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* The six-year-old Donald Westphall's mother Elizabeth and three siblings are killed in a fire. His father Thomas is the only other member of his family to survive. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Samantha Stormer and Sue Anne Winters are born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* John O'Connor is born. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Millicent Barnes and Kurt J. Lewis are born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Colin Trafford is born in Northampton. (''[[Literature/RandomQuest Quest for Love]]'')
* John Kinsella moves to Brooklyn. (''Film/FieldOfDreams'')
* Country lawyer Atticus Finch defends a black man named Tom Robinson who has been [[FalseRapeAccusation falsely accused of rape]], only to be stonewalled by a racist system. (''Literature/ToKillAMockingbird'')

* February 23: [AlternateTimeline] President UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt and Edith Keeler confer on her plan of action for assisting the needy. Keeler is the leader of a political movement calling for pacifism and social reforms. Her ideas eventually lead to the United States not participating in World War II, leading to a Nazi victory. (''Series/StarTrekTheOriginalSeries'')
* April 5: David Kelsey is born. (''Series/AlfredHitchco*ckPresents'')
* July 19: A dead body washes up on the island of Santorini in Greece. The body is carrying a single page from V. M. Straka's novel ''The Black Nineteen''. Over the next several years, other murders with the same description would be committed. (''Literature/SDorst'')
* August 1: The survival or death of Adolf Hitler at the opening ceremony of the Berlin Olympic Games becomes a major point of contention among time travelers from multiple potential futures as each tries to reverse the work of its predecessors. (''TabletopGame/{{Chrononauts}}'')
* August: The 22nd Century time traveler Ava visits the Berlin Olympic Games in order to observe the travel patterns of people from this era. (''Series/TheFlipsideOfDominickHide'')
* Summer: While driving through Kansas, a boy named Doug and his aunt Neva encounter a great evil in the form of a young boy. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')
* September: A group of masked criminals known as the Purple Cross Gang embark on a crime spree, robbing several banks in a row before turning on each other over the loot. Their leader is the last one left and is killed in a shootout with his former colleague Baldy. The leader is revealed to have been ex-politician "Shirtsleeve" Skelton. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* November 3:
** UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt is elected to a second term as U.S. President, defeating Alf Landon. (RealLife)
** [[UsefulNotes/JosefStalin Joe Steele]] is elected to a second term as U.S. President, defeating Alf Landon. ("Literature/JoeSteele")
** Al Smith defeats UsefulNotes/HerbertHoover in the U.S. presidential election. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
** After defeating UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt in the Democratic primary, Senator Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip is elected President of the United States, defeating Republican nominee Walt Trowbridge. (''Literature/ItCantHappenHere'')
** George Norris is elected U.S. President. (''Literature/BringTheJubilee'')
** UsefulNotes/HueyLong is elected U.S. President, defeating UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt and Alf Landon. (''Alternate Presidents'')
** Henry L. Stimson is elected U.S. President, defeating Franklin D. Roosevelt. (''Alternate Presidents'')
* Indiana Jones journeys to Egypt to find the Ark of the Covenant and prevent it from falling into Nazi hands. (''Film/RaidersOfTheLostArk'')
* Megas, traveling back from 3037, lands in a Jersey City junkyard. (''WesternAnimation/MegasXLR'')
* Three members of the Den-O team are briefly stranded in this year, where they disguise themselves by possessing [[Series/KamenRiderKiva Jiro, Ramon, and Riki]], members of three of the Demon Races. (''Chō Series/KamenRiderDenO and [[Series/KamenRiderDecade Decade]]: The Onigashima Warship'')
* Amanda works as a cabaret singer in Berlin, where she steals forged money plates used by the German authorities to produce counterfeit dollars. She also helps Duncan [=MacLeod=] smuggle a physicist out of the country after he is betrayed by a double agent. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* Birth of Charles Canmore to Aron Canmore and an unnamed mother. He would grow up to become a Hunter. (''WesternAnimation/{{Gargoyles}}'')
* Birth of Jeffrey [=MacClain=] Robbins. He would lose his eyesight while serving in the Vietnam War but still go on to become a published author. By the 1990s, he would be a close friend to Hudson. (''WesternAnimation/{{Gargoyles}}'')
* Birth of John Oldcastle / "Falstaff". He would grow up to become a master thief and a member of the Illuminati. (''WesternAnimation/{{Gargoyles}}'')
* Former parlormaid Rose Buck returns to 165 Eaton Place to oversee a new staff of servants after a new family moves into her former place of employment. (''Series/UpstairsDownstairs'')
* The SCP Foundation acquires a mass transit ticket that sends its users to Hell. (Website/SCPFoundation)
* Rick Blaine fights on the Republican side in the UsefulNotes/SpanishCivilWar. (''Film/{{Casablanca}}'')
* Richard Endicott dies of pleurisy. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Tim Fox is born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Jor-El is born on Krypton. (''Series/{{Smallville}}'')
* Esther Fortune is born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Valentina Orlova is exiled to Siberia. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')
* The ten-year-old Jackie Rhoades is dared by his friends to steal their teacher's locket during a class picnic. This marks the beginning of his life of crime. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Fitzgerald "Fitz" Kreiner is born. (''Literature/EighthDoctorAdventures'')
* The architect Frank Reich, whose buildings are considered to be among the ugliest ever built, dies. (''Series/TheMaryTylerMooreShow'')
* Hannah Zgierski is born. (''Series/TheOuterLimits1995'')
* Ernst Ganz is sent to the concentration camp Dachau. He remains a prisoner there until 1945. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* The film ''Trails West'' starring Pamela Morris and John Bradley is released. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Gustav Nordin is born. (''Literature/{{Unimaa}}'')

* January 7: Joseph Kennedy is elected president of the United States. He remains in power until 1945. (''VideoGame/TheNewOrderLastDaysOfEurope'')
* March 10: H.P. Lovecraft opens a portal to Purgatory. Several creatures escape one of which possesses his maid Eleanor and thereafter called herself Dr. Elle Visyak. Another of the creatures kills Lovecraft five days later. (''Series/{{Supernatural}}'')
* After March 16: On his deathbed, Albert Wilmarth forms the Wilmarth Foundation to battle Mythos activity. (''[[Franchise/CthulhuMythos The Burrowers Beneath]]'')
* April 6: Alan Ellis is born. (''Series/{{Torchwood}}'')
* May 6:
** The German airship ''Hindenburg'' crashes while attempting to dock in Manchester Township, UsefulNotes/NewJersey, killing 36 people. (RealLife)
** A bomb is discovered on the ''Hindenburg''. [[labelnote:The saboteur]] chrononaut Mr. X, trying to shorten WWII (but instead accidentally causing the Korean War)[[/labelnote]] is not discovered. (''TabletopGame/{{Chrononauts}}'')
** The accident was the result of a mobster igniting it with a firework to destroy his rival's fortune, which was secretly on board (''Literature/ThePendragonAdventure'').
* July 2: The Briori, an alien race, abduct over 300 humans from Earth to use them as a slave force. Among them are Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan. (''Series/StarTrekVoyager'')
* September: The Citizen Crime Fighting Act is passed in Paragon City, authorizing vigilante arrest of criminals. (''VideoGame/CityOfHeroes'')
* October:
** A faceless man known as "The Blank" embarks on a killing spree, shooting several known gang members before being apprehended by Dick Tracy. Unmasked, The Blank turns out to be criminal Frankie Redrum, who had been horribly disfigured in a prison escape. The killings were revenge for his former criminal associates shunning him for his new disfigurements. Redrum is sentenced to life in prison. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
** Victor Martin Summersby, Armante Durand, and Tiago García Ferrara are photographed at the Hotel Florida with Creator/ErnestHemingway and a person conspicuously turning away from the camera - presumed to be V. M. Straka. (''Literature/SDorst'')
* November: Walter Frederick Morrison and his future wife Lucile make a game of tossing a popcorn can lid to and from each other. This leads to the invention of the frisbee. (RealLife)
** Eugene Zuckerberg invents the frisbee by taking a paper plate and turning it upside down. He then throws it to his wife Edna, and she throws it back to him, and he throws it back to her, and she throws it back to him. [[UnreliableNarrator Maybe.]] (''Roleplay/NoPixel'')
* December 31: Armante Durand is kidnapped and killed by Fascist forces near Madrid. [[labelnote:more]] She was betrayed by her former comrade Tiago García Ferrara, who left "The S" to defect to the Fascists.[[/labelnote]] (''Literature/SDorst'')
* In New York City, Professors Kyriakos and Helena Gallaragas create a suit of PoweredArmor capable of harnessing vril energy (the same energy used by the Hyperborians). [[labelnote:more]]Both Nazi spies and Memnan Saa attempt to steal the suit. The intervention of The Lobster--and the sudden ascension of Jim Sacks, the man wearing the armor--prevents them from succeeding.[[/labelnote]] (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: The Iron Prometheus]]'')
* Private investigator Jake Gittes is hired by a woman claiming to be Evelyn Mulwray, the wife of the city's water commissioner to prove that her husband is having an affair. (''Film/{{Chinatown}}'')
* Immortals Duncan [=MacLeod=] and Kage work as reporters, covering the UsefulNotes/SpanishCivilWar from the front lines. Kage betrays Duncan to the fascists for money. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* General Tapioca, the dictator of the South American republic of San Theodoros, is overthrown by his rival General Alcazar. (''ComicBook/{{Tintin}}'')
* The vampire known as the Master is imprisoned under Sunnydale. (''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'')
* Rachel O'Connor, the current Slayer, is recruited by the OSS to prevent Nazis from transferring a powerful djinn from New York to Berlin. (''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'')
* WesternAnimation/DaffyDuck stars in his first short for Warner Bros. (''WesternAnimation/LooneyTunes'')
* Stephen "Mitch" Mitchell is born. (''Radio/JourneyIntoSpace'')
* Gordon Endicott is born. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Trudy Calavicci and Arnold Watkins are born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Taro "Arthur" Takamori is born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* The eleven-year-old Jackie Rhoades and his friends break into a grocery store. Jackie is caught and spends the next eleven months in a reform school. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Ida and Rhoda Morgenstern are married. (''Series/TheMaryTylerMooreShow'')
* Joe and Phyllis Britt are married. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Umberto Fulcanelli is mortally wounded in a building collapse. The Cronos Device disappears. (''Film/{{Cronos}}'')

* February 28: Maia Rutledge is born. (''Series/TheFortyFourHundred'')
* April 18:
** The first public appearance of Franchise/{{Superman}}. (Creator/DCComics)
** Doc Brown time travels to this date to pick up several copies of ''ComicBook/ActionComics'' #1, with the intent to sell one to finance a hover conversion and Mr. Fusion upgrade in 2015. (''ComicBook/BackToTheFuture'')
** Jonathan "Jono" Quick buys a copy of ''ComicBook/ActionComics'' #1. He keeps it in his possession until 1986 when he sells it for at least $20,000. (''Series/AmazingStories'')
* June 10: Roy Grimsley is born. (''Series/{{Rhoda}}'')
* June 16: The Time Traveller, along with Nebogipfel and Moses, are brought to this date by the ''Raglan'', and are taken to London, which is now covered by a dome. (''Literature/TheTimeShips'')
* June 19-21: The time travelers Phineas Bogg and Jeffrey Jones convince Joe Louis not to retire from boxing. (''Series/{{Voyagers}}'')
* June 22: Joe Louis knocks out Max Schmeling in Yankee Stadium and retains his title as world heavyweight boxing champion. (RealLife) The time travelers Phineas Bogg and Jeffrey Jones are in attendance. (''Series/{{Voyagers}}'')
* August 21: Jacob Carter is born. (''Series/StargateSG1'')
* September 19: Hector Canfield is born. (''Series/ItsAboutTime'')
* October 9: Brith of Susan Montero (Flower). [[labelnote:Justification]] A mug shot used for her memorial confirms her date of birth happening on that date.[[/labelnote]] (''Series/GhostsUS'')
* October 30:
** Martians invade and are killed by germs. (''Radio/TheWarOfTheWorlds'') The radio broadcast was a cover-up, the true invasion being made by Red Lectroids from Planet Ten by way of the Eighth Dimension. (''Film/TheAdventuresOfBuckarooBanzaiAcrossThe8thDimension'')
** Audrey Metz is murdered in Philadelphia. (''Series/ColdCase'')
** An alien race known as the Laiderplacker arrive on Earth with the intention of establishing a protection racket. (''AudioPlay/BigFinishDoctorWho'')
* September: Anni Sonnenblume becomes the Slayer and also rebels against the Nazis. (''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'')
* November 1: In front of a capacity crowd at Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore, with an estimated 40 million listening to radio coverage, one of the most anticipated horse races of modern times sees Seabiscuit defeat the favored War Admiral in a match race. (RealLife and ''Film/{{Seabiscuit}}'')
* November 9: Hilla "Hilly" Doehner is born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* November: James Thurrold Player dies. (''Series/{{Colditz}}'')
* December: The Lobster's career as a vigilante ends, as he is recruited by the US military to head several top-secret missions. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: The Iron Prometheus]]'')
* Franchise/IndianaJones searches for his missing father and the Holy Grail in various places in Europe. (''Film/IndianaJonesAndTheLastCrusade'')
* First appearance of the Crimson Avenger. (Creator/DCComics)
* Zatara first fights crime. (Creator/DCComics)
* Nazi soldiers enter the Sleeping God's pyramid. All are killed. (''VideoGame/PathwaysIntoDarkness'')
* Duncan [=MacLeod=] tries to smuggle Niva, a political dissident and his current girlfriend, out of the USSR. He fails, and she is left to the mercy of Stalin. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* Syd Langkowski shoots his gangster brother, Joey, as well as Duncan [=MacLeod=]. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* Duncan meets Linda Plager, a freelance photographer. They soon fall in love. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* Birth of the gargoyles Jade and Turquesa in the Mayan Clan. (''WesternAnimation/{{Gargoyles}}'')
* Birth of the gargoyle Yama of the Ishimura Clan of Japan. (''WesternAnimation/{{Gargoyles}}'')
* The creators of the stone mask awaken. (''Manga/JoJosBizarreAdventure'')
* Birth of John Christopher Brent in New York City. He would grow up to become a pilot. (''Film/BeneathThePlanetOfTheApes'' and adaptations)
* Atomic Robo, promised U.S. citizenship in exchange for his services, interrupts Baron Heinrich von Helsingard's experiments in a secret Himalayan base. (''ComicBook/AtomicRobo'')
* Professional barnstormer Cliff Secord of Los Angeles discovers and adapts a personal jet-pack designed by Howard Hughes. (''ComicBook/TheRocketeer'')
* Dr. Elwin Ransom of Cambridge vanishes during a hiking trip and is presumed missing for the greater part of a year. (''Literature/TheSpaceTrilogy'')
* Jonah Vogelbaum defects from Nazi Germany and gives early Compound V and Stormfront to Vought-American. (''Comicbook/{{The Boys}}'')
* Lobster Johnson investigates the deaths of several scientists employed by Zinco-Davis Laboratories. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Lobster Johnson: The Killer in My Skull]]'')
* A spaceship containing an infant named Kal-L crash-lands in a Ukrainian collective. The boy grows up to become Franchise/{{Superman}}, the greatest hero of the Soviet Union. (''ComicBook/SupermanRedSon'')
* The Martians invade Earth, destroying all of its major cities and killing millions of people. Franchise/{{Superman}} is killed fighting the invaders. However, his sacrifice allows ComicBook/LexLuthor to determine that disrupting their anti-gravity will topple their tripods and expose the Martians to Earth's bacteria, for which they have no defense. As Adolf Hitler and UsefulNotes/JosefStalin were killed during the invasion, Germany and the former Soviet Union adopt vaguely democratic governments. The same is true of UsefulNotes/{{Italy}} and UsefulNotes/{{Japan}}. On the other hand, the British Union of Fascists leader Oswald Mosley becomes the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Since UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt was likewise killed by the Martian onslaught, John Nance Garner succeeds him as U.S. President with Luthor as his Vice President. (''Superman: War of the Worlds'')
* Salvadore Ross is born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* On [[AlternateUniverse Earth 10]], a spaceship containing a Kryptonian infant named Kal-L crash-lands in the Sudetenland. Raised by Adolf Hitler, he becomes [[Franchise/{{Superman}} Overman]] as an adult and helps UsefulNotes/NaziGermany conquer Earth. (Creator/DCComics)
* Adolf Hitler is assassinated by a group of German generals as part of a plot to prevent the outbreak of war. Hermann Göring succeeds him and remains in power until at least 1953. (''Alternate Presidents'')
* Roger Meyers Sr. releases his controversial and much-criticised cartoon, ''Nazi Supermen Are Our Superiors''. (''WesternAnimation/TheSimpsons'')
* U.S. President Huey Long invites Adolf Hitler to the United States, ostensibly for peace talks. He uses the opportunity to assassinate Hitler, leading to a war between the US and Germany. (''Alternate Presidents'')
* The ''Los Angeles Tribune'' is founded by Matthew Pynchon. (''Series/LouGrant'')
* Otis and Elsie Peabody get married. (''Literature/BackToTheFuture'')
* John Kinsella gets married. (''Film/FieldOfDreams'')
* The Pontypandy Fire Station is founded in Pontypandy, Wales. (''WesternAnimation/FiremanSam'')

* January 1: Top German physicist Ernst Oeming[[note]]often referred to as the Nazi Einstein, and believed to be close to giving his leader the A-bomb[[/note]] is blown up in his car, destroying all his notes. A group of Nazi scientists and parascientists at Hunte Castle, having made contact with the Ogdru Hem, decide to use his remains in their project. (''ComicBook/{{Hellboy}}: Conqueror Worm'')
* March 21: [[note]](The Vernal Equinox)[[/note]]The secret Nazi space project at Hunte Castle sends the undead body[[note]](more than one reference is made to him being dead, but he is able to speak just before the launch)[[/note]] of Ernst Oeming into space, in hopes that his corpse would serve as a host for one of the space-bound Ogdru Hem. The launch is interrupted by a US recon team led by Lobster Johnson, and goes off prematurely, causing an explosion and fire that tears through the entire castle and kills everyone present,[[note]]with the exception of leading scientist Herman von Klempt, who survives - after a fashion[[/note]] causing the Nazis to abandon the site and the Allies to overlook it. [[note]]Which was probably unwise... Much of Hunte's technology was still operable, including the cyborgolem army in the caves beneath the castle, (deprived of power when the generator was knocked out), the transceiver setup used to contact the Ogdru Hem (along with the corpses of the contact team) and the rocket, which (unbeknown to everyone) had made it safely into space. Not to mention that death is a variable quantity in the Hellboy universe, and Lobster Johnson isn't the type to let it keep him out of action permanently...[[/note]] (''ComicBook/{{Hellboy}}: Conqueror Worm'')
* April: Mary Richards is born in Roseburg, Minnesota. (''Series/TheMaryTylerMooreShow'')
* Before May 1: Alex Haley drops out of Alcorn State University. (''[[Series/Roots1977 Roots: The Next Generations]]'')
* May: The first public appearance of Franchise/{{Batman}}. (Creator/DCComics)
* June 13: On the day of her engagement party, 18-year-old Anne Henderson is chased by a screaming woman while riding a horse around her family's property. She is very shaken by the incident. Her fiancé Robert Blake jokes that it is a bad omen for their impending marriage. That night, Anne runs away with her ex-fiancé (and childhood friend) David Mitchell. Her marriage to David proves to be a disaster as he becomes an abusive wastrel who runs the Henderson family estate into the ground and turns Anne into [[TheAlcoholic an alcoholic]]. After riding around the soon to be repossessed property in 1964, Anne realises that the screaming woman that she saw 25 years earlier was her older self who was trying to warn her about marrying David. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
** Doesn't go so well for the Soviets. (''VideoGame/TheNewOrderLastDaysOfEurope'')
* June:
** Superman smashes a racketeer operation called The Cab Protective League, and encounters the sinister Ultra-Humanite for the first time. (Creator/DCComics)
** Thompson graduates from the Rock Spring School for Boys. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* July 2: Adrian Veidt is born. (''ComicBook/{{Watchmen}}''; exact date give in ''Series/Watchmen2019'')
* August 11: Sadie Douglas is raped and murdered in Philadelphia. (''Series/ColdCase'')
* August:
** Sophie Cartensen becomes the Slayer. (''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'')
** The time traveler Paul Driscoll attempts to assassinate Adolf Hitler using a sniper rifle from a UsefulNotes/{{Berlin}} hotel room but he is interrupted by a housekeeper and two SS guards. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
** Alex Haley enlists in the US Coast Guard. (''[[Series/Roots1977 Roots: The Next Generations]]'')
** Papa Jupiter burns his family's house down, so his father nearly kills him and leaves him in a nearby desert. Soon after, he abducts a woman and spawns a CannibalClan. (''Film/TheHillsHaveEyes1977'')
* September 1: Germany invades Poland, starting World War II. (RealLife) A troupe of hammy Polish actors is affected. (''Film/ToBeOrNotToBe'') The war is caused by {{Satan}}. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* September 4: The RMS ''Goliath'', an ocean liner is attacked by a German U-Boat.[[labelnote:more]] a group of passengers and crew survive after creating an air bubble inside of the ship and establish a (seemingly) utopian community at the bottom of the ocean.[[/labelnote]] (''Film/GoliathAwaits'')
* October 9: Ken Barlow is born. (''Series/CoronationStreet'')
* October 31, at 8:05 PM: At the Hollywood Tower Hotel, five people[[labelnote:more]]Singer Carolyn Crosson (stage name: "Claire Poulet"), her boyfriend Gilbert London, child movie star Sally Shine, Sally's nanny Emeline Partridge, and bellhop Dewey Todd[[/labelnote]] disappear after lightning strikes the elevator they were riding on.[[labelnote:spoiler]]The lightning came from a curse cast by Sally's jealous sister Abigail Gregory, who discovered an old book of witchcraft.[[/labelnote]] Soon after, the hotel is shut down. (''Franchise/TheTwilightZone [[Ride/DisneyThemeParks Tower of Terror]]'' ride and ''Film/TowerOfTerror'' TV movie adaptation)
* October: Shauna Louise Allen is born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')
* November 7: Confederate States President Jake Featherston is re-elected. This is the last CSA presidential election before the Second Great War and the Confederacy's dissolution in 1944. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
* December: Helen Rosenthal is born. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Baseball season: Roy Hobbs joins the New York Knights baseball club as a 35-year-old rookie. His borderline supernatural hitting talent brings the Knights out of a losing streak. He also temporarily romances [[TheVamp Memo Paris]], reconnects with his first love Iris Gaines, and returns a bribe to throw the World Series. However, his old bullet injury flares up, and he splinters his beloved "Wonderboy" bat during the last at-bat of the World Series. (''Film/TheNatural'' novel and movie)
** Using another bat, Hobbs strikes out in the last at-bat of the World Series, losing the Series for the Knights. News of the bribe emerges and everyone thinks Hobbs was in on it after all. Disgraced, Hobbs' name is erased from the history books. [[TheBadGuyWins Judge Banner gains full ownership of the Knights]]. (''The Natural'' novel)
** Using another bat, Hobbs hits a home run into the lights during the last at-bat of the World Series, winning the Series for the Knights. Pop Fisher wins full ownership of the Knights. [[HappilyEverAfter Everyone is happy]]. (''The Natural'' movie)
* At a New York press conference, Prof. Phineas Horton presents his "synthetic man" to the public. To everyone's alarm, though, the "Human Torch" bursts into flame when exposed to air. (Creator/MarvelComics)
* Giant robots constructed by the mysterious Dr. Totenkopf abduct scientists from around the world in order to construct a superweapon and a rocket capable of space travel. Freelance aeronaut Harry "Sky Captain" Sullivan thwarts Totenkopf's plan with assistance from the Royal Air Force. (''Film/SkyCaptainAndTheWorldOfTomorrow'')
* Ozwell Spencer, James Marcus, and Edward Ashford graduate from university. (''VideoGame/ResidentEvil0'')
* An amphibious humanoid calling himself "Namor" wreaks havoc along the Manhattan shoreline. Reporters from the local ''Bugle'' newspaper dub him the ComicBook/SubMariner. (Creator/MarvelComics)
* Wesley Dodds becomes the [[ComicBook/TheSandman Sandman]]. (Creator/DCComics)
* Dan Garret becomes the original ComicBook/BlueBeetle. (Creator/DCComics)
* Birth of Ralph Offenhouse. He would grow up to become a financier. Being subject to cryogenic stasis, Ralph was still alive in the 24th century. (''Series/StarTrekTheNextGeneration'')
* Linda Plager breaks up with Duncan [=MacLeod=] to concentrate on her photography. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* Joseph Joestar fights and defeats the Pillar Men, the creators of the stone mask. [[labelnote:more]]One of the Pillar Men, Kars, obtains the Red Stone of Asia, becoming an immortal God. However, during his battle with Joseph, he is blown into outer space by a volcano, where he freezes himself as a defense mechanism, doomed to float through space forever, and eventually ceasing to think.[[/labelnote]] (''Manga/JoJosBizarreAdventure'')
* Tintin saves the small Eastern European kingdom of Syldavia from a takeover by their Fascist neighbour Borduria. (ComicBook/{{Tintin}})
* Estimated birth of Maryann Stewart. She would grow up to become a respected biological researcher and an astronaut. (''Film/PlanetOfTheApes1968'' and adaptations[[labelnote:more]]Other than being a young woman, there were no notes for the age of this character. More recent adaptations have expanded on her age and background.[[/labelnote]])
* Birth of Asha Sayre in Port Buck, Florida. (''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'')
* Investigator Philip Marlowe uncovers a series of scandals and crimes at the Sternwood mansion in Los Angeles. (''Literature/TheBigSleep'')
* A singing and dancing cat named Danny takes Hollywood by storm, much to the chagrin of deranged child actress Darla Dimple. (''WesternAnimation/CatsDontDance'')
* A dog named Charlie B. Barkin escapes from heaven and befriends Anne-Marie, a human orphan who can talk to animals. (''WesternAnimation/AllDogsGoToHeaven'')
* John and Martha Bodie and a dingo hunter are abducted from the [[UsefulNotes/{{Australia}} Australian Outback]] and brought to UsefulNotes/{{Mars}}. (''Radio/JourneyIntoSpace'')
* John Ross "J.R." Ewing II is born. (''Series/{{Dallas}}'')
* Cheryl Wilson, Connie Duncan, Billie Jean Crockett, Neil Lindhurst and Will Kinman are born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* After being sent back in time millions of years, Global Airlines Flight 33 attempts to return to its native time of 1961 but does not come back far enough. The plane arrives during the 1939 New York World's Fair. Although running low on fuel, it makes another attempt to get home to 1961. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Denis Nealey is born. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Andre Toulon commits suicide to escape the Nazis. (''Film/PuppetMaster'')
* UsefulNotes/AlanTuring is hired to crack the Nazi enigma code. (RealLife and ''Film/TheImitationGame'')
* A group of gangsters are hired to assassinate Adolf Hitler. [[labelnote:more]]They succeed, but are killed in the process and the German government uses a body double to continue the war.[[/labelnote]] (''Film/HitlerDeadOrAlive'')
* Alec Leamas enlists in the British Army Corps of Royal Engineers. (''Literature/TheSpyWhoCameInFromTheCold'')
* Nico and Bianca di Angelo stay at the Lotus Hotel. Due to the YearInsideHourOutside nature of the Hotel, they spend 70 years there while believing that they spent a month. (''Literature/TheCampHalfBloodSeries'')

* The Great Depression and the global economic crisis aren't resolved by the USA or Nazi Germany. (''Literature/TheShapeOfThingsToCome'')
* Edward Blake first appears as the Comedian. (''ComicBook/{{Watchmen}}'')
* A time-traveling Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth attempts to assassinate Adolf Hitler. He manages to kill the Hitler of one universe and the Eleanor Roosevelt of another. What effect this had on the two timelines is uncertain. (''WesternAnimation/{{Futurama}}'')
* On [[AlternateUniverse Earth-C]], famed archaeologist [[Franchise/IndianaJones Oklahoma Bones]] has various adventures, including discovering the [[Film/RaidersOfTheLostArk Lost Aardvark]]. He also has an adventure on Easter Bunny Island against several [[ThoseWackyNazis Ratzis]]. (''ComicBook/CaptainCarrotAndHisAmazingZooCrew'')
* Before the broadcast of an episode of the UBS {{radio drama}} ''Dick Noble, African Explorer'', the writer and director Nelson Westbrook idly wishes over what he thinks is a dime store novelty that every sound effect in the script could come from something real. He does realize that it is in fact a genuine voodoo artifact, which grants his wish. [[BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor It proves to be more than he bargained for]]. As the actors perform the script, [[HilarityEnsues a vulture, monkeys and African tribesmen appear in the studio]]. A thunderstorm even breaks out indoors. Through some very quick rewrites, Westbrook manages to avoid a plane crash, an elephant stampede and an earthquake but a flying saucer crashes in the studio when the promo for the following week's episode, involving [[AlienInvasion invaders from Mars]], is read by the announcer. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')

[[folder:1940 C.E. - 1945 C.E.]]

* January 2: Lennie Briscoe is born. (''Series/LawAndOrder'')
* January: Tensions break out between Nazi Germany and Poland at Danzig and being evenly matched leads to a long drawn out ten-year war. (''Literature/TheShapeOfThingsToCome'')
* March: Simon Carter and Cathy Devenish are married. (''Series/{{Colditz}}'')
* April:
** Franchise/{{Batman}} takes on a sidekick, Robin, the Boy Wonder. (Creator/DCComics)
** Comicbook/LexLuthor battles Franchise/{{Superman}} for the first time. (Creator/DCComics)
** A mysterious criminal known only as the Joker first appears in Gotham City. (Creator/DCComics)
** Batman first encounters a jewel thief and master of disguise known as "The Cat", who later changes her name to "ComicBook/{{Catwoman}}". (Creator/DCComics)
** Jerome Trohs AKA The Midget comes to police attention for his criminal activities, but he proves to be elusive. He's eventually scalded to death by his own accomplice Mama for abandoning her to the police. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* June 2: Shortly after the violent death and burial of criminologist Denny Colt, an anonymous masked vigilante declares war on the criminals of Central City. (''ComicBook/TheSpirit'')
* June 14: Paris falls to the Nazis. (RealLife) As Ilsa Lund and Rick Blaine are preparing to flee Paris, Ilsa learns that her husband Victor Laszlo is still alive. She leaves Rick without explanation. (''Film/{{Casablanca}}'')
* June 19: George makes his second stop on his journey into the future. Arriving in the middle of an air raid, he is appalled by the flying machines being used as weapons of war overhead. He soon realizes that this is a different war to the one that was being fought when he made his first stop on September 13, 1917. (''Film/TheTimeMachine1960'')
* September 6-8: [[UsefulNotes/TheHomeFront The Blitz]] begins. (RealLife)
* September 7:
** Sophie Cartensen, the current Slayer, is killed by Spike in Spain. Isabel Cortés becomes the Slayer, and is killed by Skrymir four minutes later. Eleanor Boudreau becomes the Slayer. (''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'')
** Duncan [=MacLeod=] tries to save the live of journalist Diane Terrin, but they end up trapped in a building with a gas leak. Diane dies in Duncan's arms. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
** The gargoyle Griff of the London Clan tries to defend his hometown during the Blitz. He disappears mysteriously and considered deceased, but actually travelled forward in time to the year 1996. (''WesternAnimation/{{Gargoyles}}'')
* September 12: James Edward Whitaker claims that this is his date of birth. However, he was actually born on September 12, 1893. (''Radio/JourneyIntoSpace'')
* September 14: Skrymir is killed by Eleanor Boudreau and potential Slayer Ariana de la Croix. (''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'')
* October 2: Eddie Blake (The Comedian) attempts to rape Sally Jupiter (Silk Spectre I), but is stopped by Hooded Justice and subsequently kicked out of the Minutemen. (''ComicBook/{{Watchmen}}''; exact date given in ''Series/Watchmen2019'')
* November 5:
** UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt is elected to a third term as U.S. President, defeating Wendell Willkie. (RealLife)
** John W. Bricker is elected President of the United States. (''Literature/TheManInTheHighCastle'')
** [[UsefulNotes/JosefStalin Joe Steele]] is elected to a third term as U.S. President, defeating Wendell Willkie. ("Literature/JoeSteele")
** Al Smith is elected to a second term as U.S. President, defeating Robert Taft and Wendell Willkie. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
** Charles Lindbergh is elected U.S. President, defeating UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt. (''Literature/ThePlotAgainstAmerica'')
** U.S. President George Norris is defeated is his bid for a second term by Thomas E. Dewey. (''Literature/BringTheJubilee'')
** U.S. President UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt is defeated by Arthur Vandenberg. (''Literature/ForUsTheLivingAComedyOfCustoms'')
** Due to his steadfast opposition to the United Kingdom's peace treaty with Nazi Germany, U.S. President UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt is defeated in his bid for a third term by Robert Taft. (''Dominion'')
** U.S. President Henry L. Stimson is re-elected, once again defeating Franklin D. Roosevelt. (''Alternate Presidents'')
* December 25:
** Ralphie Parker gets a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas. The Parker family is introduced to "Chinese turkey." (''Film/AChristmasStory'')[[labelnote:justification]]Ralphie's new ComicStrip/LittleOrphanAnnie decoder pin is [[http://www.achristmasstoryhouse.com/index.php/a-christmas-story-movie-facts/little-orphan-annie/ the 1940 model.]][[/labelnote]]
** A global war breaks out. (''Film/ThingsToCome'')
* December: A Berserker pendant goes missing in the devastation of Park Vale Barracks. (''Series/TheSarahJaneAdventures'')
* Jay Garrick becomes ComicBook/TheFlash. (Creator/DCComics)
* Carter Hall becomes ComicBook/{{Hawkman}}. (Creator/DCComics)
* Billy Batson becomes [[ComicBook/{{Shazam}} Captain Marvel]]. (Creator/DCComics)
* Jim Corrigan becomes Comicbook/TheSpectre. (Creator/DCComics)
* Rex Tyler becomes ComicBook/{{Hourman}}. (Creator/DCComics)
* Kent Nelson becomes Comicbook/DoctorFate. (Creator/DCComics)
* Alan Scott becomes ''Comicbook/GreenLantern''. (Creator/DCComics)
* The Human Torch battles the ComicBook/SubMariner. (Creator/MarvelComics)
* The ComicBook/JusticeSocietyOfAmerica forms. (Creator/DCComics)
* A group of children travel through a magic wardrobe to the land of Narnia. (Literature/TheChroniclesOfNarnia)
* Novice witch Miss Price takes in three children evacuated from London, and winds up taking them on a magical adventure. (''Film/BedknobsAndBroomsticks'')
* After seeing his friend killed before his eyes, Sean Devlin escapes Germany. He is recruited by the French Resistance and the British Special Operations Executive to fight back against Nazis, sabotage their operations, and (literally) bring color to a German-occupied, black and white France. (''VideoGame/TheSaboteur'')
* Birth of the werewolf Jonathan "Jon" Talbain/Gallon in England. (''VideoGame/{{Darkstalkers}}'')
* Atomic Robo serves with the Flying Tigers in Chengkung, China. (''ComicBook/AtomicRobo'')
* WesternAnimation/BugsBunny stars in his first short for Warner Bros. He quickly becomes the studio's most successful star, eclipsing WesternAnimation/PorkyPig and WesternAnimation/DaffyDuck. (''WesternAnimation/LooneyTunes'', Real Life)
* Jerry manages to get Jasper [[WesternAnimation/PussGetsTheBoot kicked out of the house]]. Mammy Two-Shoes then gets a new cat--Tom. (''WesternAnimation/TomAndJerry'')
* Stooge Viller dies in prison from the effects of gangrene. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* Eva Panzini is born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* The film ''Queen of the Nile'' starring Pamela Morris as UsefulNotes/CleopatraVII is released. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Edward Hall develops a rheumatic heart at 15 years old. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Ed Lindsay and Vinnie Brown meet in a boarding house and soon fall in love. He proposes to her but the wedding is put off when Ed's mother becomes ill. By the time that his mother dies, it is too late. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* In Eerie, Indiana, the third Harvest King is [[HumanSacrifice chosen to be sacrificed]] to the werewolf Mr. Chaney in order to ensure 13 years of good luck and low taxes. The town authorities claim that he moved to Spain. (''Series/EerieIndiana'')
* Ellen Leigh is born. (''Film/{{Hereditary}}'')
* Lieutenant Havers leaves for the North African Campaign. Meanwhile, his captain buries a secret operation called William in the grounds of Button House. (''Series/GhostsUK'')

* January 5: Amy Johnson crash lands in the Thames Estuary, and is presumed dead when her body isn't found. (RealLife) However, the reason her body isn't found is because she is rescued by the Eleventh Doctor and Clara Oswald, who transport her to the planet Cornucopia in the present day so that she can live out the rest of her life. (''Magazine/DoctorWhoMagazine'' story "A Wing and a Prayer")
* January: A member of the Time Agency steals the late Captain Jack Harkness's identity. He then tries to con other Time Agents into selling a doomed Chula warship for a profit. [[labelnote:more]]It turns out the time travellers chasing the Chula ship were the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler. It also turns out the "empty" warship (really an ambulance) has nanogenes which start a zombie uprising, sort of. The mummy of the patient zero of this uprising, [[TitleDrop the Empty Child, if you will]] helps to reprogram the nanogenes. Jack captures the bomb set to blow up the investigated ambulance and the Doctor rescues him from his imminent death.[[/labelnote]] "Jack" joins the TARDIS. (''Series/{{Torchwood}}'', ''Series/DoctorWho'')
* The first meeting between Tintin and Captain Haddock. (''ComicBook/{{Tintin}}'')
* Before March 13: Dumbo flies to fame as the world's only flying elephant. (''{{WesternAnimation/Dumbo}}'')
* March 13: ''The News Bulletin'' runs the headline "Wonder Elephant Soars To Fame". Other stories include "Britain in Greatest Offensive", "Rain Grounds Flying Unit", "Mediation Plan Submitted To President", and "Knox Discounts Strike Peril". (''{{WesternAnimation/Dumbo}}'')
* May 25: Steve Rogers attends [[https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/BRO/BRO194105250.shtml a Dodgers/Phillies game]] at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn. (''Film/CaptainAmericaTheFirstAvenger'')
* June 7: Clyde Langer is thrown through time to find the rare metal chronostene, and discovers a Nazi plot on the shores of Britain. (''Series/TheSarahJaneAdventures'')
* June 22: Nazi Germany invades the Soviet Union as part of Operation Barbarossa. The Eastern Front of UsefulNotes/WorldWarII begins. (RealLife)
* June:
** Kaiser Wilhelm II dies, and France, Russia and Britain invade Germany, hoping to capitalize on the confusion to regain territory and prestige lost in the Great War. The Confederate States launches a sudden all-out attack on the USA, beginning the Second Great War. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
** Artie Beechcroft graduates from the Rock Spring School for Boys. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* September 10: Norwegian union leaders Rolf Wickstrøm and Viggo Hansteen is executed by the Nazis. A young factory worker, Harald Silju, decides to join the resistance movement soon after (''Film/WeLeaveForEngland'').
* October through December: The exploits of the German U-boat U-96. (''Film/DasBoot'')
* November 22: Rustin Parr, a hermit from Burkittsville, Maryland, is hanged for the murders of seven children. (''Film/TheBlairWitchProject'')
* Before December: Zebulon Walton dies. (''Series/TheWaltons'')
* December 4: Bukharin and the rest of the Soviet leadership evacuage Moscow, following reports of a potential German encirclement of the city. (''VideoGame/TheNewOrderLastDaysOfEurope'')
* December 5: Ensign Janowski and Edna are married. (''[[Series/TheTwilightZone1959 The Time Element]]'')
* December 7:
** Japanese warships bomb Pearl Harbor. [[AmericaSavesTheDay America gets pissed off and enters]] UsefulNotes/WorldWarII. (RealLife).
*** Doesn't go so well for America. (''VideoGame/TheNewOrderLastDaysOfEurope'')
** The USS ''West Virginia'' is saved by Pvt. Thomas Conlin and other Marines and sailors from sinking, with them also fending off part of the Second Japanese attack wave by shooting down and damaging several Japanese planes (''VideoGame/MedalOfHonorPacificAssault'')
** At Pearl Harbor, the Japanese target an American love triangle. (''Film/PearlHarbor'' [film]) %%Paraphrasing Roger Ebert's review of the film.
** In the aftermath of Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt forms all active superheroes on US soil (including the Justice Society, the Seven Soldiers of Victory, and others) into a new team, the ComicBook/AllStarSquadron. (Creator/DCComics)
** Commander Anthony Newman, Sr. is killed in the attack. However, his seven-year-old son Tony is saved by his future self from 1968. (''Series/TheTimeTunnel'')
** The time travelers Phineas Bogg and Jeffrey Jones, with the help of an Army intelligence officer named Jackie Knox, prevent General UsefulNotes/DouglasMacArthur from being killed in the attack, setting history back on its proper course. (''Series/{{Voyagers}}'')
** Peter Jenson, a time traveller from 1958, is killed in the attack. Only two days after his marriage to Edna, Ensign Janoski, a junior engineering officer aboard the U.S.S. ''Arizona'', dies when the ship is sunk. (''[[Series/TheTwilightZone1959 The Time Element]]'')
** Dr. Curtis Willard is reported to have been killed in the attack. However, his wife Mary Ellen Walton learns in 1945 that he is alive and well in UsefulNotes/{{Florida}} living under the name Curtis Packer. (''Series/TheWaltons'')
** Michael Corleone quits college and enlists in the Marines in response to the attack, which takes place on his father Vito's 50th birthday. (''[[Film/TheGodfather The Godfather Part II]]'')
** The Confederate States launches a preemptive strike on UsefulNotes/{{Japan}}, destroying two naval bases and bombing UsefulNotes/{{Kyoto}}. (''Film/CSATheConfederateStatesOfAmerica'')
** Dickie Weiss, an ensign aboard the U.S.S. ''Arizona'', sacrifices his life to save twelve other men trapped in the boiler room during the attack. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* December 8: Hitler and Tojo use the Spear of Destiny and Holy Grail respectively to cast a mystical spell covering all Axis controlled territories. Any superhero based on or sensitive to magic (such as the Spectre, Green Lantern, or Superman) entering Axis territory will fall under their sway. This effectively keeps the more powerful heroes from direct involvement with the war in Europe and the Pacific. (''ComicBook/AllStarSquadron'', Creator/DCComics)
* December 10: Norwegian union men Wiggo Hansteen and Rolf Wickstrøm is executed by the Nazi government in Norway. (RealLife) This event causes a young worker, Harald Silju, to join the resistance. (''Film/WeLeaveForEngland'')
* December 25:
** Santa Claus makes his delivery with just six reindeer and a drunken elf. The elf falls out over Lake Geneva and is never seen again. (''Westernanimation/ArthurChristmas'')
** Moscow falls to the Germans. SS forces hoist the Nazi swastika over the Kremlin. (''VideoGame/TheNewOrderLastDaysOfEurope'')
* December:
** Czech Resistance leader Victor Laszlo and his wife, Ilsa Lund arrive in Casablanca to get passports so they can escape to the U.S. With the help of American expatriate and cafe owner Rick Blaine, they manage to escape. (''Film/{{Casablanca}}'')
** A Japanese sub searches for "[[JapaneseRanguage Horrywood]]" just as Californians are getting paranoid about the possibility of an Axis invasion. [[HilarityEnsues Shenanigans ensue]]. (''Film/NineteenFortyOne1979'')
** Rhoda Morgenstern is born in the Bronx. (''Series/{{Rhoda}}'')
** The US Navy submarine ''714'' is commissioned. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* First appearance of Comicbook/{{Aquaman}}. (Creator/DCComics)
* Steve Rogers becomes ComicBook/CaptainAmerica. (Creator/MarvelComics)
* The Blackhawks begin their adventures. (Creator/DCComics)
* Oliver Queen becomes ComicBook/GreenArrow. (Creator/DCComics)
* Eel O'Brian becomes ComicBook/PlasticMan. (Creator/DCComics)
* Ted Knight becomes Comicbook/{{Starman}}. (Creator/DCComics)
* Franchise/WonderWoman first appears. (Creator/DCComics)
* Franchise/{{Batman}} first battles the Penguin. (Creator/DCComics)
* The first version of the ComicBook/SevenSoldiersOfVictory forms. (Creator/DCComics)
* UsefulNotes/WinstonChurchill invites the Eleventh Doctor and Amy to meet Professor Bracewell and his Ironside creations to fight in UsefulNotes/WorldWarII. [[labelnote:more]]The servile Ironsides are really among the last of the Daleks, who actually created Bracewell, and they gambitted the Doctor into unlocking the Progenitor to create a new Dalek race. After Amy defuses the bomb inside Bracewell, the new and improved Daleks escape through time. Winston contacts River Song, expecting the Doctor, about a van Gogh painting of the TARDIS he's found.[[/labelnote]] (''Series/DoctorWho'')
* Publishing tycoon Charles Foster Kane dies in his mansion, Xanadu. (''Film/CitizenKane'')
* The Race's invasion fleet arrives over Tosev 3. Reconnaissance flights are dismissed by the natives as radar artifacts, while the Race is stunned by the technological advances of just a few centuries. (''Literature/{{Worldwar}}'')
* Estimated birth of John Landon. He would grow up to become a scientist and an astronaut. He reportedly "wanted to live forever". (''Film/PlanetOfTheApes1968'' and adaptations[[labelnote:more]]Supposed to be 31-years-old in the film.[[/labelnote]])
* Japanese forces obtain a copy of Jan Vanderhaven's work, and get the idea to weaponise zombies. (''Literature/TheZombieSurvivalGuide'')
* Éamon de Valera orders the formation of a covert anti-Nazi force of masked vigilantes and meta-humans. (''The League of Volunteers'')
* Nazis successfully summon Bochanach in Wexford, but fail to control him. (''The League of Volunteers'')
* Idealistic playwright Barton Fink is hired by Capital Pictures to write a wrestling movie. (''Film/BartonFink'')
* Janni Dakkar and Broad Arrow Jack sneak into the Berlin Metropolis to rescue their son-in-law Armand Robut from Adenoid Hynkel's forces, only to find Hynkel has allied with their old enemy Ayesha. With the help of the turncoat Dr Mabuse, they manage to save Armand, but Jack sacrifices himself in the process. In revenge, Janni kills Ayesha along with Dr Caligari and the robot Maria, and levels Metropolis using Roburs airship ''The Terror''. (''ComicBook/TheLeagueOfExtraordinaryGentlemen: Nemo - Rose of Berlin'')
* Andrew "Jet" Morgan is born. (''Radio/JourneyIntoSpace'')
* U.S. President Robert Taft signs a peace treaty with UsefulNotes/{{Japan}}. (''Dominion'')
* Oskar Schindler uses his position as a factory owner in UsefulNotes/NaziGermany to make sure as many Jews escape the Holocaust as he can. (''Film/SchindlersList'' and RealLife)
* Holly Schaeffer is born. (''Series/NightGallery'')
* UsefulNotes/NaziGermany conquers the United Kingdom. ("The Last Article")
* Olga seeks the Chalk of Fate in Tamerlane's tomb. When she opens it, she finds nothing. (''Film/DayWatch'')
* Alec Leamas, now a British intelligence agent, is dropped into the Netherlands on a spying operation. (''Literature/TheSpyWhoCameInFromTheCold'')
* The Commandant of the sleepy French village of Nouvion, Colonel Kurt von Strohm, steals several French artifacts including the painting of "The Fallen Madonna With The Big Boobies" by van Klomp, and forces local cafe owner René Artois to hide them. At the same time the local resistance leader, Michelle Dubois, also forces Artois to hid two British Airmen who were shot down. Artois will spend the remainder of the war attempting to conceal both the artifacts and the airmen from the Gestapo (and his affairs with all three of his waitresses from his wife, Edith). (''Series/AlloAllo'')
* Monster Hunter Mordechai Byreika is arrested by the Nazis and sent to a concentration camp. (''Literature/MonsterHunterInternational'')
* Chris Wells, sibling of Sam Winston, child-in-law of Ruth Cassandra Winston, pibling of Charlie and Suzie Winston, and sibling-in-law of protagonist Alex Winston, is born. (''VideoGame/NotForBroadcast'')
* During the Blitz, Crowley rescues Aziraphale from Nazi spies attempting to gather books of prophecy for Hitler by making sure a bomb is dropped on the church they're in. The spies are sent to Hell, but are sent back to London as zombies by Furfur in order to catch Crowley colluding with Aziraphale. (''Series/GoodOmens2019'')

* January 7: Roberta Powers is born. (''Series/SavedByTheBellTheNewClass'')
* January 20: The new German government repeals the Nuremberg race laws, restoring full citizenship to German Jews. (''TabletopGame/{{Chrononauts}}'')
* January 21: The Soviet Union is formally dissolved by the provisional government in Arkhangelsk. (''VideoGame/TheNewOrderLastDaysOfEurope'')
* January: Racketeer B.B Eyes clashes with Dick Tracy, seeking revenge for his dead brother Jaques. B.B Eyes seemingly drowns in the city river at the conclusion of a high-speed chase after getting stuck in a tire. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* March 1: Second Battle of the Java Sea results in the sinking of heavy cruiser HMS ''Exeter'' and destroyers HMS ''Encounter'' and USS ''Pope''. (RealLife) Fleeing the battle, destroyers USS ''Walker'' and USS ''Mahan'' [[labelnote:more]]and Imperial Japanese Navy battlecruiser HIJMS ''Amagi''[[/labelnote]] encounter a space-time distortion resembling a rain squall and cross to an alternate Earth where humanity never evolved. They form an alliance with the native Lemurians against the voracious Grik. (''Literature/{{Destroyermen}}'')
* April 1: Dennis Tanner is born. (''Series/CoronationStreet'')
* April 14: Ex-secret agent Frank Carlson is killed in the London Blitz. (''VideoGame/TitanicAdventureOutOfTime'')
* May 4: Second Lieutenant Katell, an American soldier fighting in the UsefulNotes/{{Philippines}} on August 6, 1945, is transported back in time to this date. He finds that he has become an Imperial Japanese Army officer named Lt. Yamuri. His superior officer orders an attack on a group of American soldiers seeking refuge in a cave. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* June 4–7: The war in the Pacific turns decisively in favor of the Allies at the Battle of Midway, in which the US Navy sinks four Japanese aircraft carriers while losing only one. (RealLife, ''Film/Midway1976'', ''Film/Midway2019'')
* July: Comicbook/SgtFuryAndHisHowlingCommandos team up with [[Comicbook/TheTombOfDracula Count Dracula]] to liberate latter's Gypsy servants from a nazi death camp. (''Marvel Premiere'' #77-79)
* August 7: The US Navy submarine ''714'' is sunk by a Japanese ship during the First Battle of the Solomon Sea. The signalman Bell is knocked overboard by the shelling and is later found in the water by an American destroyer. As he is the [[SoleSurvivor only survivor]] of the sinking, Bell blames himself. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* August 17: US Marine Raiders attack Makin Atoll, with varying degrees of success. Just a week prior, a Marine reconaissance team is captured, with only 1 confirmed survivor. During the raid itself, an American reconaissance plane is shot down, forcing another squad to go after the pilot of the plane and retrieve any vital intel he carries. (''VideoGame/CallOfDutyWorldAtWar'' and ''VideoGame/MedalOfHonorPacificAssault'')
* August 23: Beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad. (RealLife)
* September 17: In the aftermath of a massacre in Stalingrad, two surviving soldiers, Pvt. Dmitri Petrenko and Sgt. Viktor Reznov track down and assassinate Gen. Amsel, the perpetrator of said massacre (''VideoGame/CallOfDutyWorldAtWar'')
* September 29: Birth of Retsu in Japan. He would grow up to become a master of the Shorinji Kempo fighting style. (''VideoGame/StreetFighterI'')
* September:
** "Pruneface" Boch becomes a Nazi collaborator and engages in industrial espionage against the U.S. He is eventually taken into custody after almost dying of frostbite during a shootout. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
** Frederick Charles Krueger is born to Amanda Krueger in Springwood, Ohio. (''Franchise/ANightmareOnElmStreet'')
* October 26: Henry Van Cleve dies one day after his 70th birthday. (''Film/HeavenCanWait1943'')
* November 12: German forces arrive in Marseille, France, starting a Nazi occupation of the city that will last into the 21st century. (''Film/Transit2018'')
* November: A squad of Soviets defend a five story apartment against a German platoon (''Film/Stalingrad2013'').
* December 14: Birth of Gouken in Japan. He is the older brother of Akuma. He would become a master of the martial arts and mentor to Dan Hibiki, Ryu, and Ken Masters. Though Dan never completed his training. (''VideoGame/StreetFighterIV'')
* December 31: The third leg of Creator/WillSmith's time travel escapades, ending up at a nightclub. Because of a malfunction with the time machine, Will accidentally arrives wearing his Seventies clothes, which he quickly corrects to a period-appropriate zoot suit. ("Will 2K" music video)
* December: Ben Jackson is born. (''Series/DoctorWho'')
* The Race launches an all-out invasion of Earth. South America, the Middle East, and Africa are captured without much of a fight. China is occupied, the United States is split in two along the Mississippi, and much of Europe is conquered. Nazi Germany and the USSR agree to a ceasefire to concentrate on the alien invaders, while the Jews and Catholics of Poland rise up against the Nazis in favor the "Lizards." The aliens use a limited nuclear strike in an attempt to cow the humans into surrender, but the various human nations' own nuclear programs soon offer chances at retaliation. (''Literature/{{Worldwar}}'')
* The heir of Salazar Slytherin [[labelnote:more]]Tom Marvolo Riddle, aka Lord Voldemort[[/labelnote]] opens the Chamber of Secrets in Hogwarts. [[labelnote:more]]releasing a basilisk killing at least one student. The teenage Voldemort is preserved in a Horcrux in the form of a diary.[[/labelnote]] (Literature/HarryPotter)
* Delta Green is formed. (Franchise/CthulhuMythos, ''TabletopGame/DeltaGreen'')
* Birth of Peter Maza to a Hopi family in Arizona. His father Carlos Maza is a member of the tribal police. Peter would grow up to become a police officer himself. But in New York City. (''WesternAnimation/{{Gargoyles}}'')
* Birth of Mariah Monmouth. She would grow up to become a free spirit and a single mother. She would be the mother of Harry Monmouth/ Dingo. (''WesternAnimation/{{Gargoyles}}'')
* Estimated birth of African-American Thomas Dodge. He would grow up to become a scientist and an astronaut. He was reportedly motivated by a "thirst for knowledge of the unknown". (''Film/PlanetOfTheApes1968'' and adaptations)
* Scrooge [=McDuck=], depressed and lonely, retires. (''Comicbook/TheLifeAndTimesOfScroogeMcDuck'')
* A lone American "super ace" flying a P-38 singlehandedly destroys many Japanese naval and air assets somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. (''1942'')
* Japanese forces garrison Atuk. Several zombies are apprehended. Beginning of Operation Cherry Blossom, an attempt by the Japanese military to weaponise zombies. (''Literature/TheZombieSurvivalGuide'')
* The Warner siblings are temporarily released from their tower to produce a patriotic film for the war effort. (''WesternAnimation/{{Animaniacs}}'')
* Birth of Emir to Michael and Katharine Parkreiner. Dimitri vanishes of the face of the Earth. (''VideoGame/{{killer7}}'')
* The Ministry of Pain nearly steals the juice box glob from the mayor of Townsville (''WesternAnimation/ThePowerpuffGirls'')
* Some guy discovers the continent of Bonerland. (''WesternAnimation/TheSimpsons'', [[Recap/TheSimpsonsS3E7TreehouseOfHorrorII Treehouse of Horror II]])
* Jeffrey Lebowski is born to a Polish-American inventor with a keen interest in geometry and architecture. (''Film/TheBigLebowski'')
* Harald Silju, Arild Jørn and about 20 other resistance men are shot by German soldiers after almost a year of imprisonment. The bodies are never found, but Harald´s notes are found after the war. (''Film/WeLeaveForEngland'')
* Karen Cooper (later Fairgate [=MacKenzie=]) is born. (''Series/KnotsLanding'')
* Sarah O'Casey is born. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Dana Barrenger, Thomas H. York and Ronald Miller are born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Captain Tom Jarrett is captured by the Germans and spends the next three years in a POW camp. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* A U-boat commanded by Kapitänleutnant Carl Lanser sinks the British liner S.S. ''Queen of Glasgow'' in the middle of the Atlantic. After his death, Lanser is condemned to relive the sinking as a passenger of the ''Queen of Glasgow'' over and over again for all eternity. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* A young boy dismembers his mother when she punishes him for having a p*rnographic puzzle piece. (''Film/{{Pieces}}'')
* A group of soldiers in the German Afrika Korps discover the tomb of Antony and Cleopatra in an Egyptian pyramid. They are shot at by unknown assailants, and the secret passage closes, trapping one unfortunate soldier; the Korps manages to take Cleopatra, but not Antony. (''Series/BloodAndTreasure'')
* Polly Wright is born. (''Literature/PastDoctorAdventures'')
* In UsefulNotes/{{Africa}}, Paul Radin disobeys Colonel Hawthorne's order to lead an assault up a hill. The delay almost costs the lives of a company of men. Radin is court-martialed, stripped of rank and dishonorably discharged. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* The Nexus crosses through the Milky Way Galaxy. (''Film/StarTrekGenerations'')
* Anthony Chambers is born. (''AudioPlay/BigFinishDoctorWho'')
* Hazel Levesque dies with her mother and goes to the Underworld. (''Literature/TheCampHalfBloodSeries'')
* Lucy [=McGillicuddy=] and Ricky Ricardo marry. (''Series/ILoveLucy''[[labelnote:justification]]In "Lucy and Superman," which aired in 1957, Ricky says that he and Lucy have been married for 15 years.[[/labelnote]])
* Nazis capture aliens from Axi-Tun, using their technology against the Allies. (Franchise/MarvelUniverse)

* February 19: Field Marshal Erich von Manstein assassinates Adolf Hitler. ("Ready for the Fatherland")
* March: Nola Granville [[DeathByChildbirth dies in childbirth]] after suffering a miscarriage because of her malformed uterus. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')
* April: The B-25 Mitchell bomber ''King Nine'' crashes in a desert in UsefulNotes/{{Africa}}. As he was ill, Captain James Embry was unable to participate in its final mission and suffers from severe [[SurvivorGuilt survivor's guilt]] for many years afterwards as a result. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Spring: The Soviet military grinds to a halt after German military Operation Edelweiss the prior year succeeds in cutting off oil from the Caucasus region from reaching Soviet forces. (''Literature/{{Fatherland}}'')
* Spring – Summer: The All-American Girl Professional Baseball League is established and has its first season, which ends with the Racine Belles winning the first AAGPBL World Series against the Rockford Peaches. (''Film/ALeagueOfTheirOwn'')[[note]]In RealLife, the Racine Belles beat the Kenosha Comets.[[/note]]
* 13 June: [[Characters/HarryPotterLordVoldemort Tom Riddle]] opens the chamber of secrets, freeing the basilisk and killing Myrtle "moaning" Warren (''Literature/HarryPotter'')
* June: Birth of Wenjie to Ye Zhetai and Shao Lin. (''Literature/The Three Body Problem}}''
* July 5: Rose Miller dies on her 30th birthday. (''Series/{{Tenko}}'')
* July: During the Allied invasion of Sicily, Atomic Robo battles Major Otto Skorzeny and ''[[MiniMecha Laufpanzer]]'' units. (''ComicBook/AtomicRobo'')
* Early August: The USAF begin Operation Tidal Wave with the bombing the city of Ploiesti in Romania. During this the notorious ancient vampire Faethor Ferenczy is finally killed when the house he is in is hit by a stray bomb, collapsing and pinning him under burning rubble. (''Literature/{{Necroscope}}'')
* August 23: Atomic Robo and the British special agent "the Sparrow" pursue Major Skorzeny and Dr. Vanadis. (''ComicBook/AtomicRobo'')
* August: Captain James Embry is discharged from the US Army Air Force with recurrent fevers. There is some suggestion of psychological disturbance. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* September 3: Birth of Mike Haggar in Manhattan, New York City. He would grow up to become a professional wrestler and a Mayor of Metro City. (''VideoGame/SaturdayNightSlamMasters'', ''VideoGame/FinalFight'')
* September: Alice Miller is murdered in Philadelphia. (''Series/ColdCase'')
* December 5: Trent Appelbaum is born. (''Series/TheFortyFourHundred'')
* December:
** Hitman "Flattop" Jones arrives in the city on behest of the organized crime families to eliminate Dick Tracy. He quickly proves to be one of the deadliest foes Tracy has ever faced and almost manages to kill him, but is undone by his own greed when he attempts to blackmail his employers for more money. The majority of the criminals are killed in a gunfight with the police, but Flattop narrowly survives and is taken into custody. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
** Gary Ewing is born. (''Series/{{Dallas}}'', ''Series/KnotsLanding'')
* Late 1943: Operation Sea Lion begins, Nazi Germany launches an invasion of Great Britain. The Royal Family is forced to evacuate the island. (''VideoGame/TheNewOrderLastDaysOfEurope'')
* OSA agent B.J. Blaskowicz infiltrates Castle Wolfenstein and thwarts the Third Reich's plans to create an invincible army of the undead. (''VideoGame/ReturnToCastleWolfenstein'')
* On the heels of his last mission, Blaskowicz is once again sent into action by the [=OSA=], this time to the occupied German town of Isenstadt, where he manages to stop SS General Victor Zetta, as well as his replacement, the elusive Deathshead, from harnessing the powers of the Black Sun to turn the tide of the war in Germany's favour. (''VideoGame/{{Wolfenstein}}'')
* Frankenstein's Monster meets the Wolf Man. (''Film/FrankensteinMeetsTheWolfMan'')
* The Seventh Doctor and Ace prevent the rise of Fenric. (''Series/DoctorWho'')
* Duncan [=MacLeod=] joins the [[LaResistance French Resistance]]. His unit uses a monastery as a front. He meets Bernard, a local boy who helps with the maintenance work in the monastery and takes part in Resistance operations. Immortal Major Ernst Daimler of the Wehrmacht tries to root out what is happening and fails, but the Resistance assassinates him by trapping him and Duncan in a room and blowing it up. Daimler revives away from prying eyes. Duncan revives in front of Bernard and swears him to secrecy for life. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* Duncan leaves Paris for Marseille. The following day, Daimler and his men revisit the monastery and order the abbot to reveal the identities of the resistance members or see his monks executed. However, the Resistance kills the Nazis first, and Bernard personally 'kills' Daimler. The Nazis are thrown into the Seine, with Bernard throwing in the reviving Daimler. Bernard would later suffer guilt for throwing a living man to drown. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* Cave Johnson of Aperture Fixtures is awarded Shower Curtain Salesman of 1943. (''VideoGame/{{Portal 2}}'')
* US soldier Anthony Marno, returning from a night raid against a German base, discovers Fort Louis Philippe, now filled with the skeletons of the trapped zombies. (''Literature/TheZombieSurvivalGuide'')
* Elizabeth Winters, the current Slayer, kills a vampire on behalf of the Mafia. She herself is killed by the ancient vampire Hunyadi later this year. (''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'')
* Dr. Otto Scratchansniff begins working for Warner Bros. Studios. (''WesternAnimation/{{Animaniacs}}'')
* Wehrmacht cyborg Rudolph von Stroheim dies in a blaze of glory during the Battle of Stalingrad. (''Manga/JoJosBizarreAdventure'')
* A Belarusian boy named Florya joins the Soviet partisans and survives Nazi cruelty. (''Film/ComeAndSee'')
* Amoral piano player 88 Keyes murders his wealthy lover and hides her body in a piano. He's eventually killed by Dick Tracy while resisting arrest. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* Mrs "Pruneface" Boch seeks revenge for the death of her husband (who, unbeknownst to her, is still alive and in prototype cryogenic suspension) and her plan culminates in holding the mayors children hostage to lure Dick Tracy to his death. She's shot in the back by the mayors invalid wife who overcomes her handicap to save her children. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* Richard Avery and Greg Sumner are born. (''Series/KnotsLanding'')
* Jennifer Elizabeth Farrington and Eddie Ellroy are born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Charles Winchester graduates from Harvard. (''Series/{{MASH}}'')
* Max Phillips begins working as a bookie for the gangster Moran. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* In an AlternateUniverse, the [[UsefulNotes/TheHouseOfWindsor British Royal Family]] is executed by the fascist government of the Republic of Great Britain. (''Series/DoctorWho'')
* Vladimir Borisov is born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')
* Tragedy befalls the island of Todday in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, as the local whiskey supply runs out. The freighter SS ''Cabinet Minister'' runs aground near the island with its cargo of 50,000 crates of whisky, prompted an extended battle of wits between the islanders and the local police. (''Whisky Galore!'')
* Alec Leamas finishes his mission in the Netherlands and, after a couple months recuperating in England, is sent on another assignment in occupied Norway. (''Literature/TheSpyWhoCameInFromTheCold'')
* Birth of Yuri to Kiku and Tokube Ayashiro (''Visualnovel/{{Famicom Detective Club}}: The Missing Heir'')
* After a failed escape attempt, Monster Hunter Mordechai Byreika is sent to another concentration camp. He is never heard from again. (''Literature/MonsterHunterInternational'')
* 12th century French knight Godefroy de Montmirail [[TimeTravel travels in time by mistake]] to 1943 with his squire Jacquouille and they get involved in LaResistance. (''[[Film/LesVisiteurs Les Visiteurs: Bastille Day]]'')
* In German-occupied Paris, Super-Resistant strikes against the invaders by humiliating them. Meanwhile, patriotic French family the Bourdelles have their mansion requisitioned by a Wehrmacht General, and they unwittingly get involved with an attempt on the life of Marechal Ludwig von Apfelstrudel. (''Film/GrampsIsInTheResistance'')

* A group of Soviet soldiers discover a descendant of Dr. Frankenstein is making [[NaziZombies zombies for the Nazis]]. (''Film/FrankensteinsArmy'')

* January 22: "When the Tigers broke free", 7,000 Allied soldiers die during Operation Shingle in the area of Anzio and Nettuno, Italy. Among the casualties are 2nd Lt. Eric Fletcher Waters of the Royal Fusiliers Z Company, father of musician Music/RogerWaters. (Music/TheWall and RealLife)
* January 29: Robert Benson, Sr. is killed in the Battle of Anzio. (''Film/TheDayTheEarthStoodStill1951'')
* February 11: Spy Smasher delivers the Captain Nazi serum to OSS. (''WesternAnimation/{{Justice League}}'')
* March: Major John Reisman trains and leads 12 enlisted men who were convicted of violent offences to infiltrate and destroy a French mountain retreat for senior Wehrmacht officers. (''Film/TheDirtyDozen'')
* March 3: SS-Obersturmführer Karl Rademacher murders Miriam Zgierski at Auschwitz. (''Series/TheOuterLimits1995'')
* Spring:
** The Germans use a "superbomb" to obliterate the Russian capital of Petrograd, then Paris. Great Britain retaliates and subjects Hamburg to nuclear fire. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
** The Confederate States drops an atomic bomb on Philadelphia. The USA retaliates with the atomic bombing of the city of Newport News. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
** The United Kingdom sues for peace after German counterintelligence learns their Enigma code has been deciphered, leading the German navy to outfit their U-boats with a new cipher system. The undetected U-boats were then able to target British commerce with impunity and starve the United Kingdom into submission.[[note]]The book only says British surrender occurs in 1944, but there is no mention of Allied troops in Europe, suggesting it happened before D-Day.[[/note]] (''Literature/{{Fatherland}}'')
** On [[AlternateUniverse Earth-C]], Merton [=McSnurtle=], aka [=McSnurtle=] the Turtle, first becomes the superhero known as the Terrific Whatzit. (''Funny Stuff'' #1, ''ComicBook/CaptainCarrotAndHisAmazingZooCrew'')
* May: Flattop Jones escapes police custody and hides in the city for some time. After his cover is blown, he drowns while hiding from the police inside a replica of the ''Santa Maria''. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* June 5: A US Army unit is sent to destroy a radio tower that would prevent D-Day, and discovers a [[NaziZombies Nazi plot to utilise zombies]]. (''Film/Overlord2018'')
* June 6:
** D-Day. Allied troops storm Normandy Beach to liberate France from Germany. (RealLife) Numerous (and sometimes conflicting) eyewitness accounts are given of particularly heroic soldiers singlehandedly clearing bunkers, machine gun nests, coastal defense batteries, or even entire beaches. (Various films, shows, and first-person shooters)
** Adamska, later known as Revolver Ocelot, born. (''VideoGame/MetalGearSolid3SnakeEater'')
** [[Comicbook/CaptainCarrotAndHisAmazingZooCrew Zoo Crew]] team member Fastback is forcibly sent back in time to [[Franchise/TheDCU Earth-C's]] D-Day by the villainous Timekeeper. There he meets the Golden Age hero the Terrific Whatzit, who unknown to Fastback is his uncle. (''Comicbook/CaptainCarrotAndHisAmazingZooCrew'')
** The Justice League, in collaboration with the Comicbook/{{Blackhawk}}s, [[ComicBook/SgtRock Easy Company]], and the Western Allied Forces prevent Vandal Savage from leading the Nazis to victory. (''WesternAnimation/{{Justice League}}'')
** Henry Morgan participates in the landings at Normandy, is killed by a shell, and revives. Not long after, he meets his future wife, an army nurse named Abigail. (''Series/{{Forever|2014}}'')
** Jackie Robinson wins 5 gold medals for the USA in the 1944 Warsaw Olympic Games. (''TabletopGame/{{Chrononauts}}'')
** Major Erwin Brandt commits suicide after his involvement in a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler is discovered. (''Series/SecretArmy'')
** Vingle Dan is on the beach at Normandy on D-Day. He'll later [[https://clips.twitch.tv/WimpyRenownedTitanResidentSleeper-psILNveqQAY_jqCo refuse]] to confirm which side of the war he actually fought on. (''Roleplay/NoPixel'')
* June 7: A group of soldiers are tasked with rescuing an English scientist from the Nazis, uncovering a plot to cause a [[ZombieApocalypse zombie outbreak]] in the process. (''Film/NaziOverlord'')
* June 11: Orson Bailey and Elizabeth Wyler are married. (''Series/TheFortyFourHundred'')
* June:
** Adolf Hitler goes to the premiere of ''Nation's Pride'', a Nazi propaganda film. [[labelnote:more]]Shortly after, he, along with several other major Nazi leaders, are killed in a barrage of gunfire as the theatre burns down.[[/labelnote]] (''Film/InglouriousBasterds'')
** The Kaiser orders the atomic bombing of London, Brighton, and Norwich. The British retaliation is shot down over Belgium, and England surrenders. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
** Captain John H. Miller leads a mission to rescue Private James Francis Ryan. (''Film/SavingPrivateRyan'')
* July 14: After the loss of Richmond and the death of President Jake Featherston, the Confederate States issues its unconditional surrender to the United States, ending 83 years of independence. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
* July 20: Operation Valkyrie. The German Resistance tries and fails to assassinate Adolf Hitler inside his Wolf's Lair field headquarters near Rastenburg. (''Film/{{Valkyrie}}'' and real life) Immortals Duncan [=MacLeod=] and Ingrid Henning have a backup plan, but that also fails. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'')
* July: Greg Mallory has his first taste of combat in Normandy. (''Comicbook/{{The Boys}}'')
* August 1: While fighting ''Luftwaffe'' planes in the skies over the Ruhr in UsefulNotes/{{Germany}}, Captain Russell Keys and the crew of his B-17 bomber see strange blue lights. After Russell is shot in the stomach by a German gunner, he and the nine men under his command are [[AlienAbduction abducted by aliens]] who subject them to medical experiments while posing as Nazi doctors. Three days later, Russell and the others find themselves in a field in UsefulNotes/{{France}} with [[MissingTime no memory of anything that has happened since the battle]]. Russell is completely unharmed. (''Series/{{Taken}}'')
* August: In France, a man in a vril energy suit is airdropped onto a battlefield to assist an Allied platoon. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Sledgehammer 44]]'')
* September:
** A top-secret airplane called the Flying Wing is hijacked by the Nazis. Sledgehammer is sent to rescue the pilot before he can reveal any information to The Black Flame. (''[[ComicBook/{{Hellboy}} Sledgehammer 44: Lightning War]]'')
** Gang boss Shaky Trembley kidnaps Snowflake Falls and holds her for ransom. When the plot fails, he attempts to murder her, but she survives and tips off Dick Tracy to Shaky's location. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
** Major Fritz Spitzwerg commits suicide. Standartenführer Ludwig Kessler steals both his uniform and his identity. (''Series/SecretArmy'')
** Members of the 35th Infantry Division simultaneously rob a German Bank and liberate Clermont, France. (''Kelly's Heroes'')
* October 1: Atomic Robo joins a mission to Fermain Bay, the Bailiwick of Guernsey, to stop the Nazis' V-5 electric cannon. (''ComicBook/AtomicRobo'')
* October: Operation Aurora is launched; a team of US commandos raid a Japanese-held island to extract a defecting scientist, who knows vital info on a superweapon being developed by the Japanese military. The team escapes with their charge, only for the weapon, a massive scalar field generator, to go off, killing all of them. The events of the mission are covered up, and fade into myth. (''[[VideoGame/BattlefieldBadCompany Battlefield: Bad Company 2]]'')
* November 7:
** UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt is elected to his fourth and final term as U.S. President, defeating Thomas Dewey. (RealLife)
** [[UsefulNotes/JosefStalin Joe Steele]] is elected to a fourth term as U.S. President, defeating Thomas Dewey. ("Literature/JoeSteele")
** Thomas Dewey defeats Charles W. [=LaFollette=] and Harold Stassen in the U.S. presidential election. (''Literature/Timeline191'')
** In an AlternateUniverse, William Dudley Pelley is elected U.S. President. (''TabletopGame/InfiniteWorlds'')
** U.S. President Robert Taft is elected to a second term. (''Dominion'')
** Thomas E. Dewey defeats UsefulNotes/FranklinDRoosevelt in the U.S. presidential election. (''Alternate Presidents'')
* December 3: Count Vladimir Giurescu, following entreaties from Ilsa Haupstein, meets with Adolf Hitler at Castle Wewelsburg to discuss possible involvement in Himmler's proposed "Vampir Sturm" project. Utterly unnerved by the encounter, Hitler orders the arrest and destruction of Giurescu and his wives the following day. (''ComicBook/{{Hellboy}}'')
* December 16: An incompetent team of superhumans is assigned to fight alongside the sixth batalion of the 32nd armoured regiment of the third armoured division of the US Army. A botched recon flight leads the German right to them, precipitating the Battle of the Bulge. All present except for Captain Greg Mallory are slaughtered; Mallory spends the rest of the war in a POW camp. (''Comicbook/{{The Boys}}'')
* December 18: Philip F. Queeg, captain of the American destroyer minesweeper USS ''Caine'' is relieved of command by executive officer Stephen Maryk on the grounds of supposed insanity. (''Literature/TheCaineMutiny'')
* December 23: Rasputin, working with Nazi backing under Project Ragna Rok, calls forth the juvenile demon Anung Un Rama into this world - straight into the hands of an Allied paranormal squad. They name him Hellboy. He is later adopted by the US. (''ComicBook/{{Hellboy}}'')
* December 24: A pagan god and his gargoyle army are awakened by Nazi experimentation. (''Film/ReignOfTheGargoyles'')
* December:
** "Cham," a canned combination of chicken and ham, is introduced as an experimental food source for American soldiers. The experiment is a failure. (''WesternAnimation/HeyArnold'')
** In an AlternateUniverse, the German forces break through the Allied lines at the Battle of the Bulge. As a result, World War II lasts until 1947. General UsefulNotes/DwightDEisenhower is relieved as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe and retires in disgrace. (''Series/{{Sliders}}'')
** Stevie Means is born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Late 1944: Mordechai Byreika is sacrificed by the Nazis under the control of the Cursed One Lord Machado, to grant him control of time. The ritual fails. An SS agent becomes a vampire after trying to kill himself in shame. (''Literature/MonsterHunterInternational'')
* A Golem raised by the Rabbis from the Vitsyebsk Ghetto lays waste to a Thule base in occupied Belarus. Commander Eckhart completes a ritual and escapes before the Golem can catch him. (''Series/{{Supernatural}}'')
* A group of Japanese soldiers on a small island are unwittingly rescued from gunfire by a large dinosaur. The dinosaur mysteriously vanished moments later. (''Film/GodzillaVsKingGhidorah'')
* Young Ofelia deals with supernatural and mundane dangers after moving to her new stepfather's mountain home. (''Film/PansLabyrinth'')
* Yuuzhan Vong use their xenoforming technology to help repair damage done to the war-torn planet of Ossus. A repeat on other planets is attempted, but sabotaged by the New Sith Order. (''Franchise/StarWars'')
* Imperial Remnant becomes a resurgent Empire, starts secession movement against the GFFA. War begins. (''Franchise/StarWars'')
* The Peace of Cairo ends the war between humanity and the Race. The aliens control the global south, leaving the United States, Great Britain, the Greater German Reich, the Soviet Union, and the Japanese Empire as the only independent human domains. (''Literature/{{Worldwar}}'')
* The crew of the ''Enterprise'' (NX-01) visit the past of an alternate timeline this year. World War II is still ongoing but Nazi Germany has successfully invaded the United States. Much of the East Coast is under occupation, including New York City and Washington, D.C. The occupation forces are struggling to suppress a resistance movement which seems to largely consist of organized crime figures. (''Series/StarTrekEnterprise'')
* Holly Joestar is born to Joseph and Suzy Joestar. (''Manga/JoJosBizarreAdventure'')
* Cave Johnson buys an extensive salt mine under Cleveland, Ohio. Work begins on its conversion into a research facility. (''VideoGame/Portal2'')
* Japanese forces deploy zombies in Myanmar, the Panama Canal, and Los Angeles. All three attacks end in failure for Japan. (''Literature/TheZombieSurvivalGuide'')
* In Westchester, New York, Charles Xavier, a telepathic boy, meets Raven Darkholme, a blue skinned girl with the ability to shapeshift. (''Film/XMenFirstClass'')
* Erik Lehnsherr, a Jewish boy in a Nazi concentration camp, is discovered to have power over metal (''Film/XMen1'', ''Film/XMenFirstClass'')
* The Ministry of Pain is defeated by Captain Righteous and Lefty. (''WesternAnimation/ThePowerpuffGirls'')
* Two fighter pilots - American Hank Marlow and Japanese Gunpei Ikari - land on Skull Island, where they encounter the giant gorilla known as Kong, who serves as protector of the island's inhabitants. (''Film/KongSkullIsland'')
* Nazi spy Alfred Brau AKA "The Brow" clashes with Dick Tracy, and accidentally impales himself on a flagpole carrying the American flag. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* Cameron "Cam" Wilson and Joe Thurlow are born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* [AlternateTimeline] the United States fails to retake the Philippines from the Japanese as General UsefulNotes/DouglasMacArthur was killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor. Phineas Bogg and Jeffrey Jones travel back to December 7, 1941 to save [=MacArthur=]'s life and set history on its proper course. (''Series/{{Voyagers}}'')
* Elise Praeger is born. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* Steve Baker dies. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* The sarcophagus of Cleopatra is taken to a castle in Bavaria by the Nazis. After the castle is attacked by an Allied bombing raid, it is moved to a German military base. (''Series/BloodAndTreasure'')
* A group of Allied soldiers escaping prison for various offenses uncover a plot by Josef Mengele to turn Nazi soldiers into werewolves. (''Film/WerewolvesOfTheThirdReich'')
* American soldiers are tasked by British intelligence with stopping a Nazi [[SuperSoldier supersoldat]] program. (''Film/SSDoomtrooper'')
* [[Franchise/{{Superman}} Clark Kent]] and ComicBook/LoisLane are married. (''ComicBook/SupermanAndBatmanGenerations'')
* Dominic "Nicky" Hutchinson is born. (''Series/OurFriendsInTheNorth'')
* Peril Bellamy is born. (''AudioPlay/BigFinishDoctorWho'')
* A powerful Light Other named Olga is turned into an owl by a curse. (''Film/NightWatch'')
* British newscaster Jeremy Robert Donaldson is born. (''VideoGame/NotForBroadcast'')
* Seven-year-old Arnold Watkins witnesses his parents' murders in a diner after going to retrieve his jacket from their car. He spends the next twelve years feeling guilty that he couldn't save them, which becomes his FreudianExcuse for adopting his "Midnight Marauder" persona during his college years. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Gustav Nordin, having been orphaned, gives up his real life to join Frida's Friends Club. (''Literature/{{Unimaa}}'')
* After attempting to recover Lance of Longinus from the Nazis during the war, Indiana Jones and Basil Shaw rescue half of the Antikythera Dial instead. During the scuffle, Jones briefly meets Nazi scientist Jürgen Voller for the first time. (''Film/IndianaJonesAndTheDialOfDestiny'')

* January:
** While delivering a truckload of spoiled Cham to a disposal site in the north of France, Pvt. Phil Shortman encounters a German panzer division. Phil tricks the Germans into eating the bad food, then captures the division after they suffer foodbourne illness. This busts open a six mile gap in the German line, which allows the Allies through. (''WesternAnimation/HeyArnold'')
** Shaky Trembley freezes to death while trying to hide from the police under a pier in winter conditions. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
** In the UsefulNotes/{{Philippines}}, US Army officer Lt. William "Fitz" Fitzgerald begins to see a strange aura around the faces of some of his fellow soldiers. He soon realizes that he has developed the ability to predict which of them is going to be killed. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* Harald Silju, Arild Jørn and about 25 others are executed by German soldiers in a Norwegian forest. Their bodies are never recovered, but after the end of the occupation, Harald's diary is found. (''Film/WeLeaveForEngland'').
* February 19 - March 26: The United States Navy and Marine Corps capture the Japanese island of Iwo Jima in the Battle of Iwo Jima. (''Film/SandsOfIwoJima''), (''Film/FlagsOfOurFathers'') and (RealLife) Artie Beechcroft is killed in the battle and later receives the Congressional Medal of Honor posthumously for his heroism. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* February: The Warners, temporarily released from their tower for fumigation, appear at the Yalta Conference. (''WesternAnimation/{{Animaniacs}}'', date from RealLife)
* April 12: Melvin Frohike is born. (''Series/TheXFiles'')
* Prior to April 30: In his bunker in Berlin, Adolf Hitler gets pissy over developments of early-21st Century culture and politics. (''Film/{{Downfall}}'' and its MemeticMutation) After that, he takes a bath. (Creator/WalterMoers)
* April 30: Adolf Hitler commits suicide...or does he?
** Berlin falls to invading Soviet forces; Dmitri Petrenko and Viktor Reznov successfully raise the Red Banner atop the Reichstag, the former sustaining serious injuries in the process. (''VideoGame/CallOfDutyWorldAtWar'')
** Hitler is abducted by time-travelling search/destroy agents Johnny Alpha and Wulf Sternhammer, and brought to the year 2180 to stand trial for war crimes. A lookalike commits suicide, fooling everyone into thinking Hitler died in his bunker. (''ComicBook/StrontiumDog'')
** Hitler and his robot battle suit are destroyed by BJ Blazkowicz. (''VideoGame/Wolfenstein3D'')
** Hitler is apparently killed by the Human Torch and Toro. In reality, his mind is transferred to an artificial brain created by Arnim Zola, by which Hitler will emerge again as the Hate-Monger. (Creator/MarvelComics)
** Having been granted four wishes by a genie, Arthur Castle wishes to be the ruler of a foreign country in the 20th Century who can't be voted out of office. He then becomes Hitler on the day that he committed suicide. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
** In an AlternateUniverse, August Hitler is born. (''Franchise/FactionParadox'')
** Hitler fakes his suicide and escapes by using a machine built by Professor Oberfurth, which he thinks will transport him into the future. Instead, it takes him to the Land of Oz. (''Literature/AdolfHitlerInOz'')
* April: ComicBook/CaptainAmerica is presumed killed at a North Atlantic Nazi base while destroying a prototype missile. (Creator/MarvelComics)
* May 2: The time travelers Phineas Bogg and Jeffrey Jones prevent the German rocket scientist Wernher von Braun from falling into Soviet hands. (''Series/{{Voyagers}}'')
* May 7: Maryellen Larkin is born. (''Literature/AmericanGirlsCollection'')
* May 8:
** UsefulNotes/WorldWarII ends in Europe as the Germans surrender on both fronts. (RealLife)
** Monique Duchamps and Stephen Durnford are married. (''Series/SecretArmy'')
** Captain James suffers a heart attack and dies at Button House. (''Series/GhostsUK'')
* May 9: Birth of Julian Fawcett. [[note]] His obituary as seen in the tie-in book The Button House archives, confirms Julian being born on this date.[[/note]](''Series/GhostsUK'')
* May:
** While the public face of World War II ends, the Occult War between the Allies and the Axis continues in secret. (''Film/{{Hellboy|2004}}'' film series)
** Daikaku Kokujouji returns to Japan with the supernatural Dresden Slates. (''Anime/{{K}}'')
** Last of the zombies from Operation Cherry Blossom are deployed to Yonnan. All but one are killed by Chinese snipers; the last is apprehended by the Chinese army for experimentation. (''Literature/TheZombieSurvivalGuide'')
** Breathless Mahoney, the stepdaughter of the criminal Shaky Trembly, discovers 50.000$ in stolen money Shakey had stashed in his home. Mahoney kills her mother over the money and goes on the run, committing several more murders over the course of weeks to hide her identity. She's eventually tracked down by police and arrested. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* June 15: After a lightning strike causes him to switch places with Sam Beckett, Al Calavicci leaps into Captain Tom Jarrett, who has just returned to his home town of Crown Point, Indiana after spending three years in a German POW camp. He is there to prevent Tom and his fiancée Suzanne Elsinger from being murdered by her ex-fiancé Clifford White. Although he has returned home to 1999, Sam leaps to 1945 in order to save Al's life. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* June 25: Captain Russell Keys returns to his home town of Bement, Illinois after fighting in World War II. He is reunited with his sweetheart Kate, whom he later marries, and his parents Wilfred and Beth. (''Series/{{Taken}}'')
* June 28: A [[ShellShockedVeteran troubled veteran]] kills his ex-girlfriend and her husband after she leaves him during WWII. (''Film/TheProwler'')
* June: Nellie Keane dies. (''Series/{{Tenko}}'')
* Before July 1: Blanche Simmons, Daisy Robertson and Suzy Rankin die. (''Series/{{Tenko}}'')
* July 2: Arthur Pendleton is born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')
* July 3: Douglas "Doug" Kelleher, Colleen Johnson and Stephanie Lopez are born. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1985'')
* July 4: Japan drops a German-made atomic bomb on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This cripples the United States Pacific fleet. (''VideoGame/TheNewOrderLastDaysOfEurope'')
* July 9: The United States signs a conditional surrender at the Akagi Accords. World War II is over - [[AlternateHistoryNaziVictory and the Axis Powers are the winners]]. (''VideoGame/TheNewOrderLastDaysOfEurope'')
* July 16: Jenny Curran is born. (''Film/ForrestGump'')
* July 17: Lorena Kinney is murdered in Philadelphia. (''Series/ColdCase'')
* July 29: The USS Indianapolis is sunk in Japan. (RealLife) Sam Quint is one of the few survivors, having been attacked by several sharks. (''Film/{{Jaws}}'')
* August 5: Allan Hartley, a 43-year-old captain attached to the Scientific Warfare division of the General Staff, is critically injured as a result of an explosion in the Battle of Buffalo during WorldWarIII in 1975 and [[PeggySue suddenly finds himself in his 13-year-old body]] in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. ("Literature/TimeAndTimeAgain")
* August 6:
** 1945-B: The Nazis unite the nations of Europe under a strong central government. (''TabletopGame/{{Chrononauts}}'')
** 1945-C: For once, for a little while, there is no war anywhere. (''TabletopGame/{{Chrononauts}}'')
** In the UsefulNotes/{{Philippines}}, Second Lieutenant Katell orders the men under his command to attack a group of Japanese soldiers seeking refuge in a cave. He is then transported back in time to May 4, 1942 and finds that he has become an Imperial Japanese Army officer named Lt. Yamuri. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
* August 6-9:
** Nuclear bombs are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, spelling the beginning of the end of the War in the Pacific. (RealLife)
*** The radiation will have mainly positive effects on humans all around the globe, producing people with amazing superpowers. (Many continuities)
*** A picture of Silk Spectre I is on the Enola Gay. (''Film/{{Watchmen}}'')
*** Shortly before the first atomic bombing, the time traveler Paul Driscoll warns a Hiroshima police captain but he is [[CassandraTruth regarded as insane and ignored]]. (''Series/TheTwilightZone1959'')
** Franchise/{{Godzilla}} is created from the atomic bomb attacks on Japan. (''Film/{{Gojira}}'')
** The Great Hakurei Border weakens for the first time in sixty years. (''Franchise/TouhouProject'')
** Sofia Lamb, working as a missionary and nurse, survives the bombing of Hiroshima but loses many dear friends. She is horrified by the American "greater good" justification for the attack and decides that the world is destined for self-destruction. (''VideoGame/{{BioShock|2}}'')
** Soviet forces invade Manchuria and confiscate all Japanese research on zombies. USSR begins Operation Stugeon, its own attempt to weaponise zombies. (''Literature/TheZombieSurvivalGuide'')
** The U.S blames the bombing on dolphins and whales using doctored photos, redirecting the Japanese fury on the hapless animals and ending the war. (''WesternAnimation/SouthPark'')
** In an AlternateUniverse, the devastation of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki leads the United States government to conclude that technology could only lead to suffering and misery so technology is essentially banned. (''Series/{{Sliders}}'')
* August 12: Clyde Taylor is murdered in Philadelphia. (''Series/ColdCase'')
* August 14: Japan officially announces its surrender to the Allied Powers, marking an end to the Second World War. (RealLife)
** With the war's end, the ComicBook/AllStarSquadron disbands. (Creator/DCComics)
** Minutemen member The Silhouette outs herself as a lesbian after kissing a woman in Times Square on VJ Day. (''Film/{{Watchmen}}'')
** Having just returned from the Pacific, Dr. Daniel Auschlander begins working at St. Eligius as a liver specialist. Within minutes of his arrival, he meets a sixteen-year-old delinquent named Donald Westphall, who later becomes his close friend and the hospital's Director of Medicine, and his future wife Katherine Wellingham. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* After August 14: Donald Westphall and George Deaton bury a {{time capsule}}. They eventually dig it up in 1987. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* August 24: 1945-D: The Japanese-American War ends with a third atomic bombing, this time on Tokyo. (''TabletopGame/{{Chrononauts}}'')
* August 25: Don Vito Corleone, affectionately known as "Godfather," hosts the wedding of his daughter Constanzia to Carlo Rizzi and receives many guests seeking favors. Being a Sicilian, he cannot refuse any request on the day of his daughter's wedding. (''Literature/TheGodfather'')
* August 29: Millionaire inventor and entrepreneur Horace Derwent holds a masked ball in the Overlook Hotel to celebrate its reopening. (''Literature/TheShining'')
* August: Greg Mallory is introduced by his old friend, Rick Burnham, to a group that will go on to found the CIA. Mallory tells them about the Vought-American superhumans he saw the previous year, but nobody believes him. He drops the issue and joins the newly-formed organisation. (''Comicbook/{{The Boys}}'')
* September 21: A teenage Japanese boy named Seita dies of starvation. (''Anime/GraveOfTheFireflies'')
* October 12: Tom Redburn dies. (''Series/{{Tenko}}'')
* October 19: Ray Krebbs is born. (''Series/{{Dallas}}'')
* October 29: Operation Olympus is launched; Soviet forces assault a base of Nazi holdouts in the Arctic Circle, capturing defecting scientist Friedrich Steiner and a batch of his Nova-6 chemical weapon. Dmitri Petrenko dies in an impromptu test of the weapon, while fellow "hero of Berlin" Viktor Reznov is captured and imprisoned in the Vorkuta gulag. (''VideoGame/CallOfDutyBlackOps'')
* October 30: Tiago García Ferrara commits suicide. (''Literature/SDorst'')
* November 6: Zachary Smith is born. (''Series/LostInSpace'')
* November 11: 1945-A: The Allied forces invade Japan, ending World War II. (''TabletopGame/{{Chrononauts}}'')
* November 23: James Stevens is born in UsefulNotes/NewZealand. (''Literature/DoctorWhoMissingAdventures'')
* November: Jack Pryor and Helen Dolan are married. (''Series/AmericanDreams'')
* December 25: Maximillian Arturo's father gives him a blue wooden car with black wheels that he made himself for Christmas. (''Series/{{Sliders}}'')
* December: Don Vito Corleone is shot five times at a grocer's market but survives. In retaliation, his son Michael kills Virgil Solozzo, who ordered the [[AssassinationAttempt hit]], and police captain Mark [=McCluskey=], who was protecting Solozzo and punched Michael the previous evening. This double murder sparks the Five Families War of 1946. (''Literature/TheGodfather'')
* After a traffic accident, World War II veteran Frank Harris is transported to an alternate dimension known as "Cool World." (''Film/CoolWorld'')
* Delta Green is disbanded. (Franchise/CthulhuMythos, ''TabletopGame/DeltaGreen'')
* Albus Dumbledore defeats Gellert Grindelwald in a duel. (''Literature/HarryPotter'')
* In the aftermath of World War II, four grizzled and slightly insane soldiers - Tank Dempsey, Takeo Masaki, Nikolai Belinski, and Dr. Edward Rictofen - battle hordes of zombies spawned by Nazi superscience. (''VideoGame/CallOfDuty: VideoGame/NaziZombies'')
* One American troop returns to his home in New Jersey and murders his ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend. (''Film/TheProwler'')
* A military research team led by Paul Langford succeeds in opening the Stargate. Dr. Ernest Littlefield is sent through, but the gate closes immediately afterward and he is believed dead. (''Series/StargateSG1'', "The Torment of Tantalus")
* U.S. military begins secret super-soldier program. (''Literature/SoonIWillBeInvincible'')
* The English town of Edgestow is destroyed, along with its university and the semi-public N.I.C.E. institution. (''Literature/TheSpaceTrilogy'')
* A group of Nazis based in Antarctica flee to the dark side of the moon to establish a new base. (''Film/IronSky'')
* Henry Morgan and his fiancée Abigail adopt an orphaned baby from a liberated concentration camp.[[labelnote:More]]Not long after, Abigail learns of Henry's immortality when he dies in her arms, disappears, and shows up later unhurt. To his surprise, she accepts it.[[/labelnote]] (''Series/{{Forever|2014}}'')
* Earliest known detection of the Eclipse by the Nemesis organization. Zodiac is founded by twelve corporations around the world to research the Eclipse. (''VideoGame/TokyoXanadu'')
* Terence O'Casey is born. (''Series/StElsewhere'')
* George Washakie, Shirley Constantine and Abagail Fuller are born. (''Series/QuantumLeap'')
* Jeff Winston is born. (''Literature/{{Replay}}'')
* Evelyn Smythe is born. (''AudioPlay/BigFinishDoctorWho'')
* In Hebridan's star system, the Loop of Kon Garat is held for the first time. (''Series/StargateSG1'')
* Operation Kino: During the premier of the propaganda film ''Nation's Pride'' in Paris, two separate plots by the Inglorious Basterds and the cinema's Jewish owner lead to the destruction of the cinema and the deaths of all present. As the Nazi high command were all attending to inspire nationalistic pride, this leads to the end of the war in Europe. (''Film/InglouriousBasterds'')
* Alec Leamas completes his service with British Intelligence and retires to the Netherlands. He eventually returns to Bristol to work at a travel agency. (''Literature/TheSpyWhoCameInFromTheCold'')
* Sam Winston, spouse of protagonist Alex Winston, sibling of Chris Wells, child-in-law of Ruth Cassandra Winston, and parent of Charlie and Suzie Winston, is born. (''VideoGame/NotForBroadcast'')
* Ron, a future staff member of Elan School, is born. (''Webcomic/JoeVsElanSchool'')
* Birth of Pete Martino [[labelnote:Justification]]Pete states that he is technically 78.[[/labelnote]] (''Series/GhostsUS'')

[[AC:Early to mid 1940s]]
* Marcus Octavius and Colin [=MacLeod=] fight for the German and British air forces respectfully during World War II. They have a midair swordfight, but neither dies. (''Anime/HighlanderTheSearchForVengeance'')
* Approximate time of birth for immortal Mikey Bellows. (''Series/{{Highlander}}: The Series'', ''Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM'')
* A sixteen-year-old Jewish girl named Brigid Tenenbaum objects to the sloppy methods of the Nazis scientists experimenting on her fellow concentration camp inmates. She earns the nickname Das Wunderkind and assists the doctors, concluding that even though their work is pointless, it should at least be done properly. (''VideoGame/{{BioShock|1}}'')
* Nazi Germany experiments in using Vampires as living weapons, it [[GoneHorriblyWrong goes horribly wrong]] and the incident is regarded as too horrific even to discuss. (''Literature/RiversOfLondon'')
* In Nazi-occupied Paris, the Eighth Doctor and Lucie Miller discover an actor who has died on-stage ten thousand times. (''AudioPlay/BigFinishDoctorWho'')
* The entity currently known as Jones assumes that name at the dying request of Mr Edward Jones, the foreman of a filling factory that suffered from an apparent accident. (''Webcomic/GunnerkriggCourt'')
* The immortal later known as "Adam" is imprisoned in Auschwitz by the Nazis. When his immortality is discovered, he is subjected to horrific experiments performed by Josef Mengele. (''Series/{{Forever|2014}}'')
* The so-called Xylon Conspiracy occurs sometime prior to 1942. An Axis espionage ring led by "Pruneface" Boch covertly enlists the assistance of criminals Shaky Trembley, Big Boy and Flattop Jones to help them aquire the formula for the Xylon bomb by kidnapping its inventor Professor Roloc Bard. Several bombs are created, but all except one are seized by Dick Tracy and the FBI, and the professor is freed by Flattop who betrays his employers to instead auction him off to the highest bidder. Due to the missing bomb, the case is classified until 1986. (''ComicStrip/DickTracy'')
* George's house is destroyed by a German bomb at some point between June 1940 and October 1942. (''Film/TheTimeMachine1960'')
* Adolf Hitler, the Kung Führer, is defeated by a martial artist he went forward in time to best. (''Film/KungFury'')
* Nazi scientists create a species of ravenous, flesh-eating microbes. (''Film/TheFleshEaters'')
* In an AlternateUniverse, the Japanese invade the west coast of the US. The Marines fight block by block but the Japanese keep pouring in reinforcements. After the American lines are broken, the US government drops two atomic bombs, one on Los Angeles and another on San Diego. This became known as the Battle of California. (''Series/{{Sliders}}'')
* The Flying Hellfish squadron [[labelnote:Members]] commanding officer Sergeant Abraham Simpson, radio operator Sheldon Skinner, and privates Arnie Gumble, Patrick "Iggy" Wiggum, Asa Phelps, Milton "Ox" Haas, Etch Westgrin, Griff [=McDonald=], and Montgomery Burns[[/labelnote]] purloins a collection of valuable paintings from a Nazi-occupied castle. Fearing they will be caught if they sell the paintings immediately, they enter an agreement that they will go to the last surviving member. Ox develops a hernia carrying them and is the first to die. (''Westernanimation/TheSimpsons'').
* COL Robert Hogan leads a group of American, British and French [=POWs=] in executing sabotage and spying missions from the Stalag 13 POWCamp in Germany. (''Series/HogansHeroes'')

History for JustForFun/GrandUnitedTimelineWorldWarII - TV Tropes (2024)
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