Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)

xxMm PACE SIX. SPOKANE DAILY CHRONICLE. TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1936. Oscar Reinemer of Dishman President of New Spokane Valley Retail Group By Gene Ahern OUR BOARDING HOUSE E'S ESTATE Mike roha, Pioneer of Avery Area, Dies 10 SEA! LEADERS CHARGE FILED Auditorium Site Is Issue at Session Tonight Oscar Reinemer, Dishman, was elected president of the newly organized Spokane Valley Retail Merchants at a meeting held last night. WALLACE, Idaho, Jan.

7. Mike Troha, 70, pioneer resident of the Avery district, died in a local hospital today following a long Illness, A daughter is believed to be In Butte. The body Is at Worsted's mortuary. here's a couple or- cruntbs YOU rOTHGOT TO "BRUSH OFF YOUR VEST -'YOU'LL NEEiD A. FACTORY JO MAH.E YOUR ELECTRIC LIGHT T5RNKMC GLASS BUL'B, AND IT WILL TAVAE ABOUT 100,000 TO START THE FACTORY TICKING -'-'-HOW DO YOU FIGURE ON GETTING TH MONEY -NOW, GO ON WITH TH' STORY I Amethyrt lodge.

nuxiltarv In Brotherhood of Railway Tialnmrn, will Install officers at 2 o'clock Wednesday at the Hlliyard Masonic temple Mrs. Lodema Carter will be the installing offiepr. Officers to be The meeUng was attended by 69 installed are: Mis. Fred Williams, valley merchants. A round table dis-1 president; Mrs.

Eunice McCarthy, past DO NOT 7K INTEND EITHER TO "BUILD A FACTORY OR BOTHER WITH RAISING MONEY J-tLL SIMPLY SUBMIT MY GREAT INVENTION TO THE ELECTRIC LIGHT MAN UFACT UR ERS, AND LET THEM BATTLE FOR TjAND DON'T WANT THEM TO ANNOY ME WITH AN OFFER OF-LEGS THAN A MILLION I WALLACE, Idaho, Jan, 7. (Special.) David Lohoefer, Kellogg, whose light truck fatally Injured Martin Rocco, Kellogg mine worker, early Christmas morning, was charged with manslaughter in a complaint filed In justice court yesterday afternoon by Prosecutor J. L. Fitzgerald, cussion of ways and means was a feature of the evening. Other officers elected are: Sidney Smith, Opportunity, first vice president; W.

R. McDowell, Greenacres, second vice president; Dr. Lyle Bailey, Millwood, secretary; L. E. Beans, Mill-wood, treasurer, and John Beam, A.

C. Young, Charles Bogarth, E. C. Paul, W. H.

Schlees, Warren Boyer, Clint Tart, A1 Hubble, Roy Squires and W. E. Bartholemew, directors. BERT FARRELL. Last rites for Bert Farrell, 44, were held here this afternoon under auspices of the Christian Science church.

Pallbearers were Herman Duncan Edmlston, Glynn D. Evans, E. Nicholson, F. R. Levering and Walter Marsh, The old Moran Prairie country estate of the late J.

J. Browne, pioneer capitalist and real estate dealer in Spokane and one-time owner of the Spokane Daily Chronicle, haa beeh sold to Herman Drewes, it la announced by W. S. McCrea who handled the transaction. The 70 acres vf land which went with the 15-room country home which Mr, Browne built about 35 years ago, in the "multl-gab'ed" vogue, Is the fragmentary remainder of the former 1500-acre estate where he grew choice orchard products and raised and trained blooded norses.

The property is on the Glenrose road, just off the Palouse highway near the southeastern city limits, and is partially surrounded by an old stone wall. The orchard, still existing, is said to be one of the oldest in the county. Mr. Drewes is reported to have paid the Continental Land company, owners, about $7000 for the property. He is an old resident of Moran prairie and plans to follow diversifed farming on the land he nas purchased.

1 I TEACHERS RESIGN. Mrs. M. S. Cook, Burke, Is substituting as fifth grade teacher In Wallace, pending an appointment to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Crystal Fisher, Helen Goss, Spokane, a graduate of Lewiston normal, has been named as teacher at Pritchard by Natalie Ferguson, county superintendent, succeeding Mrs.

Ada Parker, resigned. VISIT WALLACE LODGE. Edward D. Danman, Lewiston, grand high priest, and B. Forbes, Kellogg, grand royal arch captain, made their official visit to Wallace Royal Arch Masons last night.

HECLA TEAM WINS. The Hecla bridge team 'defeated the Morning club team of Mullan, 10,710 to 8930 points, In a Rotary cup challenge match last night. HEAVY NEWS DAY. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.

The Washington bureau of the Associated Press transmitted over 73,000 words on jester-days developments, principally In connection with the supreme court Invalidation nf AAA and President Roosevelt's budget message to congress. The average day'a Washington news Is less than half that. SERVICES FOR BABY. Funeral services for Virginia Lou, 3-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Ed Rizzonelli, will be held tomorrow morning, with the Rev. Mr. Huggins officiating. president; Mrs. Ada Biown, vice pre'idrnt; Mrs.

Maude Roberts, secretary: Mrs. Clara Magee, treasurer; Mrs. Lodema Carter, conductress: Mrs. Beth McGiath, warden; Mrs. Frank Husson, chaplain; Mrs.

Lottie McConahey. inner guard; Mrs. Thelma Isenhart, outer guard, and Mrs. Florence Brotherton. pianist.

Official board of the Hlliyard Chrt'tian church will meet at 8 Wednesday night at the church. The Womans Union of the Hill-yard Baptist church will meet at 7:30 Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. L. B. Jellison, N5018 Smith.

Mrs. B. A. Woodward will be the leader, with the topic, "Then and Now. Luncheon Is Thursday.

Ladies aid society of the Hlliyard Congregational church will have a 1 o'clock pot-luck luncheon Thursday at the church. Plans will be made for the year. Mrs. Sam J. Dunn will preside.

Nearly 50 attended the meeting of the Loyal Temperance legion, children's branch of the Hlliyard W. C. T. Monday afternoon at the Hill-yard Methodist church. The Rev.

Mark Freeman gave a talk on "Alcohol and Mrs. Frank Miller gave several readings. SEEKING AUDITORIUM SITE. A meeting of the Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce will be held at the Spokane Valley Herald office at 8 o'clock tonight to select a site for the civic auditorium to be built in the valley. AU persons having proposals for the auditorium have been Invited to present them tonight.

COURT CALENDAR, April 6 has been designated by Judge Featherstone as the date of spring term of district court; November 9 for the fall term, wdth naturalization days scheduled for May 13 and September 29. Otis Orchards CEPTAIULV WOULD VEX HIM ISLAND SUGAR IN TURMOIL. MANILA, P. I Jan. 7.

(A) Ths Philippines AAA agent suspended all payments to Island sugar Interests today as a result of the United States supreme court' decision yesterday. The action tied ut $8,000,000 in available benefits from processing taxes end threw the Industry into great confusion. GOING TO HAWAII. Mrs. Lou Clinton left today for Vancouver, B.

from where she will sail for Hawaii on the Empress of Russia. 01936 MCA SERVICE, INC. M. RCC. U.

S. PAT, OFF, THE CRESCENT Mum 13.1 RIVERSIDE MAIN WALL Sun Hem eat At the close of the service Sunday morning Eden 8unday school elected the following officers: L. S. McDonald, assistant superintendent; Verna Lee Taylor, secretary; Mrs. C.

H. Cross, treasurer; Miss Margaret Fischer, pianist; Mrs. Sam Manley, junior superintendent. The general superintendent, Sam Manley, was elected by the church at the December meeting. Wednesday afternoon the ladles' altar society of St.

Joseph's rhurch will be entertained at the C. H. Stafford home by Mr. Stafford and Mrs. M.

OBrien. Little Miss Gloria- Grace Phllllppl of Everett is visiting at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phllllppl. LAKE CITY HALL Parent Council Meets Wednesday NEEDS MOTHERS MILK.

A local hospital yesterday Issued an appeal for some mother to contribute breast milk In the treatment of the 3-week-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fallpeau, Burke, who recently underwent an operation for the removal of a stomach tumor. C. H.

NASH DIES Mr. and Mrs. Paul McIntyre of Oakland have returned home after spending nearly a week with Mr. McIntyre's mother, Mrs. Anna McIntyre, E2618 Sanson.

Your Tight, Ill-Fitting Shoes Made Longer or Wider PARISH DINNER. Officers will be elected and delegates to the Spokane convocation late In January will be named following a Holy Trinity Episcopal church parish dinner Thursday night, Foothills Spokane council of parent-teacher associations will meet at 1 p. m. Wednesday In the Y. M.

C. A. auditorium. Mrs. Nancy Kncen, local Founders day chairman, will present a project suitable for use of local groups.

Founders day chairmen are requested to attend. On the program will be Mrs. J. G. Castle, Mrs.

P. H. Nygard and Mrs. Florence Newcomb. Mrs.

R. H. Knaack will preside. The high school, grade school and preschool sections will meet at 2 p. m.

for 3 days only ATTENDING FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs, John Primus went to Lewiston today to attend funeral services for Mrs. Peter Primus, mother of Mr. Primus. COEUR DALENE, Idaho, Jan.

7. (Special.) C. H. Nash, 50, who had been seriously ill for several months, died this morning at his home, 1009 Fourth, He had been a resident of the city for 26 years, and for the last 18 months was associated with Ralph Nelson In a state compensation Insurance business. Surviving are his wife, Ruth; two sons, George and Douglas; three daughters, Ruth, Beverly and Bernice, all at home, and a brother, Harry, who is here from South Dakota, Funeral services will be held Thursday from the Methodist church, with the Rev.

Ralph I. Thomas officiating. Burial will be at Forest cemetery. The Mooney mortuary is in charge. Womens Benefit association, Review No.

56, will meet at 8 Thursday evening with Mrs. Mary Fay, N4924 Martin. OWNER OCCUPIES FOUR LAKES RANCH HAYFORD, Jan. 7. (Spe-cll.) Thomas Fulton has moved to the ranch at Four Lakes, which he purchased last year.

The Happy Time club will be entertained Thursday at the home of Mrs. M. J. Delano of Hazelwood. There will be an apron exchange.

Miss Ethel Eddy returned to Sand-point, Idaho, Sunday, where she Is a teacher. Charles Jones, Four lakes; Paul Alexander, Hayford, and Floyd Simpson of Hazelwood returned Sunday to Pullman, for as tow as 97c Greenacres COEUR DALENE, Idaho, Jan. 7. (Special.) City officials yesterday afternoon agreed to sponsor a WPA project to erect a community hall here, and the application was sent to Boise by J. H.

ORourke, district WPA supervisor. It will go to Washington, D. for final approval. The county commissioners decided against joining the city in sponsoring the piojeet. The county may give indirect aid.

The building will cost approximately $30,000, the WPA to furnish the labor aftd the city to furnish the materials. The plans call for a log structure 72x136 feet, with a seating capacity of more than 2400. The building will be located In the city park. Mayor Coe said a tax levy may be necessary to finance the citys part in the building. It Is hoped various organizations and communities will contribute toward the fund.

Foothills Parent-Teacher association will not meet this month, but will have a pie social at the first meeting In February. Mrs. R. W. Rood will entertain the Blue Ribbon circle Thursday at her home.

Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dill entertained at a roast goose dinner party Sunday. Covers were laid for Arthur Johnson and sons, Miss Hazel Johnson, Mrs. Hilda Kronquist, Elmer Johnson, Bert Lind, Herman Dill, Jesse Kronquist and Mrs. Lula Dill.

Central Grange will have the first meeting of the year this evening at the Grange hall. DR. AKER RECOVERING. Dr. M.

C. Aker, young physician of Ritzville, who Is suffering from blood poisoning, was reported today to be improving at the Sacred Heart hospital. His condition was not considered according to a hospital attendant. The doctor became Infected when he pricked his finger while performing an operation several days. The Shoe Clinic will make those light, poorly fitting shoes of yours longer or wider, using actual factory methods of re-building (this is not a stretching process).

You may have this work done for as Tittle as 97c, depending upon the amount of work needed to make the shoes the correct size. This special offer is for three days only, so look around your closet and bring in those tight shoes that youve discarded, and have them made to fit. Use Your Charge Account. Short City News Told in Brief CITY COUNCIL MEETS. The Pope Plumbing and Electric company was awarded contract by the city council last night to furnish materials for 29 ornamental street lights on North Fourth, between Coeur d'Alene and Harrison.

The bid was $3518. It Is a WPA project. Claude Hamlin was named foreman of construction, and Don Rohrer electrician for the project, The A. Madson box factory was granted a permit to operate at the present location until July 1. Residents of the vicinity had protested the location of the factory.

Joe Loisel was elected president of the council. A. Swanson was appointed dog catcher and poundmaster. TheB GRAY HAIR REMEDY IS MADE AT HOME You can now make at home better gear hair remedy than you can buy 1 by following this simple recipe: To half pint of water dd one ounce bay rum, a mull box of Barbo Compound and one-fourth ounce of glycerine. Any drugglit can put thii up or you can mix it youraelf at very little cost.

Apply to the heir twice a week until the desired shade is obtained. Barbo imparts color to streaked, faded or gray hair, makes it soft and glossy and takes years of your looks. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy and does not rub off. Do not be handicapped by gray hair now when it is so economical and easy to get rid of it In your own horns, dy. Mail Orders Promptly Filled GOING TO WASHINGTON.

Mayor J. K. Coe and City Attorney W. B. McFarland have been called to Washington, D.

to confer with public works administration officials In connection with the municipal light and water project for Coeur dAlene. The purpose of the meeting was not made known In the telegram received from H. B. Hockett, assistant WPA administrator, but the government will pay all expenses of the trip. The city was enjoined by Federal Judge C.

Cavanah from securing PWA funds for the proposed $650,000 project. An appeal is pending In the circuit court at an Francisco. PWA Administrator Ickcs Is a Joint defendant with the city In the Injunction suit brought by the Washington Water Power company. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Smith of Pa-louse and Mr.

and Mrs. B. Williams of Kalispell, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.

J. Brown. The ladles aid of the Christian church will meet Wednesday at the church. A 1 oclock luncheon will precede the business session. Miss Katharine Stiles returned Sunday to Cheney after spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs.

Grace Stiles. Miss Joen Srhap. Robert Zimmerman and Jack Hand have returned to W. S. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brannan and children of Pullman were guests of Mrs. Brannanj mother, Mrs. G.

Shaw. The Woman's club will meet Friday with Mrs. C. T. Hobart.

Grant Mc-Alexander, principal of Central Valley high school, will speak on "Something New In Education. Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Cole and son were Sunday guests of Mr.

and Mrs. M. Osbun at Wolf Lodge, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs.

Hood and family are occupying the home vacated by Mrs. W. H. Evarts. Miss Violet Staats and Miss Charlotte Aberhamson have returned to Moosohead, after visiting Mr.

and Mrs. L. F. Staats. Greenacres Grange will entertain Pomona Grange of Spokane Saturday evening at community hall.

A covered dish dinner will be served. The program will be directed by Mrs. E. Root. A Grange business meeting will be held Friday evening.

Earl Staats left Sunday for S. C. Mr. and Mrs. R.

H. Zimmerman have returned to Pullman, after a visit, with their son, R. E. Zimmerman and family. lie Costello, Lucy Ann Relley and Lewis E.

Warner. DR. YV. L. LA JOIE, chiropractor, 315 Hyde 1696.

Ri 2587 Adv BANKRUPTCY PETITION has been filed by George A. Sinclair, listing assets of $200 and liabilities of $1442.29. NORTH SPOKANE Civic federation will hold a general session at 8 oclock Wednesday night at W915 Garland. TOWNSEND DANCE tonight, Bluebird hall. Claude Amlcks orch.

Adv. HOMESTEAD declaration on a residence property in Lidgerwood Park addition has been filed by C. E. Marks, TAX LIEN against Ray Wyatt, 1608'2 Shannon, was filed Monday in federal court for distilling taxes of $22.55. LOSS DOWNTOWN of a diamond pin valued at $105 was reported to police today by H.

L. King, E514 Tenth. SCOUT MOTHERS of troop 33 will meet this evening with Mi's. R. W.

Herberling, E224 Euclid. LUNDY GETS SCHOLARSHIP. E. Lundy has received a two-year scholarship to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from the United States bureau of public health. He has resigned as sanitary Inspector for the city.

THE CRESCENT IQiiXD-ftnmo qmmBl VELMA WILHELM filed suit in su perlor court today to divorce Jacob Wilhelm, charging nonsupport and desertion. The couple married here in September, 1933, and separated two years ago. Mrs. Wilhelm asks restoration of her maiden name, Velma Dirks. INTERSTATE PRODUCTION Credit association will open Its second annual meeting at 10 a.

m. Saturday in the Masonic temple, WU08 Riverside, D. A. Roper, secretary, announced today. Reports will be given and directors will be elected.

JUSTICE COURT suits have been filed against C. Myers, Harold Berry, Irvin J. Luders, Glenn L. Fish. Geoigc E.

McKibben, James A. Green. Claude Walter ana C. H. Wallace for amounts ranging from $5.35 to $85.

YOURE NOT DROPPING IN "Just any place when taking youre watch to Beutelspacher, Peyton bldg. Adv. OPTOMETRISTS of the Eastern Washington district extension program will meet In the Fernwelt building at 8 p. m. Thursday, following a 6:30 dinner.

Dr. Henry J. Ernst and Dr. Bert Whitford will be In charge. MANITO Presbyterian missionary study group will have an all-day meeting Thursday with Mrs.

M. L. Hays, S2917 Latawah, beginning at 10:39 with a 1 o'clock covered dish luncheon. ANNOUNCEMENTS placed In this column go to 43,000 homes. Phone Main 1121.

Adv. RESULTS of Mondays C. Y. 0. Basketball league games were: St.

Francis 19, St. Xavier 14; St. Anthony 28. St. Aloyslus 28, and St.

raschal 22, St. Augustine 21. WORKERS MEET. More than 150 attended a meeting of the Workers union last night. M.

J. Schwartz presided. WORK ON TIE ORDER. The Atlas Tie company resumed work last week after being shut down for 10 days. An order to furnish 55,000 ties to the Northern Pacific was received recently.

A crew of 35 are employed. Truth Sheets Are Preferred by Thrifty Housewives! RITES FOR MRS. SMITH. Funeral services for Mrs. Angelina Wing Smith, 83, who dipd Saturday, will be held at 2 p.

m. Wednesday from the Cassidy funeral home, with the Rev. B. M. Webster of the Pilgrim Holiness church ofliciating.

Millwood CENSUS IIAS STARTED. Frank Randall, North Idaho census enumerator, announced the 1936 business and manufacturing census was started in Coeur dAlene yesterday. W. D. Hogan Is enumerator for the business district and Charles Tradeau and Harold Hooper are In outside areas.

Arthur Kryger Is assistant district supervisor; Margaret Freeman, stenographer, and George McMillan, clerk. MARRIAGE LICENSE. A. marriage license was Issued yesterday afternoon to Kenneth W. Trumbull, 31, Umatilla, and Estella J.

Trumbull, 27, Standfield, Ore. Orchard Avenue Magnolia chapter. Order of Eastern Star, will meet this evening at Mill-wood Masonic temple. O. J.

Holmes, worthy patron, and Mrs. C. J. Holmes, worthy matron, will preside. Com-t mil tees for the year will be appointed.

CLUB NEWS. The Millwood Gospel Missionary The Priscilla club was entertained society will meet. Thursday at 2 p. m. at a dessert luncheon this afternoon! at the home of Mrs.

E. E. Coy at at the home of Mrs. Earl Defabaugh.i Tasadena Park. 602 Coeur dAlene.

Mrs. Harry Woodard will entertain The Sons of Norway will install of-jthe Millwood Homecraft club Wednes-f leers Wednesday evening at the Odd day. Fellows temple. Miss Florence Murback of Cheney The ladles aid of the Christian was a Sunday dinner guest of Miss church will meet tomorrow afternoon Charlotte Koschman. at the parsonage, 610 Fourth street.

Miss Matsuyo Omonrl, Japanese The Dalton ladles' aid will meet; college girl, was a week-end guest of These Rationally lnown and advertised sheets have been tested for two-year service, and are guaranteed to give satisfactory service. Housewives who have used them will use no other. Theyre a smooth, even weave, a to sleep between, and will launder easily. They have three-inch hems. We will stamp three initials on each sheet for identification purposes, if desired.

Three sizes Fh108 inches at 8.1x99 inches at $1.29, and 63x99 inches at $1.09 each. The Orchard Avenue Women's club will meet Wednesday for a 1 o'clock luncheon with Mrs. A. E. LaCrolx.

Mrs, Ward Maurer will give a book review. Mr. and Mrs. C. B.

Llghthall of Coeur dAlene were week-end guests at the T. R. Toole home. Recent dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. G.

W. Perkins were Mr, and Mrs. John Perkins and Mr. and Mrs. C.

A. Hagele. FROM THE RECORDS Birth. Walltfr Mr. and Mr.

Milton Walker. 2 32 ft Sharp, bo.v, Drcrmhar 3. MiindFRhy Mr and Mr. Thaodore Hundesby, W2917 Walton, boy, December Jewell Mr. and Mr.

Chsrte F. Jewell, Libby, girl, December 9. In Spokane. Newhall Mr. and Mr.

Chandler Newhall, Loma, Mont, boy, December 10. at St. Lukes hospital. Day Mr. and Mr.

James W. Day. W2101 Dean, girl, December 10. Riel. a Mr.

and Mrs Marcus C. Rleke, Genesee, Idaho, girl, December 11, at St. Luke's. MeGourin Mr. and Mr.

Waller J. Mc-Gourin. W1029 Dalton, girl, December 11. Srhrork Mr. and Mrs.

Sherman I. HAVERMALE postoffice plans are Schrock, W303 Slnto, girl, December 12. Reerk Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R.

Recck, WRlfl Montgomery, boy, December 12. Belt Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Bell, E2Q20 North Crescent, girl.

December 13. Sccrest Mr. and Mr. Verna Ser.rcst, Boundary, boy, December 13, at Park Hill hospital. Moylan Mr.

and Mr. Francl J. Moy-lan. route Spokne, boy, December 13, at 8t. Luke'.

I. awry Mr. and Mr. Cyril F. Lowry.

i a Taylorville, boy, December 15. at rested late Monday by Deputy Sheriff Lukc-S Chenoweth Mr. and Mr. De Fay Chenoweth, E4305 Uartaon, boy, December 15. Oaffanry Mr.

and Mrs. William Oaffaney, E3R44 Sixteenth, hoy, December lft. KayeMr. and Mr. David N.

Kaye. 1 04 Gordon, girl. December 17. Lnrhlnl -Mr. and Mr.

Alexander A. Luchinl, N724 Pittsburg, boy, December 20. Marrlare U-ene. For Spokane end vicinity Tonight, william Harper 122'. viieT.

end ruTB.lenfll min Wednesriflv unset-, Theime Lonnevik 18'. V.ltvy, occasional rain, weanesaay, unaei n9l, util tied; little temperature change. Gilbert, msi. spokxne. 1 E.

F. Murray (SU. Spokane, end Nellie For Washington: Occasional ralnM, Arnold iw. Spokane, tonight. Wednesday unsettled, with O.eome Willtum Fraser (30), Spokane.

and Thelma Lurlle Mowbray (201, Spo- showerg west portion; snow In moun-jknr lark Nason Hrsal atel. Chleaan. Ill 'and Josephine Miller lleja! esel. Seattle. For Idaho: Occasional rain tonight local snows; not1 and Wednesday; local snows; Nmt SiiIU Fllrd In Superior Court, Thursday at the home of Mrs, Stark.

Mrs. E. J. Stanley, Mrs. G.

H. Knox, Mrs. J. Wiley, Mrs. A.

Grenan and Miss Della Falcr. Miss Otnoml was guest-speaker at the party given by Martha chapter of tho Presbyterian You Can Gain or JL Lose Weight by taking Chinese Herbs. They correct body chem-Istry and help to put run 1 down systems back down systems back in Mrs. A. Carter will be assisting host- church.

She told of New Year cus esses. Officers will be elected. I toms In Japan. Mrs. Ralph Nelson will entertain, The young folks of the Gospel Tab-the members of the Art Study club! ernacle elected the following officers tomorrow afternoon at her home, 906 Sunday: Dorothy Newman, president; Foster avenue.

Mrs. Nelson will be in I Roderick Newsom, vice president; charge of ths program. Marie Wilks, secretary-treasurer. Mr. and Mrs.

D. O. Merritt entertained Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. W.

S. Dixon and family of Pleasant Prairie. D. C. COMSTOCK RITES ARE HELD shape, Then Nature brings your weight back to normal, CHINESE MEDICINE COMPANY FREE CONSULTATION 10 to Sundays 10 to 3 N126)i Wall, Near Main WO WING Veradale COLFAX, Jan.

7. (Special.) Funeral services were to be held at (he Garfield Methodist church trday for D. C. Comstock. 83, who died Friday night.

He lr.d lived at. Pullman and Garfield for 33 years, Surviving, besides his widow, are two daughters, Mrs. Eva Wright, Spangle, and Mrs. Ira Clark, Minneapolis. quite so cold tonight and In southeast portion Wednesday.

For Montana: Partly cloudy tonight and Wednesday; light enow wrst portion; warmer tonight and east of the divide Wednesday. Following are minimum temperature; last night and maximum temperature! Idtn) Laundry company. E17 Boone, and precipitation during the 24 hours fumition room, $300. Jpe Andre v. NMllo Andre; divorce.

Roberta Pederson v. Bernard Pederson; dlvorco. Albert Whrarty vs. Elaine Whrarty; divorce. Emm Snyder v.

Claude W. Snyder; $75 a month separate maintenance Velma Wilhelm vs. Jacob Wilhelm, divorce, Building Permit. Dont Gamble With Your Watch! Rrinir It to Nelson for Hirhest Efficiency. Clearance 137 Giant Size Blankets, $2.98 Extra larpfe size blankets of part wool 70x90 inches ten inches lonper than the live rape size blanket which allows for penerous tucking-in.

Theyre in plaids of rose, blue, green. orchid. Reduced from $4.48 to $2.98 pair. 485 Single Blankets, 59c Regular 9Sc single cotton blankets, to use in place of sheets or as extra blankets, are in size 70x80 inches, in plaids of rose, blue, gold, green, orchid. Fine values at 59c, 51 Rayon or Cotton Spreads, $1.48 Full size rayon or cotton spreads 81x105 inches long enough to eovpr the pil-dows, are in fast color, all-over designs of rose, blue, gold, green, orchid.

Were $1.98. CRESCENT DOWNSTAIRS STORE The ladies of St. Mary's Catholic church will give a card party tomorrow evening in the parish hall, Mrs. B. J.

Kearney will act as general chairman, assisted by Mrs. John Steekel, Mrs. Thomas Kelley, Mrs. Tom Grant and Mrs. J.

Ralph, The Vera Ladies Aid society will meet Thursday at the rhurch for a 12:30 luncheon with Mrs. R. B. McCabe and Mrs, George Tldland and their committees In charge. During lie business meeting H.

R. Waybrtght, chairman of the board of trustees of the church, will present the proposed ended at 5 a. J. Edgar Johnson, a city letter ear-l rlrr. cut off part of his left thumb oi.ympia, Jnn.

7. on Articles of ln-1 while splllttng wood Sunday corporation filed with the sreretarv of slate include: at his home. A substitute Acme Prrltht Lines. Spokane, can- will handle the mall for about two llal $18,000. to enraae In truoklni bul-! vvccks nrsg; incorporators C.

Kirk, C1 Whttphouec, Porrest Baxter, Lyle Blayden and Claude 8toffcr. Rockway Mitt Wood company, Olympia Marlin (Marty) Lust, high school, Min. Max. fm. PPOKANB 32 40 Bn Isa S4 .14 .00 Calgary -4 24 .00 Chlr.aso 30 34 .36 Havre -IS -S .00 Kalispell 14 .00 Kamloops, 20 3 a Los Anaelea 30 64 00 Minneapolis -11 1R New Orleans .....60 7S ,04 New Yorlt 32 40 .20 Porllsnd 44 48 .33 Pan Francisco 46 an ,00 Brittle 44 46 Wills Walla 38 48 .00 Yakima 34 36 .04 church budget for discussion and Mrs.

fullback, was awarded the Inspiration A. G. Naundorf, an officer of the Con- roa all AILMfflT GURESe HeacKd rK WALL 4TMH S. or owl DIVilG- CQ cup at a meeting the student body yesterday, Lust's name will be engraved on the cup, along with lls gregatlonal conference, will explain the benevolent budget of the church. Mrs, H.

A. Owen and the group of capital $5000: wholesale and retail fuel business; Incorporators O. R. and Roberta A. Roekwny and Canfield H.

and Julia Leland. Mcdn-Lnnd Dairy. Rcatl.lc. ranllal $3000; lo deal 'In dairy prnducls; Incorpor-alnra A. Hall, Ribary and L.

H. Taylor. race WGU.TATWn'! winners In past years, and the cup! ladies who sing weekly under her diwill be left at the school, Section will furnish the music..

Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.