The Alexandria Times-Tribune from Alexandria, Indiana (2024)

daily Tiiirs-TKurz it The Daily Times-Tribune Pounded 1Kt AUULANltBIA'S UbaMAO XKW8PATKI Delivered to More Homes In Aleiaadrta Toad AU Other Bailie Comblaed ladependea tat PeWlte I aaioiL a 4 1 1 iiaiiqily Uiel MglfWILLBR, ft. 8. ft. It. Miter EIGHTH GRADE SafceerlDtlem Dally ItitV-Ottt Dally br Mall 81m Monthe.

Daily br Hill Three LM Dally br Mail aioaia. Pnbllihed every areola! except toaday lit Weat Church Street. Alexandria, lad. Miss Metta Prescott, a nurse at St. John hospital In Anderson, visited here Thursday evening with her uncle and aunt, Mr.

and Mrs, F. C. Bolton on North Harrison street Mr. and Mrs. Clarence surber were here from Anderson last evening, Lewis and Layton McKlntey re spending the weekend In Chicago, I.i: ee P.

L. Harold, who is connected with the of Pittsburgh, visited at the home of Mr. and-Mrs. F. Davis yesterday.

Misk Evelyn Wilson, daughter of In School Track Meet Thurs day; Another On Monday ejr The Alexandria Dally Tlmee-Trlbune aad art Printing Ino. Bntered at the Alez- aadrla, post omoe as ateoad wee Eleven Lien Reported Thurs-, day At Lagro INDIANAPOLIS, May 23. U.P Eleven merj, Indiana's p.oup of conscientious objectors the draft, reported today toy of civilian duty at ths ncwly-apenct conservation camp near Lagro, state selective service officials announced. Three more objectors are scheduled to report at a second camp near Richmond; June 2, officials said. Conscientious objectors are to receive no 2 egypV JjAiaW AUDI jr ARABIA matter.

nr toub oabrikb misses tou FUONX Its -High school Freshmen triumphed 83 to 9 over Junior high school boys in a track and Held meet held at CUPPED END OF, FINGER Myrtle June Young, small daugh ter of and Mrs. Nelson Toung, Athletic Park after school Thursday. Next Monday afternoon the Freshmen and Sophom*ores will hold a similar meet at the park. Is improving following an accident few days ago when the end of her finger was clipped when it caught In Mr. and C.

V. Wilson, 1616 North Harrison who has com pleted her Junior year at Christian college, will arrive here early next week for the summer Scores of Thursday afternoon's a folding chair. events follow: Low hurdles First, Jack Roth; tvacatlon. second, Richard Allen; third, Robert Ray. TODAY'S MARKETS 100-yard dash First, Charles Miss Mary Jo Donahue is spending Booth second, Herbert Wehsollek; a tew days with miss Mary Lou third, Richard Allen.

CHICAGO. May 23. U.B Hogs Half mile run First, Jay Rlggs; Medsker of Indianapolis. Miss Mary Robinson is visiting steady; heavies 8.8S to 0.15 pay during a year of service "In work of national In fact, the men are expected to pay $35 a month maintenance costs If financially able. Camps have been organized and directed by churches- whose members are, recognized for conscientious objection to military training.

Hours of work, camp projects, sanitary conditions and other standards, however, are supervised by the government; BUSINESS INDEX UP BLOOMINGTON, May 23. U.P-A composite index of business conditions in Indiana during April rose more than four points and bp-proached the December level, highest point reached In the current recovery period, the Indana Bureau of Business Research' reported. 1 mediums 8.75 to 9.80. Cattle second, Arthur Skaggs; third, Eugene Burnett. j- few days with her sister, Miss Martha steers steady, 9.00 to 10.60; cows Robinson, who Is a student at the In High jump First, Charles Booth; Jack Brenner; third, David weak to 16c lower, 7.60 to 8.25 vealers, top 12.00.

Sheep 1,000 4 I ITALIAN AFRICA 7 V' v. 0 i ternational Business College in Fort Wayne. Miss Robinson will complete lambs weak to. I5e lower, 11.00 to Etchison. Shotput First, Charles Booth; 11.10.

her course and graduate next Wed second, David Etchison; third, Rob ert Ray. nesday. Miss Virginia Kirby was an Anderson jrisltor today. v- EAST BUFFALO, May High hurdles First, Jack Brenner; second, Richard, Allen; third, Hogs 700; strong to 10c higher; de- John Hughes. sireables 9.85 to 9.90.

cattle 400 440-yard dash First, Jay Rlggs; Jim Stephenson was steers steady, 9.60 to 9.75; vealers ttrvisitor in aornnd. Richard Allen: third. Her slow, 11.50 to. 12.00. Sheep 500; Anderson last evening, bert Wehsollek.1 MIDDLE EAST KEW WAR ZOKI In North Africa ikirmiihet continue around Solum 1 1.

Suet Canal area (2) It goal of Axli. In Iraq, natlvei claim upper hand around Rutbah (31, whilo British report capture, of poiti near Adaban (4). Duko of Aoita turrendert army In East Africa i 5 Iritith capture town -ofAdalal). lambs 5c lower, 9-50 toJP.75, 220-yard dash First, Charles Booth; second, Jay Riggs; third, Miss Ruth Windsor; Mf. and- Mrs, Earl Harrison and children.

Mr. and Herbert Wehsollek, rl" ONE-Thif 85-pound tar. pon, with iealei larger than doflarj landed by f.I.TJiomas of Brook lyn, N. In St. Petersburg 1 Bay.

Angler and wife viaw big catch. Mrs. Kenneth Cranfleld and sons were PITTSBURGH, May 23 U.B atoaa lump-HPirsv uiaries cuuui guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hogs 200; 20c higher; mediums 9.25 second, David Etchison; third, John to 9.85; lights 8.00 to 9.00.

Cattle coming John Carver In Anderson last evening. Hughes. i 150; vealers steady, 11.00 to 12.00. EARLY MOVE IN 1 Mile relay, First, Brenner, Hugnes, Sheep 800: lambs steady, 8.25 to Ryan said the Axis lines were being operated with no thought' of showing a profit and that many of Etchison and Rlggs, Freshmen; sec John Voirel of Cleveland Ohio. 12.50.

ond, Skaggs, McConnaughey, Mays READ THE WANT ADSI here to attend the Men Letter and Newman, eighth grade. SOUTH Af 'ERICA Club meeting this evening. their were without value as a source sOfrevenua.but jsrere, over areas highly; impdrtanfroj'a mij- Half-mile relay First, Skaggs, Rav. and Wehsollek, Fresh- fs'i 'aiAiu buy -n -i-VlNCENNES, Jnd, May 23. U.B.

HogsJS.OOO'ioe lower, iue a vies imw second, rioocu wngnv oner iiary ana siruiegic view. --48otn of the-''eoriBaeircialland-ing recently by and' Huffman, eighth grade. to medimns 7.90 to: 0.00. CfcttW steers To Counteract Axu Air Active VICTOR D.C. Drugleaa.PJijaatcian COLONIC LRRIOAHON VAPOR KDLPH17R; BATHS Over Bailey-Edwards pity of Ylncenneg Is considering a ih'W of Washington Axis lines, Jhe said, are.

cwln. easy rp Hero's your nsV" CfeW0.WJ Jlflpf to .11.50. Sheep 100; aot ajtd PrlifcetoQ In purchasing the in bombing range of important-XT, S. bases in. Trinidad, Puerto Rico, the COURT NEWS' Hooslef Gas Corporation, according VI-, enough to test market WASHINGTON, May 23-U to Mayor A.

Taylor. Virgin Islands and the ana-ma Canal. An early administration move to meet the threat of. Axis South Amer NEW SUITS FILED Circuit Court Straw'. light as a Halo ican airlines was expected today.

READ THE WANT ADS Pacific Fire Insurance Company vs. There was considerable discussion In administration circles of a govern Virgil Allen. Subrogation and damages. Demand $168.98. William L.

Peck. i ment-backed airways system to comr CHICAGO GRAIN RANGE July wheat 7tf September wheat 98 December wheat 1.00 July corn .73 September corn .74 December corn L. 1 pete with these German and Italian Pacific Fire' Insurance Company ys, lines. Charles A. Subrogation and A- radio address by CAB' member e1sy, shoes foh ttiIIedfeet: at MAHONTS damages.

Demand $200, William L. Peck. Oswald' Ryan that the safety of the western hemisphere was endangered Household Finance Corporation vs. July oats told) September oats (new) 35H .35 by Axis airlines in South America, Tom A. Bradley, et al.

On note. Demand $151.65. William L. Peck. was taken as another Indication that an announcement would be forth- This will be the biggest straw hat -year in the his tory of mankind even tho' men, as a rule, do not take kindly to straw hats.

The reason is simple. Now straw; hats aire really comfortable. are as SpfVas im old fishing hat Voiirs. 'and 'JtTie Vre its In the matter of the petition of STANDS THE STRESS OF SUM AND SNOW! Thomas Vaughn and Louise C. Vaughn for the adoption of Dennis Wayne' Hardin, a Paul New Castle.

1 Arthur Call vs. Bowman Elder, FLORSHEEVf, Fortune, Crosby Square and f'-, Krade 'Builder OXFORDS FOR dt MAftONY'S I I NU-DA House Faint is equal to any weather. Many continuoas years of lo cost, 'oympathetlc 1 and 'dignified funeral service, i jj fl tf c. ROGEH Oi'felPB Funeral DirectOe Because if Is better made of finer ingredients, receive et al. To quiet title, CaU and H1 Kli ptiiliais yfiu it looks bright when applied and stays looking 0PEUIKG nt nw 9iir Corner Harrison and Monroe HAIRCUTS 35c Children 25o except Fri and Sal Superior Court .1 I i WD3C Indiana Broadcasting Cor-poration vs.

Edgar I. Klain, et al. h'sed We're ready with the first really comfortable straw hats in America. LOn account. Demand $175.

Conrad aarATtll I $2.95 A IjB. Arakens. Cornelia Leap vs. Robert Leap Di- ongiu, iv cover nunc wm, thereby reducing your painting "cost. And NU-DA white is the WHITEST WHITE you ever saw! Select a good pabter insist on NU-DA and you've got" a combination that gets the best results! hmi rvorce.

vermuuon and Neff. Dorothy Davis vs. Riley Davis. Divorce. C.

D. Rotruck. 1 Soft Straws Sailor $1 to $3.50 $1 to $2.95 Laura A. Wilson vs. Lloyd H.

Divorce and Burton d.y at friZwUtorC- -et. l.rrM laTHeV HI etery; tore I Mcc*ntock. MEN'S AND YOTJNO MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS BLACK BROWN TAX AND 2 TONES BAILEY-EDWARDS GARTER GO. THE MEN'S STORE BEAD THE WANT ADS- PHONE 244 WE DELIVER MAY'S HARDWARE "Palr.1 I WaVftaVftaJaAavJaAavJaaeaavfta.ffa,J First Quail tj If i if 'S Ul -f I ft if I Aft I i CRlnglesa 811k HOSLERT By CHARLES fLANDEBS SECRET AGENT X-9 at MAHONTS AXSO VENTILATED OXFORDS All the Km t- fir. Shades at MAHONT'S pwrrv smaxt you r-)nu1 lnose Aee rt mould amiss tub sj hmb not at all, vouno TO HMg LEARNED f.


174666Claimed by. Opal Smock May 1253 Dividend tk BUS3 WE3T0VE1 TILL1E THE TOILER ii ficrr "vtxiw.vjtB. (-4avin3 pranks THIS HS, CiOfJa FAK A TiO HAKE? A1H VaIPRFMT aaaaa fSTTFW TEL.L. THB I1 I I Ill I ENC9A6icO TO A NGV4to 3XJST RckTEKJDED SO EXVS THAT IT Or AL.U THE riJvMVUDOVVI iiLaft -citotar al AV I THOC3 CHAJSAS TO SST EVFKJ FOR LAV'S HAVM- HMU STU5T A ewa wee iriKry ABOOT OCR GW TAKE THE TOKfeiOUTl I rl MACS. PRE TENDlMo TO EH FX BE IMS THB 7l ONUS ANO rSJf'll lH AFKAIPMAC 15 OOINffi I 1 9V TO BE ENC3A6ED al I T-! r- III H7T TW DHAWDTO AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON TODAY Ee sure and ask for your Guest Ticket; you are en- titled to one each day.

Ilcldsr of lucky number has until closing time tonight to claim dividend. VICIT 0U2 ST02E AND SEE IF YOU HAVE THE LUCIIY NUI.IELrJ i i.i -w Iti' A' I) i fiOOO ONE. I 1 Bk. VM 1 II II LM A I' 1 ON rr1 Ml Mm if 4V V7e 'Deliver6.

The Alexandria Times-Tribune from Alexandria, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.