The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER, MONDAY, MAY 7, 1900. COLBRUNS--Theodore Colbrunn. aged G3 rears, at residence of his daughter, Mira. T. Barner, 583 Cedar.

Pufera! from residence Tuesday. 2 p. standard. Burial Rockport. Ollo.

8 DAVIS-Samuel passed away Sunday at 4 n. 1.. May G. alt I'ninesville. sou of biattio I.

Davis and the late W. A. Darla. Funeral Tuesday at 2 D. 111.

at the house. Burial at 4:30 at lake View cemetery. 8 DAY--Lena beloved wife of George V. Day, aged 19 years and months. Puneral May 7, 2 D.

Sill time. from residence, 425 Chandler ay. Friends invited. FULLER-A. A.

Puller, suddenly, at The Hayward, at 9 p. May 5. JONES-Suddenly. at the residence of Blanch. her parents, youngest daughter of W.

l. and Nettic 161S Lorain Hattie of funeral hercafter. 8 Jones. Notice PEARCE-At the home of her parents, 46; Saturday, May 5, Minnie, Rose M. beloved daughter of James and Pearce, aged 17 years and 9 from months.

St. l'at Funeral Tuesday. 10 a. 111., rick's church. Burial private.

Detroit papers please copy. Loftus. at residence, 138 Lawrence at 5 RYDER-Mrs. John. formerly Maggie 8.

May 5. 1900. Burial Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from 7 Conception church. SACKWITZ-Lottie Schneider, May 4, at residence, 25 Princeton aged 45. Funeral Monday 2 D.

standard. Burial 7 private. SMITH -Marguerite aged 7 years d1 months. daughter- of Mr. and Mrs.

James A. Smith. S71 Case av. Funeral from residence at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. 7 BIRD STORES.

Fourteen words or less, 20c. 4 black EXTRA co*cker tine white spaniel, poodle pug puppies. puppies, dog jet medicine, collars. dog supplies. etc.

WilEon's Big Bird Store, 439 Superior near Eries st. WANTED--ROOMS. Twenty words or less, 10c. Business announcements, regular rates. singlo business man in new house an elegantly furnished room ali modern conveniences: private famIly preferred: state full particulars.

BoI 102-H, P'lain Dealer. 7 WANTED- -HOUSES. Fourteen words or less, 20c. IST more calls than we can Ali. HULING'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE, 302 New England Bldg.

Phone Main 3038. 1. WANTED -ROOM AND BOARD. Fourteen words or less. 20c.

room, with board, in private family, by young lady: state location, rate, etc. Box 8-L, I'lain Dealer. 8 CROP BULLETIN FOR THE MONTH. The Wheat Condition Has Dropped Instead of. Improved.

1 Present Prospect Indicates the Lowest Crop Since 1896. SPECIAL TO THE PLAIN DEALER. COLUMBUS, May to expectation the state board of agriculture's bulletin for May shows that the wheat condition bas dropped instead of im1 proved and is now down to only 41 per cent. of' an average condition. The ret port says: "A summing up of wheat condition or I prospect for the state shows a lower con1' dition than that reported last wouth, the estimated average being 41 per cent.

Throughout the central, western aud northern portions of the state, the fignures given by correspondents are in many 1: cases considerably reduced as compared with the returns of last month, while iu of the southern and eastern counties, correspondents report improvement Wover last In some of these the inO provement is slight, in others it is quite marked, but Ou the other hand, couuties alin the central, western and northern poro otions responding of the state reduction report iS more compared than a with corallast month, so that the gener1 result is fall of five points. "Present prospect would indicate for the coming harvest a crop of only about 01000,000 to 18,000,000 of bushels. In wany localities a. return of is not even expected. Throughout the state thousands of acres have been and are being plowed up for other crops.

a This will result in marked increase in oats and corn area 'Alas compared with au average area A for juthese crops. area of outs as estimated for this iliac compaied with last year. In some A rounreport shows an increase of' 86,000 acres thties 1.11e area has been doubled, showing that a very large portion of the plowed 10 up wheat has already gone into vats. hit' "The present wheat prospect indicates the lowest crop since 1890, when the total product was only about 17,000,000 bushels wland the average per acre but 81-2 bushthels. duced In six the past wheat ten years Ohio procrops above 40,000,000 enoushels each, one of these crops, that of the 394, reaching 50,000,000 bushels and averaged for the state 20 bushels per acre.

This reference shows the capability of the state for wheat production and illustrates to the magnitude of what will be this year's As shown in former reports, and thias is a generally well known fact, the prinary causes wheat failure are the work cut. the Hessian. ily followed by winter of freezing. No part of the state was enwotirely exempt from damage. "Reports are quite general that clover part last year's seeding was winter killed to solan extent quite noticeable.

Some correSpondents observe that almost that entire tackeeding has been destroyed. "Live stock. as A rule, wintered well, through the season with 110 unAussual losses and fairly good in flesh. A failtew correspondents note the loss of spring only "Spring but can plowing assign is 110 quite cause. well advanced, on although there is a good amount yet to do S.or corn." The following report represents the to Comparative.

percentage estimates of the micrtems named as averaged for each county for the state. from returns received privy the department from its regular corps houf township crop correspondents. nearly township of the state being reprefinasented: adet Wheat -Condition compared with an avlain rage, Spring 41 per barley--Area cent. sown compared with the ast year, 106 per vent. exis vith Winter an average, 58 barley--Conditions per cent.

compared Ionic Barley area -Sown last fall for harvest year! 1900. 28 per cent.Barley area -Sown this spring for harmeat of 1900. 72 per cont. -counciye-Condition compared with an avTrage, 68 per cent. Oats--Area sown in 1899, 905,703 acres.

the 1 Oats--Area sown this year compared ith 1899. 115 per cent. Oats--Estimated area for. harvest of final goo. 992,215 acres.

DIED. Business aunouncements, regular rates. DOSITIONS for collector, $70; 1114'11 travel, advertise, steady 10 cla, laborers, steady; Tali hands, $1S, board, room, wash; gardeners, factory, $101, notel, resort, private laulily, store, olive, heip, brickJard mon; 200 others; strangers cali. GuRtantee Company, 210 Lucid. for inexperienced watchman, travellag So0.

expenses; night $75; mentily; office clerk, salesmen, $15 wookly; teamsters, inside laborers, timekeeper. fireman, warehousewilling young men, country preferred. City Employment Agency, Superior. to learn barber trade: we teach you tho work in 1 WO months, donate complete outfit of tools, pay wages Saturdays from start and guarantee $12 weekly when competent; special arrangements made for applicants from distance; write today. Moler College, Chicago.

Ill. 10 10 reliable agents for city ol' country: furnish references; call make from $20 10 $30 per week: steady employment. Apply al once to H. KILBY, 410 Chamber 01 Commerce bldg. TV basket maker, good or tuba any player other who trade; is aL rood job and good band in il live other musicians; write and tud out particu; lars.

IL. HI. Widerman, l'ort Clinton, 0. first-class die makers at WANTED steady work and good pay 1:. 10 the right men; 110 others need apply.

Konigslow 186 Champlain st. Y' YOUNG man to and receive assist callers, with answer cOrretelephone calls spondence in dowu town mercantile office; salary $50 monthly. Room 1, 222 Superior. 7 at once a 8 carriage WANT blacksmith and vllC helper: steady joo aud good pay 11 right men. Frank Philips Carriage Co.

1203 Euclid av. structural iron WAN workers. laborers; steady employment; rood Day; work 10 brs. per day. McMyler 9 Mfg.

180 Columbus st. WANTED -Three young $10 men cash for I. security road news business, with and blue uniform suit. Union News Union depot. Clevelaud, 0.

7 BICYCLE good pay messengers; to good over 16 boys. Fears Apply of American District Telegraph cor. Water 3 and Superior sts. and vise work. for Apply lathe, to drill, CHisholm Moore Mfg.

Lake and Kirtland sts. 6 salesman, timekeeper, $15 week; watchman. $60 month. Employers' Agency, 46 l'ublic su. young man to work 011 tine custom coats; also one good coatmaker.

390 Cedar RV. 7 painters; good Call Monday. Art Display Ad. 233 Society for Savings. 9 to work around house WANT garden.

Apply Marshall's drug store. 261 Superior. GOOD tailor; steady. work inside: must A have reference. 186 Erie, cor.

Rockwell. WANTED Uhlrich, Experienced Architects, draughtsman. 89 Luelid av. 6-7-9 wanted at Cleveland Matchine Screw 131 Second Cloro- 17 land, A Houschold Two Art good 636 upholsterers. Prospect st.

Brooks boy about voars old. Apply 242 A Superior st. Steinfeld: pharmacist at once; must A have references. 2267 Euolid ar. 7 YOUNG man for position suite of 4.

trust, motor- inel. 61 Public 5 -Good house painters. 151 Dillham av. WANTED- -SALESMEN. Fourteen words or Jess, 20c.

APPLETON ('0. of New York l'o their agencies 011 a liberal field managers wanted at 01140. Apply to scale: good solicitors and few experienced A. S. Southworth, superintendent, room 212, Beckman 204 Superior st.

8 you want to make call this week: W'C soon convince you that to work elsewhere is time Pros- and money lost. C. F. Adams dc 252 pect st. G-7-8-12-13 WANTED SITUATIONS -MALE.

Twenty words or less. 10c. Business announcements, regular rates. A BRIGHT, neat years appearing of age, young who is good penman and speaks Gorman, desires all indoor position where some advancemont is offered; a willing worker: A No. 1 references.

Address box 103-11, l'lain Dealer. COACHMAN: and position in general private man: family knowledge of flowers and trees; references. Box 34-11, Plain Dealer. 7 by young 1181 who understands CAre of horses thoroughly. 1s.

P. 30 Douglass st. 7 COLLECTOR wants your bills to collect on commission. Box 28-I, P'lain Dealer. 11 HELP WANTED -MALE.

Twenty or less, 10c. average, 64 per cent. MILITARY BAZAR AND CARNIVAL. will be Held in June by Secoud Ohio Regiment, C. R.

It. of 1'. Wheat--Damage by Ilessian fly, 35 per cent. -Damage by other insects, 5 per cent. Clover -Average date of sowing, March 23.

Clover -Area sown this year compared with 1899, 90 per cent. Horses--Losses during winter and spring 2 per cent. -Losses during winter and spring, 2 per cent. Sheep--Losses during winter and spring, 3 per cent. Hogs-Losses during winter and spring, 3 per cent.

Berries--Prospect compared with an A military bazar and carnival will be held in this city June 4 to 16, inclusive, under the auspices of the Second Ohio regiment, Uniformed Rank, Knights of Pythias. The plot of ground secured by the executive committee is situated on East Madisou avenue, between Cedar and Central avenues, and considerably larger in area than that used by the Elks 011 Payne's pastures last summer. It has been decided not to erect any substantial buildings on the grounds, exrepting perhaps the stand, dancing pavilion and electric power house. All the theater fronts, and there will be quite a lot of will be substantially constructed and painted in water proot colors. The industrial features will consist of the usual displays commercial products.

Each company of the regiment. there being perhaps halt 3 hundred in the Ohio regiment, will personally conduct a bazar exhibit, some of which will have articles for sale, the profits thus accruing to go to the benefit fund of the regiment. A committee on special events has been appointed to arrange for a series of local attractions to appear in the open. No report from this committee has yet been read. Mayflower Alumni.

The Mayflower school alumni, from 1850 to 1876, have engaged the Fifth District Republican club rooms for a series of meetings. to prepare for the ninth annual reunion. and also to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the old Mayflower school. The first general meeting will be held Monday evening, May 7. Real Estate Transfers.

CITY. I. B. Cody to l. Verginia Eppler.

33 feet on Brookdalo street. $3,125 00 A. Huber to F. Lubahn. 40 feet 0U Howlott stront 000 00 Lucy M.

('rumb to Daisy 1. Bar32 foot on Mares 1 00 Angola Zikardi 10 Nicola Daddoo, 2-3 interest in lot 5. Walton allotmom of 405 20 50 00 J. Stich to 1'. Dunn, foot on Woolsey street 2.000 00.

C. L. Gilman to Anne E. Reidy. 27 foot on Clinton street 2,000 00 B.

Lakowski to I. Moranz, lot 121, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Fourteen words or less, 20c. TED -By A manager of national reputation lady or gentle11211 who desires to adopt the stage. as it profession.

to take half interest in pany playing the best theaters in large cities of the country; will bour a thorough investigation. Address box 38-11, P'lain Dealer. 12 today how Tor 10 OUr make complete your booklet money learn you :1 salary: of value and interest to everybody; dill plan is conservative and prontablo to both large and small investors; commence right and earn an income. ('has. B.

Hyland de 7 Exchange place, Bostoll. 11 TARTNER in a well established printing publishing Arm, business on steady lucrease: 110 and modern machinery; Glass of work the best: partner to look after the business end; $9.500 required. Address box 507. Denver. Col.

A dwelling, BARGAIN; stock of corner groceries property: and saloon; store. est. 25 yours. Box 150-H. Plain Dealer.

7 TOOR SALE- -Restaurant: in good location: account other business will sell cheap. Box 31-L. Plain Dealer. TOR -Saloon. with established trade: good business location.

ROx 110-11, Plain Dealer. 8 TOR SALE -Fine property for saloon and garden purpose. Address box 40-L, l'lain Dealer. Clifton park is now open inspection of investors. Business announcements, regular rates.

dustrious girl for plain cooking and A respectable, neat, quiet, inup stairs work; 110 other need apply; priVite family of gentleman. 293 Euclid av. 7 WANTED -By women a to large handle western goods house, in this LIFO market; if good talkers and of good appearance no experience will be necessary. Address Dos 96-11, P'lain Dealer. 12 WANTED general -A competent housework, girl Lo or to woman the go country for the summer.

Apply at 171 Franklin av. 8 to introduce our goods through liberal commission with eXpenses guaranteed. 0 BOX 101-H, Dealer. 12 girl for general housework; Done other need apply; housecleaning done. 559 Woodland ar.

WASTE for general good German housework; or a Bohemian family of three. Box 57-H. Plain Dealer. GooD girl housecleaning; for general family of housework; two; good 110 wages. 58 Grace ar.

8 washing: four for in general family; references. SE 1066 Franklin av. 8 -Two competent girls; cook and second girl. Address box Plain Dealer. -Neat young girl to assist in housework; colored preferred.

15 Sinley st. 7 for general houseworK: fumily of three; good wages. 436 Bolton. 7 Girl for general housework; small family. Suite No.

1, The Ingleside. 9 for general housework: family of two; housecleaning done. 82 Hough pl. WANT washing. for Inquire general 125 Adelbert housework; st.

12 for cooking and down stairs work; no washing. 419 Sibley. YOUNG at girl 174 to Hough assist in near light Dunham. housework. 7 IRL wanted; general housework: housecleaning is over.

SS9 Woodland av. WANTED -Young second girl work. to 1564 assist in Willson. house- 7 WAIST, 339 hands: also good shirt waist hands. Sibley st.

-Girl for general housework. 452 Case av. 4 STENOGRAPHERS. Twenty words or less, 10c. Business announcements, regular rates.

SITUATION stenographer: wanted by an moderate salary; best of reference. 41 Gayles St. 12 DOSITION by competent. lady stenograreference from present employer. Box 4-1, Plain Dealer.

TADY stenographer wants situation: best reference. Box 13S-II, Plain Dealer. HELP WANTED--FEMALE. Twenty words or less, 10c. WANTED SITUATIONS--FEMALE.

Twenty words or less. 10c. Business announcements, regular rates. YOUNG lady, experience, with ton desires yours' position practical of- :15 bookkeeper, assistant Ol' cashier Ol any kind of clerical work; knowledge of shorthand: A1 references. Box 62-11, Plain Dealer.

8 American girl wants general housework in home where such help would be appreciated; 110 laundry; rood wages; Al references. Box 50-II, I'lain Dealer. A nurse REFINED to an lady invalid or wishes companion position to nu :4 elderly lady: best of references. Address 7 Quite st. 1 SITUATION as small housekeeper.

by references. widow good Address or call 117 Wade l'ark av. LAUNDRESS tho wants day: work good to work. do at Call or address 103 Greenwood st. TV widower's family.

as H. A. housekeeper Ilopler, in 196 Hoadley city. 8 TV AN with best by of experienced reference. lady Box 147-II.

Plain Dealer. 8 TOLSEWORK and day work wanted by two young colored women. Call 29 California st. A day GOOD and to laundress take home. wants 12 work Garden by place.

the 12 as bookkeeper, cashier or oftire work by young girl. 501 Erie st. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Fourteen words or less, 30c. COMPETENT of MEN charge AND through BOYS the may Em- be ployment Department of the Young Men's Christian Association for office, store, factory and other work; reliable informatica tile regarding each applicaut.

Telephone Main 1024. BICYCLES. Fourteen words or less, 20c. 195 Crawford road after 6 p. 111.

ENTS' cha chainless: new; $50.00. Crawford et al. allotment of 392. S00 00 HI. Moranz to W.

J. Crawford. same 800 00 J. B. Larued 10 Von Wolffradt.

37 feet on Isham court 3,000 00 Mary F. Murphy to C'. Railroad lots 161 and 167, Gill ot al. allotment of 423....... 5,500 00 K.

DI. Workman 11 same, lots 15, 16. 18 10 20. Walkey et al. allot423 6.000 00 (.

Harvar 10 1. Kieinman, 25 feet on Mayflower 1,000 00 J. l'auliosky to W. Schoster, 37 fret on Robert 1,600 00 J. A.

to Mary J. Manldin, 35 foot on Burt street Maggie Collisi al. 10 A. Horner. lot 31.

Hoyt allotment of 207 (quitclaim) 1 00 A. J. Marvin 10 Martha A. lumix30 feet on liarbor street: 33 foot on Lorain street: 32 feet on Seelye avenue: 61 toot on Swiss street: 33 feet 011 'Taylor street. vity, and 31 1-2 acres in Independonce township 20,000 00 A.

Wintemborg to M. orn. 40 foot on Dorchester avenue (quitclaim) 1 00 Southern to Annie burg, same (quitclaim) 1 00 COUNTY. G. G.

Arnold to A. 12. Arnold, 1 in tract Orange 400 00 J. W. trustee, to W.

Diehl. lots and 23, Greenhurst. Bedford 400 00 Same to same, lot 125 00 Vajda to A. l'otis. 40 feet Plover street.

1,000 00 A. J. Marvin to Diartha A. Hummiston, 47 feet ou l'ark avenue, Lakewood 1,000 00 FOR RENT- -ROOMS. Twenty words or less.

10c. Business announcements, 14 or less. 20c. rooms; all conveniences private family; desirable. location; everything first-class; terws reasonable; twelve minutes' walk from square.

156-G, I'lain Dealer. 7 NICELY furnished front parlor; also single, and suitable for two genUlemen: Dach: all Tel. M. 3320 1. 17 Sibley st.

8 BEAUTIFUL water; airy new rooms: carpets; each having ten minutes' walk to square. 511 Prospect, opp. Granger. OLIVE -Suite of large double parlors, well furnished, single suite; other very desirable rooms. 166 Huron, laving TOR RENT furnished rooms; everything new and cloan; in strictly private family.

160 N. l'erry, between Payne aud Euclid. 8 TEWLY furnished rooms; bath, baruwood floors; most desirable rooms in the city; ten minutes' walk from square. 823 Superior street 7 furnished front and side rooms in nico location; all conveniences; 10 gentlemen only. 1477 Superior, near Case avenue.

NICELY private furnished family; front excellent and side locality; rooms near corner Euclid and Willson. 34 Olive place. 10 TARGE furnished front room and alcove; also small side rooms; all conveniences. 343 Bolton between Cedar and Euclid. KENYON," 28 Wood furnished front, side rooms; gus, bath; $2.00, $2.50 week; 3 miuutes' walk postoffice.

7 FOR housekeeping, RENT--Furnished with all rooms for conveniences; light private family. 1544 Superior st. TOR RUNT-3 unfurnished rooms on floor for light housekeeping; every convenience. At 121 Arlington st. 1 Large well furnished 2nd door front rooin, with alcove; also other rooms; all conveniences.

Ton RENT with privilege front light and house- side rooms, of keeping. 73 Hough. 7 2 OR 3 improvements; pleasant rent unfurnished moderate. rooms: all Streator av. 8 necting: all conveniences.

furnished parlor: bed room con111 Olive st. TOR RENT -Nicely furnished front three rooms minfor quiet gentlemen ouly: utes' walk from square. 137 Seneca second floor. ONE service: nice large also front roommate room; wanted; good table tell minutes' walk from square. 450 Euclid avenue.

8 FRONT parlor suite, with board; private steam bath. single rooms, heat, etc." "The Taylor, 416 Euclid. 8 SANT newly furnished room Tor gentlemen all conveniences; telephone in house. 749 Superior st. 8 ONE able front for room; two; also nicely furnished; suit- 70 Fro Brownell, near Euclid.

501 board: EUCLID a few table boarders rooms. desired. with P'hono M. 435 J. 8 LARGE well bath; furnished East End: room: pleasant down stairs; home.

49 Wilbur st. 7 SUITE furnished of three for rooms; light alcove housekeeping. and bath; 18 Cedar av. 7 TOR outlook. 893 RENT-Furnished East Madison, front near room: lough.

ting 10 furnished or unfurnished rooms: with use of kitchen. 12 Dellenbaugh avenue. 8 also other rooms. 805 Superior st. rooms for light housekeeproaches, exterminated quick, easy, cheap.

Boyle, 171 Erie st. FURNISHED rooms; $5.00 per month and 11p. 135 Chestnut st. 2 alcove. LARGE 842 unfurnished Willson.

front rooms, with furnished rooms in private family. 233 Lake st. VERY desirable rooms; all conveniences. 7 in modern house for rent. 1174 Willson av.

rooms: gas and bath. 174 Summit st. 12 TURNISHED back parlor. 420 Euclid. 7 perior RENT st.

Telephone Main room. 1109 792 F. 8 Susuite of rooms: private bath, with board. 317 Euclid dr. 8 3 dar NICE furnished near Willson rooms.

car Call line. at 670 CoNICELY furnished rooms for gentleman; family private. 761 Superior st. 12 BOARDING. Fourteen words or less, 20c.

DLEASANT front room, with alcove, for two gentlemen: all good board. 156 Kennard. BE quick. easy, roaches, cheap. Boyle, 171 Erie exterminate.

st. FOR SALE- MISCELLANEOUS. Fourteen words or less, 20c. FOR cts. SALE per gals.

warranted best mixed equally paint, aS good as the best iu the market; 500,000 rolls wall paper, 3c to 25c roll. T. l'. 299-307 l'earl st. TOR new SALE-4 garden soda hose; also fountains typewriter.

and a lot In- of quire 47 Bolivar Buckeye Loan Storage Co. FOR class SALE condition; -Lady's cheap. Winton 115 bicycle: Ingleside first- av. 511 Kennard. 3-5-7 and chairs; owing to illness.

Inquire -Gas range and kitchen range, table ONE 34x38 727 (leveland Case av. washer: Tel. 100 1140 J. shirts. TOOR SALE Large gas range: aiso Born range.

Windsor ar. 7 WANTED -MISCELLANEOUS. Fourteen words or less, 20c. HOUSE AND nickel LOT plumbing. in Cast furnace, End; porce- new, lain bath: half actual value; $100 cash, balance $15 monthly: second door from Euclid av.

Address C. J. I'lalu Dealer office. ANTED -To buy. rooming house; state Dealer.

3-5-6-7-8 price and location. Box 12 Plain SMALL or medium sized safe. Box 147-H. P'lain Dealer. 11 KENNEL.

Fourteen words or less, 20c. dog and hospital. boarding 684-653 Central phone Bell Main 1530: Cuyahoga It 1253. Tise Stauiforth's medicated dog soap. Mange and distemper cured.


with 55 cows. 2 bulls and 20 horses. nt home, Brecksville station. May 7th. 'Time givon.

WANTED- -MONEY. Fourteen words or less. 20c. TV vears: will loan 6 per $900.00 for no term agents. of Box 114-1.

l'lain Dealer. WELL DRILLERS. Fourteen words or less, 20c. 236 Superior, for oil, gas or water: also drilling machines. Phone 2935.

DETECTIVES. Fourteen words or less, 30c. MT building. detective agency, 303 Curaboga FOR RENT -HOUSES. Fourteen words or 20c.

4 Before Renting Investigate our popular plan of buying: rent money soon pays for the home; 40 houses for sale; 6, 8 rooms; $1,000 to $4,000. Glenville property a specinity. Lowrie 318-319 American Trust bldg. POOR REST house, from June lately remodeled and enlarged, with all modern conveniences; 9 rooms and bath; 901 South Logan nice yard and many dowers; will reserve two rooms if convenient. or will arrange to board with tenant; references required.

Apply to or address W. S. Gilbert, att the Louder office. FOR Euclid. RENT- -On modern choico house.

cross '8 rooms. street, bath, near furnace, gas, owing to lateness of season it win he rented at $30 per month. DANIEL K. TAYLOR, 7 84 l'ublic square. TOR RENT 10-room nouse with all improvements, 172 Keuilworth, between Scranton and Jeunings, 12 minutes fron square.

Johu G. Jeunings, 194 Jenuings av. CONVENIENT cottage: 7 rooms; bath and all modern improvements. Inquire 511 Kennard, before 9 it. m.

aud after 6 p. Ill. 3-5-7 TOR RENT-Near Case, on Prospect, fine house with all modern conveniences; tine barn, etc. DANIEL R. TAYLOR.

7 81 l'ublic square. TOR RENT -Nice house and good barn, 14 Osborn witn all conveniences; rent reasonable. C. Y. Schlaudecker, 204 Superior st.

Tel. M. 2473. 7 FOR RENT Winderere; ready modern to 8-room occupy house May at $25.00. H.

E. McMillin, 127 Superior st. FOR RENT- -Modern nine-room house, 13 Fifth av: V. C. TAYLOR SON, 241 Superior st.

FOR RENT longer; 011 -Furnished North house Genesee for summer near Euclid. Apply 168 Superior. 7 TOR RENT--House. 268 Sibley G. $40.00 per month.

Inquire of F. scOFIELD. 155 St. Clair st. 21.

bath: CALVERT fine condition; Cedar rooms, cars. furnace. Inquire 30 Blackstone. TOR RENT-Furnished house for June, July, August and Septembor. Inquire 297 Crawford road.

8 T5 GIDDINGS conveniences: furfront May to September; references required. 7 Q-100M house; furnace 0 0 and all improvements; rent $18.00. Inquire 32 Randall street. 7 all conveniences; Last End. 19 BrookRENT house; furnished: roll st.

7 TINE Russell, modern near house: Euclid; newly cheap. decorated; 475 b. 413 G. roaches, exterminated quick, easy, cheap. Boyle, 171 Erie st.

34 Wade Park 8 rooms: $25. Inquire 317 I'rospert. Phone Main 768. For summer. RENT 1554 Cedar av.

house for 7 the FOR RENT- -FLATS. Fourteen words or less, 20c. FOR Euclid, corner Leonard Willson Apartment suites of 3 rooms; bath, hot and 1 cold water, $10, $12 and $15; also 3 stores oll Willson av. Apply to C. W.

Palmer, room 11. My10 CURTISS-The only strictly firstclass bousekeeping apartments down town; two 5-room suites; 2-100m suite; servico guaranteed. Cor. Wood and Summit 011 Lake View park. SUITES 3 and convenience: 4 rooms.

corner The Burnham: Woodland and Paddock. I. W. BAILEY, 4 54 Paddock corner Woodland. CLINTON three FLATS-CInton 5-room suites; all near outside Kouconveniently located; every collvenience.

Apply to janitor. 8 for housekeeping: turnished or upfurnished; also 8-room suite. FOSTEROVIATT. 303 Prospect. TILE tween Euclid HAWTHORNE." and Dodge Chestnut; one besuite, $40.

TOR RENT -Unfurnished flat on second floor. 241 Harkness. Inquire 690 Hough. 7 BERRIES roaches, cheap. Doyle, 171 Erle exterminated st.

obdell Fenimore, Collins very best. 401 New England bldg. 1172. ToR third RENT--Front floor. 84 suite of Iuron st.

furnished rooms: FOR RENT -BUSINESS PLACES. Fourteen words or less, 20c. TOR RENT- Brick building particularly adapted for hotel purposes, in good elty near Cleveland; improvements made to suit responsible tenant. C. N.

Schlandocker, 204 Superior st. Tel. M. 2473. 7 Goon store, with 011 3 living Norwood rooms; HaS, butween Superior and St.

Clair: cheap. TIE TAYLOR REALTY 304 Am. Trust Bldg. for ottees and light RENT--A A few choice rooms: suitable Bookman building: rent reasonable. a ('.

Schlaudecker, 208 The Beckman. Tel. M. 2473. For ron, RENT and -Stores, Euclid, near Prospect Erie.

and Inquire HuLake Shore bank. Prospect and Huron. TOR RENT one 25x50; barns in other rear 18x30. of In- 150 Merwin quire 150 Merwin st. TOR beat; RENT-Desirable newly storeroom; At 20x40: 1312 steam Euclid av.

FOR RENT -OFFICES. Fourteen words or less. 20c. TOR $12.50 to RENT--Wick $20 per block, month. light WICK offices, INVESTMENT 3 Wick block.

122 Euclid a v. Apply office of the TOR in "The Clarence," building. my10 MONEY TO LOAN. Fourteen words or less, 20c. REAL ESTATE LOANS--Money you can to pay loan in Installments to reduce principal.

You get quick action if vou come to my office. bldg. O. V. HENSLEY, 830 Cuyaloga VANS OU real estate at 6 per cent.

loterest or monthly payment plan. TuR ECONOMY BUILDING LOAN 1 Blackstone bldg. REAL Isfactory estate terws. loans THE made OHIO promptly ou MUTUAL satSAVINGS LOAN 411 Society for Savings bldg. loaned on diamonds, watches, MOS bargains in uuredeemed goods.

HOME SECURITY 143 Ontario st. Est. 1850. MORTGAGE. loans on real satisfactory estate at terma; 5 long time.

S. ULMER, 236 Superior room 1. to loan salarled people and retail ON security; special inducement3. TOLMAN. 1214 New Eng.

bldg. A MERICAN salaried INTESTMENT people: CO. investigate advances plan offered investors. 506 Am. Trust bldg.

advanced on salaries on your own names without security or endorsers. OHIO SALARY LOAN 440 Arcade. SALARY LOAN 1116 New England rates and payments easy: call on us: it will pay you. TINION SALARY makes LOAN loans on G10 your Curaho- own name; special rates to city employes. loaned on chattels at 1 LOAN STORAGE 47 Bolivar.

Tel. 15c8. LOANS M. on WAIN real estate SON. At 204 lowest Superior rates.

st. MONEY TO LOAN- CHATTELS. Fourteen words or less, 20c. on furniture. pianos, without removal at 1 and per cent.

FOREST CITY CHATTEL LOAN 322 and 323 Society for Savings bldg. ties; p. c. per month. Economy on diamonds and chattel, securlBuilding Loan 7 Blackstone bldg.

REAL ESTATE. Fourteen words or loss, 20c. CLIFTON out' PARK--This magniticent proplaid and improved at an exDense of $150,000. is being sold at prices ranging from $25 to $45 per foot for lots from GO 10 100 feet frontage and from 200 to 500 foot in depth. CLIFTON location, Park is unequaled for beauty of pure air.

pure water and freedom write for from smoke. particulars, dust 411 The and soot: Cuyahoga. call. of you aware of the ensurpassed bath: ing. boating.

fishing and park privi. loges that go with every lot in beautifu! Clifton park? FOR SALE -HOUSES AND LOTS. Fourteen words or less, 20c. A GEM Nuclid, -New on west 12-room side of house, one of second the best off streets in Last End: hardwood floors throughout; hardwood finish below: 2 bathrooms: best open plumbing; fino lot: and A GREAT BARGAIN if sold at oure: would take sumll house in good location. J.

W. TAYLOR, 304 Am. Trust Bldg. Tel. Slain 1923.

DON'T fail to see our beautiful Douglas Park Allotment on Doun in Glenville; the finest suburb of Cleveland: new modern hones; $2,500 and upwards; also tine lots on easiest terms; will build to order. TIE TAYLOR REALTY 304 AID. Trust Bldg. 8 TOOR homes SALE in the -Largest list of bright new city; guaranteed never ret occupied; all of these are our own buildings, and all are models of good workmanship aud pretty architecture: please let l1S submit our list beforo you buy and oblige, J. C.

L. A. DAVIS, Builders, 416 Gardeld bldg. Tel. Main 929.

FOR barns, SALE tine OR fruit. RENT- 5 to Large acres house of land and ou Shore live in Nottingham: also 1 10 5 acre tracts on Shore line, 45 minutes from Public square, with all improvements, $400.00 per acre. N. Moses 242 Arcade. 7 FOR plumbing; SALE -Modern bardwood 8-room tinish house: interior.

open ineluding floors: fine location: convenient to two lines of street cars. Call and examine premises, 205 Alanson st. Bargain if sold at once. account of owner leaving city. 9 Q-ROOM house near boulevard: identical with houses offered in other localities for forced to sell: will consider offer of $4.800: very easy terms.

Address box 131-11, I'lain Dealer. tiest YOU little want home the in cutest, the neatest, a pret- nice street off Willson near Woodland. on easy terms? See F. J. Chappie, Awerican Trust building.

FOR Fulton SALE a -Nice bargain home for in cash or Collinwood: casy lic square. payments: no trade. H. H. Wylie, 38 PubWANT an lot; offer owner at once leaving for city.

9-room 25 mouse Fisk street. TOOR SALE A beautiful modern home box in Willoughby. For particulars address 117. Willoughby, 0. 29 TOR SALE -Bargain: for a desirable lot 12-room 50x Louse: barn seveu horses; 158.

1114 Case av. my 19 now modern houses, Gertrude Glenville, at last year's prices. F. P. Gilchrist 15 Carter st.

Jel CLIFTON Park offers bathing, boating Int. park privileges with every Office 411 The Cuyahogn. OSTEOPATHY. Fourteen words or less, 30c. J.

ECKERT, D. 0., graduate American G. School. 176 Euclid. Consultation free.

P. The PELTON, Arcade. M. D. Examination and Osteopath, free.

341 LOST AND FOUND. Fourteen words or less, 20c. -Brindle Dull, terrier; four white paws, white breast, ears cut very short. tail long; answers to name of "Iuck." Reward if returned to 1737 Euclid av. or Britton Printing Erie st.

7 ENGINES AND MACHINERY. Fourteen words or less. 20c. TOR SALE IT. P.

boiler, full front. good stack, $200.00 if sold at ouce. 0. Bartlett 43 ('enter st. ATTORNEYS.

D. University UPDEGRAFF. of Michigan, 1869. Lawyer. 317 Society for Sarings.

Commercial, insurance, bankruptcy, las and probate court practice given special at tention. CHAS. I'. City Auditor. GEORGE P.

KURTZ, City Treasurer. FRED BHILSTEIN, A. GREEN. W. TOLAND, Committee on Finance, City Council.

30-My7 LEGAL NOTICES. Notice, Sealed proposals will be received by the Clerk of the Board of Education of Glenville village school district of Cuyahoga County Ohio. at Glenville. County. Ohio.

until 12 o'clock noon of the 9th day of May A. 1900. for furnishing the materials and doing the work necessary to complete a two-story, eight-room. brick school building in said School District in said County. Each bid interested shall in contain the the name of every person same; in case of partnership, the full name of each individual partnor must be given: in case of corporations, the corporate name must he signed by one or more of its officers duly authorized so to do.

and each bid must ho accompanied by bond, signed by not less than two disinterested persons, residents of and owning real estate in the County of Cuvahoga, State of Ohio. as a guaranty That if the bid be accepted, a contract will he entered into, and the performance of it properly secured. Said bond must bo for 111 amount not less than 25 per cent. of the total amount of the bid. When both labor and materials are enbraced in the work bid for, each must he separately stated in the bid with the price thereof.

The School Board reserves the right to reject any and all or parts of auy and all bids. All bids must be made on blanks furnished by the School Board. and sealed up and addressed 10 the Clerk of 1 he Board of Education of Glenville VilInge School District, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Printed forms of bids can he bad. and plans and specitications for Said building can be seen at the office of M.

M. Gleichinan, architect. No. 89 Euclid avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. CHESTER 1.

ARTHUR. Clerk of Said Board. No. 98 Hazeldoll arenue, Glenville, Ohio. 9-16-23-30-my7 Bond Sale.

Sealed bids will he received at the office of the ('ity Auditor. room 213, City Hall. Cleveland. until 12 o'clock noon. on May 21, 1900.

for the purchase of $300.000 4 por cent. City of Cleveland Water Works ConpOI bonds. maturing April 1. 1920. and $219,000 4 per cent.

City of ('leveland Sewer District Coupon bonds, maturing April 1, 1910. These bonds draw interest from April 1. 1900. and will he issued by the City of ('leveland. 0..

under due authority of law and ordinance, both principal and interest being payable at the American Exchange National Bank. in Now York city. Interest payable semi-annually. A certified check drawn 011 national bank for amount of $25,950.00, and payable to the order of the of the City of must accompany each bid. No bid will be entertained unless made on a blank form, which can be obtained on application to the City Auditor.

No bids for less than par and accrued interest to the day of delivery will he accepted: bonds to be delivered to the buyer at Cleveland. All bonds nre $1,000 denomination. The City reserves the right to accept any or reject all bids. Notice of Appointment. The undersigned have been duly appointed and qualitied as executors of the estate of Lucy A.

Dodge. late of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. deceased. WILSON S. DODGE.

SAMUEL D. DODGE. Executors and 'Trustees of the Estate of Lucy A. Dodge, Deceased. CLEVELAND.

Ohio, April 16th. 1900. 30 7-14 Legal Notice. The undersigned has been duly appointed executor of the last will and testament of Anna T. Cox.

late of East Cleveland, Cuzahoga County, Ohio. deceased. SHIELDON PARKS. 7-14-21 712 Cuyahoga Building. CLEVELAND POSTOFFICE.

Advertised Letters for the Week Ending May 6, 1900. If Not Called for in Two Weeks These Letters Will be Sent to the DEAD LETTER OFFICE. To get any of these letters. addressees or their authorized agents will apply at dieDcral Delivery Window, P'ostonice corridor, calling for ADVERTISED matter, giving the date of this list and paylug One Cent. Advertised matter is previously held one week awaiting delivery.

Advertised matter 15 held two weeks before it goes to the Dead Letter Office at Washington, D. C. Free delivery to any part of the Postal District may be secured by writing time nante of the Station, Street and Number on each piece of nail matter. Letters and other matter to be called for at the General Delivery should he marked To be called for," or "Transient." Any man matter not delivered will be returned to the Sender, provided the Sender's address 15 rivell on said mail matter. Such matter is held thirty days unless the Sender orders otherwise.

Registered matter, Card or Request matter marked or he called and mere, papers. circulars or worthless matter not advertised. See l'ostal Laws and Regulations of 1833, Sec. 329-548. LADIES.

Lamb, Miss Bertha Anshultz, Airs. Lozier, Miss Cleve Audrew, Mrs. Adda Lynch, F. J. Anna, Miss Lipo.

Essie Anderson, Mrs. Jaue he Clair, Miss Lillie Anutley, Miss G. Love, Mrs. Jeunie Allen, Miss Lois Au- Lamb, Miss Miss Rose Sadie gustu Loose, Acure, Mrs. Sarah M.

B. Maloney, Miss Anule Bassett, Mrs. Annie Meehan, Miss Annie Breuster, Mrs. Eunice Miller, Miss Bady, Miss Georgie Morgan. Mulholland, Mrs.

Mrs. D. El- G. Brooks, Miss I. M.

Ballen, Mrs. llerwan len Bell, Mrs. Johu Merki, Frieda Bolthouse, Mrs. J. Muruer, Miss Elsie Banks, Sirs.

Susie Malusck, Franceska Best, Miss Willie A. Moorman, Mrs. Helen Bodie, Willette F. Michael, Mrs. Mae C'.

Mink, Mrs. Lena Coe, Miss Bertha Millian. Mrs. Lizzie Carr, Mrs. May, Miss May.

Cameron, Mrs. Mitchell, Nellie Conoroy, Miss Ella Merriman. Miss Maud Cole. Chadwick, Airs. I.

Miss A. Jen- Miller, Marsh, Miss Mrs. Tira, nie Mrs. Goo Connor, Miss Manin Me Bride, Mrs. J.

A. Chester, Sophia and Mrs. J. L. George D.

McMichael, Miss Josephine Davis, Miss Annie McGrath, Miss MagDorn, Edith H. ric Doros, Miss Iona Me Donald, Miss Sadie David, Minnie McConnell, Mrs. U. A. F.

Noake, Miss Elizabeth Eckles, Miss Anna N. Fuling, Mrs. Norris, Helen Elibert, Mrs. E. P.

(). F. Odel. Miss Goldie Forbes. Mrs.

Olvacee, Miss Ola Fowler, Mrs. l'arson, Miss Frenaye. Mrs. Addie 1'. Flack, Miss Della Plum, Mrs.

Addie Flynn, Miss Ellen Parks. Ming Frances Farrand, Mrs. H. J. Mrs.

H. Forsyth. Miss Min- l'erko. Ina nie Powers, Mrs. W.

J. Fritz, Miss Inis K. Feney, Mrs. Maggie Ryan, Miss Bessie Forsythe, Mrs. J.

M. Riggs, Mrs. C. H. Foster, Mrs.

Susan Randell, Mrs. F. D. (. Rrottel, Miss Helene Gaskill, Miss Estelle Rivers.

Miss Loretta Graut, Harriet 1. Russell, Miss May Generos, Miss Ilar- Russell, Miss Marion riet L. Gates, Mrs. Hoyt D. Reed, Mrs.

W. K. Griflith, Mrs. W. S.

H. Scott, Mrs. Anna D. ITill, Annie M. Stone.

Mrs. C. B. Hale, Miss B. P.

Shannon, Mrs. C. M. Haskins, Miss Della Seefolat. Miss Carrie Hordu, Ellie Smith.

Miss Della Henz, Mrs. II. Shuart. Miss L. Haderer, Mrs.

Henry Smith. Miss Edith R. Hobner, Miss J. Strong, Miss Erldna Heinkleman, Mrs. J.

Stokes, Mrs. Grace Hobart, Lizzie Smith, Miss Georgie Harper, Mrs. Lona Spencer. Miss MarHynes, Mary garetto Howard. Miss N.

Steffer, Miss Mabel A. Heinberger. Mrs. R. T.

Humpbrey. Miss Theo Tolsome. Mrs. Blanch Hendel, Mrs. Val Turner.

Katie J. Taylor, Mrs. J. Jackson. Mrs.

An- TT. Jones. Miss Bertha V. nie W. Underwood.

Mrs. Johnson. Miss nan Bertha Hattie Joseph. Mrs. Mary Van Sicklin, Mrs.

F. Irey, Mrs. Scott E. w. K.

W. Kuent. Misses Williams. Mrs. Belle Kellogg.

Miss Clara Ward. Mrs. Blanche Kraft, Miss Francis Walker, Miss Bessie Knox. Eleanor M. Witzke.

Mrs. Emile King. Miss Georgie W'inchell. Mrs. Jennie Keepes.

Miss Martha WHoox, Mrs. M. Knox. Miss Susan Wicks. Mrs.

Maud Lagrove. Nirs. A. P. GENTLEMEN.

A. F. Andrews, C. Fulkorson, A. M.

Arthur, Edwin D. Fredericks. Frank Avery, Frank Freeman, Georg Adams, 11. N. Frohman.

Jake H. Fountain, John Atkinson, J. A. Foster, Jas. Adams, Lymous I'.

Foley, J. p. Allen, Lois Augusta Foote, N. ir. Annis, Wallace Fallis, k.

J. B. Fetch, Brohn, A. G. Belldone, B.

A. Rower, Cyrus M. Graham, P. Bingham. ('has.

Gruenewald, doo. Brien, Chas. (inbor, Kiss Brooks, C. B. Gumbine, Louis Boik.

V. Getter. Louis Bastion. Polix Goodman. Max Beauregard, Frank Goldreich.

Moses Browne, F. (. Gaskill, Will Beckes. Geo. Grafton, W.

C. Rostick. Grover H. Burman, I. 'I'.

Hirt. Anthony Buckinghani, lamil-Nough, Hinkley. A. Pr. Barton ilton Housk, J.

W. Holden, ('has. Bradley, R. Hrovoit, Franc Brown. Thomas M.

Haskins. Frank I. Roby. W. M.

Hulott, Goo. H. Blackner, W. L. linds, Goo.

W. Bollon, Dr. 1. A. Hillor, John Callahan.

Mr. Hunt, James Calen. Mr. Hall. Louis Leon Cartier.

A. N. Hackett, M. Clark. Bert Hoider, Norman Calo.

E. II. Henderson. Ww. Chambers.

E. E. I. C'ardo, Fred 0. Isaack, Mr.

Carnivorn. Irvin C'ulp. Curtiss, James James Jones, P. R. H.

Catondok, Janos Jones. Guy d. Cummins, John Jackson. 11. F.

Carter. John Y. Johnson, Ciocinek. Jan K. ('mikowski.

Mateus Knight. A. I. d'ollolto, Qurino Kauff, Adam Comer. A.

M. Mr. Curtis, Kirby, Mr. D. Kepper.

IT. Dojak, Anton Kelly. Frank Deitoiek. Charlie Keely, Grover Dammar, Chas. Karosec, G.

John Dawson. Geo. W. Kinnel. Herman Bray.

Harry Kroame. J00 Drake. Joe Kudtaty. Jan Donovan, J. M.

Da pp. I. W'. Dirby. James Koeruer, M.

Day, Otis I. Kepner. Max Dawson, k. F. Kerlylnio.

Tode Downing. Thomas King. Will R. Drabiszowea. Mateus Kuhavik, Valent I.

Erdmann, Antoni Ribon. J. Leach, Charley Ewell. John Loyley, Clareme INSURANCE. Fourteen words or less.

20c. J. L. RICE Reliable Fire Insurance Agents. Good companies, fair dealing and prowpt settlement.

Room 4, No. 230 Superior st, Telepbone 1933. or Insurance BRAXTON DAVEN. policies bought for cash P'ORT, 201 American Trust bldg. CARPET DYEING AND CLEANING Fourteen words or less.

20c. THE Am. cleaned St'm Dy'g Dry Cl'g removing; 157 Arcade, 9 Colonial Arcade, 644 Lorain st. Phones Mi. 1325, M.

3238 F. and K. 1384 L. je6 EDUCATIONAL. Fourteen words or less, 20c.

French, Gerwan, Latin, Italcommon branches. Miss Robinson, The Sargent. 417 Pearl. STORAGE. Fourteen words or less, 20c.

STORE your goods with separnte the Iron Buckeye rooms; Loan low Storage insurauce. 47 Bolivar st. Telepbone 1568. Little, J. Cap Adole Sobot, Lawton.

Frederick S. Smith, Laurence, Jas. Sothamer, A. G. Lyon, Lyman 31.

Shay, Al Lester. I. B. Spring, A. Lodor, Morris G.

Sanford. Ling, W. L. Southworth, 'D. W.

M. Shaw. Dave Maki, Andrew Suthy, D. 0. Miller.

Alivert Shattuck, Edward Myron, Stren. Emil Muse, Saussy. F. W. Monko.

Edwarg Shaefer. Henry Milton, Elwood Striekler, John Murphy, Edw. Swoony, Jug. Murray, (co. H.

Smiley. John I. Muman, cico. Smitzor, Juv. U.

Mangau. John Jan Jakob Schulte. Jno. Miller, Joseph Sylvanus. John Mewll, losioy Sonfon, J.

W. Stone, F. Dyer, T. O. Smith, Si.

N. Manysta. Stanislan Schwarz. J. J.

Marshall, W. If. Stacy, E. Ww. Staley.

lufus A. I. Sinclair, S. A. McCartney, A.

J. Steinburg. 8. McMurray, Mr. Spring.

S. MeSpaddon, Andrew Stingie. Toma Mcclelland. Corliss Stone. 'Theo.

Mellatton, Grant Stewart. Virgal McCarthy, Goo. Woolever, E. J. Wallace, H.

R. T. McNeill, J. Tolin. A.

E. McCann. John A. Turner, Albert McGrath, M. Thayer, McKowen.

Win. Thompson. W. N. Teach.

Elias Newburger. Albert Tank, Numan, Geo, Thompson, John Newman. Irving Thompson. John W. Nicholson, W.

Taylor, W. E. 0. U. Odell, Geo.

Endoritz, L. C. Otaczky, Mike I'. Vacante, M. k.

Pace. A. Frank W. Peterson. Frank Winter, I.

P'almer. G. 11. Walker, ('has. D.

Penn, Iliram T. Preston, John Wolf. Robt. Woolever. E.

J. P'orter, Wm. Y. R. Walker, Floyd P'orman, Wm.

Watson, R. Watson, Robison, Calvin W'olmer. J. E. Russell.

D. 'T. Wharton, Orie Reid, Geo. I'. Wheeler, Sammy R.

Wetzel, A. Remick, G. R. Y. Rov, J.

Young. G. R. Ruby. Jog.

HI. Rockafellow. J. W. Zhasnik.

Janez Reese, W. L. FIRMS. Atlas Machine Tool Electric Supply Co. Bros.

American Field Lonthies, Co. Fence Co. Lake Erie Novelty Burton Shoe Cleveland COntical Mages, (tvo. Co, College Standard ('voper Cleveland Cycle Co. Superior Mach.

Cleveland Lard Oil Boiler Wks. Sewing Machine Co. Consolidated Lamp Schwehr Box ('o. Glass ('o. Taylor.

I. ('o. Hauck, Jno. Bwg. Co.

Wire Fence Co. Goldshirts Co. THIRD AND FOURTH CLASS. Benninghause, Eu- Black, Sam gene Station A. LADIES.

Baird, Mrs. I. L. Halloran, Miss Mary. Bowen, Misy Marga- larris, Miss Viola ret Hamelin.

Dell Laura Barber, Miss Carrie Illger. Mrs. A. F. Brooks, Miss Vera Karlon, Miss Louise Dvorak, Miss B.

LoP. Mrs. 1. 11. Davies, Mrs.

D. I. Mora de Mra. Good, Mrs. Hannah Mary Gorman, Mrs.

Chas. Ord. Mrs. Hulda 1. Stewart.

Mrs. F. Handler, Mrs. E. J.

Walsh, Mrs. J. Housewan, Mrs. Wise. Mrs.

L. D. Henry, Mrs. Lucy Wolds. Miss Helen Holland, Miss Sadie William, Miss Freds GENTLEMEN.

Bartlett, James Korey. J. Drake, Chas, L. Kissie. Leonard Gainey, Owen l'arsons, E.

(. Harris, C. Townsend, Geo. Hilbert. J.

Tusker, Allen Hooper, Harry Vecha, Ametins Winters, ('has. James, Ed Wick. August Station B. LADIES. Anderson, Mary Kennedy, Mrs.

Chas. Bassett. Ella Laughlin, Auua a a Mrs. Loftus. Katie Adolph McAleer.

Ella Bolan. Mayme Mar- Me bermott. Mary gret Mahor, Lulu Briggs, Mary O' Rourck. Hattle Conrad, Mira. P.

Ourster, Edie Cotton. Mabel I'hilpott, Mrs. W. Vloichman. Mrs.

F. Sanger, Maude Gibson. Mrs. J. 11.

Schmidt. Anna Goin. Ella J. Smith, May Gloyd. Mrs.

Smith. Mrs. Warren Griffin, Mrs. I. Kntle Haldi, Emma Van Wagner.

Edythe Kelly, Mrs. ('. Wood. Mrs. W.

W. GENTLEMEN. Bossinger, Win. Lyono, Hans J. Cord.

McDonald, George Doetz. Jay N. Martin, James Dorig, Frank P. C. Imnu.

N. Murphy, Conrad Fahoy. il. Owen, I French, Frederick W. Raymond.

George Higgel, John Schwarz, Mehnol (3) James, Ira Stewart, Charles b. Katznian, 1. Wolmett. George Loranger, Ju0 Weiss. Gust Loyeur, Thomas Young.

Fred Drs. Byer and Tucker Station (. LADIES. Bates, W. 11.

Klein, Mrs. F. Berz. Mrs. Jos.

Look. Mias If. Caldwell, Miss M. Logan. Mrs.

C. A. ('ordnor, Miss Malog. Anna Costello. Mrs.

Jno Schmidt. Mrs. 0. L. Davis, Lent Shepherd.

Mrs. S. LI. Davis. Mrs.

Minnie A. Strawn, Mrs. J. B. Fisher.

Mrs. J. F. Sweeney, Mary Gorog. Anna Truscott.

Mrs. S. Griffith. Mrs. Anna Voiser.

Juliananak Gromasch. Mrs. Wands, Mrs. Diary E. Iliggins.

MIss Annie Young, Susie Kirkwood. Hannah GENTLEMEN. Bernstein. A. J.

Merdaugh. Tom luvles. 11. P'orter, Wm. Grossman.

Miner Samstag. Mocker, Mr. Sollers, Hecht. J. Spring.

Otto R. Hogan. J. D. U.

Klapper. Sigmund Wadsworth, L. M. Lewis. Edward Welsy, S.

Mathews, A. Williamson, Oscar Station D. GENTLEMEN. Moses Megown, Master WalHave, Maver, Jus. Palmer, W.

B. tor MoGown, Walter F. Quinn. Sundik, J. John Station E.

GENTLEMEN. Tombo, Harry W. Station 1. LADIES. Davis, Armes.

Mrs. Mamie Solth. Mrs. John B. Lottie Sielar, Rosa Narey.

Mrs. J. K. Schwind, Mrs. C.

D. GENTLEMEN. Anspork. Joe West, Hoary Grevo, ('has. C.

DEWSTON. Postmaster. PERSONAL. Fourteen words or less, 300. Dational reputation a lady or gentle1 theatrical unnager' of man who desires to adopt the stage as profession to tike halt Interest fu 4'011- puny playing the lost theaters large cities of the conntry; will bear a thorough investigation.

Address box 38-1, Plain Dealer. 12 SCREEFLUOUS hair, work moles, remored electricity: guaranteed. Mrs. Farrell. 804 Now England bldg.

7-9-11 LADIES, free, cannot fail. barmless Mrs. monthly B. Rowun, reguMilwaukee, Wis. my 10 Superfluous hair, moles painlessly removed: electrolysis; $1.

MISS REESE, 53 Euclid. MASSAGE. Fourteen words or less, 30c. baths. Dr.

180 Alberts, Chestnut. massage, tub, I'hone M. 3475 vapor R. 313 No bath, near Erle. manicuring, Helena chiropody.

netic DE treatment. BOYCE, 39 massage, baths, Sherif st. M. 1343 mag- J. 364 -Massage hours, 11 to 9, Miss I'rospect.

M. 1739 G..

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.