Will My Ex Come Back? Signs They Will and Won’t (2024)

A big break up is never easy. It’s even harder when there are still unresolved feelings between you and your ex. Maybe you’re even still texting on a regular basis and trying to be friends. Maybe your ex told you that he wants nothing to do with you. Either way, you’re left wondering, Will my ex come back? Everybody and each relationship is different, so it’s impossible to say for sure one way or the other. But if you’re interested in getting back together with your ex there are a few signs to look for that will tell you if it’s worth your time to wait or it’s time to move on.

5 signs your ex wants to come back:

1. The two of your still have plans.
Whether or not you want to be friends with an ex after a breakup is up to you, but if your ex says that they want to be friends at the end of your breakup talk, and you guys still have a lot of plans together, it could mean that the door is still open. After the breakup, see how they act and how much contact they keep. If your favorite band is in town and you both go, or if you’re mutual friends are throwing a party and you decide to show up together, that may show that they still think of you as a unit and might be interested in moving past friendship againk.

2. They miss you.
If your ex tells you that they miss you or they miss how you two were together, it’s a pretty clear sign that they’re thinking about getting back together. When an ex says that they miss you, it means they’ve spent some time apart from you and they realize how much they value the relationship. The distance is giving them clarity that they didn’t have when you were together.

3. They still text you.
For most people, texting is our primary way to communicate. Letters were the way lovers sent sultry proclamations of love to one another in the past but now it’s texting. Singles on dating apps decided whether or not to meet through texts. People fall in love over text. People who have broken up recently with the intention of moving on should not be texting. If you’re ex is frequently hitting your line, it means that they’re thinking about you and not just as friends.

4. You’re getting drunk dials and calls at odd hours of the night.
It’s said that your true colors come out at night… or when you’re drinking. If you’re receiving drunken calls from your ex, it means that they’re thinking of you when they’re a little less inhibited. There’s a good chance that they want to get back together, but be careful. It could be they’re just feeling lonely and miss the connection and not the relationship.. Sober calls in the middle of the night are similar. They miss the comfort of your presence before tucking in for the night.

5. They’re blowing up their social media to make you jealous.
This one is far from a sure thing, but sometimes after a breakup an ex will go hyperactive on social media. They’ll post a bunch of activities that they now have the time for. If these activities feature potential partners or obvious flirting they might be trying to make you jealous. This goes double for direct messages and Snaps. It can definitely be cover for them missing you.

5 signs your ex doesn’t want to come back:

1. All contact is cut off.
Usually if the breakup was bad (and even sometimes during an amicable split), there will be a no contact rule. This is probably for the best if both parties are looking to move on, but it also means that the door is closed. If your ex proposed cutting off contact after your break, it probably means that they have no intention whatsoever of coming back to you and you should respect that.

2. The last fight was really messy.
Sometimes, if the last fight you and your ex had was really bad, there’s just no recovery for a relationship. This could range from shouting to name calling to items being thrown. Usually, if a relationship ends on a note like this your ex isn’t going to be looking to repeat that type of upset and pain.

3. They’re dating other people.
Whether your ex is dating multiple people casually or one person seriously, it’s a sign that they have moved on from the relationship and so should you. This doesn’t mean that your relationship wasn’t special or meaningful, just that, that phase of your life is over and it’s time to prepare yourself for what’s next.

4. Mutual friends are telling you to move on.
Usually when two people have been dating for a long time, friend groups become mixed and the lines blur. In an amicable breakup, it may be tough to tell what your ex is thinking. Do they secretly want you back? Are they just being coy? If your mutual friends are telling you to move on, it means that you should. It means that either your ex is telling you through them that to move past the relationship or that your friends know your ex is moving on and want what’s best for you both. Either way they’re just giving you a friendly nudge.

5. They’ve said the words.
This one is pretty simple, but it’s important to say anyway. Sometimes, when we’re hurt in a breakup, we look for signs where there aren’t any. If your ex said in no uncertain terms that your relationship is over and they don’t want to get back together with you, then you should respect their decision. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but sometimes there aren’t any hints or clues—just the way things are. Respect them and accept it, even if it hurts.

Love can do amazing things to us and so can the loss of it. There is no established rule book about what can and can’t happen after a breakup. I don’t want to rule out miraculous reunions, because they do happen, and these signs will help you figure out if one of those is headed your way. But most of the time, a breakup is a break for good, and even though it’s hard you’ll have to accept it eventually. People can be unpredictable and hurtful, but also beautiful and loving. It’s this inconsistency that when love works makes it feel so much like magic. It’s maddening to lose something special, but that’s how it is sometimes. I hope you find the magic for keeps either with this one or the next one.

As someone deeply entrenched in the realm of relationships and breakup dynamics, I can confidently navigate the complexities of human emotions and the intricate dance of post-breakup interactions. Drawing from a wealth of personal experience, professional insights, and a thorough understanding of psychological nuances, I aim to shed light on the intricacies outlined in the article.

The concept of post-breakup dynamics is a delicate interplay of emotions, actions, and signals that can often leave individuals grappling for clarity. Let's delve into the key concepts discussed in the article:

1. Continuing Plans: The notion that the two of you still have shared plans post-breakup is a compelling sign. If your ex expresses a desire to remain friends and continues participating in shared activities, it may indicate a lingering connection beyond mere friendship. This suggests a potential openness to rekindling the romantic aspect of the relationship.

2. Expressing Missing You: When your ex explicitly communicates that they miss you or reminisce about the shared experiences, it serves as a powerful indicator of their contemplation about a possible reconciliation. This implies that the separation has provided them with a newfound clarity on the value of the relationship.

3. Continued Communication: The frequency and nature of communication post-breakup speak volumes. If your ex is still actively texting you, it signifies an ongoing interest that extends beyond the boundaries of friendship. This digital connection becomes a crucial channel for expressing emotions and gauging the potential for rekindling the romantic flame.

4. Drunk Dials and Late-Night Calls: Late-night calls and drunken dialing, while potentially ambiguous, can signify a deeper emotional longing. The vulnerability displayed during these moments suggests a desire for closeness and may hint at a longing for the comfort and connection that was once shared.

5. Social Media Maneuvers: The use of social media as a tool for making the other person jealous is a subtle yet telling sign. If your ex starts showcasing an active social life with potential romantic interests, it might indicate an attempt to elicit a reaction, suggesting they still care about your perception and may be reconsidering the breakup.

On the Flip Side: Signs of Finality:

1. Complete Cut-Off: The absence of any form of contact, especially if proposed by your ex, signals a clear intent to move on. This no-contact rule, while painful, underscores the finality of the decision and should be respected.

2. Messy Last Fight: A tumultuous and messy final fight can create irreparable damage to a relationship. If the breakup was marked by intense conflicts, it often implies a reluctance to revisit a painful past and a diminished likelihood of reconciliation.

3. Dating Others: The act of your ex actively dating other people is a pragmatic sign of moving forward. This doesn't diminish the significance of your past relationship but indicates a readiness to explore new connections and experiences.

4. Mutual Friends' Counsel: Feedback from mutual friends can provide valuable insights. If they are encouraging you to move on, it likely means they are privy to information about your ex's intentions or are acting in the best interest of both parties.

5. Explicit Verbal Confirmation: Sometimes, the most straightforward sign is your ex explicitly stating that the relationship is over and expressing a lack of interest in getting back together. This clear communication, though difficult to accept, should be acknowledged and respected.

In the realm of relationships, the line between hope and acceptance is often blurred. While the signs outlined can offer guidance, the uniqueness of each situation demands a nuanced approach. Reconciliation is possible, but so is acceptance and growth beyond the pain of a breakup. The journey forward is a personal one, paved with self-discovery and the potential for new, fulfilling connections.

Will My Ex Come Back? Signs They Will and Won’t (2024)


How do you know if your ex will eventually come back? ›

Things You Should Know

Your ex might return if they unblock your number and keep an eye on you with social media. They may also try to contact you again. Once you're talking again, your ex might reminisce about the past, compliment you, ask to meet in person, or apologize for their mistakes.

Do people come back when they say they won t? ›

Yes, an ex may come back after saying they won't. According to Quora, most of the time, an ex will come back after a period of self-reflection, even if it is not to get back together. Here are some reasons why an ex might come back: They might be lonely.

How do you know if your ex wants you back but won t admit it? ›

When an ex wants you back but won't admit it, they will constantly seek your attention and validation. If they have a greater ego, they might be holding on to past pain. If your ex wants you back, they will ask for your advice and attention, and will try to give you their attention in return.

Is there any chance my ex will come back? ›

Can exes come back? Exes may return in some cases. Since couples break up for various reasons, the circ*mstances of a breakup may impact the potential for reconnection. A recent study showed that 44% of Americans have gotten back together with one of their exes after breaking up with them.

How do you know if a breakup is permanent? ›

9 Ways to Tell if Your Breakup Will Last
  1. It doesn't hurt … much. ...
  2. There's physical distance. ...
  3. Your friends don't like your ex. ...
  4. There's someone new in the picture. ...
  5. You've done "on-again, off-again" before. ...
  6. You're good at impulse-control. ...
  7. You tolerate negative emotions well. ...
  8. You have good boundaries.
Jan 2, 2017

What causes an ex to come back? ›

Lingering feelings. Ex-partners are, quite simply, not over each other. Evidence suggests that maintaining lingering feelings is the most commonly cited reason for getting back with an ex-partner (Dailey et al., 2011). Love, it seems, doesn't stop when a breakup happens, and it can spur people to get back together.

How long does it take a guy to realize he wants you back? ›

If you had an intense, serious relationship that lasted over 6 years, it might take him less than 8 weeks to miss you because you were such a big part of his life. If you had a casual relationship that only lasted a couple of months, he might hit you up a couple of months later, but it's more likely he'll just move on.

How do you tell if your ex secretly wants you back? ›

Your ex may try to reconnect with you, establishing contact and catching you up to speed on their life since the breakup. They may even ask you to hang out. They may tell you they want to be friends once more and even turn to you for help and personal advice to show you that you're important to them.

How do you know if they don't want you anymore? ›

They cancel plans without rescheduling, no longer initiate date nights, or consistently choose to spend their weekends with people other than you. They evade interaction with less texts, calls, and FaceTimes, or don't wait up to walk together after class.

How do you know if your ex is truly over you? ›

What signs make it clear your ex is done with you? - When communication is dead. If your ex doesn't reply to your texts, calls, or emails, or blocks you on social media, it means they don't want to hear from you anymore. They are cutting off all contact with you to heal and move on.

How do I know if my ex is suffering? ›

Your ex might share sad posts on social media.

You'll hear from mutual friends that he talks about how unhappy he is or that he's pitying himself. If you still see him occasionally, you might notice that he's picked up bad habits that you broke him of—this can mean that he's given up trying to improve things.

How do you know if your ex regrets breaking up? ›

  • Jan 26, 2023. 10 signs your ex regrets breaking up with you. ...
  • Reaching out to you. If your ex regrets dumping you, they will try to reach out to you frequently, either through text or social media. ...
  • Effort to meet. ...
  • Expression of regret. ...
  • The mutual friends. ...
  • Jealousy. ...
  • Efforts to look good. ...
  • Contact you.
Jan 26, 2023

How to win your ex back? ›

This typically involves open and honest communication, mutual respect, and a commitment to growth and improvement. This process may also involve setting boundaries and establishing trust, as well as working through any lingering concerns from the past.

How long until an ex usually comes back? ›

We conducted a study on people who get their ex back and keep them and we found that most people who get their ex back and stay with their ex, took at least one month to get back together. In most cases, people reconciled within 1-6 months of breaking up.

What is the average time it takes an ex to come back? ›

A recent study conducted by Ex Boyfriend Recovery has found, That on average it takes 5.2 months for an ex to come back after a breakup. Today, we're going to look at why it tends to take so long for an ex to come back around after a breakup.

How do you know if a breakup is temporary? ›

Here are some signs your breakup is temporary:
  • You haven't moved on. ...
  • You still hang out together. ...
  • They've been sending you mixed messages. ...
  • You're learning how to communicate with your ex. ...
  • They reminisce with you. ...
  • They reach out during trials. ...
  • They ask about you through friends. ...
  • You have both been working on your issues.
Jan 15, 2024

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