Cooksville Enterprise from Cooksville, Illinois (2024)

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CAPITAL CITY IN A TURMOIL 1 ex COAL OUTPUT ENDS HUNT OB KILLS HIS WIE AND ANOTHER THREE KILLED IN REND MINE A BOLD CRIME IN ROCKORD with near To was from each said bill KEIMS DEY THEM BW Point Raised In Sult ot Northern Aaralnet Institute The Supreme Court heard arguments in the case of the Chicago and North western Hailroad Company against the Chicago Institute which in oives plans of the company for the con struttion of its new depot in Chicago The Institute Charitable School was awarded $44444 damages in a condemnation suit heard a year ago and which lasted four months One of the principal points raised by attorneys for the institute is that the verdict should not stand because the jurors were paid $5 a day for their services The county paid the jurors $2 a day and it is charged that the additional $3 was given by the railway company The case was taken under advisem*nt Charles Grosse Weds Widow After Score of Courtships in Two Years Charles Grosse 57 of Elgin concluded a long search for a wife the other night when he married Mrs Dora Rickert 43 of Chicago Two years ago Mrs Grosse No 1 died and soon afterward Grosse announced that he wished to marry a good cook That he has proposed to fully a score of Elgin widows during his search for a "model is generally believed To several he proposed in the graveyard Hear the grave of his former wife say friends Grosse secured the marriage li cense in Chicago Rev A Boulter refused to marry the couple at his home I Then the party retired to the home of Grosse's friend at the outskirts of the eity over the Cook county line where the ceremony was performed I LIE TERMS OB MURDERERS Supreme Ceurt Dooms Convicted to Imprlaoament The Supreme Court of Missouri af firmed the sentences of John Wooley and Robert Sassman to life terms in the State penitentiary for murder Wooley killed hie stepdaughter Pearl Smith aged 3 years and Sassman killed a traveling companion Carl Miller taking his wagon and horses The latter crime was hot dis covered for several years when it was tvniiiu uj a woman acoomnllca Second Explosion In Month Coots Shot Lives John Donaho Will Murphy and George McMannen shot firers were suffocated in the Rend mine at Mount Vernon in an explosion The damage amounts to $40000 The tipple and air pump were wrecked making rescue impossible This to the second explosion in a month at this mine the first killing three men and do ing damage estimated at $25000 The ex plosion was due to a shot and gas that had escaped from a sealed up vuux wuicu was damaged in a former explosion Crowd Sees Highwaymen Rob Ttay ninster of $7OO In view of fifty or more men employes of the Nelson Knitting Company of Rock ford two robbers attacked Albert Law on paymaster of the company felled him with a blow on the head and stole pay envelopes containing about $700 Law eon is in tne Hockford hospital suffering iiuui a nuciureu sauii and other injuries He may die Every policeman in the citynd a big posse of men are hunting for the highwaymen No trace of them has been found as yet Clapp was Later he and pre tak fcnotM (OLLESES Property of Henchmen Wrecked and Deposition of' Executive Looked or I Government Report Shows Protec tion jot Employer Neglected Between 3000 and 35000 deaths among workingmen and 2000000 in juries is the accident record in the United States for last year according to a bulletin Issued by the bureau' of labor Of those employed in factories and workshops it is declared that prob ably the most class are the workers in iron and steel atal acci dents among electricians! and electric linemen and coal miners are declared to ve excessive while railway trainmen were killed in the proportion of 746 deaths for 1000 employes 17 The bulletin declares that much could be done for the protection of the work ingman that is neglected though many and far reaching improvements have been introduced in factory practice in the last decade It is pointed out that the possibilltiesfor successful accident prevention have been clearly demon strated the experience of foreign countries the bulletin states the underlying conditions in European countries are often quite' different and that many of our Industrial accidents may be the result of ignorance reckless indifference or carelessness the pct re mains that an immense amount of hu 1 man life is wasted and a vast amount of injury is done to and strength with resulting physical im pairment which has a very considera ble economic value to the nation as a 1 It is that it should not be impossible to save at least one third and perhaps one half by intelligent and rational methods of factory inspection legislation and control SEED SHOOT dltion of the world supply of timber makes us dependent wholly on what we produce Our forests now cover 550 000000 acres must plapt up the lands now treeless which will be most useful un der forest and must continue and per fect by State and nation the preserva tion by use of forests already publicly owned and we must extend it to other mountain forests more valuable for the permanent benefit of the many than for the temporary profit of a Burglars Viit Humboldt i Six business houses in the village of Humboldt were robbed the other night and property and money to the amount of $XX) were taken Bloodhounds from De catur were placed on the trail Alton Clean Up Traffic In order to clean up the road and rej lieve a serious congestion of traffic the Chicago and Alton during one fwenty four hours moved over 100000 tons of freight breaking all records for that company A Willoughby of St Louis announc ed he would establish a factory in Ke wanee Jo manufacture canning machine Efforts are being made by Chicago people io start a oannery in connection Mr new plan No Race Suicide Here Mr and Mrs Roberts of Alto Pass are eligible to membership to the Roosevelt Anti Race Suicide Cldk Dr Glasco report the birth of their b1m teenth child I Jealous Husband at Roodhouse Shoots Two to Death William Barnhart a young switchman employed in the Chicago and Alton yarda at Roodhouse at midnight Saturday kill 1d his bride of three months and fifteen minutes later slew Carl Clapp who he found in the crowded barroom of the City hotel Barnhart claims that earlier in the evening he went home unexpectedly and after breaking in two doors found his wire ana (Japp together armed and drove him awav pursued his wife to her killed her and then shot Clapp vent possible lynching Barnhart an to Carrollton SHE IS HEIR TO MILLION Pretty Alton Woman One of Thlr I teen Seeking $80000000 Estate Mrs George McCollum keeper of a modest little candy store in Alton is go ing to be worth just $6153846 She is one of the thirteen heirs to an estate worth $80000000 in the very heart of the business section of Wilmington Del Mrs McCollum says she understands from tier attorneys there is every reason to be lieve she will getthe property The ground' was leased ninety nine years ago by Jia ton Christopher Springer and these leases expired the 1st of January 1908 Now the thirteen will seek to wrest the property from' the holders of the es tate The millionaire Christopher Sprin ger never married and it is understood never made a will Mrs George Mc Collum said that in case her share ever came to her she would close up the little store Mrs McCollum is still young and is pretty She said She would satisfy some of the wishes of her heart had kept down for want of money all her life' The heirs to the $80000000' not counting those who' may now be in pos session of the property are: Mrs George McCollum Rutherford Springer Mrs Samuel Carter Mrs" Alice Wyss and Mrs Charles Berger all of Alton Mrs Eliza beth Markwell Pine Lawn St Louis county Jerry Springer St Louis Mrs Springer Delhi Mrs Charles Mey ers Mount Olive Mrs Edward (reason DallasTexas John and Lewis Eldridge addresses unknown and Mrs James Hoff man Charleston: The Venezuelan cnnltal Tnesdnv perienced a significant popular demon tratlon apt Inst the absent President Infuriated Mol in Caracas Destroys Pictures and Statue of the Dictator 50000000 OREST WASTE Senator Smoot Tells of Great Yearly Loss in Woods The annual waste in the of the country as told by Senator Reed Smoot to the conservation congress Is over $50000000 This includes loss from fire ifty lives also are lost each year by forest fires he said take lour forests he three Ion cubic feet or two and one half times their yearly growth The con TheRevj rancis chan cellor of the Peoria Catholic diocese has been selected as candidate for bishop by lucmurame rectors to succeed Bishop Spalding a 'naricneo zxf one containing Mrs Demerath wife of Nicholas Demerath a Kewanee At torney swallowed a tablespoonful and died from the effects The bodies of William Murphy Charles Donohue and John McManahan the shot firers who were entombed in the Rend City coal mine east of Du Quoin were found the other day IV Gould of Moline who committed suicide early in the present year was $100000 short as trustee of Mrs Ahna estate according to the report of a master in chancery Two highwaymen in Rockford knocked down Albert Lawson paymaster of the Nelson Knitting Company as he was oil his way to the factorv tn TM1V tha man I and robbed him of $700 Milliam for fifty years a pat tern maker in the Chicago and Alton shops'who invented the resent fnrm nf pilot for locomotives died at the Bloom ington county poor farm aged 90 Warrants were sworn out at airfield for eight men charging them with at tempting to kill Golden an active I foe of "saloons Several shots were fired' into the bedroom whenj: Golden and his wife slept Miss Ida Velue of Galesburg who ac cidentally shot and killed her sister in law Mrs James Veluo while hunting is under the care of a physiciap The coroner at tached no blame to her Both were known as excellent shots The will of Wji Drowning probated i in Galesburg leaves in addition to' be quests to several local benevolent and re ligious organizations $160011 to k'nnr college subject td life interest of his wne auu aaugnter Returning from the fields Homer Hol man a farmer of near Allerton was in formed by his little boy that has tied herself to the bedpost with a rag around her neck and she answer The woman was dead when Hol man reached her Detective Harry Schoettker was held up near the statehouse in Springfield De tective Evan Jones went to his assistance and was shot in the arm The highwayman was later arrested and gave his name as Earl Ladiger and said his home was Chicago The new lighting system being install ed in the business district has been for mally turned over to the city of Au rora This system cost the businesa mon I of Aurora close to $20000 and it is to be turned over free of expense to the city which will maintain it in the future ifty Jefferson county farmers have banded together and made a 4000 acre game preserveof their farms which ad join The State warden will stock the preserves and it will be under the direc tion and protection of the State The preserve be about the largest in the State The grand jury returned an indictment against Walter Tiffany 18 years old who gave himself up at Princeton Ind a few days ago and confessed having rollbed freight cars in the Big our yards iv Harrisburg Arriving at Princeton he learned that several persons had been ar rested on suspicion and rather than allow innocent men to' suffer he surrendered The north infirmary of the Illinois east ern hospital for the insane in Kankakee was quarantined on account of the pres I ence of five cases ot diphtheria three be ing women patients and two nurses Misses Emma Stang and Cecile Maxey These are the first cases since the epi demic in June 1907 when there were fourteen eases and Miss Gertrude Hen kel a nurse died Thait there is a great trend of farmers to towns when they have amassed a com petence in Illinois was a fact brought out by President country life com mission w'liich held a session at the Uni versity of Illinois College of Agriculture in Henry Wallace of Iowa presided assisted by A Beard of Cali fornia and Barrett of Georgia and Dr Stiles of the Marine hospital service ew active farmers attended Daniel Kipley of Chicago nephew of the late' chief of police Joseph Kipley and once a detective on the force returned to the State's metropolis the other day from Joliet penitentiary follow ing his pardon by Gov Deneen He had served three years four months and twen ty four days for the murder of Joseph Hopkins a well known law breaker whom he killed in tihe apartments of ArlingtonMarch 20 1902 ihvi)hi During the current year to the close of November there have been 27 947 deaths reported to the Chicago health department this being 1551 fewer than reported during the corresponding period of last year The death rate has been 8 per cent lower this year Indications are that the year 1908 will pass into the rec i ord with a death rate of about 1405 per 1000 of the the fourth low est nite in the history of the city and the lowest rate of any of the first magnitude in the world AMONG OUR NEIGHBORS ire started afresh in the Zeigler mine of Joseph Leiter and the air shafts have' been in an effort to check An engine on the Chjcago and Eastern Illinois railroad blew up ten miles south of Marion The engineer and fireman were probably fatally Injured The steamer City of Peoriaf the largest excursion steamer on the Illinnia sank in fifteen feet of water at her moor ings iooc or rultoA' street Peoria In Johnston CitylWilliam general merchandise store was burglar IKAd 7 wwao uvuuo auu rreu naiKer three counties in the southern part of were held taawait the action of the grand tie at fancy prices' They gave orders on ARRESTED IN SCHOOLROOM Alleged orger ound Teaching in Rernl Community in Washington Elbert for two years a fugi tive from justice is now under arrest and to being brought back to southern Illinois Dickson WS nPG Mash where he was teaching 'school and I xu iae pupils cried as the officer took their teacher from the room 'Two years Dickson who had just completed a term as legislator from the iftieth dis trief bought a large stock farm near Marion and began buying stock Negotia tions were large and he was thought to be wealthy man Obe week he sent riders 1 th State and had them buy herds of cat juy jie at rancy prices They gave orders on Dickson for checks and when these were surrendered he gave the holders checksan a bank at Goreville The roads were bad and it was several days before the I checks were taken to Goreville By that time Dickson had sold the cattle for more than $40000 The checks were all re fused at the bank as the man had with arawn his funds when he took his cattle to market Officers trailed a relative to Washington and finally found the man at school house CHARGE RAILROAD PAID JURORS Youug Burglar I Indicted The grand jbry in session in 'Harris burg returned an indictment agains): Wal ter Tiffany 18 years old who gave him self vp to the police at Princeton Ind fW days ago and confessed having burglarised freight cars in the Big ourM gardsn Harrisburg two weeks agoAL ter committing tbs crime upon arrivingt Princeton hs learned that several par ties had been arrested on suspicion and rather than allow innocent men to suffer hs gave himself up 800 Miners Go Out on Strike? 'Three hundred miners walked out on Strike at the Williamson county mines four miles north of Marion The trouble to on account of an alleged inferior grade of powder furnished by opmtoro ever As protest of the miner 16T2A monthly post was established between New York and Boston British under Lord Dunmore de Seated by the Americans at Norfolk Va 7 army went into win ter quarters at Valley orge Pennsyirania (the Second State)" ratified the federal constitution 17S9 The first circulating library was established in Salem? Mass New York Historical Society in stituted Spain declared war against Great Britain Two score of houses on Wall street New York destroyed by fire An unusually large and brilliant meteor was seen in Connecticut Americans under Gen Harrison left the battleground at Tippecanoe on their return to the United States Indiana admitted into the Union as the nineteenth State J'u National Republican party at Bal timore nominated Henry Clay for President The first locomotive built in the United States was fin ished and tested at the West Point (N Y) foundry The House of Assembly in Jamaica passed a bill abolishing slavery Patent office and postoffice to Washington burned 1846 The first regiment to fight against Mexico was organized in I United States and Great Britain concluded a treaty of commercial re ciprocity 1856 Christ church Montreal de stroyed by fire 1864 Gen Dix issued an order for re prisals on Canadians because of the St raid order annulled later by President Lincoln 1866 rench occupation of Roms ter minated 1868 All disputes between Mexico and the United States settled by treaty Rainey of South Carolina the first negro ever elected to the House of Representatives sworn in 1872 Eleven servant girls perished in a fire in the ifth Avenue Hotel New York 1873 New England celebrated the cen tennial of the Tea 1891 Sir Oliver Mowat Liberal prime minister of Ontario issued an ad dress declaring vigorously against American assimilation 1893 A provincial plebiscite in Prince Edward Island supported prohibition of the liquor traffic by an overwhelm ing majority 1894 Debs sentenced to six' imprisonment for contempt of court during the great railroad strike in Chicago 1898 Gen Galixta Garcia noted Cuban leader died in Washington 1899 Maj Gen LeonardWood appoint ed military governor of Cuba 1900 Mgr Montagnini secretary of the Papal Nunciature expelled from rance by the rench government 1902 Germany and England joined ill naval demonstration against Ven ezuela 1903 William I Buchanan appointed' United States minister to Panama 1906 The new law separating church and state went into force in rance Norwegian Parliament conferred the Nobel prize upon President Roosevelt in recognition of his ser in ending the Russo Japanes Castro It took the form of an out break of disorder following the war like activities of the Dutch warships along the coast By nightfall it was necessary to de clare martial law to put an end to president castbo the rioting and pil laging people rounded up all the statues and pictures of President Cas tro from clubs and other semi public buildings and burned them with rejoic ing on the Plaza Bolivar rule in Venezudla seemed to be ended In spite of warlike actlvitr on the coast there have 'been no demon stratlons against the Netherlands All have been directed against President Castro and Acting President Gomez Cipriano Castro has been dictator of Venezuela since 1899 and is regarded as the Plague of Europe seized the capital ef the South American republic in 1899 and deposed President Andrade who had fled to the island of Trinidad on a gunboat the only effective fighting ship of the republic President Castro has proved one of the most successful dic tators in South American history Ho has been menaced by revolutions and plot ters since he assumed office while for eign powers have been on his trail origin is unknown" Spanish and Indian blood flows in bis veins He was a cattle herder in the before he Justice Elliott of State Supreme Court opened the second annual mnvan tion of the Minnesota Academy of Social Sciences at the University of Minnesota Other addresses were delivered by Judge Brown Attorney General Young and Prof ietcher of the law school The discussions all related to conditions in Minnesota The overwhelming defeat of Nebraska by Carlisle together with de cislve victory over St Louis goes to add to glory Carlisle beaten by jj Minnesota defeats two western teams sup posed to be of strength approximating 'v This lifts Minnesota's vfc tory into its true proportions and shows how well the Gophers nlaved in the husky Indians Carlisle won from Ns braska by a score of 37 to 6 Minnesota 'beat Carlisle llJo 6 2 Many agricultural colleges sent exhibits to the live stock show in Chicago this week among them Minnesota and Nebraa ka Students from most of the leading agricultural colleges participated in the judging contests In the judging contests at the Chicago live stock show a son Troutman of Manhattan pitted" his practical knowledge against the theo retical experience of the college students for ths Ogden' Armour agricultural scholarships amounting to $5000 wfcioh 5 yt: were to be distributed for the moat affi' 'A dent work in the event Total of 40272452 Tom Produced Greatest in History of State A total of 49272452 tins of coal was produced in Illinois in the last fiscal year according to the annual report of the State bureau of labor statistics This is an increase' of 1473831 tons over the output of the preceding year which up to that time was the greatest in the his tory of the State The aggregate home velue of the product is placed at $50 980082 while the value of the product of the preceding year was $49486396 A reduction of eleven in the number of mines in the State is noted there now be ing 922 Of the total mines 407 aie shipping mines Accidental deaths Jhe became dictator and the defier 10 Ultra or the powers of Europe is an increase of 10 over the fatalities of the next preceding year The number of I Jg DEAD men injured so as to lose a month or more of time was 674 which was 38 more than Donald Mitchell Basses Away at in the preceding twelve months An av tt erage number of 48751 miners was em in Haven' ployed during the year against 45498 for Donald Grant Mitchell (Ik Marvel) the year previous The average price paid I died at hl home in Edgewood New for mining was 50 cents a ton for hand Haven Conn Mrs (Edward Ryer work and 47 cents a ton for machinery son of Chicago a daughter who had mining been summoned failed to reach her 'MULDOON TAKES SEE bedside before the end came I Mr Mitchell in August last suffered Whole City Unites in Welcome to attaCk acute indigestion rom Head Of New fMoceae 141118 he rallied so that he was able to In the presence of hundreds of men WUI about his home unattended until and women representing not only tht two weeks ago when he began to fail Roman Catholics but many other shades slowly Sunday his condition became ui religious oenet Bistiop Muldoon rapidly worse and the end came shortly Wfta mcafallzwl A kULl I as oerore o'clock Tuesday night of Rkfird The dio At the bedside at the time of Mr SrcXh by the bishop as his oro cathedral Rkhna of Aew ndon and Walter of Newark Muldoon was led to the throne hr th and daughters Mrs Walter Hart archbishop both in full ecclesiastical vest of Mrs Mason Hoppin and ments and then the two bulls of Pops lne Misses Elizabeth Bessie and Har were read erecting the new dio 1 tot Mitchell all of New Haven cese ana creating Bishop Muldoon ths Mr death will bring sor first of its bishops The coming of the row to lovers of literature everywhere Rockfortl however was Essentially of New England and pos 55S5K? of the Intellectual English stock that Counterfeiter Are Senteneed' Part the untry Edward Wheed Edward Westcott us moUB' 'or the world and the tav Bayer Harry Michaels and George aPPtectated him His Anderson indicted by the federal grand and "Reveries of a jury in the WbOed five dollar bill counter are krown wherever the English lan feiting case pleaded guilty when arraign Kuage is read ed before District Judge Bethea in Chi cage Leo Brown indicted in the same WILL OUND NAILED IN TUB case entered a plea of not guilty The five who pleaded guilty were sentenced I Bachelor Grocer of Charlestown to terms in the Leavenworth Kan pris Mass Conceals Instrument 1 on of from three to ten years Inclosed in an envelope and nailed to' Women GoHoni Killed T'1 the lata Mrs James Velue of Galesburg and her Charlestown Massta ln taw win taMta SHOW drn mg the game from a bush her com grocer and unmarried When died lagt panions gun caught in a branch the September no will could be found hud load entering Mrs breast She John Monahan of Chicago a brother died in a few minutes Miss Velue drove made administrator Of the eXZ $60 woman fo a rig la dicagoan $60000 s' a sister in law Margaret Mullen of Bos Condemned Man Must Hanir ton $30000 each to three sisters in Ire The Supreme Court denied a motion for anj 8maller amounts to nephews and a writ of error and supersedeas in the nleces case of rank Bryant senteifced to hang DR0S BOMB ON LOS ANGELES in Springfield for the murder of Thomas Gradywhom he killed in order to get Airhlp Expert Shows How Ea i money to go to Chicago tssee his sweet Would Be to Destroy city I ksnrkA fill 1 ttvj iwauoieuuu AHUVNUay night ah tempted in Los Angeles Cal to demon trfltffi hnwon oirchin 11 wum null uver ft city unobserved under cover of darkness and destroy the city by the use of power ful explosives His flight failed in this respect however as his airship was easily discernible and the VrhiY (if it" hA fYYftfAa I Drooener couiu ne hen rd nr a tance Knabenshue dropped harmless rx VM AO OM a ft II 1 I uuwi un me uilv nail wnpro it later Knabenshue was accompanied by George Densler his machinist Does Plague Threaten America! This question in all seriousness is an swered in the affirmative by various sci entific authorities cited in an article for by Connolly The term is used to distinguish the pop ular disease from its less freonent fnrn The bubonic form attacks the lymphatic glands and causes buboes or angry swell ings uiusiiy in tne groin otten in the arm pit and rarely in the neck In some cases these are intensely painful in others not at all sb Other forms are the pneumatic when the lungs are attacked and the septisemic when the blood current is the seat of the disease The plague has been mistaken for all of the various common contagious diseases buf it is the most tenacious and insidious of all enidomio diseases Its death rate in San rancisco has always been 50 per cent iu China and India 90 per cent The present 'pan demic (an epidemic whose feeding ground may be universal) began fourteen years ago in southern China where it caused a frightful epidemic in Hongkong and then moved to Bombay and other cities of In dia 'Last year 1400000 cases were re corded in India out of which 200000 survived North America" Australia nor South Africa was ever known to have th plague before the present outbreak This is due to the change in trade routes as the' disease follows the highways of com merce Although there has been no hu man case of the plague in San rancisco since Jan 30 last the authorities say that i the danger is not over as the plague often I lies dormant a long time before becoming virulent and active in a given territory NUBBINS ARM NEWS Bots has broken out among the horses around Barnesville Minn and several farmers are heavy losers White Earth Indian reservation in Min nesota heads the list of ail other reser vations in point of wealth and prosperity The Minnesota Horticultural Society at its annual meeting went on record as 1 opposea to tne tree aistriuution of seed by Congressmen At the stock show at Chicago the Min nesota Agricultural college won first in4 A A A AAJ AAA A A 4VI A a tuv 1O cklbb iqf me champion steer Eclipser and also a first on a yearling steer with Hciinser and a second on a three head lot Iowa led onhogs except Durac Jerseys in which class Wisconsin was first fca uSMISl Mint The slaughter of sheep by wolves In western South Dakota Illis year has been so heavy that one rancher has importedeven large Siberian wolf hounds and ha invited his neighbors to take part ia a big wolf hunt In the student stock judging contest at Chicago prizes were taken as follows irst Kildee Iowa State college 949 second McCampbeli Kansas Agricultural college 917 third Gramlich Nebraska university 900 fourth Couke Nebraska university i 803 fifth Miller Texas Arricul i taral rollege 879 $0000 W0KKERS KILLED DI YEAH IIKWURLI feHBPRIAH mi I 4.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.